Tuesday, June 25, 2019

+/Other Pride

+/Other Pride Flag: Anything, Everything, Nothing

+/Other Pride Post Books: #FeverKing, #WillGraysonWillGrayson, #WildBeauty, #MoreHappyThanNot, #NaomiAndElysNoKissList

Also, these are all of the books that ended up, somehow, not making it into my Pride Month Posts: #CrookedKingdom, #CaptivePrince, #PrincesGambit, #SummerPalace, #RunningWithLions, #HonestlyStraight, #Whatever

Overall disclaimer for this and all following pride posts... Some of the books depicted in this picture coincide with the specific pride theme. However, not all do. The books were chosen based on the books' cover color and how that coincides with the specific pride's flag. Thank you.

#pride #pridemonth #LGBTbooks #rainbowlove #LGGBTTQIAAP+ #bookstagram #books #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Pan Pride

Pan Pride Flag: Pink, Yellow, Blue

Pan Pride Post Books: #RedWhiteAndRoyalBlue, #HonestlyBen, #RavenBoys

Overall disclaimer for this and all following pride posts... Some of the books depicted in this picture coincide with the specific pride theme. However, not all do. The books were chosen based on the books' cover color and how that coincides with the specific pride's flag. Thank you.

#pride #pridemonth #LGBTbooks #rainbowlove #LGGBTTQIAAP+ #bookstagram #books #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Asexual Pride

Asexual Pride Flag: Black, Grey, White, Purple

Asexual Pride Post Books: #SixOfCrows, #Fangirl, #SymptomsOfBeingHuman, #LadysGuideToPetticoatsAndPiracy 

Overall disclaimer for this and all following pride posts... Some of the books depicted in this picture coincide with the specific pride theme. However, not all do. The books were chosen based on the books' cover color and how that coincides with the specific pride's flag. Thank you.

#pride #pridemonth #LGBTbooks #rainbowlove #LGGBTTQIAAP+ #bookstagram #books #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Intersex Pride

Intersex Pride Flag: Yellow background with a Purple ring

Intersex Pride Post Books: #KindOfAnEpicLoveStory, #IWishYouAllOfTheBest

Overall disclaimer for this and all following pride posts... Some of the books depicted in this picture coincide with the specific pride theme. However, not all do. The books were chosen based on the books' cover color and how that coincides with the specific pride's flag. Thank you.

#pride #pridemonth #LGBTbooks #rainbowlove #LGGBTTQIAAP+ #bookstagram #books #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Queer Pride

Queer Pride Flag: Purple, White, Green

Queer Pride Post Books: #ThePrincessAndTheFangirl, #WeContainMultitudes, #HowNotToAskABoyToProm

Overall disclaimer for this and all following pride posts... Some of the books depicted in this picture coincide with the specific pride theme. However, not all do. The books were chosen based on the books' cover color and how that coincides with the specific pride's flag. Thank you.

#pride #pridemonth #LGBTbooks #rainbowlove #LGGBTTQIAAP+ #bookstagram #books #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Trans Pride

Trans Pride Flag: Blue, Pink, White, Pink, Blue

Trans Pride Post Books: #TheyBothDieInTheEnd, #ThePrinceAndTheDressmaker, #WhatIfItsUs, #HeartStopper, #CallMeByYourName

Overall disclaimer for this and all following pride posts... Some of the books depicted in this picture coincide with the specific pride theme. However, not all do. The books were chosen based on the books' cover color and how that coincides with the specific pride's flag. Thank you.

#pride #pridemonth #LGBTbooks #rainbowlove #LGGBTTQIAAP+ #bookstagram #books #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Bi Pride

Bi Pride Flag: Pink, Purple, Blue

Bi Pride Post Books: #RedWhiteAndRoyalBlue, #HotDogGirl, #GentlemensGuideToViceAndVirtue

Overall disclaimer for this and all following pride posts... Some of the books depicted in this picture coincide with the specific pride theme. However, not all do. The books were chosen based on the books' cover color and how that coincides with the specific pride's flag. Thank you.

#pride #pridemonth #LGBTbooks #rainbowlove #LGGBTTQIAAP+ #bookstagram #books #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Gay Pride

Gay Pride Flag: White, Black, Brown Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Purple, Pink

Gay Pride Post Books: #TwoBoysKissing, #AristotleAndDanteDiscoverTheSecretsOfTheUniverse, #AnAssassinsGuideToLoveAndTreason, #LoveSimon, #MusicOfWhatHappens, #OneManGuy, #KingsRising, #Bloom, #Fangirl, #CarryOn, #RedWhiteAndRoyalBlue

Overall disclaimer for this and all following pride posts... Some of the books depicted in this picture coincide with the specific pride theme. However, not all do. The books were chosen based on the books' cover color and how that coincides with the specific pride's flag. Thank you.

#pride #pridemonth #LGBTbooks #rainbowlove #LGGBTTQIAAP+ #bookstagram #books #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Lesbian Pride

Lesbian Pride Flag: Orange, Orange, Orange, White, Pink, Pink, Pink

Lesbian Pride Post Books: #WhatIfItsUs #MusicOfWhatHappens #LeahOnTheOffBeat #ThePrinceAndTheDressmaker #HotDogGirl

Overall disclaimer for this and all following pride posts... Some of the books depicted in this picture coincide with the specific pride theme. However, not all do. The books were chosen based on the books' cover color and how that coincides with the specific pride's flag. Thank you.

#pride #pridemonth #LGBTbooks #rainbowlove #LGGBTTQIAAP+ #bookstagram #books #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Carry On

So I've already posted about this book twice. But I freaking love it. It's my favorite, favorite, favorite book: "Carry On" by Rainbow Rowell.

And once again, I've caved. I read it...again. Yes, again.

The moment I finished it, all I wanted to do was read it, again.

BUT HEY! I went and discovered that you can by any of Rainbow's books through her hometown bookstore SIGNED and PERSONALIZED. I ordered my "Carry On" copy AND my "Wayward Son" copy. GO. GET. YOURS. NOW!

I think the next time I reread this book (like now?), I'll read it as a writer. Reading it for craft. Making way too many notes. Annotating it even more.

What's your favorite Rainbow Rowell book?
What are you more excited for: "Wayward Son" or "Pumpkin Heads"?

#carryon #waywardson #pumpkinheads #youwerethesunandiwascrashingintoyou #frontseatsareforpeoplewhohaventbeenkidnappedbyfuckingnumpties #rainbowrowell #snowbaz #drarry #books #LGBTbooks #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

I Wish You All Of The Best

Another freaking amazing book? "I Wish You All Of The Best" by Mason Deaver.

And again soooo many freaking amazing points of conversation (but also tigger warnings): sexuality, coming out, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, emotional abuse, being kicked out of home, etc


As one of the blurbs on the back of the book said: this. book. will. save. lives.

["When Ben De Backer comes out to their parents as nonbinary, they're thrown out of their house and forced to move in with their estranged older sister, Hannah, and her husband, Thomas, whom Ben has never even met. Struggling with an anxiety disorder compounded by their parents' rejection, they come out only to Hannah, Thomas, and their therapist and try to keep a low profile in a new school.

But Ben's attempts to survive the last half of senior year unnoticed are thwarted when Nathan Allan, a funny and charismatic student, decides to take Ben under his wing. As Ben and Nathan's friendship grows, their feelings for each other begin to change, and what started as a disastrous turn of events looks like it might just be a chance to start a happier new life."]
#iwishyouallofthebest #masondeaver #books #LGBTbooks #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

We Contain Multitudes

"We Contain Multitudes" by Sarah Henstra was spectacular. Spec. Tac. Ular.

Amazing. It tackled so many issues too (trigger warnings here). Sexuality. Sex. Familial abuse. Drug use/abuse. Bullying. Alcohol use. War zones. PTSD.

But SO so good. I loved it. I freaking love it. Go read it. It was amazing.

And did I mention that the whole thing was written in letter form? #experimentalforms

["Jonathan Hopkirk and Adam "Kurl" Kurlansky are partnered in English class, writing letters to one another in a weekly pen pal assignment. With each letter, the two begin to develop a friendship that eventually grows into love. But with homophobia, bullying, and devastating family secrets, Jonathan and Kurl struggle to overcome their conflicts and hold onto their relationship...and each other."]

#wecontainmultitudes #sarahhenstra #books #LGBTbooks #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Prep Work: Pride

In preparation for the color-filled, pride-filled, gueer-filled fest of posts coming your way shortly, here's a teaser post--it's (one of) my notebook(s) for my current writing project (which is a wonderful mash of romance, magical realism, feminist pride, and LGGBTTQIAA+ culture)--while I slave away at making lists, charts, lists, diagrams, more lists, etc of pride/rainbow/LGBT post ideas, pictures, and all around prep work for some really cool stuff for this month.

#pride #pridemonth #LGBTbooks #rainbowlove #LGGBTTQIAAP+ #prepwork #bookstagram #books #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Goodbye, February

February was eons long. I'm not even kidding. It took FOREVER--and yet, it's the shortest month of the year. But we did have false s...