Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Goodbye, January

January was...great and good and bad and horrible. It was a rollercoaster (so was the weather). It was just crazy, but in both good and bad ways, so I guess it evens all out to good (class half full person over here).


2023 Resolutions:
     (1) Write [almost] every day...or at least think about it
     (2) Don't stop reading
     (3) Make something (e.g. a manuscript)
     (4) Share love of books/writing
     (5) Be kinder to myself

(1) Yeah, not a good start to this one. No writing at al.

(2) Books read this month: 16 (might get one more in there before midnight though). 

(3) Again, no. I had plans, but got sick, got lazy, got sick again, and got lazy again. Here's to another try next month. 

(4) Posts this month (including this one): 16.

(5) This month was a rollercoaster. I got the stomach/gi-bug again, lost a few pounds after not eating for a few days. Got a nasty cold. But I ate a whole bunch of salads and used my elliptical bike a bunch of times. Trying not to go too hard-core or cut/do anything cold-turkey, so that I don't go all crazy and quit too soon; trying to start good habits instead. A few not-so-great mental days. But over all, pretty good so far!

Anyone still holding onto their resolutions?

Any exciting February reads?
Anything I should check out?

#newyearsresolutions #goodbyejanuary #hellofebruary #hello2023 #keeplearning #writeeveryday #dontstopreading #makesomething #shareloveofbooks #bekindertoself #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Future Baby series

I recently bought this book series for the kiddos in my classroom. This Future Baby series was written by Lori Alexander and illustrated by Allison Black. 

It. Is. Fabulous! They were so fun and cute and colorful, and my toddlers looooooved them! Loved them!! 

We read "Future Astronaut," "Future Doctor," "Future President," and "Future Engineer," and then I had to start them over again. And again. They were a hit! 

The books compared these careers to different activities that toddlers/babies already to, proving that anything is possible, and they can be whatever they set their heart to. Each book ended with about half a dozen career-focused facts (that went over their heads, but I thought they were interesting).

#futureastronaut #futuredoctor #futurepresident #futureengineer #lorialexander #allisonblack #futurebaby #futurebabyseries #childrensbooks #picturebooks #boardbooks #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

POS: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Another not-super-book-or-reading-or-literary-related-post, but here we are. 

Over the weekend, my friends and I went into town to see the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. They preformed all of the music from "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" alongside the movie itself. 

It was glorious! It was beautiful!! It was a collective fan experience!!!

I would totally and completely recommend this to anyone (no matter the movie). 

They're doing "The Little Mermaid" in June, and you better bet I'm taking my mama!

#hogwarts #harrypotter #philosophersstone #chamberofsecrets #prisonerofazkaban #gobletoffire #orderofthephoenix #halfbloodprince #deathlyhallows #jkrowling #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks 

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Triple Rainbow

Here's a rainbow from the other day. It had snowed, then rained, then snowed, then rainbow-ed. Then showed again. Welcome to Pittsburgh, y'all. ;)

It was a triple rainbow, in parts, but my phone refused to capture it. There's a metaphor for life in there somewhere.

#rainbow #doublerainbow #triplerainbow #rain #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Friday, January 27, 2023

Their Vicious Darling (Vicious Lost Boys #3)

Whelp, we sped-read thru another one of Nikki St. Crowe's Vicious Lost Boys books. The third one is titled “Their Vicious Darling.”

[“The Dark One has finally accepted me…just in time for everything to change. Because Vane’s brother, The Crocodile, has just arrived on Neverland soil and he’s not alone. He’s brought with him members of the royal Darkland family and they want Vane’s Death Shadow back at any cost. 

Of course, Peter Pan, Vane, Kas and Bash, they’re all familiar with war. But war isn’t easy when love is on the line. 

I know those vicious Lost Boys would do anything to protect me. But what if I’m not the one that needs saving?

As power shifts on the island and shadows are claimed, all five of us have to let go of who we were, if we have any chance of becoming who we are destined to be.“]

A lot happened; a lot didn’t happen. 

I think one of my favorite things about this series is (well besides how psychopath-y Pan is) how Hook is portrayed. He’s a little ocd and very neurodivergent. He paces and he cleans when he’s anxious. He has higher dreams than Neverland. He likes fancy clothes just for the hell of it, and he’s a little queer. He’s fiercely loyal and protective of those he cares about. And he’s hot as fuck. This Jas Hook is so much like the one I imagined in my head too. 

And the interpretation of The Crocodile. Like, yes yes yes. Might steal this idea. 

Now we just need the forth and final book to come out…

#theneverking #thedarkone #theirviciousdarling #thefaeprinces #nikkistcrowe #viciouslostboys #viciouslostboysseries #books #queerbooks #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

The Dark One (Vicious Lost Boys #2)

Gotta be honest, I wasn't going to actually finish this series until maybe (maybe) the fourth and final book came out. But I caved. The second book in Nikki St. Crowe's Vicious Lost Boys series is titled "The Dark One."

["I spent most of my life feeling dead inside -- until I met Peter Pan and the Lost Boys.

It wasn't until Pan and Neverland that I finally felt alive.
But things are not all full of magic and sunlight on the island. There's something darker and more sinister haunting the forest.
And worse, the fae queen and Captain Hook are ready to fight for control of Neverland and they will stop at nothing to get what they want. Including using the one thing Pan never thought he wanted or needed -- me. I'm a descendant of the Darling family and now I belong to him and the Lost Boys.
War is brewing -- can the Never King get his shadow back and assume his rightful throne? And if he does, where will I fit?
Or will all of Neverland be in jeopardy right along with my dark, twisted heart?"]

With this book, I'm starting to understand more and more what the reviewers on GoodReads meant about it just being.... The plot is fun and interesting (dark and twisty), and the pacing is fast, and the book overall is an easy read. The kink isn't what gets me (you do you, boo).
It's just...cringy and overly cheesy at points. And Winnie isn't really...she doesn't have a purpose besides the sexual aspect (which she is fine with and she very much consents to--but its a little too...anti-feminist of having a female character only be there for sexual acts and not plot structure--maybe the next installation will be different).

Like I said, I really enjoy the plot and the different dark and twisty and dark aspects of the novel. The reimagined aspects from the original book are fascinating and something I can't say I would have come up with myself. The shadows and the territories and the expansive fae culture? Captain Hook? The twins?!? Yes, all of that yes.

Will I finish the series anyway? Probably. Stay tuned. ;)

#theneverking #thedarkone #theirviciousdarling #thefaeprinces #nikkistcrowe #viciouslostboys #viciouslostboysseries #books #queerbooks #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, January 23, 2023

The Never King (Vicious Lost Boys #1)

There's a loooot of books out there on BookTok that gush about straight-erotica books. Some pull at me, but let's be real, my true weakness is queer erotica. However, another one of my weaknesses is Peter Pan and the Lost Boys and Neverland, and this dark retelling of Peter and Wendy sounded lovely (if you like things like enemies-to-lovers romance and ruthless, morally-gray love interests). Here's Nikki St. Crowe's "The Never King" (the first book in her Vicious Lost Boys series).

["The stories were all wrong — Hook was never the villain.

For two centuries, all of the Darling women have disappeared on their 18th birthday. Sometimes they’re gone for only a day, some a week or a month. But they always return broken.

Now, on the afternoon of my 18th birthday, my mother is running around the house making sure all the windows are barred and the doors locked.

But it’s pointless.

Because when night falls, he comes for me. And this time, the Never King and the Lost Boys aren’t willing to let me go."]

GoodReads had a lot of mixed feelings about this book. It was like the one season of "Once Upton A Time" when they all went to Neverland, and Peter Pan was a psychopath (which, he is--did my undergrad thesis on it). I thought it was pretty damn good. It was darker than I'm used to (being a dark romance) and heavy leaning into the fantasy side of things. However, I'll be adding this series to my TBR list for sure.

#theneverking #thedarkone #theirviciousdarling #thefaeprinces #nikkistcrowe #viciouslostboys #viciouslostboysseries #books #queerbooks #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Stick Shift (Big Bull Mechanics series #3)

What's a better way to make yourself feel better than reading a little romance? Especially with K.M. Neuhold's latest edition to her Big Bull Mechanics series. Here's "Stick Shift."

["Is it possible my straight best friend had a sudden stick shift?

I made peace with my hopeless crush on my straight best friend, Journey, years ago. It helps that he’s never in the country long and our relationship consists of sporadic texts and video chats at odd hours.

Now Journey is back. Back in the country, in my space, sharing my bed, and something is changing between us.

Neither of us has a clue how to run the small farm his uncle left him, but I’m willing to be the idiot standing next to him, figuring it out. Learning how to shear an alpaca or keep a rogue mini cow out of the kitchen looks easy compared to navigating the sudden change in Journey.

Is he looking at me differently? Is he touching me more? Straight guys don’t normally kiss other men, right? I don’t know what’s happening between us, but I’ll put things in gear and floor it all the way."]

This book was sooooo goood! D: The fluff and the steam and the ride-or-die friendship? Yes, fucking, please. Plus a bunch of supportive friends and a fuzzy cow and alpaca antics? Obviously. 

Now, I just need the next book to see all of the other I'll-never-fall-in-love-who-needs-a-relationship men at Big Bull Mechanics eat their words. ;)

#stickshift #stroker #crankshaft #kmneuhold #bigbullmechanics #bigbullmechanicsseries #fourbearsconstruction #fourbearsconstructionseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, January 16, 2023

Nothing More To Tell

Here is Karen M. McManus's latest novel, "Nothing More To Tell."

["True crime can leave a false trail.

Four years ago, Brynn left Saint Ambrose School following the shocking murder of her favourite teacher. The case was never solved, but she's sure that the three kids who found Mr. Larkin's body know more than they're telling, especially her ex-best friend Tripp Talbot. He's definitely hiding something.

When Brynn gets an internship working on a popular true-crime show, she decides to investigate what really happened that day in the woods. But the further she dives into the past, the more secrets she finds.

Four years ago someone got away with murder. Now it's time to uncover the truth . . ."]

This book had...a lot of plot twists. Some of them were predictable. Some of were red herrings. Some of them seemingly came out of no where. 
Several people on GoodReads didn't like this about NMtT. I'm not sure how I feel about it. It was dramatic as hell, that's for sure. Like...hella dramatic.
But it did have a lot of redeeming qualities. If I were you, I'd still read it.

#nothingmoretotell #karenmmcmanus #thriller #yathriller #murdermystery #yamurdermystery #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Mistle-Joe Kisses

Up next, we have D.J. Jamison's next installation of the Games We Play series (3.5): "Mistle-Joe Misses."

["Tis the season for Mistle-Joe kisses...

What happens when I step under the mistletoe with my co-worker at a holiday party? An idiotic, reckless mistake that could change everything.

Out sweet, chaste kiss quickly turns to fire. And when Joe offers himself up for the taking, I"m not longer strong enough to deny myself. At least, for one night.

It can't go any further, I've been down that road before--and mixing business with pleasure cost me everything. But the craving for him only get stronger once I know how good we can be together.

Joe is sweet and considerate, and judging by the friendly overtures, he'd like more. But how can I trust my heart when it's led me astray before?"]

A holiday festival? A drunk Santa? A romantic carriage ride? A grinch who's heart grows three sizes? Yes, yes, yes, and YES. Also, who says its too late for a fun holiday treat? ;)

 #twotruthsandalyle #neverhaveievan #truthordarren #sevenminutesinkevin #mistlejoekisses #gamesweplay #gamesweplayseries #djjamison  #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Five Survive

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

Holly Jackson's latest murder mystery slash thriller slash holy-fucking-shit "Five Survive" was...a lot. I'm still a little traumatized to be honest (in a good way--probably (definitely won't be getting in an RV any time soon though)).

["Eight hours.

Six friends.
One sniper . . .

Eighteen year old Red and her friends are on a road trip in an RV, heading to the beach for Spring Break. It’s a long drive but spirits are high. Until the RV breaks down in the middle of nowhere. There’s no mobile phone reception and nobody around to help. And as the wheels are shot out, one by one, the friends realize that this is no accident. There’s a sniper out there in the dark watching them and he knows exactly who they are. One of the group has a secret that the sniper is willing to kill for.

A game of cat-and-mouse plays out as the group desperately tries to get help and to work out which member of the group is the target. Buried secrets are forced to light in the cramped, claustrophobic setting of the RV, and tensions within the group will reach deadly levels. Not everyone will survive the night."]

Like, by nature, murder mysteries and thrillers are supposed to have plot twists upon plots twists, but holy fucking shit, man. Just when you figure a few things out, or think you do (well, I did figure out one or two--okay, just one--secret), then another fucking plot twist hits you right in the face.

Most definitely NOT a book to start late at night when the power goes out. Follow my advice and maybe you won't have an hours long anxiety attack. ;)

#fivesurvive #hollyjackson #goodgirlsguidetomurder #thriller #yathriller #murdermystery #yamurdermystery #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, January 7, 2023


Recently I saw this book's cover, and I had very strong memories, though I didn't know from what. Yesterday, my coworkers third-grader was reading this book the other day, and it hit me. "Bunnicula" was the bunny Dracula from elementary school. 

Is he or isn't he a vampire?
Before it's too late, Harold the dog and Chester the cat must find out the truth about the newest pet in the Monroe household -- a suspicious-looking bunny with unusual habits... and fangs!"]

This book was so fun and so cute! I mean, it's narrated by the family dog!! What's better than that?!?! Maybe the paranoid cat and the probably-but-not-confirmed vampire bunny? ;)

Also, I got blood work done today, so this book just seemed fitting (and my Baz from "Carry On" obsession).

#bunnicula #deborahhowe #jameshowe #bunniculaseries #dracula #bunny #draculabunny #vampirebunny #vampire tyrannusbasiltongrimmpitch #carryon #childrensbooks #middlegradenovel #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Seven Minutes In Kevin: Deleted Scenes

Two "Seven Minutes In Kevin" deleted scenes by D.J. Jamison, courtesy of #BookFunnel. Must (well, in theory--you do you though, boo) read the full novel beforehand (which has been reviewed in my last post--full blurb included).

Definitely played on the quirks on the town, on the heart between Kevin and Garrett (as well as the steam), and how unstoppable and complicated love can be.

These were short and sweet. A definite happy ending (pun intended) to my previous curiosity.

#twotruthsandalyle #neverhaveievan #truthordarren #sevenminutesinkevin #mistlejoekisses #gamesweplay #gamesweplayseries #djjamison  #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Seven Minutes In Kevin (The Games We Play #3)

Up next, we have D.J. Jamison's third installation of the Games We Play series: "Seven Minutes In Kevin."

["7 minutes in...holy heck, what have I done?!
What happens when I return early from a work trip to find my son throwing yet another party?
Annoyance. Exasperation. Temptation...
I'm tired, yearning for my bed, but I hadn't counted on the games my son and his friends play--or the one person who'd be waiting in my closet after everyone else is gone.
The guy who's been haunting my fantasies lately.
He's too beautiful. Too young. Too off-limits, being one of my son's best friends.
And...on his knees for me.
Oh god."]

All of the fluff!!! D''': And of course the steam. And the mutual pining. And the nosey townspeople and gossiping grannies and dirty-themed-things. The queer-phobia wasn't....great, at all, so spoiler warning, but beeeaaauuutiful book. Beautiful. Total and complete recommend.

 #twotruthsandalyle #neverhaveievan #truthordarren #sevenminutesinkevin #mistlejoekisses #gamesweplay #gamesweplayseries #djjamison  #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, January 2, 2023

Firecracker (Honeybridge series #1)

The latest masterpiece by the incredibly talented Lucy Lennox and May Archer: "Firecracker." It is the first installation in their brand-new series Honeybride.

["There are three kinds of people in Honeybridge, Maine: The Honeycutts, who know a lot about love and loyalty; The Wellbridges, who think they’re the epitome of wealth and refinement; and the rest of the Honeybridgers, who know better than to get in the way of the centuries-old rivalry between the two.

There wasn’t a time when I didn't know Flynn “Firecracker” Honeycutt.

He’s been my childhood friend. My high school rival. The guy I couldn’t stop dreaming about, long after I thought I’d left him and Honeybridge in my rear-view mirror.

Now he’s the key to the giant promotion that can make or break my career… if I can just convince the man to give me the distribution rights for his award-winning mead.

Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done.

Flynn’s not the guy he used to be. His gorgeous eyes used to spark with dreams and fire, but now he looks at me with cold fury. And just like Achilles had his heel and Samson had his hair, I had Flynn Honeycutt, the one man I’d never been able to charm, despite an entire life spent winning people over.

I’m not giving up, though. Because I’m not the kid I used to be, either. And because, if the two of us can survive a long, hot summer filled with his family’s crazy antics and my mother’s single-handed determination to keep the Wellbridge-Honeycutt feud alive, there might just be a chance for both of us to get what we want:

A new dream.

The fulfillment of an old town legend.

And another chance to spark Firecracker to life."]

A Romeo and Juliet (loosely) retelling?! Sign. Me. The Fuck. Up. 

Forbidden romance? Late night intrigues? Steam that will make a train/tea kettle jealous? Angst that will give you a headache (from banging your head off the wall, muttering "just talk to each other")? Fluff that will give you a cavity? Plus all of the feels? Plus more of that small-town charm, the busy-body/gossip life, the big families, the and multitudes of gay men for future installments of the series? All. Of. The. Above.

This book was pretty 50/50 on Goodreads. People either looooooved it, or sorta tolerated it and nit-picked at things. I, for one, fucking loved it. Then again, it's Lucy and May, and they're two of my favorite authors (aka weaknesses). Full. On. Recommendation. ;) Trust me on this.

#firecracker #honeybridge #honeybridgeseries #lucylennox #mayarcher #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Nine Liars (Truly Devious #5)

I figured (well, my best friend had some input) that I'd start the year with a murder mystery. And why pick one that's been on my TBR pile when I can pick one that came out a week ago? Here's Maureen Johnson's "Nine Liars." It's the fifth (and better not be last) book in her Truly Devious series.

["Senior year at Ellingham Academy for Stevie Bell isn’t going well. Her boyfriend, David, is studying in London. Her friends are obsessed with college applications. With the cold case of the century solved, Stevie is adrift. There is nothing to distract her from the questions pinging around her brain—questions about college, love, and life in general.

Relief comes when David invites Stevie and her friends to join him for study abroad, and his new friend Izzy introduces her to a double-murder cold case. In 1995, nine friends from Cambridge University went to a country house and played a drunken game of hide-and-seek. Two were found in the woodshed the next day, murdered with an ax.

The case was assumed to be a burglary gone wrong, but one of the remaining seven saw something she can’t explain. This was no break-in. Someone’s lying about what happened in the woodshed.

Seven suspects. Two murders. One killer still playing a deadly game."]

Stevie never changes. When there's a murder, she can't let it go. I mean, I love that for her; solve all those mysteries, babe. This one just happened to be in London, with a group of friends much like and as close as her group. 

So many things happened. SO MANY. I thought I knew things (granted, I did pick up on one inconstancy with the 1995 murder, but I was totally and completely wrong about who it was and why and and how and everything), but I was wrong. Sooooo worth not putting this book down for 5 hours. 

This book ended with a triple-cliffhanger. And me flipping through it like crazy to find more pages all the while muttering (or shouting) "what the fuck what the fuck what the actual fuck" to myself over and over again. Yeah, great start to the new year. Again, there better be a sixth book.

#nineliars #maureenjohnson #trulydevious #thevanishingstair #thehandonthewall #theboxinthewoods #trulydeviousseries #thriller #yathriller #murdermystery #yamurdermystery #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

The Fated Mate Bandit (Trash Pandas #2)

Here's Amy Bellows's new series, Trash Pandas. The second book is "The Fated Mate Bandit." ["I fell in love with Silv...