Monday, February 28, 2022

Goodbye, February!

February was both winter and spring. It was fast and cold and hot and cruel. And crazy as fuck (than again, so was January--nice to know that 2022 is off to the same exact start as the previous two years). But I guess, all and all, a lot better than January.

2022 Resolutions:
     (1) Write [almost] every day...or at least think about it
     (2) Don't stop reading
     (3) Make something (e.g. a manuscript)
     (4) Share love of books/writing
     (5) Be kinder to myself

(1) Nada here.

(2) Books read this month: 16 (and still working my way through re-reading #HarryPotter.

(3) See item number one.

(4) Posts this month (including this one): 15.

(5) I ate a few salads this month. I spring-cleaned my dresser and closet out, getting rid of old/small stuff. I manifested a few happy thoughts and warm days. Have a few exciting things planned for March though.

Anyone still holding onto their resolutions (now that its time to make brand-new ones)?

Any exciting March reads?
Anything I should check out?

#newyearsresolutions #goodbyefebruary #hellomarch #hello2022 #keeplearning #writeeveryday #dontstopreading #makesomething #shareloveofbooks #bekindertoself #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Check, Please! series

I've been meaning to buy Ngozi Ukazu's graphic novel duology "Check, Please!" for a while now. I fiiiiiinnnnnnallllly did that this weekend. And read them, obviously. The first novel is titled "Check, Please! #Hockey." And the second one is titled "Check, Please! Sticks and Scones."

["Helloooo, Internet Land. Bitty here!

Y’all... I might not be ready for this. I may be a former junior figure skating champion, vlogger extraordinaire, and very talented amateur pâtissier, but being a freshman on the Samwell University hockey team is a whole new challenge. It’s nothing like co-ed club hockey back in Georgia! First of all? There’s checking. And then, there is Jack—our very attractive but moody captain."]

Ngozi's graphic novels were apparently very popular as a web comic before she published them in print form. And I mean, I can see why. 

Both were super cute and utterly fantastic. The writing and the art. The characters were unique and all very, very hockey oriented. It was thought provoking and stirring but not in an overly obvious way (there was references to drug use and mild, mild homophobia, but nothing was outright printed on the page that I would necessarily warn against). Bitty was uuuuuttttttttttterly adorable and I just wanted to wrap him up in a blanket and eat his pie together. Jack was a little bit of a jerk, but, he had things going on in his life and...well... You should just really read it. ;)

#checkplease #checkpleasehockey #checkpleasesticksandscones #sticksandscones #ngoziukazu #graphicnovels #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, February 21, 2022

She Persisted: 13 American Women Who Changed the World

Why buy clothes or candles or knickknacks at TJMaxx when you can buy discounted children's books? I've also been wanting to find this book for a really long time. "She Persisted: 13 American Women Who Changed the World" by Chelsea Clinton (yes, that Chelsea Clinton) and illustrated by Alexandra Boiger. Inspired by the Elizabeth Warren quote "Nevertheless, she persisted."

Very, very cute and totally inspirational. This book is a little more in-depth than Vashti's "Little One" series, detailing their struggles, the quote "she persisted", followed by the historic moment that made said women notable (including Pittsburgh's own Nellie Bly). Each person gets a set of pages as well as an inspirational quote that connects with their story as well as the book's theme.

There's also a version that's focused on women from around the world, which I'll also be adding to my To Purchase list.

#shepersisted #thirteenamericanwomenwhochangedtheworld #shepersistedthirteenamericanwomenwhochangedtheworld #chelseaclinton #alexandrabioger #neverthelessshepersisted #childrensbooks #childrensbooksarentjustforchildren #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Little One series

Why buy clothes or candles or knickknacks at TJMaxx when you can buy discounted children's books? I've been wanting to buy the Little One series for a looooong, long time (I think there's more but the store only had these three): "Dream Big, Little One"; "Think Big, Little One"; and "Follow Your Dreams, Little One." All written and illustrated by the fabulous Vashti Harrison.

"Dream Big" and "Follow Your Dreams" are in celebration of black women and men, respectively, throughout history. "Think Big" is in celebration of women in history.

Vashti has more books about black women around the world, visionary women around the world, and exceptional black men in history.

They're all amazing and beautiful and short easy readers to introduce children into both history as well as people of color. They're also inspirational and informational for adults as well. After all, children's books aren't just for children.

#dreambiglittleone #thinkbiglittleone #followyourdreamslittleone #littleone #littleoneseries #vashtiharrison #childrensbooks #childrensbooksarentjustforchildren #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Free Me (Tattoos and Temptations #3)

Again, who needs to stick to the already-downloaded books I have on my kindle or the ever-growing pile(s) of books on my TBR shelves when you can just like binge-read a new author and her first series? Here’s to Mia Monroe’s “Tattoos and Temptations” series. The third book is titled "Free Me."

["Only his ropes can unravel the past.

I never thought I’d see him again, but when my former best friend shows up ready to make amends, it becomes clear just how tied to the past I am. He disappeared when I needed him the most, leaving me to navigate my truth alone. Now he’s back.

Nixon’s art leaves me vulnerable, defenseless, and I like it. Bound by desire and past hurts, giving him complete control might be exactly what I need to set me free.

What neither of us expected? The ropes free him too…"]

Like the first solo book of hers that I read (#TheJerkNextDoor) (as well as this whole series so far, though I just didn't mention it), there were some scenes/sections of dialogue that were just...overly flowery and overtly focused on their feelings for each other that were a little hyper-realistic (yes, even for the genre--yes, even for me); however, I'm starting to think that's just maybe Mia's style.

I also agree with a few of the negative comments on GoodReads that it was a little sudden. Not necessarily the forgiveness thing or the rope thing. I think the romance thing. Or at least the sexy-times thing. Spoilers: I didn't know Shibari could be non-sexual (it makes sense that it is, but all of the books I read are sexualizing it so), and Nix spent so long during their first session saying that its not sexual for him; and then all of a sudden, during their second session, it's like arousal  city. That part was fast for me, no gonna lie.

Okay, no more negative comments. Moving onto the positive ones... I am a fucking suuuuuucccccckkkkker for best-friends to lovers romance stories, especially ones where they're bests friends since birth. And this one didn't disappoint. At. All.

Contradicting my first negative comment, I really enjoyed how they talked things out. When things got difficult and emotions were going everywhere, these two were adults about it. Instead of having a screaming fight, they took time to calm down separately before talking their concerns out and finding a mutual solution. That's maturity. Not hot or steamy, but sometimes, a healthy relationship isn't always sexy.

Trigger Warnings: homophobia, queer-phobia, internalized-homophobia, etc

Very, very excited to binge-read this series. [“Welcome to Miami.”]

#dateme #marryme #fixme #freeme #catchme #temptme #twistme #tattoosandtemptation #tattoosandtemptationseries #miamonroe #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Fix Me (Tattoos and Temptations #2)

Again, who needs to stick to the already-downloaded books I have on my kindle or the ever-growing pile(s) of books on my TBR shelves when you can just like binge-read a new author and her first series? Here’s to Mia Monroe’s “Tattoos and Temptations” series. The second book is titled "Fix Me."

["My crush has Daddy written all over him

The minute I laid eyes on him he became my new hobby. I turned on the charm to win him over, only to get friendzoned. The more time we spend together, the more glimpses I get of the Daddy he’s hiding under his no dating allowed exterior. Unfortunately for Saint, a Daddy is exactly what this boy is looking for.

I have no intention of staying friends with him, but with every platonic interaction, I start feeling things I never have. And not just about the sexy Scottish object of my affection.

I wasn’t looking for someone to fix me, but if I let him in we might have something amazing here.

If we can just shake the ghosts from the past…"]

These two were sooooo cute. Yes, they had their issues (major ghosts here--please see trigger warnings below) but with the help of each other as well as a safe-place to finally be themselves, they were able to grow (please see the mini mental-health-rant I have below).

Again, like the first novel, there was on character (Casper) who was all in and totally gone for the other character (Saint) who needed some convincing and time to fully accept what their relationship meant and how it could be so much better than anything they've ever had before (sexually as well as non-sexually--there was actually a loooooot more non-sexually-intimate scenes than there was sexual ones).

One of the only issues I have with this book is the title and therefore the rom-com concept that romance can magically "fix" someone. Yes, a deep connection and a healthy relationship can do wonders to your mental and physical health, but it's not the connection/relationship itself that "fixes" you (and sometimes, you aren't "fixed"--because mental health isn't something that makes you broken--you're just in a better place and/or supported like you weren't before).

Trigger Warnings: negative thoughts of self, drug use, rape, attempted rape, death/dying, blackmail, manipulations, depression/anxiety, improper Daddying/Dom ways, psychically and mentally abusive relationships, etc

Very, very excited to binge-read this series. [“Welcome to Miami.”]

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Marry Me (Tattoos and Temptations #1)

Again, who needs to stick to the already-downloaded books I have on my kindle or the ever-growing pile(s) of books on my TBR shelves when you can just like binge-read a new author and her first series? Here’s to Mia Monroe’s “Tattoos and Temptations” series. The first book is titled "Marry Me."

["A fake fiancé never felt so real.

The idea of facing my cheating ex at a friend’s upcoming wedding sends me right back to the chubby, insecure guy I was when I met my very straight best friend. Since then Jude has been the most supportive person in my life. So when I ask him for a favor, he steps up and becomes the best fake fiancé a guy could ask for.

With three months before the big day, my friends rally to make sure we come across as authentic as possible. Jude takes to the lessons better than any of us anticipated. Especially the kissing.

Now the fake engagement is starting to feel kind of real.

This wedding should be really interesting…"]

These two, man, these two. They were so damn cute! And they were obviously in love from like the very, very first page. Jude just didn't realize what he felt for Briar was beyond-friendship-love. The chemistry was there on page one (it was in the prequel), and as soon as they kissed, it just kind of exploded. Jude just needed the time to figure himself out, and Briar needed the time to accept his feelings for what they were.

A few people on Goodreads thought the "immersive gay experiences" these two did with their friends was a little cringe, but I thought it was wonderful. Jude was always an ally, but now he knows why allies are important and more importantly (most importantly), why proper queer representation is crucial. I mean, sure, it was a little info-dumpy, but I sped-read through those sections anyway, so it didn't really bother me.

Please see the trigger warnings below, because the nasty ex does make some serious page-time and a loooooot of hard topics are discussed. I thought it was a little much. Granted, Mia went above the traditional nasty-ex-stereotype and gave the ex a redemption arc (spoiler alert), which was different from the genre (I could have done without it, but it gave Briar a lot of closure).

Trigger Warnings: cheating ex, manipulations, gaslighting, negative body image, suicide, etc

Very, very excited to binge-read this series. [“Welcome to Miami.”]

#dateme #marryme #fixme #freeme #catchme #temptme #twistme #tattoosandtemptation #tattoosandtemptationseries #miamonroe #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Friday, February 18, 2022

I Regret Nothing

Always an issue for me.
Even if I put on my big-girl-pants and force myself to put the book down to (try to) get some sleep, I still don't sleep.
Because I'm busy thinking about where the book is going and the angst and the fluff or what I would do next (or, ya know, sorta thinking about my own writing).
The struggle is real, but I regret nothing.

#IRegretNothing #readingproblems #writingproblems #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Date Me (Tattoos and Temptations #0.5)

Again, who needs to stick to the already-downloaded books I have on my kindle or the ever-growing pile(s) of books on my TBR shelves when you can just like binge-read a new author and her first series? Here’s to Mia Monroe’s “Tattoos and Temptations” series. The series opens with (a prequel actually) “Date Me.”

[“He’s the hottest man I’ve ever seen.

I’m shy, not hot, and eating entirely too many pastries every day just to see my crush. I’d ridiculous to pine for a guy so far out of my league, but here we are.

When I confide in my friend about my crush, he pumps me up, giving me the courage to find out if this is a passing infatuation or the beginning of something more.

All I have to do is ask Wyatt to Date Me.“]

Short (44 pages in total) and sweet. Like really, really sweet. This story was soooo damn adorable. It was all about being you and self-confidence/body-positivity and taking the risk to ask your crush out. Josh and Wyatt were so damn cute, and they knew right away that their thing was real and important.

And it perfectly foreshadowed at at the first official book in the series: “Marry Me.”

Josh kept buying pastelitos to see/flirt with Wyatt. Now I want pastelitos. And empanadas. And just like all of the baked goods/treats (and a tattoo—but I figured that urge would really heighten during this series so..).

Very, very excited to binge-read this series. [“Welcome to Miami.”]

#dateme #marryme #fixme #freeme #catchme #temptme #twistme #tattoosandtemptation #tattoosandtemptationseries #miamonroe #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Thursday, February 17, 2022

The Jerk Next Door

A quick side-read from my multiple downloaded kindle books and growing TBR piles with Mia Monroe's "The Jerk Next Door."

["He might look like a daydream, but he’s anything but.

My life is perfect. No, really. Dream career, great social life, a fantastic condo, and I’m easy on the eyes. It’s just that I’m a little bored with it all.

Until my new neighbor moves in. He’s unfriendly, uptight, and unwilling to compromise. Looks like annoying him just became my new hobby.

Poor guy has no idea who he’s up against. The Jerk Next Door just met his match."]

I loved the concept of this book. It's a classic, classic trope. Obviously, it was an immediately download when I was reading through Mia's book blurbs the other day. The story was really good (more on that in a moment), but I felt as if some of the writing itself, mainly the character dialogue and internal dialogue, was a little immature. 

Second Negative Thought: And the romance was just like there. One day, they hated each other. The next day, the weird hate-attraction was puppy love/romance. The enemies part of enemies-to-lovers lasted maybe 20% of the novella. Granted, the low angst was a nice anxiety relief for me with these romance books lately, which I appreciated.

Moving onto the positives... The puppy love/romance --> it-was-meant-to-be, true love middle/ending was super cute. They just clicked and you could tell. The cheese factor was definitely there (had been there for a while, to be honest), but once I got a feel for the dramatic enemies-to-lovers shift, I was more than okay with it.

The dialogue was quick and snappy and sassy and quite funny actually. There were several parts where I went back and reread because they just made me smile (lots of highlights/underlined parts in this one for me).

And from like 50% on, the book was fire. It was amazing. There was still a few lines/moments that were a little much, but overall, it got sooooo muuuuuuch better after the two of them started their romance. It just clicked. (Personally, I get it. I hate writing the pre-romance/build-up stuff. I prefer--and therefore probably better at--writing the lovey scenes and the steamy stuff.).

#thejerknextdoor #miamonroe #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, February 14, 2022

Mountain Topped

Literally have no excuse for wanting to read K.M. Neuhold and Mia Monroe's "Mountain Topped" so bad except I'm a fucking cliche for my rom-com cliches (and I loooove K.M. Neuhold's books).

["Is there a bigger gay cliché than falling in love with your straight best friend? Oh, I know; a random hookup with a dude from the gym.

I didn't think I'd ever manage to fall for anyone other than the unattainable Hawthorne, but the more time I spend with Aldis the more I… like him.

As for my straight best friend… do straight guys usually stare so much when you're wearing gray sweatpants?

I never thought the drunken admission of my deepest fantasy would lead to the three of us hooking up and Hawthorne looking at me like that. Now my best friend and my hookup-turned-more are bonding over their shared love of mountain climbing, the three of us are, ahem, exploring, and I'm hoping this is more than just a messy fling.

These three were seriously adorable. So much fluff and adoration and steam. Their biggest problem (spoiler alert: not societal norms regarding a two-person relationship) was themselves and figuring it out. "I'm in love with X but I also love Y, what is one to do!!?!!". Spoiler Alert Part Two: they figured it out. 

Spoiler Alert Part Three... Bow wasn't all that drunk when he confessed that fantasy. He wasn't drunk at all, actually. Do with that information what you will. ;)

#mountaintopped #kmneuhold #miamonroe #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, February 13, 2022

The Bromance Zone

Slowly working through some of Lauren Blakely's books. Here's "The Bromance Zone"...

["Two great friends. One road trip. And eight inches ... of snow that night at the cabin.

If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. Friends don't bang friends.
I want my friends to stay in my life, especially that flirty, clever, outgoing best friend of mine.
It's a damn good thing Owen and I made a pact in college to never ever sleep together, or else I'd be tempted.
Trouble is, eight years later I've been wondering what his kisses taste like. And I've been curious if our chemistry would extend into the bedroom. If he might feel the same risky pull.
But I don't want to lose Owen, and history says there's no way a tryst between friends can end well.
So as long as I avoid the bedroom with him, I won't break that hard-as-steel rule.
Except the snow has other plans … 

The Bromance Zone is a deliciously flirty, red-hot sexy, friends-to-lovers MM romance about the charming guy next door who's sworn to never date a friend, the flirty hot nerd who's been secretly crushing on that friend forever, and one night snowed in in a cabin. This book comes fully equipped for your reading pleasure with sexy banter, a super awkward dinner party, and a scene in front of a fireplace that proves just how dangerous the friend zone is!"]

I usually don't add that last part in the blurbs in my posts, but it's that last part that sold me on the book.

I accidentally read parts of this book like a writer/editor instead of a reader. Therefore, I thought some paragraphs could lose the last line or two. Or a few things were just repetitive...or a little too cheesy, bordering into the cringe (coming from me, that's a lot).

From what I gathered, a lot of the characters in this book were in other books/serieses from Lauren (but I'm in a very M/M mood and just skipped a lot of her books/serieses that were M/F...fight me), but I didn't necessarily feel like I was missing out on a lot. Sure, it would have been cool to know their stories, but I'm a woman on a mission over here. Speaking of missions: TJ's book(s) come out this summer, and I can't wait. :) 

ANYway! This book was really, really fun and cute. They were just like "whelp, I'm in love with him now, oh well, might as well get to the sexy times and do the actual feelings-talk another time". There wasn't a lot of angst, except for that internal "omg, does he like me back?" stuff, which they resolved pretty quickly compared to other books (because well, they did talk--after a little awkward Friendsgiving dinner).

#thebromancezone #laurenblakely #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, February 12, 2022

The Princess and The Prick: Fairy Tales For Feminists

I found "The Princess and The Prick: Fairy Tales For Feminists" at a local bookstore/small business gift-shop. I was a lot full on pancakes and bacon and chocolate milk; I had just smelled a bunch of candles; then I saw this cover and I couldn't just not buy it. Written by Walburga Appleseed; Illustrated by Seobhan Hope.

["Revisit childhood classics, but not as you remember them. Familiar fables are turned on their heads as your beloved heroines finally have their say. These stories will never be the same again."]

This books is alllllmmost like the Nikita Gill poems I've read and raved about....but with like 1000% more sass and attitude. Very blunt about who women are (and always have been) generally screwed over because men just do whatever the fuck they want (whether or not they have silly little things like consent or common curtesy). 

Do not read this book with your children unless you're ready to explain why Little Red Riding Hood wants to be "devoured" by the Wolf (among a few other really quite funny adult situations).

#theprincessandtheprick #fairytalesforfeminists #WalburgaAppleseed #SeobhanHope #fairytales #nurseryrhymes #childhoodfilms #childrensclassics #mythsandlegends #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Friday, February 11, 2022

The Best Men (The Best Men #1)

The ever anticipated (that cliffhanger, man) novel "The Best Men" by Sarina Bowen and Lauren Blakely's (if you haven't already, check out the short story and prequel: "Super Hot Wingman").

["In my defense, I was left alone with a bottle of single-malt and a life-long penchant for protecting my baby sister. Still, that's no excuse to send ten drunk-texts on why her hasty marriage would be a mistake.

If only I had just texted my sister. But nope. I accidentally sent the message to her, her groom, and his super hot wingman.

I also used the phrase “super hot wingman,” so I’d like to die now.

Instead, I have to plan a wedding with the aforementioned hottie and share a too-small guesthouse in steamy Miami.

Three days in the sun with the cocky, charming former athlete who likes to push my buttons? Fine, two can play at that let’s-infuriate-each-other game.

Until Asher ups the stakes with one wildly sexy suggestion. A no-strings fling, then I go back to my single dad life in New York, and he returns to his star-studded one.

Sign me up.

But the more nights I spend with the other best man, the more I want days too, and that just can't happen. Especially when I find out the real reason why…"]

THESE TEXTS MAN. Shiiiiiiiiiit, Mark. You done fucked up.

But those texts are just the very first few chapters. The rest of the novel is filled with angst you can feel and steam you can cut with a fucking knife. Somehow, Sarina and Lauren created a new emotion that combines strong hatred with even stronger fluff. It's so much more than enemies-to-lovers. Because its so much more than hate sex (mostly because the sexy times aren't filled with hate--at this point, they understand each other and their differences and the mutual sexual tension/pining).

I had to take another break with this one. The angst was only part of it. The fluff was just getting to me again. There were sooooo many pages left and it was too sweet to not have a last-ditch angst/almost-break-up moment, and I was trying to avoid that at all costs (just like I've paused my rereads of Harry Potter because, maybe, just maybe, Sirius might not die this time). They were sooo fucking in love and just pretending they weren't and it was too much for my poor romantic heart.

I've already a bunch of Sarina's books (a bunch more are on my TBR list or already downloaded onto my Kindle), but you better bet, that after this series, Lauren's books will be as well. 

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Monday, February 7, 2022

Roommate Arrangement (Divorced Men's Club #1)

A new series by the wonderful Saxon James: Divorced Men's Club. The first novel is titled "Roommate Arrangement."

In search of: room to rent.
Must ignore the patheticness of a forty-year-old roommate.
Preferably dirt cheap as funds are tight (nonexistent).

There’s nothing sadder than moving back to my hometown newly divorced, homeless, and lost for what my next move is.

When my little brother’s best friend offers me a place to stay in exchange for menial duties, I swallow my pride and jump at the offer.

I need this.

I also need Beau to wear a shirt. And ditch the gray sweatpants. And not leave his door ajar when he’s in compromising positions ...

In search of: roommate.
Must be non smoker and non douchebag.
Room payment to be made in meal planning, repairs, and dumb jokes.

Since my career took off, I barely have time to breathe, let alone keep my life in order. I’m naturally chaotic, make terrible decisions, and scare off potential dates with my “weirdness”.

So when Payne gets back into town and needs somewhere to stay, I offer him my spare room with one condition: while he’s staying with me, I need him to help me become date-able.

And while he does that, I can focus on my other plan: ignoring that Payne is the only man I’ve ever wanted to date."]

This book was soooooo good! I had to take a break from it because the sexual tension and angst was getting too high (because of all things, that was what made my anxiety go wonky too this month).

But the damn fluff! D: So cotton candy sweet but not too sticky sweet. Coloring tattoos and folding paper cranes and theorizing falling dragons. Who wouldn't love that.

And the Divorced Mens Club was so fun! They were super supportive and diverse and had such a refreshing viewpoint on divorced and life and setbacks and new starts. Payne took a while to get to their level, but with a little Beau lovin’, he most definitely did.  

Trigger Warning: cheating, cheating online, lying, social anxiety, blind dates, horrible blind dates, outdated thoughts on publishing/authors/writing, etc 

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Limitless (Squad Goals #5)

  I SHOULD be taking this time to catch up on incoming ARCs instead of catching up on new TBRs...Should be. Here's Willow Thomas's ...