Sunday, February 28, 2021


"Scar" was Baylin Crow's first (published) queer novel (though her first completed queer novel was "Risk"), and like "Risk", you can tell (again, as you can tell with most author's first few published pieces--oftentimes, it takes a while for authors to get into the grove of writing something new and getting into the different universe), but that doesn't mean this novel wasn't amazing.

A lot of fucking hard topics (I know I've said that for the past few books, but the homophobia in this one was strong, y'all)... A magnetic connection that can only be ignored for so long... A swift moving romance...

["A closed-off bartender. An outgoing college athlete. Sparks fly...but will anyone win this battle of wills?

BEARD: Oh, I want him. But it's too risky.

My past isn't pretty. After a disastrous incident nearly destroyed me, I rose from the ashes to reclaim my life. I may not be happy, but I'm comfortable. And I'll never let anyone get close enough to hurt me again. But then six feet of pure temptation walks through the doors of my bar...repeatedly...for a year. I've done a good job of ignoring the sexy college soccer player, until the night his teammates leave him stranded and intoxicated, forcing me to offer him shelter. Now I can't shake the persistent man.

SOCCER: I play to win. But he's more than a game.

As a forward, it's my job to score points. Too bad I haven't been able to do that with the local green-eyed bartender. I haven't been subtle about my attraction, and Beard's interest shines through his gruff exterior...whether he chooses to admit it or not. When my well-meaning teammates intervene, using questionable tactics, and leave me at Beard's mercy, it's time to make my move.

When past hurts threaten to destroy their chance at happiness, is it time for Soccer to push forward to reach his ultimate goal...or has he made a play destined for mutual heartbreak?"]

Also, like the character's names in the book are Beard and Soccer. They're not weird placeholder names that Baylin forgot to switch over. They're (cutesy) nicknames. It took me a chapter or two to be okay with it, but I very quickly was (give it time, and you will be, too).

Off to discover more fun book to obsessively binge-read :D

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Goodbye, February!

Just like January, February took for-fucking-ever to get through (even if it wasn't a leap year). At least its starting to think about maybe turning into spring sometime soon (*fingers crossed*), so there's that, I guess).

2021 Resolutions:

     (1) Write [almost] every day
     (2) Don't stop reading
     (3) Complete something (e.g. a manuscript)
     (4) Share love of books/writing
     (5) Be kinder to myself

(1) I think I wrote 90% of the days in January. Mostly planning, mostly dialogue-based scenes (but writing nonetheless). I have 90% of my Queer Cinderella story outlined and typed up and organized and printed out. Thought it looks mainly like a movie script instead of a novel (gotta get on that), but its 98 pages of "movie script instead of a novel."

(2) Books read this month: 17 (and there might be another one or two added before midnight).

(3) Two Moves Ahead query-waiting. Still waiting.... Honestly, I'll start to leave this out of the updates from now on and only update if something actually happens? We'll see how I feel this time next month.

(4) Posts this month (including this one): 16 (and there might be another one or two added before midnight).

(5) ... nothing to say here ...

Anyone still holding onto their resolutions?

Any exciting March reads?
Anything I should check out?

#newyearsresolutions #goodbyefebruary #hellomarch #goodbye2020 #hello2021 #keeplearning #writeeveryday #dontstopreading #completesomething #getprofessional #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks


"Risk" was Baylin Crow's very first queer novel (sure "Scar" was published first, but "Risk" was written first), and where it did show a bit on the page (her latter novels are much more developed and written with more skill/passion/insight), it was still a beautifully executed novel with several rather difficult topics tackled and a perfectly cheesy happy ending (spoiler alert??).

["We never should've been anything more than roommates.

DREW: Life dealing me a hard blow is nothing new. What's one more sucker punch?

When my uncle offers me a job working at his MMA training center, I jump at the chance to turn my life around...not upside down and questioning everything I know about myself.

Light Heavyweight Champion Asher Ramsey is the definition of a ladies' man. His stormy gray eyes and inked skin call to the artist in me and make me itch for my pencils and sketch pad so I can capture every detail. If I'm honest, they make me itch to touch every detail too, which confuses me.

After he offers to let me stay in his guest room, I discover there's more to Asher than he allows the world to see.

ASHER: My life is a lie. A play written and directed by my PR manager.

With the biggest fight of my career only weeks away, my focus is on securing my title. Losing my belt to some new up-and-comer isn't an option, and I can't afford any distractions. Or an unwanted attraction.

When Drew begins working at the gym where I train, my priorities waver. To make things worse, I offer to let him stay with me until he finds a place of his own. It'll be fine. Sure, I'm attracted to him, but I'm an expert at hiding behind the mask of a straight man. Besides, he's completely off-limits. Not that it matters--we don't even play for the same team.

What's the worst that can happen?"]

What's the worst that can happen?
I believe that whenever anyway says that phrase, it is necessary that at least one other person needs to repeat it. It makes it all that more dramatic. And its almost like a fun taunt to the universe: What's The Worst That Can Happen becomes more like What The Worst You Can Do/Give Me Your Worst (and I just love it).

Also, probably would have bawled during this book (if I had been reading it alone, I would have), but I held strong (strong enough).

One last Baylin Crow novel to read...anyone have any suggestions on what I should read next??

#risk #baylincrow #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Stripped Love (a Guys Next Door series)

The relationship development in Baylin Crow's "Stripped Love" (a Guys Next Door series) happened a little quickly--or maybe I just read it that quickly--but it wasn't rushed in anyway. 

Then again, I tend to be just as obsessively passionate about the things that I love, too (the artist in me matching with the artists in Phoenix/Archer).

["Phoenix—I never intended to become a stripper.

Two years ago I was in Nashville chasing the songwriter dream. Sleepless nights between day jobs were spent writing rock ballads and trying to make a name for myself.

That all changed with one phone call that forced me to return to Atlanta.

Needing consistent income to pay the mountain of debt I'd come home to, I traded stripping my soul for stripping my clothes.

Then Archer West comes crashing into my VIP room, tempting me to break all of my rules.

I want him—bad.

What I don't count on is finding him living right next door for the summer. Inexperienced and with a creative drive that rivals my own, he stirs the lyrics in me once again.

Now I crave more than his body. Archer West has quickly become my unexpected muse."]

Another book with a lot of difficult topics covered and excellently portrayed on the page. 

Also, I usually cringe when a book includes lyrics that the song-writing character creates (because they tend to be overly cheesy and just too much--yes, even for me), but these lyrics were perfect little poems that you can hints at here and there.

I'm quickly running out of books my Baylin Crow y'all. Any suggestions on what to explore next?

#strippedlove #guysnextdoor #guysnextdoorseries #baylincrow #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Recovered Fumble (a Sugarland Saints series)

I apologize for the lack of updates. And I also apologize for the post/review spam about to come your way.

Baylin Crow's "Recovered Fumble" is the first full-length novel in the Sugarland Saints series. It took be more than one evening/three hours. There were a few times were I almost stayed up past midnight to finish it (because lack of self-control) but managed to stop myself (work/school night). 

This one didn't make me cry, but (spoiler alert) big-bad football playing Nash did (take that toxic masculinity)

["Rendon: Nash is football royalty in this town and has an ego to match.

We met at a party--the last place I wanted to be. Full of confident swagger, the campus playboy approached me. It was hard to believe he was interested in me, but he was. Interested in hooking up, that is.

When things ended before they really even began, we agreed once the semester started it'd be best to keep our distance from each other. But I'm the only one holding up my end of the deal.

He thinks he can just waltz back into my life, turn on the charm and have me with a simple snap of his fingers. He can't.

Nash: Rendon is off-limits but I want him anyway.

With dreams of going pro depending on my current season, I know I should have stayed away from him. Hooking up with a teammate's younger brother was asking for trouble.

It's been months since I've seen him and the moment I set eyes on him my already cracked resolve crumbles to dust. That small taste of him I had isn't enough. It will never be enough.

Now that he's back on campus to stay, I plan on picking up where we left off... Except now he says he doesn't want me.

Rendon may be a virgin but Nash is the one who has no clue what he's doing."]

The Sugarland Saints series are a link-manuscript style series. They're all "stand-alone" novels, but work better if you read them together and in order since the characters introduced in book 2 are in book 1 (and the characters in book 3 are introduced in book 2).

#quarterbacksneak #brokenplay #recoveredfumble #sugarlandsaints #asugarlandsaintsseries #baylincrow #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Broken Play (a Sugarland Saints series)

I apologize for the lack of updates. And I also apologize for the post/review spam about to come your way.

Another classing queer-bodice-ripper trope: casual hooking up because "circumstances" until suddenly its much, much more than just casual. Again, I cried a bit (sure, sure bawled a bunch) and giggled a hell of a lot.

Baylin Crow's "Broken Play" is a quick, easy-read novella. One evening read. Three hours max. You can do that tonight and be asleep before midnight. You're welcome. ;)

["We're friends, teammates—and we hook up. Often.

Shaw: He's intense and the heat of his stare is hot enough to set fires.

The first time we got together, it was a spontaneous earth-shattering moment. I wanted more. So, of course I popped the question.

“Yours or mine for round two?” That’s where the trouble began. We agreed on an exclusive, no strings arrangement. When one of us is ready to walk away, we'll still be friends. Perfect, right?

He's not exactly a people person—understatement of the year—but I've seen the real him and he's so much more than the broody loner others see him as.

But the brilliant plan backfired. I accidentally caught feelings.

Bishop: He could be my game-changer but there's a problem.

He put a dent in my armor when he decided I needed a friend. Then he managed to crawl under my skin—and between my sheets.

He's the one person in the world I trust, and he's mine, for as long as this lasts. But I think I messed up and likely lost him for good.

The role in my family's company I've been groomed for my entire life competes with my growing feelings for him. Turns out I can't have them both.

What a terrible time to realize he means more to me than just a friend and convenient hookup.

Being friends with benefits is the perfect arrangement until someone falls in love."]

The Sugarland Saints series are a link-manuscript style series. They're all "stand-alone" novels, but work better if you read them together and in order since the characters introduced in book 2 are in book 1 (and the characters in book 3 are introduced in book 2).

#quarterbacksneak #brokenplay #recoveredfumble #sugarlandsaints #asugarlandsaintsseries #baylincrow #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Quarterback Sneak (a Sugarland Saints seires)

 I apologize for the lack of updates. And I also apologize for the post/review spam about to come your way.

Best friends in love with each other but both ignoring it because they don't won't to ruin it...until the one gives up the fight, gives up the patience, and gives in to his heart's desires.

Baylin Crow's "Quarterback Sneak" is a quick, easy-read novella. One evening read. Three hours max. You can do that tonight and be asleep before midnight. You're welcome. ;)

["The boundaries of our friendship are tested and lines are crossed.

RUSH: I’m in love with my best friend.

There wasn’t an exact moment when I fell for him. It was something that grew and evolved over time. He loves me back, but it’ll never be more than platonic. It can’t be because he’s straight.

Then one night he kissed me and left me with more questions than answers. The very next morning my trust was shattered by a family secret. I’d been lied to my whole life. He was by my side through it all, offering support when I needed it most.

How can I risk losing a friendship that held me together when I was falling apart?

TORIN: He friend-zoned me.

Four years ago, I gathered enough courage to kiss my best friend. What I’d hoped would be a pivotal moment that would start a new kind of relationship between us was over before it began. His world was upended, so I put my feelings aside and stepped back into my role as a friend he could count on.

He wasn’t ready then, but now it’s time to find out if he’s willing to take a chance on us being something more.

We’ve been friends, roommates and teammates, but I want him, body and heart."]

The Sugarland Saints series are a link-manuscript style series. They're all "stand-alone" novels, but work better if you read them together and in order since the characters introduced in book 2 are in book 1 (and the characters in book 3 are introduced in book 2).

#quarterbacksneak #brokenplay #recoveredfumble #sugarlandsaints #asugarlandsaintsseries #baylincrow #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Fling (a Nothing Serious series)

I apologize for the lack of updates. And I also apologize for the post/review spam about to come your way.

Casual hook ups leading so more than. Childhood crush turned first love (childhood crush being your bestie's older brother). Summer fun. What more can you ask for? Fireworks?? Because Baylin Crow's "Fling" (a Nothing Serious series book) is all of that and more.

["Our time together has an expiration date.

HAYDEN: I don't remember a time when I didn't love him.

The only guy I've ever wanted sees me as nothing more than the kid next door and his younger sister's best friend. But when Dean comes home after college graduation, things are different. I've grown up, and the way his golden-brown gaze scorches a path over my body tells me he's noticed. When he makes me an offer I should refuse, I'm caught between my feelings for him and logic screaming that this idea is doomed to end in heartbreak.

DEAN: I'm not interested in anything serious but I need to have him.

I plan on spending a few months at home relaxing before beginning my dream internship. What I don't count on is my little sister's best friend sending me for a loop. He should be off-limits, but the pull I feel toward him is too strong to ignore. When I come up with a solution to spend the summer together in secret, I'm sure I have it all figured out. I just need to work him out of my system.

It’s supposed to be free of complications…a fling. By the end of summer, it’s anything but simple."]

I might have cried. Or bawled. Who's really keeping score though?

I read this one in record time. And like when I mean record time, I mean record time. 

I know I said that X is my favorite trope, but this book really had a shit ton of my favorite tropes. 

And just the obvious love but obliviousness of the characters was just like *chef's kiss*.

((And not to compare this Dean to Dean Winchester, but both of them have A. some fatherly issues to work on, B. a sexual identity/love crisis, C. a cute little nerd who's been in love with them for years but too embarassed to say anything until its practically/almost too late (still haven't seen the last season of #Supernatural, still avoiding it because of the queer-baiting and queer-punishing that still has me boiling))).

#fling #nothingserious #anothingseriousseries #baylincrow #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, February 22, 2021

New Shelf. Who dis?

 New Shelf. Who dis?

#readerproblems #toomanybooks #notenoughbookshelves #thisismythird #makingmyownlibrary #books #bookshelf #bookproblems #organizationproblems #bookphotography #bookstagram #ilovebooks

Monday, February 15, 2021

The Faker Rulebook

Fake Dating? Check. Sharing a bed? Check. Best Friends to Lovers? Check. 

Almost every single one of my absolute favorite tropes all in one cute and steamy book? Check.

Baylin Crow's "The Faker Rulebook"

["The Faker Rulebook: A perfect guide to a successful fake relationship with your straight best friend.

Noah—Rook Oliveira stumbled into my life when I was eleven years old.

Being the scrawny new kid at school with a mouth full of braces, I never expected to become unlikely best friends with the most popular boy in seventh grade.

At eighteen, I gathered the courage to tell him I was gay and admitted I'd never kissed a guy. He offered to be my first. Straight or not, that kiss had burned with nearly tangible fire and tattooed the moment on my heart.

I've spent the last four years trying to forget it.

Now we're seniors in college, and I've learned why secret relationships are a bad idea.

My brother is getting married, and my cheating ex is the best man. Honestly, Rook is more upset about it than I am. He comes up with this crazy plan to be my fake boyfriend for the week of the wedding.

If we're doing this, then we need to set some rules. Between fake kisses and sharing a bed, things could get messy. Because I'm in love with my best friend—and he has no idea.

The rules are simple. I never expected Rook to be the one that started breaking them."]

I think the original description said it is low-angsty, but like let me fucking tell you. I felt a shit ton of angst. 

And mutual pining (because there's a serious lack of communication lately in the books I'm reading--and secret romances--and friends-with-benefits-so-like-don't-fall-in-love-with-me-bro shit (though that last one is due to the specific genre niche I'm stuck in)). 

ALSO sooo fucking cute! 

Like I know real-life relationship jealousy can be really toxic depending on the situation, but in a book, when a character is jealous and he doesn't know why (or spoiler alert, finally fucking figures it out), it's just...really something.

So I found myself a new possible author to temporarily obsess over (aka speed reading through her books).

#thefakerrulebook #baylincrow #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

By The Numbers (LoveLogic#3)

K.M. Neuhold's third Love Logic book: "By The Numbers"

["Two hot roommates, minus clothes, plus a drawer full of debauchery, and a WHOLE lot of tension. You don’t have to be a math genius to figure out the sum of that equation.

They say I’m a super genius, but would a super genius make the outrageously stupid mistake of falling for his roommate? Out of all the men in the world, I had to go and develop a crush on the one who’s already in love with his best friend.
But when Theo tells me he found my drawer of toys, the only logical thing to do is to offer some no-strings fun. I’ve read enough romance novels to know this can’t possibly end well, but I can’t seem to stop myself from falling for Theo. The only question is…   

Will he be there to catch me?"]

Another Spencer Reid/Sheldon Cooper character. But much less innocent and much more confident. 

Plus a lot of miscommunication and feelings (and even more miscommunication--but a lot of Happy Endings).

#bythenumbers #kmneuhold #lovelogic1#fourlittlewords #rocketscience #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Rocket Science (LoveLogic#1)

K.M. Neuhold's "Rocket Science" (the first of three books in her Love Logic series). 

["Relationships aren’t rocket science. If they were, I might stand a chance of figuring one out.

Saying I've had a crush on my best friend's older brother, Pax, most of my life is like saying the big bang was just an explosion. It's true, but I'm not sure that quite captures the essence of its true enormity.

I know he's only hanging out with me because I'm new in town and getting my PhD doesn't leave me with much time to make friends. And even if it did, my strength is mathematics, not friend-making. What I don't understand is why he kissed me... why he seems to want to keep kissing me. I don't think my advanced physics knowledge is going to help me figure this one out. But I think for once I'm okay with not knowing, as long as Pax and I don't know together.

He's still the awkward Nerdlet I remember...he's also probably the cutest, most tempting man I've laid eyes on. I know I should keep my hands off him, but this thing between us is like a force of nature. I want to be his first everything. He says we're nothing more than atoms crashing into each other. I'm no scientist but I don't think either of us are braced for the explosion."]

Elijah is like a fucking hunky mix between  Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds and Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory, and I was soooo fucking in love with his character. He deserved everything he got in this book and more.

Also, the fucking nicknames that Pax came up with! Swoon City. Then again, I'm verrrry partial to a cutesy coupley nickname. ;)

#rocketscience #kmneuhold #lovelogic1#fourlittlewords #bythenumbers #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, February 13, 2021


Apparently, I'm in a really specific reading niche right now (which, I mean, happens to me all the fucking time so... not all that upset about it). 

Another "its no fluffy I'm going to die" book that's also hella steamy (and it will make you crave bread and maple syrup and you're own perfectly imperfect romance). 

"Roommate" by Sarina Bowen.

["Wanted: One roommate to share a 3-bedroom house, split the rent, and ideally not be the guy I can’t stop thinking about.

I’m a man with too many secrets, so the last thing I need is a new roommate with a sexy smile and blue eyes that see right through me. Eight years ago, Roderick left town after high school. We’re not friends. I owe him nothing. But back then, I let one of my secrets slip, and he’s the only one who noticed.
Part of me knows I should run far, far away. But the other part wants him to come upstairs and spend the night. But if I let him in, I could lose everything.

Seeking: A room to rent in town. I’m tidy, have no pets, and I will feed you homemade bread.
I should probably add: Gay AF, and has no filter. It’s no wonder my new landlord is so wary of me.
A smarter man would ignore those hot glances from Kieran Shipley. The broody lumberjack wants more from me than another homemade pretzel, but if I push my luck, I’ll end up back on the street.
Too bad I’ve never been smart with my heart ..."]

Trigger Warnings: homophobia, internalized homophobia, toxic relationships, minor manipulation, homelessness, homophobic slurs, small-town mentalities, small sad dog scene, etc

Minor Rant: I dislike the cover a bit. I mean, for me, I'd rather have something artsy and nondescript. Or, something like Rachel Reid's books, a total reconstruction of the Male Gaze (TM). I mean, if for decades and decades and decades, if the media/movies can create and compound upon the Male Gaze when it comes to the female body, why can't we have the same thing for the male body (which, okay, is an issue it of itself as well, but you get by point).

Now I'm off to find/read more M/M fluffy and steamy romance books (possibly with some forbidden romance or something). Wish me luck!

#roommate #sarinabowen #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Common Goal (GameChangers#4)

One thing I have to say about this book: COMMUNICATION. Fucking communicate people. Then we wouldn't be in this mess (then we wouldn't have half of this book, sure, but also, then I wouldn't be crying over yet another excellently written queer "bodice-ripper" by Rachel Reid.

["Veteran goaltender Eric Bennett has faced down some of the toughest shooters on the ice, but nothing prepared him for his latest challenge—life after hockey. It’s time to make some big changes, starting with finally dating men for the first time.

Graduate student Kyle Swift moved to New York nursing a broken heart. He’d sworn to find someone his own age to crush on (for once). Until he meets a gorgeous, distinguished silver fox hockey player. Despite their intense physical attraction, Kyle has no intention of getting emotionally involved. He’ll teach Eric a few tricks, have some mutually consensual fun, then walk away.

Eric is more than happy to learn anything Kyle brings to the table. And Kyle never expected their friends-with-benefits arrangement to leave him wanting more. Happily-ever-after might be staring them in the face, but it won’t happen if they’re too stubborn to come clean about their feelings.

Everything they both want is within reach… They just have to be brave enough to grab it."]

...or fucking communicate with each other (with real words, not bedroom dirty talk).

Also, I just discovered that that's a short story that goes right after the Ilya/Shane book that I'm about to delve into right now. Because I have no shame. (  

Also Part Two, I just quickly ran out of books to read (ignoring my TBR piles for right now, mkay), what should I pick up next????

#commongoal #gamechanger2 #gamechangerseries #rachelreid #gamechanger #heatedrivalry  #toughguy #rolemodel #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, February 8, 2021

Tough Guy (GameChangers#3)

Fuck, these books certainly handle some difficult topics all the while graciously supplying the fluff (and the smut): (1) homophobia the the world of sports and imposter syndrome, (2) internalized homophobia and mental illness, (3) body image issues and anxieties. 

Honestly, who thought these books (queer "bodice-rippers") could be so fucking deep???? And soooo fucking fluffy!?!? I'm a little obsessed with Rachel Reid's books right now (if you couldn't tell--too bad I'm almost to the end of them).

["They have nothing in common—so why does Ryan feel most like himself whenever he’s with Fabian?

Pro hockey star Ryan Price may be an enforcer, but off the ice he struggles with anxiety. Recently traded to the Toronto Guardians, he’s determined to make a fresh start in the city’s dynamic LGBTQ Village. The last thing he expects to stumble upon in his new neighborhood is a blast from his past in the fabulous form of Fabian Salah.

Aspiring musician Fabian loathes hockey. But that doesn’t stop him from being attracted to a certain burly, ginger-bearded defenseman. He hasn’t forgotten the kiss they almost shared back in high school, and it’s clear the chemistry between them has only intensified.

Fabian is more than happy to be Ryan’s guide to the gay scene in Toronto. Between dance clubs and art exhibits—and the most amazing sex—Ryan’s starting to feel something he hasn’t experienced in a long time: joy. But playing the role of the heavy on the ice has taken its toll on his body and mind, and a future with Fabian may mean hanging up his skates for good.

Plus a cute little addition to the Ilya/Shane canon in the epilogue that was just...fantastic (I don't know why I like Ilya and his bluntness and rudeness so much (probably the same reason I love #DracoMalfoy and #PrinceLaurent)).

I read this book in probably a grand total of like 4 hours...give or take. And right now, I should probably go to bed...and not buy/start the fourth GameChangers book...because I have to work in the morning......right?

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Heated Rivalry (GameChangers#2)

Okay, so I read GameChangers#2 (Heated Rivalry) a hell of a lot faster than I did the first book. Could be because I read it on the weekend. Could be because I have zero self-control. Could be because I'm a fucking sucker for forbidden romances/enemies-to-lovers tropes. Could be all of the above.

Either way, I couldn't sleep last night after I finally finished it.(Isn't that just crazy, though? You can't sleep because you need to finish it, but you can't sleep because you already did. This is why I love reading so much (and at the same time, it's the bane of my obsessive existence)). 

["Nothing interferes with Shane Hollander’s game—definitely not the sexy rival he loves to hate.

Pro hockey star Shane Hollander isn’t just crazy talented, he’s got a spotless reputation. Hockey is his life. Now that he’s captain of the Montreal Voyageurs, he won’t let anything jeopardize that, especially the sexy Russian whose hard body keeps him awake at night.

Boston Bears captain Ilya Rozanov is everything Shane’s not. The self-proclaimed king of the ice, he’s as cocky as he is talented. No one can beat him—except Shane. They’ve made a career on their legendary rivalry, but when the skates come off, the heat between them is undeniable. When Ilya realizes he wants more than a few secret hookups, he knows he must walk away. The risk is too great.

As their attraction intensifies, they struggle to keep their relationship out of the public eye. If the truth comes out, it could ruin them both. But when their need for each other rivals their ambition on the ice, secrecy is no longer an option…"]

I think one of the things I loved about this book was that it didn't happen because of GameChangers#1, it happened in parallel to it (aka the climax/resolution of Scott/Kip didn't affect the getting together of Ilya/Shane. Ilya/Shane, and other queer athletes, didn't happen because suddenly Scott/Kip happened. They were happening along side/before Scott/Kip, as are other queer romances in the sports world). I'm not sure if I would have thought of something so simple and yet so fucking clever. You go, Rachel Reid.


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Saturday, February 6, 2021

Game Changer (GameChangers#1)

I haven't read a "bodice-ripper" book in a while (aka a super steamy, smut-filled, Fabio-style novel), but this one is different. It's queer.

It's also oddly inspiring and uplifting and fluffy (oddly because, whereas erotic books can be more than just sex, sex is the first thing you think of when you think of this genre--and some people think that's as deep as it gets). 

And not just any old fluff either, cavity-inducing, sickeningly sweet fluff (everything I secretly giggle and smile like an idiot over while reading).

Oddly inspiring/uplifting because the one main character is an NHL player, and it's known (even to me) that NHL players (stereotypically) just aren't queer (at least openly so)...until Scott Hunter meets Kip.

["New York Admirals captain Scott Hunter takes his pregame rituals very seriously. In this case, it’s not just a lucky smoothie he’s craving—it’s the man who made it.

Pro hockey star Scott Hunter knows a good thing when he sees it. So, when a smoothie made by juice bar barista Kip Grady precedes Scott breaking his on-ice slump, he’s desperate to recreate the magic...and to get to know the sexy, funny guy behind the counter.

Kip knew there was more to Scott’s frequent visits than blended fruit, but he never let himself imagine being invited back to Scott’s penthouse. Or kissed with reckless abandon, never mind touched everywhere all at once. When it happens it’s red-hot, incredible and frequent, but also only on Scott’s terms and always behind his closed apartment doors.

Scott needs Kip in his life, but with playoff season approaching, the spotlight on him is suddenly brighter than ever. He can’t afford to do anything that might derail his career…like introducing the world to his boyfriend. Kip is ready to go all-in with Scott—but how much longer will he have to remain a secret?"]

IT WAS SOOOOO GOOD! I cried off and on for the last 50% of the book because it was so cute (that fluffy y'all) and sad (that imposter syndrom y'all--and homophobia) and perfect (the ending y'all!!!)

Now I'm off to read the second book in the series (and then the third...and fourth and fifth...).

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Limitless (Squad Goals #5)

  I SHOULD be taking this time to catch up on incoming ARCs instead of catching up on new TBRs...Should be. Here's Willow Thomas's ...