Saturday, September 30, 2023

Goodbye, September!

September was so fast. I feel like it was just August, and now it's October. 2023 is almost over, and I'm not feeling it. 

2023 Resolutions:

     (1) Write [almost] every day...or at least think about it

     (2) Don't stop reading

     (3) Make something (e.g. a memories)

     (4) Share love of books/writing

     (5) Be kinder to myself

(1) *Crickets*

(2) Books read this month: 48 (might get one more in there before midnight though).

(3) September Memories: Another baby shower. My sister's birthday. My best friends birthday (with it, get got amazing pasta and dessert). I took a mini vacation for myself (self-care) and visited some Getaway Cabins; while there, I rested, relaxed, and did some fall things. My coworker and I went to a Jonas Brothers' concert. We had an Open House / Art Show at work. I fell and got some gnarly-ass bruises. I'm going to change positions at work and be the preschool teacher (instead of the toddler/one-year-old teacher--and with it comes a pay increase). 

(4) Posts this month (including this one): 30.

(5) Kinda neutral this month on how I felt about myself. Nothing bad, but nothing spectacular either. I'm working on both.

Anyone still holding onto their resolutions?

Any exciting October reads?

Anything I should check out?

#newyearsresolutions #goodbyeseptember #hellooctober #hello2023 #keeplearning #writeeveryday #dontstopreading #makesomething #shareloveofbooks #bekindertoself #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Tentacles with Benefits

I need a break from my break. I also need something quick and short and a piece I can finish tonight (even though its already late). Here's Connor Crowe's "Tentacles with Benefits."

["One man. Ten tentacles. You do the math.

A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, even if that means taking a night watchman position at the local aquarium to pay the bills. Soon, Evan learns that the job comes with some very unique "benefits"...

A chance discovery leaves him helpless before a dangerous creature. Ten tentacles stretch him to his limits and show him pleasure he never imagined in this spicy short story."]

Short, sweet, and spicy. A perfect read to feel like I accomplished something (plus it was good!). Around 45 pages, if took barely half an hour to read.

The only downside, adding another author to my to-binge list. ;) 

#tentacleswithbenefits #connorcrowe #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Cool Story, Bro

Now we're off working out way through the books that Sarah Honey wrote with Lisa Henry. The first one is a novella/short story titled "Cool Story, Bro."

["Canadian Levi is a stranger in a strange land. It’s December in Perth, Australia and it’s stinking hot. He's lonely, he’s homesick, and it really doesn’t feel like Christmas. The one bright point is his cute disaster of a co-worker, Travis, except Levi can’t figure out why Travis keeps running away whenever Levi talks to him. 

Working at Booze Barn over the Christmas period is hell, but at least Travis has maple-syrup flavored eye candy Levi to brighten his days—except Levi’s miserable. To cure Levi’s homesickness, Travis comes up with a brilliant plan. After all, how hard can it be to recreate a Canadian Christmas in the cool room? 

One thing’s for sure—between cranky customers, fake snow, and a deflating reindeer, this Christmas Eve is going to make for a cool story one day."]

This story was super sweet! Travis was all awkward and shy and smitten. And then he made such a perfect "grand romantic gesture" for Levi, even though they still had barely held a full conversation (Canadian English is a looooot different than Australian English). A very easy and hopeful read to end my day with. :)

#coolstorybro #lisahenry #sarahhoney #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

The Stablemaster's Heart (Tales of Lilleforth #2)

Ready to binge-read Sarah Honey's work. Next up is her Tales of Lilleforth series. The second novel is "The Stablemaster's Heart."

["Mother Jones has spent his life working hard, running the royal stables at Lilleforth, and watching on fondly as those around him fall in love and lust.

But nobody, man or woman, has ever stoked that fire for him—right until the new royal groom barrels into his life. Vasily is all sunshine smiles, golden hair and laughter. For the first time, Mother finds himself attracted to someone, and he can’t help wondering what it might be like to court—and bed—his handsome new groom.

But Mother is over thirty, rough around the edges, and hardly a catch.

Vasily couldn’t possibly return his affections—could he?

Vasily Petrov, the fourth son of the king of Koroslova, is travelling incognito for a year. In Koroslova the old ways are the only ways, and a man being attracted to another man is unthinkable—especially if you're a prince. But in Lilleforth, Vasily has the chance to spread his wings and explore the side of himself that he can no longer deny, and he intends to make the most of it.

Except, he’s falling for his stablemaster—and worse, Mother doesn’t know he’s a prince, and Vasily doesn’t know how to tell him. And the longer he waits, the more he fears losing what they have when the truth comes out.

This was not the plan."]

All of the "at least no one else is falling in love" and "sick of royalty in my stables." All of Felix being horrible at keeping secrets (and Leo reminding him). All of the soft touches and warm glances and trusting moments. All of the traditions and routines and love. 

This book was so very cute. They were both shy and tentative and unsure. Neither of them have been in love before, or in lust. They had so many firsts together, and it was beautiful.

I wish there was more to this series (but hey, Sarah Honey and Lisa Henry have a few books together about princes I think).

#thekingsdelight #thestablemastersheart #theotherfoot #talesoflilleforth #talesoflilleforthseries #sarahhoney #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, September 23, 2023

The King's Delight (Tales of Lilleforth #1)

Ready to binge-read Sarah Honey's work. Next up is her Tales of Lilleforth series. The first novel is "The King's Delight."

["King Leopold of Lilleforth rules his kingdom well. He’s handsome, intelligent, and charming. It’s no wonder the neighbouring kingdoms are eager to provide him with a princess to marry. There’s just one problem—Leo has no interest in princesses. His tastes tend more towards handsome young men who enjoy a good spanking.

Felix Hobson left the kingdom of Lilleforth as a teenager to train as a groom. While he was away he learned a lot, and not all of it had to do with horses—although riding crops were definitely involved. Now an adult, Felix is home to take up the position of royal groom, where he hopes he'll have plenty of opportunities for a roll in the hay.

When Felix mistakes Leopold for a horse thief and attempts to seduce him, Leopold is delighted by the irreverent, attractive lad, and sparks fly. Their arrangement is all fun and games, right until they both fall hard and fast. But while what they have together is a delight, there’s no way it can last—can it?

They’ll have to navigate a visiting princess, an assassination attempt, and a kidnapping if they want a chance to find out."]

This book was SO fucking CUTE! I can't. I loved it. I looooved it. The sass and the snark and the chemistry and the connection. They were so infatuated with each other right from the beginning. Plus add in all of the fun, dynamic side characters? Hell, yes.

I looooved Leo. He was petulant, but in a not-overly-entitled way (if that makes sense). He was sweet and protective of his friends (and his horse). 
I also loved Felix. He was snarky, and he wasn't afraid to sass out the king (though the first time he did it--no, not when he was a preteen--he didn't know it was the king). 

There was just so much in a relatively short (like 215 pages) novel. The intrigue, the seduction, the court, the sex. I loved it. I can't wait for the next book! 

#thekingsdelight #thestablemastersheart #theotherfoot #talesoflilleforth #talesoflilleforthseries #sarahhoney #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Contractually Yours

Ready to binge-read Sarah Honey's work. Starting with her novella "
Contractually Yours: A Hot Bite Story."

["Nate just signed up to take a werewolf lover. Hottest. Summer. Ever.

The Shiftercorp Companion Program—where willing humans can sign up to offer their services as a werewolf ‘companion’ for the summer, and be generously compensated for their time and services.

Perth local Nathan Watson is young, single and loves sex, so it makes sense to apply to spend his summer as a shifter’s lover. He’s thrilled when he’s accepted by Shiftercorp, but when the werewolf he chose as his partner is no longer available, a mysterious stranger steps up to claim his contract.

Nate is cautious, but agrees to at least meet the wolf in question—and when he does? Sign him up. Cooper Hudson is drop-dead gorgeous, compelling and irresistible, and Nate can’t keep his hands off him. His only concern is that Cooper’s obviously hiding something about who he is and what he does. Still, Nate’s almost certain Cooper isn’t an underworld boss.

Well, sixty-percent certain.

When Cooper Hudson saw Nate’s profile, he wanted him. And while it probably wasn’t strictly ethical to use his position to claim Nate as his companion, Cooper’s looking forward to flying to Western Australia and spending time with this gorgeous boy. He expects a pleasant summer fling—no more, no less.

Then he meets Nate, and the chemistry between them is scorching. Cooper falls hard—and recognises Nate as his true mate. Now he just has to figure out how to tell him. Oh, and there’s the small matter of what, exactly, Cooper does for a living.

But he’s sure it’ll be fine.


This book was SO cute! I mean, seriously. It was an instant connection, an instant bond. They fell in love after a day or two. I loved it. There was a smidge bit of angst, but it was cleared up quickly (they--wait for it--talked it out).

And for those of you wondering, there is only minor shifting (and no full-blown wolves). AND, for those of you also wondering: no, Cooper is not a mob-boss (spoiler alert).

#contractuallyyours #contractuallyyoursahotbitestory #ahotbitestory #hotbite #ahellofaview #sarahhoney #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Bro Jobs (Alpha Tau #0.5)

Here is Lisa Henry and Sarah Honey's "Bro Jobs." It's the prequel to their new Alpha Tau series (also known as the Lassiter University series). It's available via #BookFunnel after signing up for their newsletter(s).

["Scout Talbot-Smith doesn't want Trey Montgomery as his roommate. Scout isn't a people person, and Trey takes his duties as house manager a little too seriously. But it turns out that rooming with a guy who thinks leaving a towel on the floor is a crime isn't the worst thing. No, the worst thing is that Scout is in the middle of a romantic dry spell, and listening to Trey take care of himself every night is driving him crazy.

Which is when Scout makes Trey an offer too good to refuse. After all, what's easier than a bro giving another bro a helping hand?

It's cool. It doesn't mean anything. There aren't any feelings involved. It's just two guys being bros. Right?

Uh oh."]

This 15k novella was also very face-palm-y (also meaning the first official book in the series--"The Amazing Alpha Tau Boyfriend Project"--but at least these two figured it out faster than Archer. ;)

Again, this series is really super fun and sweet and supportive of each other (the characters).

I'm not off to binge-read Sarah Honey's things (and then Lisa Henry's)!

#brojobs #theamzingalphatauboyfriendproject #themazingalphatauselfimprovementproject #theamazingalphataupledgeproject #alphatau #alphatauseries #lassiteruniversity #lassiteruniversityseries #lisahenry #sarahhoney #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

The Amazing Alpha Tau Boyfriend Project (Alpha Tau #1)

Exhausted this week (and looking forward to the weekend). I figured a nice novella would do. ;) Here is Lisa Henry and Sarah Honey's "The Amazing Alpha Tau Boyfriend Project." It's the first in their new series, Alpha Tau.

["At first glance Archer Calloway is your typical frat boy—preppy, pre-law, privileged. But one thing he's not is a jerk. So when a shy guy at a wedding gives Archer his number, Archer is impressed by his courage in putting himself out there.

What starts as a courtesy call to the guy turns into friendship. Eli is awesome, and Archer can't understand why he's single. With the help of his fraternity brothers at Alpha Tau, Archer comes up with the perfect project for the Get Eli Fuller the perfect boyfriend or die trying.

It's a flawless plan and nothing could possibly go wrong."] 

This book was SOOOO good. It was sweet and fluffy and cute and spicy and a little bit (or a lot of bit) face-palm-y. Poor Archer. 

Except, like, yay for Eli!

This was a fun bunch of characters, and I'm super excited to see the rest of the frat bros get their HEA, too.

Now off to binge one or both of these lovely authors. ;)

#brojobs #theamzingalphatauboyfriendproject #themazingalphatauselfimprovementproject #theamazingalphataupledgeproject #alphatau #alphatauseries #lassiteruniversity #lassiteruniversityseries #lisahenry #sarahhoney #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

A Boy Called Rainbow

Not sure if it was the title or the cover art or what the got me, but I was got. This one is "A Boy Called Rainbow" by Robin Knight.

["Love comes in all colors…

Art evaluator Miles Tate is finally about to start living his dream… that is if he can get the funding in place to open his own art gallery in New York. It’s something that he and his partner Damon have been planning for years, so when an unexpected turn of events finds every one of Miles’ perfectly-planned dreams turned upside-down, it’s time to escape Manhattan and reluctantly take up a well-paid job in the tiny seaside town of Hope’s Bluff, Georgia. For Miles, it’s his only chance to make some money, claw back what little dignity he has left, and figure out what the hell to do with his life.

But evaluating the art collection of a deceased estate isn’t made easy by the grandson of the dearly departed artist in question… a hot-tempered, hotter-than-hell young man whose secrets run deep and passions run raw.

Can Miles finish the job he’s been paid to do… or will two opposites find that they have more in common than they first imagined? Can the pair of them find the strength in each other to rebuild their lives… or will the traumas of their pasts drive them both away? Will Miles turn his back on the handsome, hurt, artistic genius he’s stumbled upon… or will he finally find true love in the arms of a Boy Called Rainbow?"]

This book was soooooo worth staying up late on a work night!! It was beautiful and poetic and karmic justice-y and found family and first loves and last loves and lost loves and bullies getting what they deserve.

Miles wasn’t perfect. The first chapter, he didn’t deserve a lot of that, though his bullies made a few interesting points. Points he didn’t understand until he met Rainbow. Rainbow was used to hiding his shine and his colors and himself away to save himself, until his safety was being threatened by the one thing who promised him even more.

I spent the last chapter or two giggling manically. Again, so worth the lack of sleep. ;)

Trigger Warnings: bullies, homophobia, asshole parents, asshole brothers, neglect, and more

#aboycalledrainbow #robinknight #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

The Matchmakers: True Colors Charity Anthology

It doesn't count as "skipping" already-downloaded-TBR if it's a book from an author/authors I already love and follow when my current goal is catching up on favorite authors. "The Matchmakers" is an MM charity anthology. All royalties will be donated to the True Colors United charity.

I haven't read the full thing, but I did read about 25-40% of it, focusing on the authors I love the mostest. 

Isla Olsen: "Bachelor Bumber One" ["After ten years in the NFL the last thing I want is to be a part of a reality show, and especially not a show that involves women fawning all over me. But they’re offering to give a huge donation to my charity and I can’t turn that down, so I prepare to just suck it up, slap on a smile, and survive the two weeks of being drooled over before announcing that I can’t possibly decide between the girls because they’re all too perfect. But then I get to the mansion and meet the host. And now I’m the one drooling. It’s going to be a long two weeks…"]

E.M. Denning: "The Perfect Match" ["I have a knack for finding the perfect person for my friends. With a few successful matches under my belt, it’s only natural that people ask me to find someone for them. But I never dreamed my best friend would ask me to find him someone. At least, I hoped he would never ask because I’m stupidly in love with him. I can’t stomach the thought of finding him someone else when I know I’m his perfect match. So I do what any other best friend would do in this circumstance. I lie."]

R.S. McKenzie: "Getting It Right" ["My best friend has been setting me up with men for years, intent on seeing me happily coupled-up like she is. After some missteps, she sets me up with Hudson, her sweet and handsome new coworker. I’ve never hit it off with a guy so fast. Hudson asks me to come to a wedding—as his boyfriend—where his cheating ex is the best man. I’m down to help and I have to wonder: Did my BFF finally get it right and find me the man of my dreams?"]

#thematchmakers #thematchmakersatruecolorscharityanthology #atruecolorscharityanthology #charityanthology #islaolsen #emdenning #rsmckenzie #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, September 18, 2023

The Island

Another #TargetFind, another murder mystery/thriller, another fantastic book. This one is Natasha Preston's "The

["They said goodbye to their friends and family for the weekend. They weren’t counting on forever.

Jagged Island: a private amusement park for the very rich—or the very influential. Liam, James, Will, Ava, Harper, and Paisley—social media influencers with millions of followers—have been invited for an exclusive weekend before the park opens. They’ll make posts and videos for their channels and report every second of their VIP treatment.

When the teens arrive, they're stunned: the resort is even better than they’d imagined. Their hotel rooms are unreal, the park’s themed rides are incredible, and the island is hauntingly beautiful. They’re given a jam-packed itinerary for the weekend.

But soon they'll discover that something's missing from their schedule: getting off the island alive."]

I think you know. You think you figured it out. Even if you don't agree with the narrator's/character's theory, even if you know there's a puzzle piece missing, even if there's dozens of pages left...

Damn. I mean. Wow. This book. All of the twists and turns and murder and running and clues and red-herrings and knives and swords and gore. Holy. Shit. I

This book was SO good! I mean, honestly. It was twists and turns and dark and murdery and serial-killer haunted houses. The gothic island with the gargoyles and thrill rides was just the tip of the iceberg. The influencers wasn't even the key (spoiler alert).

I'm just seriously flabbergasted. 

And after that cliffhanger ending?! I'm not sure if I need a romance to calm down or to binge-read more of Natasha's stuff to get more amped-up. 

#theisland #natashapreston #thriller #yathriller #murdermystery #yamurdermystery #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Pride: An Inspirational History of the LGBTQ+ Movement

I bought "Pride: An Inspirational History of the LGBTQ+ Movement" back in June (by Stella Caldwell) and finally got around to reading it. 

["Take pride in who you are! This inspiring history of the LGBTQ+ community enlightens young readers on the true timeline of LGBTQ+ history around the world, the lives of important figures like Harvey Milk, and iconic events like Stonewall.

The LGBTQ+ community is so much more than rainbow flags and the month of June. In this beautifully designed dynamic book, young readers will learn about groundbreaking events, including historic pushes for equality and the legalization of same-sex marriages across the world. They will dive into the phenomenal history of queer icons from ancient times to the present and read about Harvey Milk, Marsha P. Johnson, Audre Lorde, and more.

Including several personal current essays from inspiring young, LGBTQ+ people, this book encourages readers to take pride in their identity and the identities of those around them. Don’t just learn about LGBTQ+ history – take pride in it!

The lively four-color interior, including photographs and bold illustrations, enhances the text and makes this a beautiful and dynamic addition to any collection."]

This book was SUPER informative. At times it was a smidge dense, but it was filled with so much information, fun facts, quotes, biographies, pictographs, and more. 

It was beautiful in its history and its endurance, just like the history of the LGBTQ+ movement.

If you know nothing about this part of history, this is a good place to start. If you know a lot about the LGBT+ movement, this would make an excellent addition to your collection. Either way, I completely recommend this book.

#pride #prideaninspirationalhistoryofthelgbtqmovement #aninspirationalhistoryofthelgbtqmovement #stellacaldwell #books #lgbtbooks #childrensbooks #childrenslgbtbooks #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Washington's Gay General: The Legends and Loves of Baron von Steuben

And yet another book found me. "Washington's Gay General: The Legends and Loves of Baron von Steuben" is a graphic novel biography, authored by Josh Trujillo and illustrated by Levi Hastings. 

["...the true story of one of the most important, but largely forgotten, military leaders of the American Revolution, Baron Von Steuben, who brought much-needed knowledge to the inexperienced and ill-prepared Continental Army. As its first Inspector General, Von Steuben created an organizational framework for the US military, which included writing the Blue Book guide that became the standard for training American soldiers for more than a century.

Von Steuben was also, by all accounts, a flamboyant homosexual in an era when the term didn’t even exist. Beginning with Von Steuben’s career in the Prussian Army, Trujillo explores his recruitment by Benjamin Franklin, his work alongside General George Washington at the Battle of Valley Forge, and his eventual decline into obscurity."]

History is told by it's victors. And more often than not, it is also white-washed and queer-washed, as in the case of oh so many, including  Baron von Steuben. All of his military aid and organization skills and leadership accomplishments here in the US was, as the graphic novel calls it, his third act in life. He completed SO much in his life, and his queerness was just an aspect of himself. An aspect history tried to wash and burn away. He was in a throuple (if not a fourple); he had naked cocktail parties, he had love affair with a prince (and the prince's brother--the king). "Baron Von Steuben is American's Founding Daddy."  Hell. Yes.

Granted, like many (maaannny) other founding fathers, von Steuben wasn't a 100% great guy. He was racist towards natives and the enslaved. He prayed on younger subordinates. He was constantly in debt, both monetarily and otherwise. This book doesn't wash those away either (his faults or the faults of George Washington or Thomas Jefferson). 

It's honest and true, like history should be.

#washingtonsgaygeneral #thelegendsandlvoesofbaronconsteuben #washingtonsgaygeneralthelegendsandlvoesofbaronconsteuben #joshtrujillo #levihastings #queergraphicnovel #YAgraphicnovel #graphicnovels #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

It Will End Like This

I started this book MONTHS ago and put it aside for "a bit" to decompress (and read romance). I finally picked it back up and binged the rest. The book? Kyra Leigh's "It Will End Like This."

["Charlotte lost her mother six months ago, and still no one will tell her exactly what happened the day she mysteriously died. They say her heart stopped, but Charlotte knows deep down that there's more to the story.

The only person who gets it is Charlotte's sister, Maddi. Maddi agrees—people’s hearts don’t just stop. There are too many questions left unanswered for the girls to move on.

But their father is moving on. With their mother’s personal assistant. And both girls are sure that she’s determined to take everything that’s theirs away for herself.

Now the only way to get their lives back is for Charlotte and Maddi to decide how this story ends, themselves."]

This story is a modern-day, contemporary take on the Lizzie Borden story. I FUCKING loooooove Lizzie Borden (if you haven't seen the Lifetime movie with Christina Ricci, you're seriously missing out). 

Like a lot of young adult mysteries/thrillers, there's a lot of unreliable narration. The grief and trauma mixed with shared paranoia and sudden trust issues also makes for a nasty combination. Add to that the gas lighting and manipulation. It's a loooot to unpack.

Trigger Warnings: death, murder, suicide, self-harm, alcoholism, drug-use, bullying, gas lighting, manipulation, mental health, and more

#itwillendlikethis #kyraleigh #lizzieborden #thriller #yathriller #murdermystery #yamurdermystery #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Lost Boy (The Loyal Boys #3)

Still a slight detour from my most recent reading plans, but at least this book/series is on one of my TBR lists. Here's Charli Meadows's "Lost Boy." It's the third novel in her Loyal Boys series. 

Being alone is nothing new. I’ve been abandoned by everyone. Now, I have absolutely no one. I might even prefer it that way. All I really need is a guitar and my thoughts.
Just shy of my eighteenth birthday, I’m forced to move across the country to live with my uncle in California. He’s the head basketball coach at Acadia Lake Prep, the new private academy I’m attending. Ryder Cruz is his star player.
He makes me question things about myself and what I want. Things I’ve never once considered. The oversized and enthusiastic jock is always around, insisting I smile and laugh with him. But it won’t work. It can’t. The painful memories and regret I carry are too strong. I’m not sure I’ll ever feel again.

Basketball is great. So are my friends. Dad. My little sister Sofie. I’m team captain, and I’m taking us to State.
It’s easy to forget that nothing is ever as it seems. I fight my demons with smiles and awkward jokes, but things are starting to pile up. Pranks between my guys and the rival public school, issues with my mother, and a secret I can’t tell anyone. A truth that holds me in its grasp. I can’t risk the team or my college acceptance—my future . Can’t risk my dream.
I’m gay. And no one can know.
It wasn’t as hard to keep this close to my chest until Fallon Rivers showed up with his big, sad eyes and bright blue hair. I’m not sure I can continue hiding who I am. I need this boy to smile. To talk to me. I need to spark some life back into his soul.
He doesn’t realize my dad and his uncle are partners, but he’ll find out soon enough. Sleepovers happen almost every weekend. And now that he’s here and staying for good, I guess he’ll just have to get used to my presence. Because I’m determined to make him feel again and maybe even free myself along the way."]

Another fucking winner from Charli. I mean, seriously. I loved this series. I loved this book. They were filled with hardships and trying times and heartbreaks, but they were also filled with trust and caring and soooooo much love. 

Fallon was in such a dark and lonely place, numbing everything around him to protect himself. He never expected Ryder. Ryder was in such a picture perfect place, filled with smiles and a big fucking closet. He never expected Fallon. 

Trigger Warnings: alcohol and drug use, violence, homophobia, off-page parental loss, off-page parental neglect, grief, anxiety, depression, and more

#caliboy #badboy #lostboy #loyalboys #loyalboysseries #charlimeadows #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, September 11, 2023

Bad Boy (The Loyal Boys #2)

Still a slight detour from my most recent reading plans, but at least this book/series is on one of my TBR lists. Here's Charli Meadows's "Bad Boy." It's the second novel in her Loyal Boys series. 

This small town is stifling, and my parents are overbearing. They only care about how others perceive us and sustaining the family legacy. I’m drowning from the pressure they’ve placed on me to be the perfect son, have perfect grades, and wear perfect, preppy clothes. No parties, no friends, no trouble, and certainly no fun.
But everything changes when chaos storms into town in the form of Remington Michaels. The mysterious and dangerous new kid everyone is whispering about. They say he killed someone at his old school. That he’s a brutal fighter. But I don’t believe it. Not with the way he’s always there—protecting me, watching me, touching me.
I have no idea what’s brewing between us, but I’m helpless to stop it when we find ourselves sharing a cabin and becoming friends with benefitsall in the first week. You see, he really is a bad boy. But maybe, just maybe, I could be good for him.

After getting arrested and expelled from my old school in Detroit, Mom had no choice but to move us back to her hometown. Somewhere I’ve never even been. And we’re staying with my eccentric grandpa, whom I’ve never even met.
This new neighborhood—this new school—isn’t what I expected for a place tucked deep in the mountains of North Carolina. The elitism, the bullies, the social structures—I want no part of it. But then I meet the shy, stumbling Lincoln Anderson. He ignites something inside of me, and I’m drawn to him—his goodness, his quiet resolution. I can’t leave him alone. Won’t leave him alone. Even when an unknown threat from my past endangers everything.
I’m no stranger to putting my fists up, and it doesn’t take long to decide that I’ll wreck anyone who steps near Linc. The thing is, he doesn’t want me to. They say I’m a bad boy, but I think maybe I could be good for him."]

These two sweet boys are both very broken. They have scars and secrets and shames that the never told anyone about. Until that love-at-first-sight connection-of-all-connections moment where they met and they realized that their damage matched. They were both there for each other as they confronted their pasts, their presents, and their futures. It was hard (see the trigger warnings below), but together, they figured it out. 

God, these two were so soft for each other (in the best of ways). They were in love well before they were even beginning to accept that love was possible. Which was maybe 50% in. A lot of shit still had to take place before their happily ever after (trigger warnings). But they did, with each other by their side as well as their new friends and found families. 

Trigger Warnings: violence, fighting, bullying, parental neglect, homophobia, brief flashbacks to past parental abuse, past unsupported parents, and more

#caliboy #badboy #lostboy #loyalboys #loyalboysseries #charlimeadows #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Cali Boy (The Loyal Boys #1)

Still a slight detour from my most recent reading plans, but at least this book/series is on one of my TBR lists. Here's Charli Meadows's "Cali Boy." It's the first novel in her Loyal Boys series. 

One devastating night. One tragic accident.
I survived, but the boy I used to be didn’t.
And I’ve been on a downward spiral of anger and resentment ever since. That is until my father makes a selfish decision that changes the course of my life and my future.
It brings him into it.
Golden-haired surfer boy, Oliver Chase.
Sunshine personified, and my new stepbrother.
I want to hate him, but his shy smiles and endearing dimples have me questioning everything I thought I knew about myself. I definitely don’t deserve him and I’ll probably hurt him, but the ease with which he breaks down the walls surrounding my battered heart might not leave me with a choice.

I don’t look back when Mom moves us from our sleepy California beach town to the wealthy suburbs of Chicago. I need a fresh start, to leave all the negativity and hate behind me, and I’m taking it.
But I wasn’t expecting the grumpy, brooding, hurt boy that bangs on my bedroom door. Nor was I expecting the toxic relationship he has with his dad, my mom’s new husband.
With mounting tensions at school and at home, I’m not sure how to feel about this fresh start anymore, but what I do know is that Finn’s tender touches and growly commands make me want him. And you should never lust after a straight boy… especially your new stepbrother."]

I was gushing and squealing over this book from like page 12. No lie. It's all so sweet and protective and possessive and fluffy and, god, the steam. Don't even get me started on the steam. 

These two knew from very early that there was something there, something to protect, something to love, something to nurture. Finn claims he has all of these walls, but Oliver just stepped right through them with his sunshiny smile and his dimples. Oliver claims he has a hard time trusting people, but he trusted Finn with all of himself almost immediately. 

This book was SO fucking good. Now I'm off to binge-read the rest of Charli's things. 

Trigger Warnings: car accident, parental death, grief, guilt, homophobia, bullying, mild violence, and more

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Straight Boy (Straight Guys #0.5)

Small detour, but still crossing things off my TBR list. Here's Alessandra Hazard's "Straight Boy." It's the actually the prequel to her Straight Guys series.

["Young, blond and handsome, Sage attracts unwanted attention in prison. When his cellmate offers him protection, Sage accepts the offer, even though he doesn't trust the guy. Little does he know how much it will change his life.

When he's released from prison, Sage finds himself needing and wanting things he shouldn't want. Sage is straight. He really is. He has a girlfriend. What happened in prison stayed in prison--or so Sage tells himself.

Until he meets his former cellmate again. Xavier. The guy he hates and craves."]

The thing about this series is one of the MMC is straight, and he continues to insist that he's straight until very nearly the end of the novel. Even when all signs point to falling in love (or already in love) with the other MMC. 
The second thing about this series is how very, very thin the line between consensual and non-consenual is. 

I want to love this series, I really do, but I think I need a small break.

The thing I love about M/M books is the gay-for-you or the queer-awakenings and eventually accepting themselves in all of their individual beauty (and the "I love you"s). That plus the whole #consentissexy thing. This series might just play with those rules a little too much for me.

#straightboy #justabittwisted #straightguys #straightguysseries #alessandrahazard #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Just A Bit Twisted (Straight Guys #1)

Small detour, but still crossing things off my TBR list. Here's Alessandra Hazard's "Just A Bit Twisted." It's the first novel in her Straight Guys series.

["Professor Derek Rutledge is hated and feared by all of his students. Strict, reserved and ruthless, he doesn't tolerate mistakes and has little patience for his students.

Shawn Wyatt is a twenty-year-old struggling to provide for his younger sisters after the death of their parents. On the verge of losing his scholarship, Shawn becomes desperate enough to go to Professor Rutledge.

Everyone says Rutledge doesn't have a heart. Everyone says he's a ruthless bastard. Shawn finds out that everyone is right.

He strikes a deal with Rutledge, but unexpectedly, the deal turns into something so much more.

Something all-consuming and addictive.

Something neither of them wants."]

Rutledge is cruel, but every once in a while, his actions speak so much louder. Shawn claims he isn't gay, but once he says he's finished with this deal, he's ready to accept himself. 

This story pushed the lines of taboo, but at the same time, it was also kinda sweet. 

To be perfectly honestly, I'm still not sure if I'll finish the series or not. Love the taboo, love the dark romance. But some of the later books in the series seem to be less romance and more dark (or just less romance) and/or some of them have plot lines that just are too much for me. Stay tuned either way!

#justabittwisted #straightguys #straightguysseries #alessandrahazard #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Bro Split (More Than Friends #2)

Attempting to get to my backlog of favorite authors and their newest releases... Here's K.M. Neuhold's "Bro Split" It's the second novel in her More Than Friends series.

["Getting caught in the middle of two hyper-competitive, muscle-bound gym bros isn't supposed to be this fun, is it? 

I'm a list person. Lists make sense, they give a chaotic, unpredictable world order. Realizing I was gay at thirty definitely wasn't on my list. 

I guess I need a new list…
New check
New gym let's call that work in progress…
Dive into the gay dating DOUBLE check 

I didn't plan to move in smack dab between two rival beef-cakes, but I'm not complaining. 

I can't tell if wooing me is just another challenge they're trying to win or if fighting over me is their way of dancing around the obvious tension between them. But, the more I get to know them both, the more I'm hoping this whole thing might be real. 

I don't think I have the list for this…"]

I spend weeks (months) looking forward to reading this novel. For some reading the "LOW angst" (typed exactly like that) described in the full blurb made me anxious. I mean, there's literally no angst (besides the I-like-them-both thing and the I'm-falling-for-them-both thing (that all three of them are feeling) and the subsequent figuring-it-out stuff), but I got all up in my head about it.

For absolutely no reason. Because K.M. has done it again. I very nearly CRIED from all of the sweetness and the fluff and the rightness and the protectiveness and just all of the happy, floaty, completely-in-love feelings of it all.  

Ezra slowly became his true self, the person he pushed out and boxed away. Andre finally let his walls down and accepted love into his life. Andre allowed himself to be vulnerable and "loose" for once. They all made each other better and braver and bolder. It was a triple puzzle none of them knew they wanted until it was all they needed.

SO. Fucking. GOOD.

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Saturday, September 9, 2023

Enola Holmes and the Mark of the Mongoose (Enola Holmes #9)

Attempting to get to my backlog of favorite authors and their newest releases... Here's Nancy Springer's "Enola Holmes and the Mark of the Mongoose." It's the ninth novel in her Enola Holmes series.

["In May of 1890, Enola Holmes is finally fully on her own and, no longer hiding from her older brothers Sherlock and Mycroft, attending classes and occasionally pursuing her chosen profession as a scientific perditorian, a finder of lost things and people.

Wolcott Balestier, the representative of an American book publisher, arrived in London on a singular mission - to contract with English authors for their latest works. When Balestier disappears on the streets of London one day, his great friend - Rudyard Kipling - bursts into Enola's office looking for help in finding him. Brash and unwilling to hire a young woman, instead he turns to Sherlock Holmes. Convinced that evil has befallen Balestier, at the hands of rival American publishers who pirate the works of English authors, he sets the elder Holmes on the trail.

But Enola is not one to accept defeat, especially not to her brother, and sets off on her own - determined to learn the truth behind the disappearance of the young American. Can book publishing truly be so ruthless and deadly or can the missing man be rescued from his apparent fate and returned to his friends and loved ones?

The redoubtable Enola is determined to do just that, even if it means working with her brother Sherlock!"]

Another excellent addition to the Enola Holmes universe. I mean, seriously, what woman likes to be told "you can't do that"? And what women listens to that and just backs down? And what women wouldn't turn around and say "fucking watch me"? Because, once again, that's Enola. 

This time, we can even more people from her past, people she saved, more of those friends she claims she doesn't have. 

Plus the ever exasperated Sherlock (and the every humble Watson).

And if you haven't seen the Netflix adaptations yet, you're seriously missing out ;)

#enolaholmes #nancyspringer #thecaseofthemissingmarquess #thecaseofthelefthandedlady #thecaseofthebizarrebouquets #thecaseofthepeculiarpinkfan #thecaseofthecypticcrinoline #thecaseofthegypsygoodbye #enolaholmesandtheboyinbuttons #enolaholmesandtheblackbarouche #enolaholmesandtheelegantescapade #enolaholmesandthemarkofthemongoose #sherlockholmesretelling #sherlockholmes #authorconandoyle #suffragettes #feminists #books #bookphotography #bookstagram #ilovebooks

Friday, September 8, 2023

Enola Holmes and the Elegant Escapade (Enola Holmes #8)

Attempting to get to my backlog of favorite authors and their newest releases... Here's Nancy Springer's "Enola Holmes and the Elegant Escapade." It's the eighth novel in her Enola Holmes series.

["Enola Holmes, the much younger sister of Sherlock, is now living independently in London and working as a scientific perditorian (a finder of persons and things). But that is not the normal lot of young women in Victorian England. They are under the near absolute control of their nearest male relative until adulthood. Such is the case of Enola's friend, Lady Cecily Alastair. Twice before Enola has rescued Lady Cecily from unpleasant designs of her caddish father, Sir Eustace Alastair, Baronet. And when Enola is brusquely turned away at the door of the Alastair home it soons becomes apparent that Lady Cecily once again needs her help.

Affecting a bold escape, Enola takes Lady Cecily to her secret office only to be quickly found by the person hired by Lady Cecily's mother to find the missing girl—Sherlock Holmes himself. But the girl has already disappeared again, now loose on her own in the unforgiving city of London.

Even worse, Lady Cecily has a secret that few know. She has dual personalities—one, which is left-handed, is independent and competent; the other, which is right-handed is meek and mild. Now Enola must find Lady Cecily again—before one of her personalities gets her into more trouble than she can handle and before Sherlock can find her and return her to her father. Once again, for Enola, the game is afoot."]

Enola is and has always been a force to be reckoned with, especially when she feels fiercely about something. And fiercely she feels for two things: freedom and friendship. Cecily is both of those things, and once again, Cecily is in need of the kind of help that only a Holmes and provide (and not Sherlock). 

I fucking love Enola. She is powerful and confident and does not care about how she looks, how she is perceived, or what people thing about her (unless she's playing a role). She is a role model, even if she is still really rather alone. :( 

And if you haven't seen the Netflix adaptations yet, you're seriously missing out ;)

#enolaholmes #nancyspringer #thecaseofthemissingmarquess #thecaseofthelefthandedlady #thecaseofthebizarrebouquets #thecaseofthepeculiarpinkfan #thecaseofthecypticcrinoline #thecaseofthegypsygoodbye #enolaholmesandtheboyinbuttons #enolaholmesandtheblackbarouche #enolaholmesandtheelegantescapade #enolaholmesandthemarkofthemongoose #sherlockholmesretelling #sherlockholmes #authorconandoyle #suffragettes #feminists #books #bookphotography #bookstagram #ilovebooks

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Every Shade

Trying to read a few backlogged books and cross authors off my to-binge list... Here's Nora Phoenix's "Every Shade." It's a collection of short stories, some previously published and some not.

["Unstuck: When Samuel discovers his boyfriend has cheated on him, his Valentine’s Day seems ruined. Until he gets stuck in an elevator with a sexy stranger… Could their instant connection be the start of something more?

Assembly Required: AJ helps his adorably clumsy new neighbor build his IKEA furniture, but when he discovers the man needs instructions in more than just furniture building, will AJ offer his services? (previously released as Helping Hand in Heart2Heart)

Hot for His Assistant: Jace has the best job in the world as a virtual PA to sexy romance author, Matthew. When Matthew falls ill, Jace rushes over to take care of him. But is Matthew hot from fever…or hot for his assistant? 

Layover: While traveling in Germany, two men get stuck in Munich on an unexpected layover. They spend a glorious night together, but is what they have enough to last when they’re so different?

Alexander and Langley: Langley has had a crush on Alexander, his former PE teacher, for years. When Alexander runs into financial trouble, Langley offers help. Can he convince Alexander that what he feels for him is real and that the age gap between them doesn’t matter? (previously unpublished)"]

My favorite: “Layover” or “Alexander and Langley”

My least favorite (but not hated): "Unstuck" (mostly because Samuel's ex is a fucking dickbag who deserves sooooo much worse than what he got).

Favorite couple: Jace and Matthew

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Not Dating Material (Accidental Love #2)

Attempting to get to my backlog of favorite authors and their newest releases... Here's Saxon James's "Not Dating Material" It's the second novel in her Accidental Love series.

Moving to Seattle is supposed to be all about getting a fresh start and leaving the bitter man I was becoming behind.
I have new roommates–quirky, sometimes strange, roommates–a nosy, next door neighbor and a grumpy kitty for company, but even surrounded by people, I still don’t feel like I belong. Plus, it turns out the men in Seattle are exactly the same as the ones I left behind, and my string of romantic disconnections continues.
It’s not until one of my roommates, Seven, hits me with some hard truths that I realize where I was going wrong.
Maybe the men aren’t the problem.
I am.
And there’s only one way to fix that.

Being found tied up naked to my bed by my cute new roommate isn’t an ideal way for us to start a friendship.
But apparently a quid-pro-quo is.
He keeps his pretty lips zipped about the compromising position, and I step in as his dating coach. We go out, I point out where he’s going wrong, and he magically becomes dating material.
The problem is, between my codependent brother Xander and a new best friend I can’t get rid of, Molly and I are the target of a matchmaking scheme. My life is way too busy to add another person to it, and Molly is the kinda guy who needs to be made a priority, which I just can’t do. Xander’s medical anxiety takes up too much of my time, and I’ve never found a partner who doesn’t resent it.
I’m determined to help Molly find his ever after.
But that guy will never be me."]

Okay, so connected universes: Molly is from Saxon's Divorced Men's Club series, and Seven has been previously featured her and Eden Finley's Puckboy series AND in their stand-alone novel "Up In Flames." Now they both get their own HEAs...if they take their heads out of their asses first. ;)

I needed a third-act-break-up where I sobbed uncontrollably at the unfairness of it all and the miscommunication and the it's-not-you-it's-me and the I'm-doing-this-for-you and the I'm-just-trying-to-protect-myself and the heartbreak and the friends trying to snap them out of said heartbreak. This ALMOST made me sob. Cry, yes. Thank you for the therapy, Saxon (cry-therapy). 

These two were barely faking it. I mean, honestly, in what book, in what universe, does fake-dating actually work. Sure, this wasn't even fake-dating, but practice-dating, but when has THAT ever stayed just fake and lacked feelings EVER. Poor fools. :D 

Also, I reeeaaallly want Xander to find his happily ever after! Sooner rather than later, please!!

Also x2, this is the third book in a rook where one of the MMC has a naughty piercing...

Also x3, from the amount of times Molly mentioned his dad and Will being best friends and the one time he mentioned them maybe being more (and hating the idea--you poor, sweet, summer child), you'd think there's a book on the horizon somewhere featuring Keller and Will... ;)

Trigger Warnings: past psychical and sexual abuse, past trauma due to neglect, on-page non-consensual photographs, and more

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Monday, September 4, 2023

Regular, Smegular! (Fast Break #3)

Attempting to get to my backlog of favorite authors and their newest releases... Here's Becca Seymour's "Regular, Smegular!" It's the third novel in her Fast Break series.

["A cheesy game of spin the bottle grabs my interest, but it’s the hot guy with sexy piercings and delectable ink who keeps it.

Have I kissed a man before? That’ll be a no.

But I’m definitely interested, and by the way Tiller can’t take his gaze off me, he’s hoping the bottle lands on him.

Spoiler it does.

And holy crap, it’s the hottest kiss I’ve shared with anyone.

Now there’s one slight problem.

That I’m bi isn’t the issue. I’m embracing that new development with eagerness.

It’s the fact that Tiller is my basketball coach’s son that makes my attraction complicated. Add in how Tiller’s joined the coaching team and is instructed to work directly with me, and it’s quite possible there’s going to be nothing regular about this college season."]

Becca is another guaranteed good read. There was some angst with Tiller's past and with their professional relationship. But nothing crazy (and nothing Ty--from "Facts, Smacts"--and the other guys in the house couldn't handle).

The sweetness and the protectiveness, the instant connection and chemistry, the falling in love so easily (the knowing it's more than just lust so easily), the future wanting and the parent meeting and the secret sharing. They made it work with very little angst and no arguments and lots of steam. 

Another bandage for my anxiety-ridden and thriller-injured heart. Also, who doesn't love a HEA? Fools, that's who (also, probably the thriller-seekers--at least with murder mysteries, there's (usually) a happy-ish ending).

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Whiskey Business (Love In No Man's Land #3)

Attempting to get to my backlog of favorite authors and their newest releases... Here's Becca Jackson's "Whiskey Business." It's the third novel in her Love In No Man's Land series.

["When Marcus suggests we make a bet and if I win I get his ex’s ticket on a four day cruise, I’m not sure he’s for real. He doesn’t like to gamble and he hates to lose even more than I do. Yet, the allure of sharing a room with him for four glorious days is too tempting to resist.

To my surprise, I win, and Marcus doesn't resist the outcome. It's almost like he actually wanted to lose. But that would be crazy, right?

Things take an even wilder turn when Marcus's mom mistakes me for his fiancé, and neither of us corrects her. Now, his whole family believes we're engaged, and we're caught in a tangled mess of lies, with even his brother and our friends joining the charade.

Amidst the chaos, I have to admit that this plan might just be the best idea I've ever had. Well, except for our little rehearsal of a staged kiss, just in case we need to perform it in front of his family. That was the best idea ever, because with his hands on my waist and his mouth on mine I’m starting to think this fake relationship might be more real than either of us thought.

But when a past hookup threatens to expose everything, it forces Marcus to choose between revealing the truth or pretending I'm just like his former flame.

Can our fake relationship survive reality, or will it crumble under the weight of secrets and revelations?"]

I reeeaaalllllly need sweet after the last few thrillers I read. This book (this. book.) was a perfect fix. Soooo much fluff and sweetness and friendship and pure love. There was practically no angst, which was suuuuper nice. There was no third-act-break-up. There was no hesitation or self-hate about making it more-than-just-pretend (spoiler alert). It was just easy and fun and meant-to-be from the start. 

Seriously though, all of Becca's books are this good. If you haven't read them yet, do it now.

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Sunday, September 3, 2023

You're Not Supposed To Die Tonight

I've been binge-watching Only Murders In The Building and craving murder mysteries/thriller. Hence Kaylnn Bayron's "You're Not Supposed To Die Tonight."

["Charity Curtis has the summer job of her dreams, playing the “final girl” at Camp Mirror Lake. Guests pay to be scared in this full-contact terror game, as Charity and her summer crew recreate scenes from a classic slasher film, Curse of Camp Mirror Lake. The more realistic the fear, the better for business.

But the last weekend of the season, Charity's co-workers begin disappearing. And when one ends up dead, Charity's role as the final girl suddenly becomes all too real. If Charity and her girlfriend Bezi hope to survive the night, they'll need figure out what this killer is after. Is there is more to the story of Mirror Lake and its dangerous past than Charity ever suspected?"]

I should REALLY stop being so shocked by these thrillers lately. They're taking all of the twists and turns and wildness and gore to brand-new levels of :O. 

I mean...holy. shit. I can't. This book was funny as hell, all of the scaring people on purpose, until it wasn't. It was subtle gaslighting (all I-know-I-saw-This-but-maybe-it-was-just-a-shadow, and I-know-I-heard-That-but-maybe-it-was-just-an-animal), until it wasn't. It was gore unlike anything I've read before. It was horror upon horror (and conspiracy theories and cults and a touch of magical realism and local police behind unbelieving assholes and just so much (almost too much)).

I need a happy romance now, level out my heart rate and like...have one one die. BRB.

#yourenotsupposedtodietonight #kalynnbayron #thriller #yathriller #murdermystery #yamurdermystery #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Fated Mates: an MM Paranormal Charity Anthology

Again, it doesn't count as "skipping" already-downloaded-TBR if it's a book from an author/authors I already love and follow when my current goal is catching up on favorite authors. "Fated Mates" is an MM paranormal charity anthology. All royalties will be donated to the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund and the ACLU's Drag Defense Fund.

I haven't read the full thing, but I did read about 35-45% of it, focusing on the authors I love the mostest. 

Mia Monroe: "Fated Kiss" ["We’re total opposites merely passing through each other’s lives until one kiss unlocks Fate’s plan for us."]

Louisa Masters: "Aether and the Elements" ["'We're mates Perry.' This morning a meth lab fell through my kitchen ceiling, I lost my job, and my car broke down, officially making today the worst day of my life. The last thing I need to deal with is a naked, green-haired man with a loose grip on reality. Or is it just that reality isn’t what I think it is?"]

Jennifer Cody: "The Crow King's Mate" ["University is a strange experience, but I’ve managed to make it as weird as possible by accidentally befriending a flock of crows that like to hang out on campus. Anyone would have started feeding them if they knew how vengeful crows can be. I was worried about getting pooped on! I wasn’t going to find myself an enemy of the birds, but now I’m more like a friend. Ok, it might be more serious than that, but they’re the only creatures I can talk to about the professor on campus that I might have a teeny, tiny, itty bitty crush on, and they’re only a little judgmental about it."]

Michele Notaro: "There's a Bat in My Room!" ["Have a flying bat problem? Tennis Assassin to the rescue! I’ve never been so scared in my life, but armed with a ski mask, a leather jacket, and a tennis racket, I’m ready to take on the flying demon… er, bat. When one swing connects, and the bat hits the wall and turns into a man, my life changes forever. Ward swears he doesn’t usually go around breaking into stranger’s homes, but evidence suggests otherwise. Still, there’s something sweet about the guy that makes me feel protective of him… even if he is some kind of supe."]

Michelle Frost: "A Werewolf Called Ammon" ["On a late night run, Ammon crashes into Bacchus--literally. Now, he just has to convince him that they're mates."

#MiaMonroe #LouisaMasters #JenniferCody #MicheleNotaro #MichelleFrost #fatedmates #fatedmatesanmmparanormalcharityanthology #charityanthology #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Daddy Cam

Attempting to get to my backlog of favorite authors and their newest releases... Here's K.M. Neuhold's "Daddy Cam." It was originally (and since significantly expanded upon) published as "Daddy's Toy," a part of the Dirty Daddies anthology.

["Just when I thought my secret crush on my Daddy-Dom best friend couldn’t get any worse, I stumbled on his Daddy Cam Channel…

I can run a multi-million dollar tech company, but I can’t seem to work up the courage to tell my best friend that I’ve been in love with him for years.

In my defense, Saxon is a gorgeous, successful, big-d**k Daddy with a million SUBscribers drooling over his Daddy Cam. He probably has ten boys a week on their knees…or over his. And I’m nothing but his nerdy roommate and oldest friend. Except, the way he looks at me never makes me feel that way. The way he looks at me makes me think that maybe he sees me too.

Getting caught in the act of… enjoying myself isn’t exactly the ice breaker I was hoping for, but I finally have his hands on me in all the ways I’ve spent years dreaming about.

Can I turn my best friend into the Daddy of my dreams or is this whole thing destined to blow up in our faces? There's only one way to find out…"]

I'm constantly amazed my the awesomeness that is K.M. Neuhold. Her books are always perfectly balanced: not too much angst, but enough to get your heart going and your breathing not; so much fluff and sweetness that your teeth hurt; the spiciest and dirtiest and most glorious of smut; characterization that makes these fictional people feel real; situations that seem impossible but that you knoooow love and passion will fix by the last page. 

This book was so beautiful. I hope it's the first in a series. Or maybe I hope she focuses hard on the other books on her computer so we get more faster. Or maybe... okay, let's me real, I just want more in general. ;)

#daddycam #kmneuhold #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Friday, September 1, 2023

Midnight Glaze (Lake Haven #1)

Well, a free novel/novella (available via #BookFunnel) from an email counts as catching up on fav authors' new releases, right? Anywho, here's Willow Thomas's "Midnight Glaze." It's the first novel in her Lake Haven series.

["Opening up my pottery store was meant to be a dream come true. With very few customers, that dream is quickly turning into a nightmare.
When my one friend offers to play matchmaker, I say yes immediately. Anything to distract me from my mess of a life.
And who knows - maybe dating will get my mind off the local bar owner. For some reason he hates my guts.
Which is a real shame, because I’d much rather he rearrange them."]

SUCH a cute story! It was the perfectly sweet and spicy start to September and a new month of new reads. 

Low angst, high steam. Mixed with lots of fluff and mutual pining and toooons of meddling (which these two needed) friends.

This story is loosely linked to Willow's Caught Off Guard series, featuring Tyler (from "Double Take") in the first epilogue. 

#midnightglaze #lakehaven #lakehavenseries #doubletake #caughtoffguard #caughtoffguardseries #willowthomas #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Limitless (Squad Goals #5)

  I SHOULD be taking this time to catch up on incoming ARCs instead of catching up on new TBRs...Should be. Here's Willow Thomas's ...