Sunday, April 30, 2023

Goodbye, April!

April was another month that took forever to get through. It wasn't horrible...I mean, I was sick most of the month, but the weather was (mostly) glorious.


2023 Resolutions:
     (1) Write [almost] every day...or at least think about it
     (2) Don't stop reading
     (3) Make something (e.g. a memories)
     (4) Share love of books/writing
     (5) Be kinder to myself

(1) *Sigh* Still nothing. Though some thoughts about it, some plans for plans for writing..

(2) Books read this month: 62 (might get one more in there before midnight though--or a few short stories). There's been a lot of novellas and short stories and bonus scenes this month (in my mind, if they're independently and separately published, they count individually and separately towards my reading goals--fight me).

(3) April Memories: I had a cold, I have covid, I had a chest cold. It all sucked. I got a tattoo the other day from a flash sale that was raising money for an employee's top surgery, and it was fun to be a part of that (an honor actually) and to explore the city with my friend while we waited. My two best friends both got new jobs this month; one just graduated from grad school, and the other is just starting her grad school journey. My kiddos at work made some amazing strides and progresses. My coworker found out her baby will be al little girl. 

(4) Posts this month (including this one): 37.

(5) It was hard to do anything most days, because I was sick, congested, exhausted, and it was just a long month.

Anyone still holding onto their resolutions?

Any exciting May reads?
Anything I should check out?

#newyearsresolutions #goodbyeapril #hellomay #hello2023 #keeplearning #writeeveryday #dontstopreading #makesomething #shareloveofbooks #bekindertoself #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Snowbody Like You (Suite Dreams #1)

The next stop in Ariella Zoelle's Sunnyside universe is the Suite Dreams series (they all take place at Luxuriant Suites Hotels, hence the suite/sweet dreams pun). The first book is "Snowbody Like You."

["Jude longs to have a Hallmark meet-cute with the love of his life. But he learns how fun a happily ever after can be when he falls in love with a man whose imagination is as lively as his own.

Jude Moore
What’s better than running into the love of your life in an airport while enacting a scene worthy of being in a Hallmark movie? That would be having the meet-cute gods snow us in together at a hotel with only one bed. Luckily, that’s only the start of my incredible relationship with Rigby. There’s so much more to our story because the real fun begins once we get home.
Falling for Rigby is easy because he’s tall, adorable, and an academic nerd that makes my heart do the fandango. He’s also a total sweetheart who knows how to make me swoon by indulging my wildest fantasies to make all of my wishes come true.
How could I not adore a man who gladly takes me on the trip of a lifetime to the Camelot of my dreams, where he’s the romantic King Arthur to my Sir Lancelot?

Rigby Pasquali
I never thought I’d be the “fall in love at first sight” type, but Jude makes me believe in romance and a happily ever after. He’s the first partner I’ve ever had who makes me feel safe enough to explore new sides of myself and discover what I want. When his creative imagination is as vivid as my own, it means there are no limits to the magical wonderlands we can create while we role-play scenarios that tick off all of the boxes on my wish list.
How did I get so lucky to end up with a boyfriend who can be everything I’ve ever desired and complete me in a way I never knew I needed?

These two! It was very Hallmark-y and meet-cute and sweet and fast and perfect. Well, I guess it was very Hallmark-y until it wasn't (in a very good way). ;)

They completed each other in ways that made you question the reality of soul mates and red strings of fate and everything in life in general. They wanted the same things in life and in love. Their families got along. They had the same passions and dreams. And it all started at the airport of all places (and a hotel during a snowstorm with only one bed--all kinds of trope-y).

Great start to a new series!!

#snowbodylikeyou #comefrombehind #flawsomeexplorations #loveatfourthsight #gaycationinparadise #honeymooneverafter #suitedreams #suitedreamsseries #ariellazoelle #sunnyside #sunnysideuniverse #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Friday, April 28, 2023

Peter Pan and Wendy: movie critique

This post will contain spoilers...and a rant or two about "Peter Pan and Wendy." You've been warned.

A few years ago, when Disney announced they were remaking Peter Pan, I was like, okay cool. When they announced they cast Jude Law to play Captain Hook, I was like, okay hot. When they released the teaser trailer and then the official trailer, I was like, least try to give it a chance.

I am obsessed with Peter Pan. I have an entire shelf dedicated to many different editions of the book. I have multiple maps of Neverland. I read so many different adaptations and re-imaginations and sequels, with varying levels of diversity and maturity. I did my undergrad thesis on the original novel by J.M., full-on dissecting the book on an academic and creative level. I have several different versions of a novel (or novels) written/outlined of my own adaptation/re-imagination Barrie. I have, so far, two tattoos dedicated to the cause. I have a good chunk of the o.g. book memorized. I have many, if not all, of the original animated Disney soundtrack memorized. I have a majority of the 2003 version memorized.

And I have a lot to say about the remake that Disney+ just released today.

In the first ten minutes, I counted no less than seven factual errors (major ones) that the movie changed (plot wise) from the original novel/play. One was in the first two minutes: it is theatre and cinema tradition that Mr. Darling is played by the same actor that plays Captain Hook. It's thematic and cinematic and cheaper and traumatizing in a Freudian way.

Speaking of Captain Hook, Jude Law is hot (like hawt hot, like hooooot), and canonically, Captain Hook is very, very attractive. I thought, maybe since they cast Jude Law, they'd revert to that o.g. fact...they didn't. They made Jude Law ugly and repulsive, and it's highly disappointing (on multiple levels...except maybe that Freudian one). ALSO, Hook is a gentlemen. An Englishman. An Eton graduate. He would never, neeeeever try to stab someone when their back was turned, fucking never. Like, fucking damn, people; do your research. I have a few other issues with this character, but they're all relatively minor. I'm on the fence about the thing at the end, because it hints at a sequel (so did Tiger Lily--and Tinker Bell), so we'll see (maybe he'll be hotter then...though I doubt it).

Tiger Lily: I looooooooved her. Loved her. Loved that they cast an actual native person for the role. Loved that she spoke her language (though, they did this in the 2003 version, too). Loved that she was like a mentor to the Lost Boys/Girls. Loved that she helped heal Peter. Loved her. Not sure I have a con.

Tinker Bell: Again, not sure I have a con. Love the casting/diversity. Love the lack of female animosity between her and Wendy. Love the dress and the lack of shoes. Overall, yes.

Lost Boys/Girl: The casting crew did amazing with the diversity (yes, it needs said a third time--if you see someone like you, it can be life changing). I love the rag-tag group of genders and background and ages. I love the modge-podge of costumes, and I love the fierceness. 

Peter Pan: He was...a little young. I don't know if that's good or bad. I mean, yes, he's the boy who never grows up, sure, but he looks very, very, very young. He's also no arrogant enough. Peter Pan is arrogant as fuck, hence the crow calls. He's awesome, and he knows it. He also didn't run away as a young boy; he ran away when he was a baby, some sources say when he was a day old (don't. change. the. facts.). 

Wendy: I love how strong she was. She wasn't waiting for Peter Pan to save her on that pirate ship; she saved herself. She saved herself a lot, and then she saved everyone else, Peter Pan included. She was a fighter. She also didn't ever go to boarding school. However, I like how they steered away from the Mother thing (not her mother, but her being a mother); it's refreshing, and it breaks that gender stereotype of what's excepted from her at home as well as at Neverland (run away from one place telling you to grow up and have babies to a place where you already have them and have to take care of them, talk about a nightmare).

Mr and Mrs. Darling: There wasn't any animosity here. Wendy had no reason to not want to grow up. They weren't forcing her out of the nursery. They weren't telling her to stop playing silly games or stop telling silly stories or to be a lady. They just wanted to give her an education, something that wasn't a given to many children of that era let alone a female one (hell, I'll take a boarding school education). They weren't complaining about their jobs or the expenses of being an adult--aka they were giving the children zero reason to hate the very idea of growing up. Mr. and Mrs. Darling as just as much as a villain as Captain Hook in the book if you really think about it (gotta pat my own back right now, making a lot of excelling points on the fly).

Neverland: What was with Big Ben? Those weren't mermaids. Loved the accurate and inclusive depiction of native people. Couldn't any of the pirates be attractive? The peaks and islands were very Irish to me. The Lost Boys/Girls hideout, thought? Holy. Fucking. Shit. Yes. All of the yes. I mean, come onnnnn! It's like the monastery and the abandoned hunting 'cabin' from "Ever After", all of my dreams come true. AND the winding staircase in their hideout mirrored the winding staircase at the Darling house, which was the most beautiful and subtle of touches.

Overall, there were some good choices made, but they all had to do with casting and with the Wendy part of "Peter Pan and Wendy." Overall, they totally didn't follow any version of Peter Pan (not the original play, not the original book, not even their original movie). If this is how they're going to treat "The Little Mermaid," Imma loose even more of my shit.

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Thursday, April 27, 2023

Friend of Mistlefoe

The next stop in Ariella Zoelle's Sunnyside universe is "Friend of Mistlefoe." It's a standalone novel.

["The only thing worse than not living out his Christmas rom-com fantasy is having his sworn enemy be the one to make all his holiday dreams come true.

Mingo Nevins
I’d rather roast my chestnuts over an open fire than spend a single second around Marley. So when that Grinch shows up at my apartment to hang out with my friends over Christmas break, I’m ready to deck his halls, if you know what I mean.
After he starts an argument with me, I take advantage of the mistletoe hanging above us to end it with an impulsive kiss to shut him up, once and for all. But I make one crucial miscalculation: Marley kisses to win, and I refuse to lose.
I guess that means we’re dating now?

Marley Garland
With a mistletoe kiss, Mingo moves from my naughty list right to the top of my to-do list. We may have started as enemies, but that doesn’t change the fact that I want him to jingle my bells and make it a white Christmas.
If I have my way, the road won’t be the only thing getting plowed tonight. But can we call a truce long enough to make it a not-so-silent night?

Honestly, could the enemies-to-lovers banter in this get any cuter? Or more entertaining?? Like holy Christmas fuck, it was glorious. As was the hate sex…and the Christmas puns…and Figgy the cat (Figgy!!).

#friendormistlefoe #ariellazoelle #sunnyside #sunnysideuniverse #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Love Practice (Good Bad Idea #7)

I stumbled across Ariella Zoelle's books on K.M. Neuhold's Facebook fanpage. She promises sweet, fluff, low/no angst, lots of humor, and no slow burn. This is her Good Bad Idea series (which kicks off her Sunnyside universe). The seventh and final book is titled "Love Practice." 

["Wren Ferres
Does anyone know how to make Prince Charming fall in love with you? I’m asking for a friend.
…yeah, that friend is me. I’m secretly a little in love with my best friend and roommate. Okay, I’m a lot in love with him. Like, truly, madly, deeply in love with him. But it’s not my fault! He’s hot, French, and laughs at all my stupid jokes. He’s the prince of my dreams, minus the part where he isn’t actual royalty and not in love with me. Determined to change that, I come up with a brilliant plan to challenge Monsieur Know-it-all to be my dating tutor. I’m hoping that’ll tempt him into acting on our flirtatious banter.
If it doesn’t, maybe I’ll push my luck by suggesting some kissing practice?

Isidore “Izzy” Devereaux
Wren is flirty, quirky, très cute—and completely oblivious about how much I love him. His wild ideas usually make me laugh, but his request to go on practice dates to give him pointers? Yeah, that pushes all my buttons. Agreeing to his outlandish request means risking him discovering my secret. But, it also presents a tempting opportunity. This is my one chance to make him see me as more than just his best friend. It could be my only shot at making him my boyfriend for real.
I may not be a real prince like he teases me about, but can’t we still have a happily ever after?"]

Another set of best friends who are idiots in love? Why the hell not. You'd think after having so many of these in one series (let alone by one author) would be boring at some point, but it's not; Ariella makes each so unique (book, friendship, character) that it's not cliche or tired. It's still fresh and fun.

A direct quote: “You really know me better than anyone. I’m a little shit even in your wildest dreams, because me being batshit bonkers is what you enjoy most, isn’t it?” 

Imma die now again. So many of these couples and characters are now favorites of mine. I’m legit obsessed right now. Obsessed. You might not see me for a while reading anything else. So much fun and inspiration and love and D: 

Last book in the Good Bad Idea series finished...or first series by Ariella Zoelle decide. ;)

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Picture Love (Good Bad Idea #6)

I stumbled across Ariella Zoelle's books on K.M. Neuhold's Facebook fanpage. She promises sweet, fluff, low/no angst, lots of humor, and no slow burn. This is her Good Bad Idea series (which kicks off her Sunnyside universe). The sixth book is titled "Picture Love." 

["Felix Murphy
My friend’s hot older brother agrees to play tour guide for me in Paris, so I know I’m in for the trip of a lifetime. The best part is that Arsène is a shameless flirt who gives my vivid imagination all kinds of naughty ideas. My lack of a filter always gets me into trouble, but at least this time it’s the fun kind.
Going home alone with a broken heart as a souvenir would suck. I’d rather return to America with a gorgeous French boyfriend instead.

Arsène Devereaux
When I agreed to babysit my younger brother’s American friend, he warned me not to break Felix’s heart. I never expected to be the one in danger of falling in love. But Felix is a cute and charming smart-ass, which is an irresistible combination to me.
If he offers to play tour guide next, I just might follow him across the ocean in search of a happily ever after."]

I've been waiting for this book since I started the series. Nothing is more fun than a best-friends-brother trope (okay, so a lot of tropes are my favorite--deal).

GOOD. GOD. D: This book was an arrow straight through my heart. Like, just straight through it, straight through me. Dead. I'm dead. The first chapter alone?!?! God, if I could erase my memory and reread that first chapter??? I'd be double dead (yes, that was a rhetorical question, and I answered it anyway).

For the first chapter alone, you need to read this book. For the french and the heart-eyes and jealousy of my 2020 Paris/London trip being canceled because of covid flaring again? Yes to all of that. Yes to the possessiveness and the minx-ness and the haughtiness and the pure joy and happily ever afters. 

And all of the talk of being an author and having a dirty mind and writing your dream? Yeah, universe, I hear you, okay? Very subtle. 

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Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Love Directions (Good Bad Idea #5)

I stumbled across Ariella Zoelle's books on K.M. Neuhold's Facebook fanpage. She promises sweet, fluff, low/no angst, lots of humor, and no slow burn. This is her Good Bad Idea series (which kicks off her Sunnyside universe). The fifth book is titled "Love Directions." 

["Elias Forthwright
Horoscopes always seemed a bit woo-woo to me, but I don't know how else to explain why it feels like the cosmic universe is pushing me in the direction of the mysterious North Easton, who miraculously comes into my life at just the right time. We’re nothing alike, but for the first time since my mom passed away, life is finally fun again thanks to him.
Even though we just met, it would be stupid to run away from love when all signs point to him being the one, right?

North Easton
I’ve always been a lust at first sight kind of a guy, but Elias makes me rethink everything I know about love. It seems like our romance was written in the stars, especially since his horoscope predicted I would become the greatest love of his life.
There’s just one tiny problem: he doesn't know that I actually write the horoscopes he believes brought us together. Do I tell him the truth or let him keep being a believer?"]

Elias deserves all of the love after being with AssholeJosh (yes, that’s his full and legal name), and I’m so happy that he found it with North. And I'm also going to give this one trigger warnings, because AssholeJosh was more of an asshole than I even imagined (as well Elias's other ex), but North went ABOVE and BEYOND with his consent and reassurances and kindness (he was fucking amazing--consent is sexy y'all).

And Elias's mom with the horoscope and the birthday present and the "when. you mean your future forever" card and GOD, make me ugly cry, why don't you! D: The ooky spooky on this was chilling (but in a beautiful and loved-not-matter-what kind of way). You seriously just have to read it to understand. 

Trigger Warnings: abusive ex, abusive relationship, domestic abuse is more than just violence, degradation (and not the kinky, consensual kind), manipulation, lying, consent issues surround sex and prep and mutual satisfaction and fuck AssholeJosh, and more

#betonlove #servinglove #lovemeansmore #lovefancy #lovefool #lovedirections #picturelove #lovepractice #ariellazoelle #goodbadidea #goodbadideaseries #sunnyside #sunnysideuniverse #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, April 24, 2023

Love Fool (Good Bad Idea #4)

I stumbled across Ariella Zoelle's books on K.M. Neuhold's Facebook fanpage. She promises sweet, fluff, low/no angst, lots of humor, and no slow burn. This is her Good Bad Idea series (which kicks off her Sunnyside universe). The fourth book is titled "Love Fool." 

["Xander Dandridge
Everybody thinks my best friend is in love with me, including my cheating ex-boyfriend. When I have to see that jerk at my boss’s wedding, bringing Jules as my fake date is the perfect revenge. But why stop there? After all, if everyone is going to accuse Jules and I of being together, why shouldn’t we enjoy ourselves as friends-with-benefits?
Ohhhh, it’s because our arrangement makes me fall in love with him for real. Oops?

Jules Tourneau
I’ve ignored my feelings for Xander so many years that I’m convinced I only love him as a friend. It’s totally a coincidence that thinking of him with his awful ex-boyfriend makes me burn with raging hellfire, right? When we’re fake dating, I’m obviously going to have fun teasing him with obnoxiously cutesy nicknames, like calling him my pookie—crap, I’m actually in love with Xander, aren’t I?
How do you tell your best friend, “Surprise! I just figured out I’ve been stupid in love with you forever,” without sounding like the world’s biggest idiot?

Turns out, Jules wasn't the one who needed to wake up; Xander was the love fool....I love it when I'm wrong about things like this. It made the dynamic more fun and less cliched (I mean, we all thought that Xander loved Jules when we met Xan in "Bet On Love." I'm not the only one that thought that).

These two were SO. DAMN. CUTE. and hot. and fluffy. and steamy. and fucking perfect. I mean it. They were just...goals. I love them. I love their dynamics. I love how perfect Xander is for everyone but Jules. I love how Jules can read Xander's mind. I love how they just...calm and complete each other. I love it. I love all of it. Even the a-little-to-long scene where they were finding each other's perfect but nauseating pet names (so. damn. cUte.).

These two might just live rent-free in my brain for a while...welcome..

#betonlove #servinglove #lovemeansmore #lovefancy #lovefool #lovedirections #picturelove #lovepractice #ariellazoelle #goodbadidea #goodbadideaseries #sunnyside #sunnysideuniverse #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Love Fancy (Good Bad Idea #3)

I stumbled across Ariella Zoelle's books on K.M. Neuhold's Facebook fanpage. She promises sweet, fluff, low/no angst, lots of humor, and no slow burn. This is her Good Bad Idea series (which kicks off her Sunnyside universe). The third book is titled "Love Fancy." 

["Callum O’Rourke
Someone as young and inexperienced as me didn’t stand a chance with a playboy like Rune. Yet despite being total opposites, I’m lucky enough to call him my friend. To want anything more than that would be greedy, but that doesn’t stop me from wishing he would teach me how to satisfy the passionate desire I felt for him.
I learned the hard way falling for your best friend ends in disaster, so why can’t I stop thinking about experiencing my first time with Rune?

Rune Tourneau
The only relationships I’m interested in are meaningless hookups with no strings attached. But when I meet Callum, his sweet innocence and pretty face charm me. I know he’s too pure for someone as jaded as me, but it’s hard to ignore the temptation to show him what real pleasure is.
I’ve never been interested in having a boyfriend before, so why am I so desperate to make him mine?

My gooooood!!! D: This book was so damn good!! Like fuuuuuuuuck. Callum was so sweet and innocent and hopeful and sunshiny. And Rune was life-ruined and older and pessimistic and a grump. But Callum made Rune's rain clouds go away, and together they embarked on a lovely and perfect friendship that bled into a romance that bled into happily ever after. It was perfect. 

If only Jules took all of that "no, bro, it's love" speech to heart and realized he was in love with Xander...then again, their book is up next, so maybe he did.

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Love Means More (Good Bad Idea #2)

I stumbled across Ariella Zoelle's books on K.M. Neuhold's Facebook fanpage. She promises sweet, fluff, low/no angst, lots of humor, and no slow burn. This is her Good Bad Idea series (which kicks off her Sunnyside universe). The second book is titled "Love Means More." 

["Ambrose O’Rourke
I’ve only met one person I couldn’t seduce—Augie Murphy, the man I love who thinks I’m straight. When I have a chance to be his fake boyfriend, it’s too much temptation to resist. It turns out that’s literally true, since I get carried away with a passionate kiss. He thinks it’s just a game, but it’s so much more than that.
How do I convince my best friend I want to be his boyfriend for real?

August “Augie” Murphy
Ambrose is handsome, irresistible, and completely off-limits. That didn’t stop my stupid heart from falling in love with my best friend the first day we met. When he suggests we pretend to be boyfriends on a double date, my curiosity defeats my common sense. Even if we’re only pretending for one night, I want to know what it’s like to be loved by him.
Is it possible to turn my fake boyfriend for a night into my real one forever?"]

If you read the first book, you knew that these two would eventually get their shit together and...get together. Augie was obviously in love then, as he is now; Ambrose's feelings, however, was a fun surprise.

There was some angst with Ambrose's internalized homophobia, family, his toxic Catholic upbringing, his baby brother, his ma...but everything works out in the end (spoiler alert, I guess). Augie's only angst was his feelings and not fully believing Ambroses's plans/feelings/etc.

But, even with all of the angst (low though...mostly), the fluff and the sweetness made it all okay. As did the super steamy game of naked ABCs they played...

#betonlove #servinglove #lovemeansmore #lovefancy #lovefool #lovedirections #picturelove #lovepractice #ariellazoelle #goodbadidea #goodbadideaseries #sunnyside #sunnysideuniverse #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Serving Love (Good Bad Idea #1.5)

I stumbled across Ariella Zoelle's books on K.M. Neuhold's Facebook fanpage. She promises sweet, fluff, low/no angst, lots of humor, and no slow burn. This is her Good Bad Idea series (which kicks off her Sunnyside universe). The next book is titled "Serving Love." To access this book, you have to sign up for Ariella's newsletter (and then you'll be gifted the novella via #BookFunnel)

["Leander thinks he doesn't stand a chance with his straight best friend. But will a surprise date change their friendship into true love?

Leander Collins
I never expect my straight best friend to take my joke about going out on a date seriously. But he surprises me with a romantic night out at my favorite celebrity chef’s restaurant. It gets my hopes up that maybe Kerrigan might have developed real feelings for me.
Yeah, right. I’m not nearly that lucky…am I?

Kerrigan McClain
Leander has been my best friend since middle school. I knew he had a crush on me, but I never thought anything would happen between us since I’m straight. But lately, he’s all I can think about whenever I’m alone.
What better way to tell Leander that I want to be his boyfriend than taking him out on his perfect dream date?

This one was so fun! The entire first chapter was the breakfast fight from "Bet On Love" but from the servers point of view instead of Rhys's. It was just as fucking glorious.

This story was a little fast, but it was so sweet and fluffy and fun. Definitely worth the read. 

#betonlove #servinglove #lovemeansmore #lovefancy #lovefool #lovedirections #picturelove #lovepractice #ariellazoelle #goodbadidea #goodbadideaseries #sunnyside #sunnysideuniverse #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Bet On Love (Good Bad Idea #1)

I stumbled across Ariella Zoelle's books on K.M. Neuhold's Facebook fanpage. She promises sweet, fluff, low/no angst, lots of humor, and no slow burn. This is her Good Bad Idea series (which kicks off her Sunnyside universe). The first book is titled "Bet On Love."

["After Rhys wakes up married to his best man, he never expects to fall in love with his new husband. Will their surprise romance survive the wedding bells?

Rhys Huntington
Drunkenly eloping with my best man was never part of my wedding plans. Falling in love with him definitely wasn’t supposed to happen. But even though we’re both straight, the longer we’re married, the more I start to love Lucien as my husband and not just as my best friend.
We’re supposed to get an annulment to undo our bad idea. That’s not what I really want, though. I’m ready to bet everything on love by committing to our marriage for real. Can I convince him to stay married to me and give us a chance at finding our happily ever after together?

Lucien St. Amour
I would do anything for my best friend. That apparently includes making a rash decision to save Rhys from the mistake of marrying a woman who doesn’t love him by eloping with him before his wedding. Instead of it being a funny story we tell our friends, the feelings I’ve suppressed for Rhys since sharing our first kiss as teenagers explode into a roaring blaze of desire for my new husband.
Our marriage may have started as a joke in front of an Elvis impersonator at a quickie Vegas wedding chapel, but I meant every word of my vows. Will Rhys allow me to love, honor, and cherish him as my husband like I promised?"]

This book was soooo cute! I mean, the love was immediate. More than immediate. I don’t know what that noun/verb would be exactly, but this book was it.

They were already halfway married before they were married. Another unknown noun/verb inserted here.

They were so perfect for each other, and everyone knew it. Everyone. Included the Elvis imprecator (well, he did marry them so I guess he wasn’t all that shocked about their true feelings…).

There was just so much LOVE and support. It was perfect.

Off to add the rest of the series (and this author) to my binge list.

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The Half Baked Plan (Love in No Man's Land #2)

So many "I'll read this book next"s...Becca Jackson's second book ("The Half Baked Plan") in her Love In No Man's Land series just came why not just read that instead...

Fire took out my business, my apartment and almost my life a few weeks back, and now I’m living in my best friend’s house while I rebuild, and he travels the world. He found his perfect match and now It’s time I found mine.
After years on my own, I want a family, but I have zero hope in finding my match while I’m still completely crushing on the hottest builder in the world, and to make matters worse, he’s now my roommate.
I thought sharing a house with Carter would help me get over him. I’d see why he’s never had a boyfriend, or anyone worth bringing around town. I’d discover all of his faults up close and squash the perfect god-like image I’ve cemented in my mind all these years.
Problem is, no matter what annoying habits I jot down on my list, the more time I spend with him the more I’m convinced Carter is everything I will ever need. Now I just have to figure out a way to tell him.

With Michael traveling the world, it’s just Lucas and me in his house while we rebuild the café, bakery, and apartment. I’m happy for Michael. I really am, but seeing another friend get their happy beginning shines a light again on the fact that I might never get mine.
I’m sick of being everyone’s best friend, yet no one’s boyfriend. I want my happy beginning too. I want someone to pick me. To want me. To love me.
So I do what any single guy would do, I sign up for speed dating. Blind dates suck but I’m never going to find the one if I don’t start putting myself out there.
The problem is, the more time I spend living with Lucas the more I realize, I don’t want any of these random hookups. I want the sweetest guy I’ve ever met. The one who bakes me cookies to make me smile. So now I have to figure out a way to show him I can be an awesome boyfriend. I can be his happy beginning if he will just give me a chance out of the friend zone.

I planned on reading this book in one night...then I got sick and it took me a few days instead.

But the warmth and the fluff and the sweetness and the baked goods and even the light angst helped make me feel loads better. I mean, honestly, it was almost a slow burn, but it didn't feel like it, because their feelings and their relationship progressed, and they grew closer together and fell more in love even before they kissed for the first time. It was glorious. 

Now I need the third book and I'm desperately hoping it's Ari's and Marcus's...desperately. 

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Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Forever With Hardin (The North Avenue Live Guys Series #2)

This book (well, the second one) keeps popping up on my social media as something I apparently neeeeeed to read. Let's pretend it's not linked to several other series that I might or might not ever get to reading (because I'm not in the mood to read a MF book, let alone dozens, to read this MM novella series...judge me if you must (although, upon further research, this series is not linked solely through Sophia, but through those fun themed series with multiple authors, like "Heart2Heart" or "Valentine's Inc"). ANYWAY this is Sophia Nixs's The North Avenue Live Guys series; the second book is "Forever With Hardin."

["Finding the One was just a dating app, right?

It was meant to be one blind date. To stop me from acting out and doing something stupid when I was on a business trip. I never expected for fate to intervene and to set me up with the guy I’d lusted over for years. He was my best friend; my business partner. Could I finally admit my true feelings or risk losing everything I'd ever worked for in the process?"]

This book was really cute!! They were so in love with each other that it was ridiculous. It was obvious to all of their friends, all of their loved ones, to everyone (even strangers); and yet, they were oblivious to each other's feelings. The emotional and sexual tension were HIGH. It all reached a boiling point, and fizzled out for me. For. Me. I didn't see much in terms of steam (I mean, they had sex but it was...wasn't...ehhh (for. me.). I loved their HEA though!

#sleighridewithkellan #foreverwithhardin #breakingruleswithtravis #obsessedwithcole #onenightwithcallum #cameronshomecoming #sohpianix #thenorthavenueliveguys #thenorthavenueliveguysseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sleigh Ride with Kellan (The North Avenue Live Guys Series #1)

This book (well, the second one) keeps popping up on my social media as something I apparently neeeeeed to read. Let's pretend it's not linked to several other series that I might or might not ever get to reading (because I'm not in the mood to read a MF book, let alone dozens, to read this MM novella series...judge me if you must (although, upon further research, this series is not linked solely through Sophia, but through those fun themed series with multiple authors, like "Heart2Heart" or "Valentine's Inc"). ANYWAY this is Sophia Nixs's The North Avenue Live Guys series; the first book is "Sleigh Ride with Kellan."

["A rugged, bearded mechanic becomes my knight in shining armor.

Traveling three hours to make my twin daughter's Christmas come true. I never expected him. We are the complete opposites and he infuriates me like no one else. Love was never on the cards for me.

A blizzard holds up my plans and I end up staying the night with him. Everything I never thought I wanted. I thought being stranded at Christmas was the only surprise I was in for. How wrong was I?

This romance was suuuuuuper fast. Like, love at first sight fast. Like, one night together and that’s all she wrote fast. I can get behind a little of it, but I think it would have made more sense to me to have them snowed in a whole weekend, and then there’s more time to actually get to know someone instead of only going off that feeling of fate. But the scene where he meets the twins?!?! I sobbed. So freaking adorable (and too much for my heart).

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Monday, April 17, 2023

Battle To Belong (Heroes At Home #0.5)

Not reading books in my TBR pile, not reading book already downloaded on my kindle, but getting authors off my to-binge list is something, right? An accomplishment is an accomplishment. Here is Willow Dixon's Heroes At Home series. The novella "Battle To Belong" is available on her website via #ProlificWorks.

["I’ve been lost, but he makes me feel like home… Twenty years ago, I left home a bright-eyed teenager eager to serve my country as an army medic. Now I’m back and I’m not sure where I fit in. Being gone for so long has created a divide between my past and my present, and I find myself struggling. I made it home, but home isn’t the same place it used to be, and I’m not the same man I was when I left. When I reconnect with an old friend from high school, hope flares up in me. Tanner and I haven’t had much contact over the years, but getting to know him again is rejuvenating. We might have only been friends in the past, but there’s something between us that’s impossible to ignore. Can Tanner help me find my footing as a civilian? And have I finally found where I belong…with him?"]

This one was a little info-dump-y and repetitive like "NHIE: Punched My Roommate's V-Card." Then again, I'm not going to even try to understand the emotional and physical trauma a vet carries and how they does/doesn't translate to civilian life (see trigger warnings below).

This book was SO cute! They were best friends in high school, then internet friends for a while, and then they had a meet-cute (involving a doggo named Loki)...the rest is history, a HEA. They just clicked; it was like two missing puzzle pieces finally finding each other again. The romantic and non-romantic chemistry was there (as well as the sexual chemistry). They fall fast, but when its real, you know (or so I'm told).

Trigger warnings: PTSD, discussions from time at war, brief descriptions of medial trauma, and more

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Step Bully

Willow Dixon's Never Have I Ever series is linked to her "Step Bully" novel. They both take place in the same universe, at the same college, around the same time (but this novel takes place just a smidge before the NHIE series does--same academic year but before the other couples get together (for the most part)).

["Of all the people in the world, I had to be attracted to the one person I hate…

Ash Summers is the most beautiful guy I’ve ever seen. He’s also a total d*ck, and I hate him more than anything. That feeling is mutual, by the way, as he does nothing but torment me.

Oh, and did I mention he’s my stepbrother?

Messing with Ash is all fun and games until our parents force us to room together during our final year at college. Sharing an apartment with him only makes me hate him more.

Until it doesn’t. When Ash touches me, it’s impossible to remember why I dislike him so much. All I can think of is that I need him to do it again…and again.

Every encounter with Ash teaches me a little about myself and my true desires, but it also leaves an emptiness inside me that I don’t understand.

Am I the only one feeling things? Or is my big, bad stepbrother just as desperate for a connection as I am?

I shouldn't be shocked at how good Willow's book are at this point. But HOLY. SHIT. This book was so fucking goooood! It was so fucking steamy and spicy and the hate sex?! 5-6 scenes of hate sex before the 50% mark (yes, you read that right, 5-6 of them). And through all of that hate? So. much. love (and unresolved romantic tension and childhood trauma and other "fun" things--check out the trigger warnings below).

I think this might be my favorite book of Willow's so far (and who needs to continue on the book reading list/order I had planned when I can just binge Willow's other series instead??).

Trigger Warnings: toxic stepparents, toxic parents, attempted sexual assault, forced outing (before book takes place), panic attacks, and more

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The Boyfriend Sham (Love In No Man's Land #0.5)

After signing up for Becca Jackson's newsletter (
because I need all of the updates on her Love In No Man's Land series), I was gifted the LiNML novella, "The Boyfriend Sham" (via #ProlificWorks).

I have no clue why I agreed to this boyfriend ham, but there was something about a built guy like Landon needing saving that sucked me right in.
He's like a warm hug wrapped in a Mack Truck, and boy would I like to take him for a spin.
This sham was supposed to be only for the weekend, but I have to have more. I can't imagine walking away from this guy, so how do I make him see I want this fake this for real?

It's been forever since I've dated. My ex has me convinced I was too much for any guy, so when he starts making his way over to our reunion I panic and beg the bartender there to pretend to be my boyfriend.
I never thought he would actually say yes, but he did and even better, he's happy to keep playing the part over the weekend to really get my ex off my back.
The thing is, the more time I spend with Theo, the more I wish he was my boyfriend for real. Is my ex right, or could Theo be the exact guy I've been waiting for?

We met both Landon and Theo in "Textual Connections," and I'm sooooo happy they got to have their happily ever after in this 70-page book. Theo bartends at the bar the characters had their trivia night at, and Landon is one of the queer group in town (he also owns the winery/farm). This novella takes place before the first book (I think).

They were SO CUTE. Their chemistry was immediate. Then it got a little angsty and awkward. Then it got Then it was sweet again and soft and understanding and honest. This novella was soooo worth the read!

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Textual Connections (Love In No Man's Land #1)

Becca Jackson's debut novel "Textual Connections" (part of her Love In No Man's Land series) was in someone's email newsletter at some point in the recent past. Between waiting for the Love Is Blind Live Reunion last night and eating all my snacks (while waiting for said reunion), I binge read this gem.

I thought I was good with my life in No Man’s Land. Truth be told, I was, until I messaged Bear.
What started as an online debate about coffee vs wine, has become something so much more, it doesn’t even matter that I don’t know his real name and have never seen his face. My daughter doesn’t agree.
She wants me to find someone “real” before she leaves for college, so when the neighbors hot brother rolls into town, she’s less than subtle about my single status.
Bobby is a free spirit, man in every town, according to his sister, but that’s not really him. He’s fun, adventurous, kind, and he’s a fantastic flirt, so when the similarities between Bear and Bobby start to align I can hardly believe my luck.
Can my online crush really be the guy next door?

I never wanted to come back to Nomanland, traveling the world is everything to me, but the money has almost run out and I’m in desperate need of a sponsor that doesn’t make me cringe.
My sister thinks I’m crazy for not wanting to settle down, and when I told her about chatting online with Mal she basically gave me the whole catfish creeper tv-special warning and begged me not to try to meet him for real.
Not that Mal would want to come to Nomanland. I can’t see what this small town has to offer anyone, that is until Michael takes it upon himself to show me the beauty of this town I’d chosen to forget.
Michael owns the local café, he’s a fan of puns, is an amazing dad and loves travel, though he’s never actually been anywhere… just like Mal.
I tell myself I must be crazy, because if Michael really is Mal, how long has he known? Was Meg right? Did I come back to Normanland just to get my heart broken, or could Mal really be the happy beginning I never knew I needed?

This book was SOOOOO cute! All of the angst (well, most of it) was when the two would figure out that their real-life-crushes were also their online-crushes (obviously, they did--HEA and whatnot). There was so much sexual tension (and romantic tension). There was so much fluff and steam (oh. my. god. the steam). 

And this book set up the entire series. We met so many queer men (and women) who are in desperate need of love and a happily ever after. Some who are clearly in love with each other, some with serious chemistry, some who don't even have romance on their radar. And the town!! D: This small town is delightful and perfect and supportive, and I want to visit. 

Also, I want some of that famous hot cocoa and those brownies (even if the recipe isn't "right" yet).

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Saturday, April 15, 2023

Sweet As Pie

...and why wouldn't I find a book on social media, download it on a whim, and read it immediately when I have SO MANY (soooooooooooo many) books on my TBR list? Here's Beth Bolden's "Sweet As Pie."

["Luca Moretti is grumpy—and he wouldn't have it any other way.
Wrangling six—Italian—siblings and the family's restaurants would make anyone cranky. But when his mother requests that he save his aunt’s struggling Italian deli in charming, picturesque Indigo Bay, he has no idea that he's about to get an overdose of sweetness.
Luca expected his aunt’s stubbornness—she’s a Moretti, isn’t she?—and his cousin’s resistance to actual work, but the last thing he expected is the absolute ball of sunshine known as Oliver Billings.

Oliver loves Indigo Bay. Loves owning his small artisan bakery, Sweetie Pie’s. Helps nice old ladies cross the street. Even volunteers for the local Sweethearts Festival.

Sweet isn't really Luca's style, or so he thinks. But when he discovers Oliver can be a little spicy too, his prickly exterior begins to crumble like a well-baked crust.

If Luca isn't careful, he's going to develop a taste for sweets—and a particular baker’s pie.
And one or two servings will never be enough.

Which was sweet. as. pie.

It would have used a little more steam, but the book focused on the relationship, on the falling in love, on the deep emotional connection, on understanding someone so quickly and so deeply. 

Also, now I want to eat all of the pasta and ALL of the pastries. All of them. 

#sweetaspie #bethbolden #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Never Have I Ever: Had a Bromance with a Teammate (Never Had I Ever #3)

Another day, another TBR, another recommendation from a Nora Phoenix email (well, she recommended the second book). Now we're onto Willow Dixon's Never Have I Ever series. The third book is "Never Have I Ever: Had a Bromance with a Teammate."

["How could one kiss change everything between me and my best friend?

Jax has been my best friend since the day we met. We not only share our passion for baseball, but we train together, play on the same team, hang out together, even sleep in the same bed half the time.
I feel safe with him, and he gets me like no one else. Yeah, he’s gay and I’m straight, but that doesn’t matter.
Until it does.
Until one stupid dare to kiss each other leads to the most amazing, epic kiss of my life.
Until I suddenly can’t stop thinking about him, about what he awakens in me.
Until all I want is him.
Our bromance evolves into something much deeper, something that neither of us can define. I explore new territory with him and discover sides of myself I never knew I had.
But with not only our future in baseball on the line but also our friendship, how can this thing between us ever be more than temporary? A bromance between besties doesn’t have to change anything, right?"]

I was afraid this one would be very cliche and tropey, all in-love-with-my-straight-best-friend. But they were literally just best friends, the best of best friends...until that kiss (which, okay, was more of a heavy make-out session--not that I'm complaining (they certainly didn't)).

This book was another really awesome balance of fluff and steam, of love and spicy, of hurt and comfort, of not really wanting to but falling in love anyway. It was so sweet and so fun, and they were utterly perfect for each other. 

Annnnnd, this book made me want Eli's even more :( ... I have a few more week to wait, but I'm already willing to give a looooot to protect him (he's sunshine and anxiety all wrapped up in one--with an Encyclopedia brain and diabetes and secrets galore).

#neverhaveieverpunchedmyroommatesvcard #punchedmyroommatesvcard #neverhaveieversubmittedtomyenemy #submittedtomyenemy #neverhaveieverhadabromancewithateammate #abromancewithateammate #neverhaveieverwantedmybrothersrival #wantedmybrothersrival #neverhaveiever #neverhaveieverseries #willowdixon #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Friday, April 14, 2023

Never Have I Ever: Submitted to my Enemy (Never Have I Ever #2)

Another day, another TBR, another recommendation from a Nora Phoenix email (well, she recommended the second book--this one). Now we're onto Willow Dixon's Never Have I Ever series. The second book is "Never Have I Ever: Submitted to my Enemy."

["How could I not have realized the guy I’ve been chatting with online is the one person I hate?

Kai, the bad boy I broke my rules for. Who stomped all over my heart. Twice. He’s arrogant and annoying, and worse, he doesn’t even remember what he did to me.
He’s also my new presentation partner. I want nothing to do with him, but the more time we spend together, the more I realize he’s not the monster I’ve made him out to be. I want to keep hating him, but it’s hard when he’s made it his mission to get me to like him.
As if things weren’t messed up enough, enter MrWrong, the bossy as f*ck guy I’ve been chatting with online. Using an anonymous app was supposed to be an uncomplicated way to explore my more extreme interests. I didn’t count on meeting the only person who’s ever been able to give me not only what I want, but what I need.
I spent years denying my attraction to men to protect a broken heart. Now I have two guys I can’t stop thinking about.
F*ck my life."]

This book was SO FUCKING GOOD! Like, if I could erase my mind and read it again, I would in a heartbeat. There was so much angst and drama (and my-own-brain-hates-me anxiety/spiraling thoughts stuff), but it was balanced SO FUCKING WELL with the steam (so much kink) and the TRUST and the fluff. GOD, the fluff!! D: I can't. I literally can't right now (also, I want Eli's now (it doesn't come out until May)).

READ. THIS. BOOK. D: pretty please?

#neverhaveieverpunchedmyroommatesvcard #punchedmyroommatesvcard #neverhaveieversubmittedtomyenemy #submittedtomyenemy #neverhaveieverhadabromancewithateammate #abromancewithateammate #neverhaveieverwantedmybrothersrival #wantedmybrothersrival #neverhaveiever #neverhaveieverseries #willowdixon #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Never Have I Ever: Punched My Roommate's V-Card (Never Have I Ever #1)

Another day, another TBR, another recommendation from a Nora Phoenix email (well, she recommended the second book). Now we're onto Willow Dixon's Never Have I Ever series. The first book is "Never Have I Ever: Punched My Roommate's V-Card."

["Why can’t I stop thinking about my roommate after walking in on him “taking care of business?”

What should have been a humiliating experience for both of us ends up being the start of one of the best friendships I’ve ever had. Finn is smart, adorkable, and his shyness pushes all my buttons. The problem? My interest in him quickly shifts from friendship to something less than platonic. Feelings I’ve been pushing down for years bubble up to the surface, and I find myself unable to see him as just a friend, or keep my hands to myself.
When a night out leads to some extracurricular fun, Finn and I decide to have a no-strings-attached fling. He’s the perfect person to explore my bisexuality with, and our chemistry is off the charts. Finn might still have his V-Card, but he’s not inexperienced, and the more we’re together, the more we learn about ourselves.
Until it’s not enough.
I want him, and he wants me, but the idea of coming out terrifies me. Is Finn the person who can help me discover who I am? And can I get my head out of my a*s in time to prove to him I’m worth taking a chance on?"]

THIS is what I meant by low angst, yall! Then again, compared to all of the books I’ve been reading lately, this was virtually angst-less, like barely enough drama to sustain me.

What did sustain me?? The fucking fluff between these two!! They’re so soft for each other!! It was precious and pure and adorable beyond words. As was the steam. Well not adorable, persay, but pure and beyond words and sustained me through the book!!

I can’t wait for the rest of the series!!!

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Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Addicted to Ellis D

Well, sorta back on track to my TBR piles: the un-downloaded ones. Instead, this was one of the screen shot ones; this one was from a Nora Phoenix newsletter (she recommends at least one per email). Here's S.E. Harmon's "Addicted to Ellis D."

["Chef Luca Alessi’s life is barely recognizable these days. He used to spend his days in the kitchen creating cutting-edge cuisine. Now he’s trying to keep his family's restaurant and legacy alive. It doesn't help that his father was keeping secrets before he passed. On the relationship front, his ex, Colin, assured him that their divorce would be simple. And now? Not so much. So who could blame Luca for wanting to avoid any entanglements? He's not ashamed to hire someone for a couple hours of fun. But this new guy is hard to keep at arm's length.

When life lands Ellis Day on the streets—again—he’s not about to wallow in self-pity. He's done it before, he can do it again. And if that involves selling something he previously considered unsellable, then that's just what he'll do. He’s not all that experienced working in the sex industry, but it should be easy enough. Get in, get paid, get out. But then there's Luca. And suddenly the rules don't apply.

When Luca discovers Ellis's living situation, things get more complicated still. Luca offers him a job and a place to live. Of course, their new arrangement means nothing else can happen between them—at least in Luca’s eyes. He’s determined to be a friend to Ellis…to give him everything he needs. Ellis is determined to show him that the only thing he needs is Luca."]

Wow, okay, so that was a lot. A lot of hard things, a lot of harder things, a lot of drama, a lot of love, a lot of destruction, a lot of character growth, a lot of love, a lot of heartache, a lot of... Okay, just a lot. It was a tad long for me; I think some of it could have been cut out (then again, I barely took a potty break reading this).

ANYway, this book was so...idk the right word. Fun isn't it (check the trigger warnings). Or light (trigger warnings). And it wasn't angst free (trigger. warnings.). But it was...(right word)...redemption. It was hope and progress and found family and love. I guess that's more than fun or light or angst free could ever be.

Trigger Warnings: sex work, attempted sexual assault, assault, domestic abuse, drug use/overdoses, foster care system, homelessness, homeless doggo (who does. not. get harmed, at all, during this book), and more

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WTF (Westbrook Elite #4)

I don't know how I went from saying I didn't want any more angst to the stormy seas of this series (pun intended--they're swimmers? get it? no? okay...). Also, I'm full-on aware that I skipped the first two books in the series. I'm not playing around right now, and my heart needed all of the gay. ANYway, this is Cambria Herbert's Westbrook Elite series. The fourth book (my first--m/m is superior (yes, I said it)) is titled "WTF."

["I don’t do commitment. And though I swing both ways, I don’t do men either.

It’s too messy, too stressful, and just asking for trouble.
I’d rather shine bright like the sun than drown in the rain, so I adopt a pounce-and-bounce lifestyle for which my sparkling charm keeps me from being hated.
When I show up in Sweden for a semester abroad, I expect a roomie. What I don’t expect is Lars. The storm to my sun. The test of my patience. How easy he makes it to forget all my reasons for staying away from guys.
No big deal. I’ll just pivot from pounce and bounce to roomies with benefits. I’ll get to indulge in that side of me, then leave it half a world away. What happens in Sweden stays in Sweden… until he follows me home.
Lars shows up at Westbrook looking like my little brother’s new swim bro. Just as alluring as he did before.
And all I can do is ask myself,
My resolve for an uncomplicated, stress-free life isn’t something I’m willing to give up for anyone, even if his icy-blond hair begs for my fingers and those pale-blue eyes are haunted by shadows.
I might be the sun, but I am not his sun, and it’s not my job to chase away whatever sent him running here. He swears it isn’t me. But I’m calling bullshit. Why else would he show up on my turf?
But then shit starts happening, and the shadows in his eyes turn to panic. I catch a glimpse of the bruises on his creamy, flawless skin.
I can’t keep him at arm’s length anymore. I don’t want to. Protecting him means surrendering to everything I always refused. His destruction or mine.
The choice is simple, so achingly absolute that I can’t help but wonder once more…

I really didn't think that anything could top the previous book ("Wish"), but hot damn, I was so wrong. This is somehow now one of my very favorite books. It was so sweet and angsty and fluffy and dramatic and D: !! I can't!

I probably would have sobbed for most of this book if I was actually breathing while reading. It was so damn good! There was so much personal punishment and dark thoughts and self-sacrificing and heartache. But the scenes with love and possession (the nontoxic kind) and dedication and pureness were worth all of the second-hand anxiety. I mean, Lars was practically perfect. And Win? Perfect for Lars (and vice versa). I just... Everyone needs to read this book (after reading the below Trigger Warnigns).

Also, I don't agree with the title. Mostly because Win was head-over-heals for Lars the second he saw him at the airport the first time (and the nickname(s)! D: ). End. Me. Now. I think it would have been cute to have a Swedish title, tie that in (thought idk how many Swedish words with a W could have made sense).

Trigger Warnings: homophobia, domestic abuse, violence, assault, stalking, hospital stays, manuplication, blackmail, and more

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Limitless (Squad Goals #5)

  I SHOULD be taking this time to catch up on incoming ARCs instead of catching up on new TBRs...Should be. Here's Willow Thomas's ...