Thursday, February 29, 2024

Goodbye, February!

February fucking sucked.

2024 Resolutions:

     (1) Don't stop reading
            (b) Complete Monthly Reading Challenge(s)
     (2) Make memories
     (3) Share love of books/writing
     (4) Be kinder to myself

(1) Books read this month: 44 (might get one more in there before midnight though).
    (b) Monthly Reading Challenge(s): Shape = Heart. Got some A-Z stuff recorded.

(2) February Memories: Not much, to be honest (work drama, anxiety, weird mental health moments). I got my oil changed. We had to make the difficult decision to put our dog to sleep, which sucked soooo much. Then I got the flu. That was the month. 

(3) Posts this month (including this one): 29.

(4) Some days were great; some days were not. A loooot of the days were bad mental health wise; some were really bad. But with the sun coming out more, with the grieving process of losing my best friend continuing forward, with a few days off coming up, I'm trying to be positive. I wrote down some positive  affirmations to look at while at work, which might help. Keeping up with my Finch app. Realizing how depend on my dog I had grown and figuring out ways to cope with that. Manifesting that March will be better. 

Anyone still holding onto their resolutions?

Any exciting March reads?
Anything I should check out?

#newyearsresolutions #goodbyefebruary #hellofemarch #hello2024 #keeplearning #dontstopreading #monthlyreadingchallenge #makememories #shareloveofbooks #bekindertoself #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

How to Hide Your Wolf Cub (Closet Baby Chronicles #2)

My 2024 Reading Challenge for the month of February will be Beat The Backlog work (digital and print books). This includes-- You know what? Fuck it. My dog died and then I got the flu. This month has fucking sucked. I'm reading what I want right now, because I might make me happy. Here's Anna Winheart's "How To Hide Your Wolf Cub." It's the second novel in her Closet Baby Chronicles series.

["Liem has a few secrets. The second-biggest one? He has a baby.

A baby who's a secret from his other dad. A baby who's being targeted by shadowy outside forces because... well, Liem slept with someone he wasn't supposed to. And now he's exiled from his pack, his life and baby jinxed.

Worse, his baby's daddy has come knocking on his door. Onyx is big, strong and forbidden, stupidly handsome, and he's claiming to be Liem's bodyguard.

Liem knows better than to refuse protection. But how long can his secrets stay hidden before the truth blows up between them? Especially when Onyx oozes temptation from every part of his body, and there's no space in Liem's tiny apartment to avoid him. His tantalizing scent. His dark eyes that see too much.

Then there's the matter of Liem's biggest secret..."]

This series is more crack. Spicy as hell crack with a dirty mouth, but soooo good. It’s just like…addicting. The couples, the histories, the mystery, the danger, the secrets the dates love, the babies, the mpreg. All of it is so good!!

#howtohideyourdragonbaby #howtohideyourwolfcub #howtohideyourvampirekid #howtohideyourstolenbaby #closetbabychronicles #closetbabychroinclesseries #annawineheart #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

How To Hide Your Dragon Baby (Closet Baby Chronicles #1)

My 2024 Reading Challenge for the month of February will be Beat The Backlog work (digital and print books). This includes-- You know what? Fuck it. My dog died and then I got the flu. This month has fucking sucked. I'm reading what I want right now, because I might make me happy. Here's Anna Winheart's "How To Hide Your Dragon Baby." It's the first novel in her Closet Baby Chronicles series.

["What's worse than becoming a single dad? When your baby is secretly a dragon shifter.

Dragons don't exist. At least, that was what Elson used to believe, until he's suddenly the legal guardian of a nine-month-old baby. Who breathes fire.

There are precious few resources on how to care for a dragon child. Worse, his rent is way overdue, and a towering hulk of a man is at his door demanding payment.

In his desperation, Elson offers himself as compensation. One night of service for a week's shelter.

But the problem might be too big for him to handle. Yaeger is no human, and he's starting to see through Elson's pretenses that baby Sunnie is just a regular child..."]

I'm not sure what it is about fated mates that's like cliched-crack to me, but it is. I just love it so much! Especially when one (or both) of the people involved are in denial about their feelings? Like gahhh! Yes!!! Add bits of magical realism to your fantasy (or fantasy to your fantasy) plus some mystery and a baby? You have a winner right here. 

#howtohideyourdragonbaby #howtohideyourwolfcub #howtohideyourvampirekid #howtohideyourstolenbaby #closetbabychronicles #closetbabychroinclesseries #annawineheart #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, February 26, 2024

Everything to Lose (Learning the Ropes #1)

My 2024 Reading Challenge for the month of February will be Beat The Backlog work (digital and print books). This includes crossing authors off my to-binge list. Here's E.M. Denning's "Everything to Lose." It's the first in her Learning the Ropes series. 

["Zane’s in trouble.

His younger brother is off to college in California and he makes Zane promise to look out for the best friend he leaves behind. It shouldn’t be a problem but being around Dante makes Zane question everything he thought he knew about himself. The more time he spends around Dante, the more alluring he becomes. But… Zane is straight. Right?

Dante is alone in a strange city. He didn’t have much back home, but at least he had his best friend. Zane’s increased presence in Dante’s life comforts him and stops him from feeling adrift and alone. There’s one complication, however. Dante’s years-old crush on his best friend’s brother is back. While struggling to put his feelings behind him for good… Zane kisses him.

Pursuing their mutual attraction isn’t without risks. Zane could lose his heart, but loving Zane could cost Dante everything."]

This book hit me right in the feels. I was sobbing at one point. It was all of the ups and down, all of the nerves and excitement of a new chapter in life, all of the firsts and lasts in a relationship, all of the heartaches and heartbreaks of a less-than-good family, all of the highs and highers of best friends. This book was very sweet, with lots of cute surprises. 

#everythingtolose #nothingtogain #learningtheropes #learningtheropesseries #emdenning #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Enemy Match (Perfect Match Agency: Springtime #2)

My 2024 Reading Challenge for the month of February will be Beat The Backlog work (digital and print books). I'm going to claim this also includes keeping up with a multi-author series I started. Here's Anna Wineheart's "Enemy Match." It's the second novel in a new multi-author series called "Perfect Match Agency: Springtime."

["Hadley’s upstairs neighbor is the world’s most annoying muscly alpha.

Darius Pentembole parties too loud, plays his music too loud. Heck, he even walks too loud. Never mind that Hadley might’ve seen him picking some kittens off the street.

The thing is that Darius is always with a different omega. Not that Hadley’s a failure at dating. No. He’ll sign up with the Perfect Match Dating Agency, and he’ll laugh in Darius’ face when he finds his perfect person.

The only catch? Darius shows up to that date. As Hadley’s perfect match.

Nope. Not happening. Hadley’s getting out before his heat begins."]

I loooove how it was enemies-to-lovers. From one side. Hadley haaaaated Darius. Darius didn't even know Hadley existed (not in a mean way, just in a you-can't-know-every-neighbor-in-your-building kinda way). 

But Darius fell hard, and he fell fast. He was quite possibly in love the moment he set eyes on Hadley (Hadley hated him more at first--and second--sight). He was quick to make Hadley trust him, feel safe with him, and while trusting his hear thing took time, Hadley wasn't far behind on the love. 

And yet another author to add to my to-binge list.. I'd say it's a hardship (my goal this month was to remove people from that list), but this was really good so..

#exmatch #enemymatch #doublematch #lusciousmatch #wildmatch #perfectmatchagency #perfectmatchagencyseries #perfectmatchagencyspringtime #perfectmatchagencyspringtimeseries #mmfarmer #annawineheart #roehorvat #wendyrathbone #amybellows #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

The Secret Thing (The Blackburn Brothers Duet #2)

My 2024 Reading Challenge for the month of February will be Beat The Backlog work (digital and print books). This includes crossing authors off my to-binge list. Here's E.M. Denning's "The Secret Thing." It's the second in her Blackburn Brothers Duet. 

["On the cusp of starting college, Christian Blackburn has had enough of his meddling, helicopter mother. He lucks into a room in a gorgeous house close to campus and away from the noise of dorm living. His landlord, Brandon, is a surprise. It doesn’t matter to Christian that Brandon is twice his age. He’s good looking, kind, a hell of a cook, and he doesn’t treat Christian any different because of his seizures.

If only Brandon wanted him back.

Brandon Hayes is comfortably divorced, but his life would be better if well-meaning people kept their nose out of his affairs. To ease his ex-wife’s concern that he’s living in a house far too big for just one person, he takes on a roommate. The much younger Christian is smart and charming. He’s older than his years, and his presence in Brandon’s life wakes something up inside he’s kept hidden from everyone. Having Christian around reminds Brandon of his attraction to men, a pull he can’t ignore.

One kiss changes everything.

Their chemistry is off the charts and their lives fit together in a way they never expect them to. Battling the age difference, a nosy parent, and the fear that people won’t accept them as a couple, they agree to keep their relationship secret. After a tumultuous weekend away, Christian decides that he wants Brandon by his side, and doesn’t care who knows about them. But what will happen once all Brandon’s secrets are out in the open?"]

This book was far less angsty than I had imagined. Well. Maybe. There wasn't really any angst between Christian and Brandon, but there was a lot of stress and dread between the main characters and their family members. BUT alls well that ends well, and this one was a beautiful HEA. 

Lots of support and love, lots of strength and growth, lots of fluff and steam, lots of cupcakes and cooking-as-a-love-language. It was glorious. Another awesome read from E.M.

#thesweetestthing #thesecretthing #emdenning #theblackburnbrothers #theblackburnbrothersduet #theblackburnbrothersseries #theblackburnbrothersduetseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, February 24, 2024

The Sweetest Thing (The Blackburn Brothers Duet #1)

My 2024 Reading Challenge for the month of February will be Beat The Backlog work (digital and print books). This includes crossing authors off my to-binge list. Here's E.M. Denning's "The Sweetest Thing." It's the first in her Blackburn Brothers Duet. 

["Scotty St. James has led a complicated life. He was once on the fast track to a career in professional sports but turned his back on a promising future to barge out of the closet in the most dramatic way possible. Now, he’s a hairdresser with a love of feminine fabrics, and a crush on his brother’s best friend, Nathan.

Nathan Blackburn is fleeing his over-protective mother. He’s glad to be back in the town he grew up in, even if he’s there to fix up his aging grandfather’s house. While visiting, he uses a hook up app and falls into bed with an alluring stranger. Only, the man he shares an incredible night with isn’t a stranger… it’s Scotty.

Despite the short-lived deception, Scotty and Nathan can’t stay away from each other. Fighting through family friction, personal responsibilities, and a limit on Nathan’s stay, their relationship turns into the sweetest thing either of them has ever known. With the clock running out and commitments rearing their head, Nathan will have to decide between fulfilling obligations, or following his heart."]

This book was the most fabulous mix of angst and pining. There was so much fluff and steam. So much going-with-the-flow and bracing-for-impact. It was glorious and beautiful and accepting and maturing/apologizing and totally worth a read (though, the more I'm reading, the more I'm understanding that's just E.M in general).

#thesweetestthing #thesecretthing #emdenning #theblackburnbrothers #theblackburnbrothersduet #theblackburnbrothersseries #theblackburnbrothersduetseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

The Insanity of Reincarnated Mages and Amorous Vampires (Spellbound #1)

My 2024 Reading Challenge for the month of February will be Beat The Backlog work (digital and print books). I'm going to claim this also includes keeping up with and catching up with my favorite authors most recent releases. ;) Here's A.J. Sherwood and Devon Vesper's "The Insanity of Reincarnated Mages and Amorous Vampires," which is part of their new Spellbound series.

["Reborn love. Unleashed magic. We won’t fail twice.

Hi, I’m Kit. Immortal vampire and technomage extraordinaire. You know how it goes. For the record, I am absolutely not stalking my reincarnated husband. Okay, I am, but it's for his own good. And mine. Er, assuming I can somehow figure out how to tell him he’s reincarnated and a mage, and we all live in a sentient library. Any thoughts on that? I’m currently taking suggestions. One thing’s for sure. He’s not dying on me again. Never again."]

And the bonus tags (because they're arguable better than the blurb itself): ["the fluffiest fluff to ever fluff, that y’know includes violence, magic, reincarnated lovers, vampires, sassy library, Kassandra the library has OPINIONS, found family, all the magical shenanigans, Kit and Gun are part time soulmates full time problem, authors have lost all discretion in this, Kit is a walking green flag, the crack ship armada is sailing at full speed here, master should never have access to a credit card, or a bookstore, no book is off-limits with that man, triggers involve too much sap and cuteness, occasionally blowing shit up, violence is not the question but it is the answer, Sentient Library Tells All, I’m absolutely a library book check me out"]

This book was equal parts crack and chaos. It was glorious! There were so many aspects to this novel that I loved. I don’t even know who to describe it. It was just all of the things. All of them. 

Just read it, and you’ll understand. ;) 

#theinsanityofreincarnatedmagesandamorousvampires #spellbound #spellboundseries #ajsherwood #devonvesper #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

February's Book Shape Challenge

Here's February Book Shape Challenge! A cute little heart. <3

The complete opposite of January, I picked this book with purpose. This book? "Carry On" by Rainbow Rowell. And I turned to Chapter 61 to make the heart (iykyk). 

#reading #readingchallenge #readingdare #bookdare #bookchallenge #alphabetchallenge #beatthebacklog #monthlythemes #monthlychallenge #bookshape #bookshapechallenges #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Totally Ducked (Love In Play #1)

My 2024 Reading Challenge for the month of February will be Beat The Backlog work (digital and print books). I'm going to claim this also includes keeping up with and catching up with my favorite authors most recent releases. ;) Here's Becca Jackson's "Totally Ducked." It's the first official novel in her Love in Play series. 

["Not being able to keep my D in my pants has landed me in hot water with my boss—having your bare butt plastered across multiple sports publications will do that.

To teach me a lesson, he’s transferring me from writing about hockey gods to Banana Ball, and not only do I have to pretend to like the not-so-professional sport, I have to go on tour with them. If I can just keep it in my pants and focus on the writing, I’ll earn a return to the sport I love.

Problem is, the gossip writer who got me into this mess is on tour too.

Ian’s determined to prove he’s meant for sports and not gossip columns, so when he suggests we create a public rivalry that’ll boost our reader engagement and get us both what we want, I reluctantly agree.

But the more time I spend with him, the more confusing my feelings for him become, and suddenly I’m looking at labels I never thought would apply to me.

After an explosive kiss it becomes so much harder to focus on the writing and faking our rivalry, but taking a chance on him means risking more than just my game plan to get back to the ice, for the first time in my life, I’ll also be risking my heart."]

I can see so many plot bunnies that had inspired this novella. So many. It's gloroius. 

It's funny and snarky and sweet and fate-y and karma-y and spicy and meet-ugly and thrilling and low on the angst. It was glorious. With a few hidden ducks (including the one tattooed on Duckie's ass ;) ).

#totallyblitzed #totallyducked #totallygeeked #loveinplay #loveinplaysseries #beccajackson #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, February 19, 2024

How I Took the King on a Bone-a-Fide Quest of Piracy, Piemu, and Profit (Villainy #7)

My 2024 Reading Challenge for the month of February will be Beat The Backlog work (digital and print books). I'm going to claim this also includes keeping up with and catching up with my favorite authors most recent releases. ;) Here's A.J. Sherwood's short story "How I Took the King on a Bone-a-Fide Quest of Piracy, Piemu, and Profit" (which is "Bone One" to the second part of her How I Stole the Princess's White Knight and Turned him To Villainy" series (aka the Villainy series)).

["Sentient dragon skull acquired! Do you wish to find rest of body? (yes) (no)


No, but why?

We get half of his hoard~

We leave tomorrow."]

And the bonus tags (because they're arguable better than the blurb itself): ["Tan’s field trips go awry, no one is surprised, only he can find a sentient dragon skull in a church’s basement, Quest time!, Wells gets stuck babysitting, again, Niran’s more excited than anyone else, except maybe the apprentices, gold is a great motivator, all the bone puns"]

Again: another bandaid of cracky and fluff and steam and shenanigans for my soul. 

Since this "episode" is the first in another set of six, I am going to wait until the final one is out to review the rest (but trust me, I won't be waiting that long to read them, and neither should you).

Here are some of my favorite quotes from this one (in chronological order)...

"When Devan had asked Tan to check out the situation, Tan had enthusiastically agreed. Why? Because anything sealed in the basement of a church was likely evil in nature, and something evil sealed in a dark place was a mystery box of goodies he'd never pass up on." (Tan)

"'You've taken apprentices? Oh, the world is indeed becoming a better place. Study well under him, children. His Highness is the epitome of what a sorcerer should be.' // Why..did that sound like an insult? The priest had bascially insinuated that Tan was a good person. How dare he." (Priest // Tan)

"'Stop. I sense fuckery afoot.'" (Devan).

#howistoletheprincesswhiteknightandturnedhimtovillainy #howistoletheprincesswhiteknightandturnedhimtovillainyseries #miracle #bone #thecompleteworks #thecoronation #howtanrequiredanapprentice #howitookthekingonabonefaidequestofpiracypiemuandprofit #villainy #villainyseries #ajsherwood #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

How Tan Acquired an Apprentice (Villainy #6.6)

My 2024 Reading Challenge for the month of February will be Beat The Backlog work (digital and print books). I'm going to claim this also includes keeping up with and catching up with my favorite authors most recent releases. ;) Here's A.J. Sherwood's short story "How Tan Acquired an Apprentice" (which was a bonus short just released as a bonus-bonus epligue to her How I Stole the Princess's White Knight and Turned him To Villainy" series (aka the Villainy series)). 

["Did Tan go looking for an apprentice? No. Is Tan going to keep Zi Rui? Yes. Did Devan agree to this decision? He has CONCERNS, so does Wells, Tan thinks having a minion er apprentice is a wonderful idea, crackity crack, it's a good thing Tan is cute, Villainy short story"]

I needed this in my life. Crakcity crack. Pure fluff and good intentions disguised as mayhem. 

Some of my favorite quotes from this one (in chronological order)...

"Ewww, who wants to be resposible? // Well, aside from Devan. His husband liked it from some strange reason. Tan loved him despite that flaw." (Tan)

"'Uh, Master? Why are you wearing all black?' // 'To more teh death of my motivation,'" (Zi Rui // Tan)

"'I've stopped calling it stress. I call it excitement now because it makes me feel better and keeps the more homicidal rage sin check.'" (Devan)

"'That is absolutely not what I said.' // 'That is absolutely what I heard.'" (Devan // Tan)

#howistoletheprincesswhiteknightandturnedhimtovillainy #howistoletheprincesswhiteknightandturnedhimtovillainyseries #miracle #thecompleteworks #thecoronation #howtanrequiredanapprentice #villainy #villainyseries #ajsherwood #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Just a Little Prelude (The Brotherhood #1)

My 2024 Reading Challenge for the month of February will be Beat The Backlog work (digital and print books). This includes crossing authors off my to-binge list. Here's Merry Farmer's (also known as MM Farmer) "Just A Little Prelude." It's the opening novella to The Brotherhood series.

["Dr. Todd Sullivan has worked hard against class and social expectations to secure a position as a physician at a prominent London hospital. But when he stumbles across a beaten and dying young man in the alley beside the hospital on his way to his first day of work and treats him against orders, he is fired on the spot.

Todd has nowhere to go and no money to support himself or the injured mystery man.

Simon Warner thought he was dead and that an angel came to take him out of the misery of the world. But when he awakes and finds himself in the care of the very human Todd, he feels as though he has found heaven on earth. But thanks to him, Todd isn’t safe, and the man who tried to kill him could hurt them both."]

This book was adorable. If you ignored the period accurate homophobia and views on "healthcare." Simon was instantly smitten with his angel, Dr Todd; and Todd was instantly taken with his Simon. I loved them. I loved all of the support they received (spoiler alert: not from their family) from Simon's friends as well as from the Brotherhood, which I'm totally intrigued by. 

Historical romance isn't suuuuuper my thing, but I said that about paranormal romance (and omegaverse), and now I'm hooked; ALSO, Merrr/MM Farmer is fabulous so, why not give this a shot. ;)

Trigger Warnings: period accurate homophobia, period accurate "healthcare," violence, attempted murder, murder, sexual assault, and more.

#justalittleprelude #justalittlewickedness #justalittletemptation #justalittledanger #justalittleseducion #justalittleheartache #justalittlchristmas #justalittlemadness #justalittlegamble #justalittlemischief #justalittlerivalry #thebrotherhood #thebrotherhoodseries #thebrotherhoodorigins #thebrotherhoodoriginsseries #thebrotherhoodlegacy #thebrotherhoodlegacyseries #merryfarmer #mmfarmer #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, February 18, 2024


My 2024 Reading Challenge for the month of February will be Beat The Backlog work (digital and print books). Which includes a book I borrowed from KindleUnlimited six months ago in attempt to finnnnally cross Nora Phoenix off my author-to-binge list. Here's her and K.M. Neuhold's "Ranger."

["I’ve been living under storm clouds since my honorable discharge, but Julian’s the sun.

I’ve tried everything to deal with my PTSD from yoga to sunning my butthole, but nothing seemed to help.

So when my brother suggests a therapy dog, I figure I don’t have anything to lose. The last thing I expect is for the dog to come with a cheerful, quirky trainer I can’t get out of my head…

I’m too screwed up for love, but a chance to explore a side of myself I didn’t realize existed until recently is too good to pass up.

But the more I get to know Julian, the more I start to think I might not be beyond saving after all..."]

This book was fabulous. Utterly fabulous. 

Being pure sunshine (aka Julian) doesn't cure mental health issues and neither does puppy cuddles (Bennnny!). But both were amazing motivators for Ranger to try again. With their support, he gained back his confidence, his weight, his sleep, his hope. And with it, he fell in love.

Julian, contrary to popular belief wasn't perfect. But he was there for Ranger when Ranger needed him, and in turn, Ranger was there for Julian. 

Their "little friendship arrangement" never stayed little, nor did it stay in the friendship zone. Of which I'm sure neither of them are unsettled about. ;)

Trigger Warnings: PTSD, depression, anxiety, loss of a loved one, wildfires, and more

#ranger #kmneuhold #noraphoenix #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Heart2Heart: A Charity Anthology: Volume 7

My 2024 Reading Challenge for the month of February will be Beat The Backlog work (digital and print books). I'm going to claim this also includes keeping up with and catching up with my favorite authors most recent releases. Which includes the latest volume (Volume 7) of the Heart2Heart Charity Anthology (who's proceeds "will benefit LGBTQ+ charities to ensure that love in all its incarnations will be celebrated and protected every single day of the year!"). This year, there are two special editions of the Heart2Heart Charity Anthology: contemporary and paranormal!

Contemporary: ["Once upon a time SIX YEARS AGO, the Heart2Heart app made its first batch of incredibly unlikely (but oh-so-perfect) love matches. So a fresh, new group of your favorite authors wondered… what happens when the world’s most perceptive dating software gets an upgrade, just in time for Valentine’s Day?
Will the porcelain teacup collector, the shy rugby player, and the bank robber with a heart of gold find their perfect matches? Only fate (and C.U.P.I.D) know.

Paranormal: ["Once upon a time, a bunch of authors wondered… what would happen if Heart2Heart, the mystical matchmaking app adored across the supernatural world, brought in an absolute legend to help them find true love?
This Valentine’s Day, the sunshiny necromancer, the lonely vampire, and the nonbinary dragon will put their trust in H2H and a certain cheeky cherub of romance. Will Cupid’s arrows strike true?"]

I haven't read the entirity of either anthology, instead choosing to focus on the authors I've read in the past; when I have time (ha!), I hope to go back and read the rest of the short stories from these anthologies!

#amongfriends #annabethalbert #skatingafteryou #haydenhall #notsocupid #mikanix #starrynight #pandorapine #heart2heart #heart2heartanthology  #heart2heartacharityanthology #heart2heartacharityanthologyvolumesix #volumesix #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Friday, February 16, 2024

Sexless in Seattle (Rom-Com Reboot #1)

My 2024 Reading Challenge for the month of February will be Beat The Backlog work (digital and print books). I'm going to claim this also includes keeping up with and catching up with my favorite authors most recent releases. ;) Here's D.J. Jamison's "Sexless in Seattle." It's the first novel in their new Rom-Com Reboot series.

["My life is no rom-com movie...

Ever since my parents died, I've had one priority, and it isn't romance. Raising my younger brother is a full-time job.

I don't have time for a personal life, and I've accepted that I'll be the world's oldest virgin by the time Eric no longer needs me.

But when my younger brother decides to post on a Seattle social media site and play matchmaker with one of the responders, everything changes.

Suddenly, my life is full of sweet text messages, scary choices, and romantic rendezvous--all courtesy of one stubborn little brother determined to see me find love.

I don't know whether to hug him or ground him.

Maybe I'll do both.

Right after I watch Sleepless in Seattle again, and wonder if maybe there could be a leading man for me after all."]

This book was so freaking adorable. The characters were full and flawed. The plot was well developed. The story arc was complex but not angsty. Tristan and Zach were fluffy and sweet and spicy and so in love.

I can’t wait for the rest of the series!

#sexlessinseattle #youvegotmale #romcomreboot #romcomrebootseries #djjamison #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Ex Match (Perfect Match Agency: Springtime #1)

My 2024 Reading Challenge for the month of February will be Beat The Backlog work (digital and print books). I'm going to claim this also includes keeping up with and catching up with my favorite authors most recent releases. Here's M.M. Farmer's "Ex Match." It's the first novel in a new multi-author series called "Perfect Match Agency: Springtime."

["Sparks fly when the Perfect Match Agency matches two exes who had a bad, bad break-up. But the real fire starts after an emergency heat leads to a surprise pregnancy…

It’s been a year since my relationship with Michael imploded and my life fell apart, and I’m finally ready to date again. Especially with my heat about to come at any moment. I never thought I would resort to a matchmaking agency to help me find an alpha…and I never expected that alpha to be my ex.

My heart was in shreds after John kicked me out of the life we’d lived together for five years. So I when my therapist suggested I sign up with the Perfect Match Agency, I was skeptical. And then they went and matched me with John. My John! On top of that, what does he do on our “first date” but go into heat!
Now we have a far bigger problem than suddenly seeing each other after a year. We have a baby on the way and a mountain of baggage to sort through if we’re going to build a life for him. Can we take this second chance we’ve been given and do better the second time around, or will my family get in the way and ruin the best thing that’s ever happened to me?"]

Another novella, another home-run from MM. She never fails to pack soooooo much into all of her works, even the novellas. There was angst and hope, there was fluff and steam, there was fights and compromise, there was horrible families and amazing friends, there was hate and love, there was John and Michael. 

They weren't perfect. Instead of talking, they bottled things up and held onto insecurities and lashed out. After a year apart and some individual growth, fate told them it was time to start again. And restart they did. ;)

Trigger Warning: toxic family members, therapy (helpful and insightful), and more

#exmatch #enemymatch #doublematch #lusciousmatch #wildmatch #perfectmatchagency #perfectmatchagencyseries #perfectmatchagencyspringtime #perfectmatchagencyspringtimeseries #mmfarmer #annawineheart #roehorvat #wendyrathbone #amybellows #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Cheshire in Heartsland (Wonderland Ever After #2)

My 2024 Reading Challenge for the month of February will be Beat The Backlog work (digital and print books). This includes Ariella Zoelle's "Alistair in Wonderland." It's the first novel in her Wonderland Ever After series. By reading this, I'm crossing off last October reads (paranormal/fantasy) as well as an author off my to-binge list.

["Cheshire is determined to convince King Rei to give them a second chance at happily ever after. But what if the only way to do that is for the cat shifter to team up with his enemy?

I could sulk about King Rei choosing his duty to his kingdom over our relationship, but it’s way more fun to get payback by stealing his crowns. Of course, my favorite form of revenge is tempting my fated mate with what he could have if only he wasn’t so stubborn.

We’ve been playing our will-they-won’t-they game since he took the throne, but the stakes change when a rival prince arrives in Wonderland to try wooing away my beloved. As a master of mayhem and mischief, I’m prepared to chase off the unwanted interloper by any means necessary.

But I quickly discover that the little princeling isn’t what he seems. And what’s more ingenious than working with my enemy to catch Rei by surprise? After all, I said I’d do absolutely anything to win him back.

Will my efforts finally motivate Rei to let me claim him as my mate?"]

GAHH! D: This book!!!! Double D: !!

Cheshire stole the show from the last book, because that's just who he is. I loooove this character. He's kind and sweet and mischievous and stubborn and so layered but so freaking great. And he was the perfect match for Rei, who is all of those things but with the added sense of humbleness and a few crowns. ;)

And Prince Renner? He was adorable as fuck. I can't wait for his book!!

#alistairinwonderland #cheshireisheartsland #rennerinmirrorland #hatterinclockland #wonderlandeverafter #wonderlandeverafterseries #ariellazoelle #fairytaleretelling #aliceinwonderland #aliceinwonderlandretelling #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, February 12, 2024

Alistair in Wonderland (Wonderland Ever After #1)

My 2024 Reading Challenge for the month of February will be Beat The Backlog work (digital and print books). This includes Ariella Zoelle's "Alistair in Wonderland." It's the first novel in her Wonderland Ever After series. By reading this, I'm crossing off last October reads (paranormal/fantasy) as well as an author off my to-binge list.

["Alistair falls down the rabbit hole and becomes the new Alice. Can he save Wonderland’s magic by falling in love with his fated mate?

My life sucks until Bianco shows up. He’s a gorgeous albino who promises me a fun adventure while looking like a handsome prince from a fairy tale. I happily follow him down the rabbit hole in the hopes of getting up to some sexy shenanigans.

Imagine my shock when I discover he’s the famous White Rabbit from the books and one of the last shifters left in Wonderland! Even more surprising is finding out I’m a descendant of the original Alice, which means I’m the only person who can bring the missing magic back to their world.

That’s all well and good, but our incredible chemistry is highly distracting. It’s impossible to resist our intense attraction when I’m his fated mate, so why bother trying? But maybe there’s a way to have it all.

What if forming a mating bond with Bianco is the way to make all my dreams come true and save Wonderland at the same time?"]

Another book I put off reading, another moment to hate past-me. 

This book was sooo good. I'm not at all an Alice in Wonderland fan (another reason I just read the novel--the other was in preparation to read this series), but this book was so sweet and happy and fantastical and delightly mysterious and aallll of the good things (and none of the bad) from the AiW books/movies. 

Alistair was the perfect Alice. Bianco was everything the White Rabbit should have been. They were utterly smitten right from the start and more than perfect together. Even if Cheshire stole the show. ;)

#alistairinwonderland #cheshireisheartsland #rennerinmirrorland #hatterinclockland #wonderlandeverafter #wonderlandeverafterseries #ariellazoelle #fairytaleretelling #aliceinwonderland #aliceinwonderlandretelling #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Alice In Wonderland

My 2024 Reading Challenge for the month of February will be Beat The Backlog work (digital and print books). So I figured this was a great time to finnnnaly read Lewis Carroll's "Alice In Wonderland" (which I bought soo many years ago).

[""I can't explain myself, I'm afraid, sir," said Alice, "Because I'm not myself, you see."

When Alice sees a white rabbit take a watch out of its waistcoat pocket she decides to follow it, and a sequence of most unusual events is set in motion. "]

I've never been the biggest fan of the OG Disney Alice In Wonderland movie, and I found the live action ones only marginally better. It's nothing personal, they've just never been my thing. However, since the original "Peter Pan" text is so different from most of the movie adaptations out there, I figured I'd give the original "Alice in Wonderland" text a shot.

The book was so lyrical and fun, really thriving off riddles and homophones, which make Alice seem more ridiculous to the Wonderland natives, but makes Alice more confused (and angry) by Wonderland itself. Alice is entertained, sure, but only to an extent. She's more concerned back getting back to herself, getting back to her cat, and getting back to the pretty garden she saw in the very beginning of her adventures (I mean, same, girl). 

#aliceinwonderland #wordsworthedition #alicesadventuresinwonderland #throughthelookingglass #lewiscarroll #books #childrensbooks #childrensclassics #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Hot Conduit (Hot Under the Collar #2)

My 2024 Reading Challenge for the month of February will be Beat The Backlog work (digital and print books). This includes (a small loophole) the second novel in a series (Hot Under the Collar) that I started last August (fight me). This is Katherine McIntyre's "Hot Conduit."

["Lex can’t stand Theo. Theo thinks Lex is a dick. Except one dating app mishap is about to bring them so much closer together.

I’ve dated every shade of shitty guy imaginable, yet I keep boyfriending them. Mostly because my empty house doesn’t align with the happily-ever-after fantasies I’ve had since I was a kid.
No more.
After my last boyfriend cheated on me, I’m flings only, even if temptation dangles my way. And when Lex shows up to fix my wiring issue, he’s pure temptation—at least until he decides to randomly hate my guts. Luckily, the sexy guy I’m talking to on the CoffeeDates app is the perfect chance for a one-night stand—no drama, no betrayal, and most importantly, no boyfriending.

I avoid rich assholes at all costs. One broken engagement later, I learned they’ll never stick around for blue collar guys like me. Even though Theo flips my switches, the holier-than-thou upper-class attitude is enough that I’m keeping my distance.
Until I find out the guy I’ve been falling hard for over the dating app is none other than Theo.
All that chemistry between us explodes, and one night turns into another and then another.
But he’s not looking for a boyfriend, and I am—and there’s only so long this can last before one of us ends up brokenhearted."]

High heat? Do you even have to ask. Low angst? Almost any day. Goat yoga? Cute as hell (even if its not as cute irl as it is in the movies). Edging? Hot. Far too much snark than necessary? I'll be the judge of "too much snark," thank you very much.

This story is amazing. Equally as sweet as it was deep. Their..situationship was far from easy or simple, but it was them, it was fulfilling, it was mutually supportive, it was everything.

#sweatconnection #hotconduit #jointpenetration #katherinemcintyre #hotunderthecollar #hotunderthecollarseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Scrooge You! (Christmas Falls #9)

My 2024 Reading Challenge for the month of February will be Beat The Backlog work (digital and print books). This includes finishing serieses that I started months ago (and needed a Christmas break from) and never finished. Here's the ninth and final novel in the multi-author series (Christmas Falls): this is Brigham Vaughn's "Scrooge You!"

["Joel McArthur thought he knew everyone in the small town of Christmas Falls. He’s been running Ginger’s Breads bakery for more than a decade, after all.

But who is the mysterious runner who’s been passing by his shop every morning?

Hayden Bradley’s post-college plans fell through, landing him in this stupid small town he can’t get out of fast enough.

He hates Christmas and he’s tired of the endless holiday cheer.

But as Hayden finds himself spending more and more time at Joel’s bakery, he’s forced to admit that he’s developed a taste for the ginger-molasses cookies and the handsome ginger-haired baker who makes them."]

I kind of hate myself for waiting sooooo long to start this book and finish this series, because this book was faaaar less angsty than I had pictured (and far more sweeter--bakery pun (originally) not intended). 

Joel loves his life, loves his job, loves his town--even if he's a little lonely. Hayden hates his life at the moment, hates his lack of job, hates this town--but letting yourself be vulnerable, starting over with a positive attitude, and falling in love can really change...your entire life. And these two fell, despite their differing views on Christmas, despite the age gape, despite the expiration date on their relationship, the fell so hard. 

This was a perfectly sweet and fluffy and adorable ending to such a great series (and, we finally figure out how the mysterious graffiti artist is!!).

#scroogeyou #brighamvaughn

#grinchkisses #snowbodylovesme #getfrosted #silentknight #clausingascene #underthemistletome #noelfingway #readysetglow #christmasfalls #christmasfallsseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Thursday, February 8, 2024

His Secret Obsession

My 2024 Reading Challenge for the month of February will be Beat The Backlog work (digital and print books). This also (in my eyes) includes crossing authors off my to-read list (including Milana Spencer). This is "His Secret Obsession."

["Childhood friend.

My flatmate, Lucas, is gorgeous, aloof, and barely tolerates me. We used to be childhood friends but everything changed in high school. Now our relationship is…complicated, to say the least.

High school enemy.

Now that I’m in university, I decide to put myself out there romantically. But when I get into my first relationship, there’s just one Lucas hates my new girlfriend with a fiery passion.

University flatmate.

Whenever I mention her name or invite her to our apartment, he gets more pissed off. Whenever he sees us touch or kiss, he looks murderous. And soon I have to wonder…is Lucas jealous?

Future lover?

When secrets start to unravel and betrayals come to light, I learn there’s more to Lucas than I ever realised. And perhaps the romance I’ve been seeking has been right in front of me this entire time."]

I picked this one because I needed a sweet, trigger-free break from dark romances and horror retellings. Turns out, this one is heavy on the self-doubt and some bullying and my-feelings-are-a-mess-so-let’s-take-shit-out-on-you. Yay.

Seriously though, this book was very, very sweet. Little moments, big moments, pirate moments. It was fluffy, angst, and spicy all in one. 

#hissecretobsession #milanaspencer #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, February 5, 2024

M.M. Scrooge (Monsters and Mayhem #11)

My 2024 Reading Challenge for the month of February will be Beat The Backlog work (digital and print books). I'm going to start with the Monsters & Mayhem series (a mm collection of classic horror adaptations with a romantic twist). The eleventh and final book is "M.M. Scrooge" by Lee Colgin; it's a Christmas Carol retelling.

["Marley Jacobs is dead, and Max Masters Scrooge has no time for the grieving son’s sob story. Even if Jacobs Jr. is kinda cute—for a nerd.

Daniel Jacobs is anxious, drifting, and lonely. His gut tells him he’s overdue for a dose of self care, but the thought of setting foot in a gym gives him hives. Though he craves gentle guidance, what he gets is the heavy hand of the gym’s head trainer and sleaziest playboy, Max Masters.

Accustomed to topping the leader board, among other things, Max sells Daniel on his gold package. After things get steamy in the locker room showers, Max is ready to make like a ghost and vanish, as usual. But this time, he won’t get away with his selfish antics, not if a vengeful past hookup with a powerful uncle has anything to say about it."]

Because I know the original text so well, this was both not what I expecting at all and a little predictable (in a good way). I loooove knowing the characters and side characters though from Dickens, because Lee turned sick little Timmy into a cute, drolly doggo (and I'm  h e r e  for it). 

Not gonna lie, Max full on deserved a lot of what happened to him when the ghosts of sex/relationship past visited him. He was (is--but trying now) a selfish, uncaring, isolating ass. At least Daniel gets all of the rewards from Max's new lease on life/love. ;)

Trigger Warnings: death of a parent, poorly negotiated BDSM elements, sex as punishment, and more

#mmscrooge #leecolgin

#lightnightborn #indarknessanddank #deathsbloom #beautifuladam #heartslost #nightsmelody #hisdarkestdesires #onedge #hollowoath #adeliciousdescent #monstersandmayhem #monstersandhayhemseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

A Delicious Descent (Monsters and Mayhem #10)

My 2024 Reading Challenge for the month of February will be Beat The Backlog work (digital and print books). I'm going to start with the Monsters & Mayhem series (a mm collection of classic horror adaptations with a romantic twist). The tenth book is "A Delicious Descent" by Amanda Meuwissen; it's a Dracula retelling.

["Dracula retold, with Jonathan as the object of the legendary vampire’s obsession.

Engaged to his dear friend Mina, Jonathan Harker jumps at the chance to delay their wedding by accepting an assignment in far-off Transylvania. Jonathan loves Mina but not in the way a man should love a wife, for his true passion lies with the company of men, an illicit craving he can never indulge.

Upon arriving in Transylvania to help the elusive Count Dracula purchase an estate in London, Jonathan makes some surprising if tantalizing discoveries. It seems his mysterious client has similar proclivities and encourages his male servants to explore their forbidden desires, all the while tempting Jonathan to partake.

Carnal pleasure isn’t the only surprise awaiting him, however, as Dracula’s secrets are far deadlier than Jonathan ever imagined, and as alluring as his new master’s touch."]

This one was a little more complicated. Well, a lot more complicated. Secrets, servants, more secrets. Spice, sweetness. Depravity, desperation. Confessions, confusion. Friends, foes. Homes, happily ever afters. Let's just say, with every disadvantage, with every uncertainty, there were three times the benefits. It was hard, for Jonathan to chose the unknown, the feared, the darkness, but maybe, the darkness was what let him out of his own shadows and into the light, into his happiness. 

Trigger Warnings: typical vampire violence, period-specific homophobia, and more

#adeliciousdescent #amandameuwissen

#lightnightborn #indarknessanddank #deathsbloom #beautifuladam #heartslost #nightsmelody #hisdarkestdesires #onedge #hollowoath #mmscrooge #monstersandmayhem #monstersandhayhemseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Hollow Oath (Monsters and Mayhem #9)

My 2024 Reading Challenge for the month of February will be Beat The Backlog work (digital and print books). I'm going to start with the Monsters & Mayhem series (a mm collection of classic horror adaptations with a romantic twist). The ninth book is "Hollow Oath" by W.M. Fawkes; it's a Legend of Sleepy Hollow retelling (yes, I'm reading them out of order--fight me).

["Ichabod’s head is on the chopping block…

And it isn’t the first time. The only son of a notorious pirate, Ichabod spent his youth scrambling to survive on the edges of society. Now, he’s shed his shame and his past to assume the position of schoolmaster in a small village on the coast of the Carolina colony. All he wants is one thing—security—but the ghosts of Queensfort have their eyes fixed on him, and if they can’t rest, neither can the living.

No one gets under Ichabod’s skin like Brom…

Brom Van Brunt has everything Ichabod wants—wealth, ease, and a face like a golden Adonis. If Ichabod resents his many advantages, who can blame him? While he fights to build a place of his own in Queensfort, Ichabod recognizes in Brom his greatest adversary. He vows to undo the rogue, but every move he makes against Brom brings him closer to understanding that Brom’s interest in him is anything but adversarial.

A headless horseman, starving for vengeance…

A prank gone wrong pits these enemies together against a fearsome specter out for blood, and if Ichabod and Brom can’t overcome their differences, heads will roll."]

How can a horror retelling me so sweet? How can the Headless Horseman bring two forever people together? How am I fangirling over something so at odds with itself?

This book was almost pure fluff. If you ignore the dismemberment and specter and murder. It was enemies to lovers. It was already-in-love meets cute-but-clueless. It was happily ever after (in mostly one piece). 

Fuck, honestly. This series has changed my mind about the horror genre (not that you'd catch me reading it any time soon).

Trigger Warnings: graphic violence, blood, classism, dismemberment, light period typical internalized homophobia, and more.

#hollowoath #wmfawkes

#lightnightborn #indarknessanddank #deathsbloom #beautifuladam #heartslost #nightsmelody #hisdarkestdesires #onedge #adeliciousdescent #mmscrooge #monstersandmayhem #monstersandhayhemseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Death's Bloom (Monsters and Mayhem #3)

My 2024 Reading Challenge for the month of February will be Beat The Backlog work (digital and print books). I'm going to start with the Monsters & Mayhem series (a mm collection of classic horror adaptations with a romantic twist). The third book is "Death's Bloom" by Lily Mayne; it's a Blackbeard retelling.

["He’s the most perfect man I’ve ever met, but something is… wrong.

I don’t see it at first. All I see is the gorgeous man with dark eyes and long hair and that unusual blue beard. The piercings and the tattoos, the beautiful smile. All I can focus on is the way he touches me, the sound of his voice in my ear, the perfect life he draws me into.

I hide it from him at first. The fact that… I think I’m losing my mind. That I keep seeing something lurking in the corners of rooms, keep hearing a terrible voice mumbling in the dead of night, keep seeing white eyes watching me in the dark.

Something is haunting me. Tormenting me. Trying to ruin this perfect life I now have with Theo, so I do my best to pretend that everything is fine. That I’m not terrified I’m losing my mind, or that a demon is stalking the halls every night trying to… get me.

Until I can’t pretend anymore. Until I realise… the monster in my nightmares and my perfect, loving boyfriend are not so different after all.."]

This book was a little terrifying. Sweet in so many ways. Fluffy in ways that I honestly didn't predict. Protective and possessive and loving. But terrifying. I didn't sleep well last night.

But Theo and Ari were perfect for each other. They completed each other in so many ways. They were soft and spicy and so in love it was dangerous. As was Theo's secrets (and Ari's secrets). It was...a lot. But it was also adoring and beautiful. 

Trigger Warnings: graphic depictions of death, gore, violence, a somewhat toxic relationship, morally reprehensible characters, and more.

#deathsbloom #lilymayne

#lightnightborn #indarknessanddank #beautifuladam #heartslost #nightsmelody #hisdarkestdesires #onedge #hollowoath #adeliciousdescent #mmscrooge #monstersandmayhem #monstersandhayhemseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, February 3, 2024

In Darkness and Dank (Monsters and Mayhem #2)

My 2024 Reading Challenge for the month of February will be Beat The Backlog work (digital and print books). I'm going to start with the Monsters & Mayhem series (a mm collection of classic horror adaptations with a romantic twist). The second book is "In Darkness and Dank" by K.L. Hiers; it's a Creature of the Black Lagoon retelling.

["Kittisak Amarin is not a scientist—he's barely a student, but he joined his college professor's research team for an expedition into the Amazon as a last ditch effort to pass his biology course. His professor thinks they're going to discover a new species out here, but Kittisak is more worried about being eaten alive by giant mosquitoes and staying awake while the team studies test tubes of dirty water.

When he sees a fantastic amphibian creature watching over him one night, he thinks it's just a dream.

Until it comes back.

A fatal misunderstanding leaves Kittisak wounded and unable to flee once the creature has taken him prisoner. As the creature nurses him back to health and shows him the wonders of his mysterious jungle home, Kittisak has to confront his growing attraction to his enigmatic captor and his dwindling desire to escape. He begins to realize that the creature may not be the monster he appears to be...

And that even amongst darkness and dank, the sweetest romance can blossom."]

Gotta be honest, I didn't know that there was a Creature of the Black Lagoon story, just the "Teacher of the Black Lagoon"...not sure what that says about me.

ANYway! This story was suuuuper cute. It was both protective and sweet and reminiscent of the Little Mermaid. There was meddling sisters and exotic fruit and a perfect paradise in which to fall in love. Add in some bad guys, some magic, and a guaranteed HEA? Yeah, yeah. ;)

Trigger Warnings: violence, guns, mild racism, and more.

#indarknessanddank #klhiers

#lightnightborn #deathsbloom #beautifuladam #heartslost #nightsmelody #hisdarkestdesires #onedge #hollowoath #adeliciousdescent #mmscrooge #monstersandmayhem #monstersandhayhemseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Friday, February 2, 2024

Lightning Born (Monsters and Mayhem #1)

My 2024 Reading Challenge for the month of February will be Beat The Backlog work (digital and print books). I'm going to start with the Monsters & Mayhem series (a mm collection of classic horror adaptations with a romantic twist). The first book is "Lightning Born" by Sam Burns; it's a Frankenstein retelling.

["He wakes with fire in his veins, and at first, that pain is all he knows. He is born of obsession, magic, and the storm raging above his creator’s laboratory.

They tell him that his name is Davidson, or Davy Dearest, the beloved of the doctor who brought him back to life.

He cannot speak when he wakes, but the doctor doesn’t seem to mind. Perhaps because it keeps him from saying that he doesn’t remember a life before waking up. Keeps him from saying that he doesn’t feel anything but fear for the doctor. But the doctor’s assistant, Gio, seems to understand. He’s always there to help, to reteach the things Davidson has forgotten with patience and kindness.

But if he really is Davy, love of the doctor’s life, then why is he drawn more and more to the kind, quiet Gio? As clues from Davy Dearest’s life start to pile up, the picture they paint is more grim than he could have imagined, and it sets Davidson and Gio on a dangerous path to freedom and redemption."]

I’m obsessed with this story! There were so many layers and it played on so many tropes without being cliche. It talked about monsters and consent and life/death and love and memory and magic. 

This alllllmost makes me want to read the original text, but I’ll just watch the Drunk History episode of Mary Shelley and call it a day. ;)

Trigger Warnings: violence, mentions of previous suicides, emotional abuse, physical abuse, attempted assault, trauma, death, and more.

#lightnightborn #samburns

#indarknessanddank #deathsbloom #beatuifuladam #heartslost #nightsmelody #hisdarkestdesires #onedge #hollowoath #adeliciousdescent #mmscrooge #monstersandmayhem #monstersandhayhemseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Limitless (Squad Goals #5)

  I SHOULD be taking this time to catch up on incoming ARCs instead of catching up on new TBRs...Should be. Here's Willow Thomas's ...