Sunday, March 31, 2024

Goodbye, March!

You know the saying "out like a lamb, in like a lion"? That was my March. Super nice and chill and relaxing and hopeful in the beginning. Fucking awful in the end. 

2024 Resolutions:

     (1) Don't stop reading
            (b) Complete Monthly Reading Challenge(s)
     (2) Make memories
     (3) Share love of books/writing
     (4) Be kinder to myself

(1) Books read this month: 50 (might get one more in there before midnight though).
    (b) Monthly Reading Challenge(s): Shape = Pot of Gold at the end of a Rainbow. Got some A-Z stuff recorded. Tried to catch up on the backlogs. 

(2) March Memories: Birthday dinner with my two bestest friends. Visited my sister in Florida where: (positives)... I got to see my sister, my brother-in-law, my doggie-in-law; I got some really great food; I got some sunshine and heat and a nice mental/emotional break; we went to the zoo, the manatee viewing center, and more & (negatives) flight down was changed 13 times; my rental car broke down on day two; I had to take my sister to the ER in the middle of the night; I got sunburnt. 

(3) Posts this month (including this one): 22.

(4)  I haven't been great at drinking water or packing myself lunch (or breakfast). I tried to eat better here and there. I told myself it was okay if I had some treats though. I pms-ed for two whole weeks, where I was angry and emotional as fuck. I made some really rough decisions the last few days, which will suck (change sucks and I'm also kinda scared of what people will say, but I'm also really excited and hopeful for this change (it's been a looooong time coming and I deserve it) (I just hope the universe is kind to me and helps me bring this change sooner rather than later--manifesting this shit). My mental health hasn't been great, I'll be so freaking honest rn, it's sucked haaaard, but I know I have a great support system rn too to keep me from fully drowning. Fingers crossed April has some more metaphorical sunshine for me to step out of the shadows and bring much-freaking-needed change. 

Anyone still holding onto their resolutions?

Any exciting April reads?
Anything I should check out?

#newyearsresolutions #goodbyemarch #helloapril #hello2024 #keeplearning #dontstopreading #monthlyreadingchallenge #makememories #shareloveofbooks #bekindertoself #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Protect You (Beaumont University #2)

We interrupt your regularly schedule reading to bring you something that won't fucking trigger my already too thin mental state. I want to read more dark romance and finish some other series, but I'm trying to be kind to my body while it's struggling to take care of itself, hence a cute low-angst romance. "Protect you You" is the second novel in Ashley Rayne's Beaumont University series.

["What happens when you fall in love with your roommate?

The emotions that I tried to hide behind the constant bickering are finally out there.
Our never-ending fighting stops. The dinners I make for us have become a routine.
The next thing I know, my roommate is my boyfriend, and everything is falling into place.

Until everything falls apart.
All Asher wants to do is shield me from the hardened world around us, but the one thing he can’t protect me from is myself.

Will Asher and Noah’s love be strong enough to survive life’s twists, or will the imperfections overwhelm the happiness it can bring?"]

This one was still as sweet and kind and fluffy and spicy as the first novel, but it was less nice to my current mental state. I thought the trigger warnings would be okay, and yet here I am, crying. 

But Asher was perfect. So fucking perfect. Noah has his struggles and his demons, but he figured it out; he had a huge support system, and he asked for help. 

Together, they were a hot mess. But they communicated and compromised and were patient and they made it work.

I'm even more impatient for Ronan's book after all the hints to it in this one now though!! D: :D

Trigger Warning: prescription medication (Adderall) abuse/addiction, therapy, and more

#persuadeyou #protectyou #praiseyou #beaumontuniversity #beaumontuniversityseries #ashleyrayne #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Persuade You (Beaumont University #1)

We interrupt your regularly schedule reading to bring you something that won't fucking trigger my already too thing mental state. I want to read more dark romance and finish some other series, but I'm trying to be kind to my body while it's struggling to take care of itself, hence a cute low-angst romance. "Persuade You" is the first novel in Ashley Rayne's Beaumont University series.

The Number One Rule for gay guys is to not fall in love with the straight guy. I broke that rule the moment I fell in love with my best friend. I’ve never acted on it and have always kept it to myself. But one day he tells me that he might be into guys and he wants to see what it’s like. There’s only one thing for me to do: volunteer to help.

I’ve always considered myself a straight man. Until the day I start looking at my best friend differently and it turns my world upside down. This is all new to me, so I do the only thing I can: ask for his help."]

This book was definitely a bandaid for my heart. There was very little angst, like I was promised. There was some miscommunication and trust-me-I-know-what-I'm-doing boy shit. But they made their way back to each other, again and again.

I loved them. I looooove friends to lovers, and this one definitely didn't disappoint. There was so much fluff (so much sweet gestures and butterflies) and so much spice (they really just jumped in it).

I can't wait to read the rest of the series and see what the rest of the roommates get into and how hard they fall. This was a fabulous beginning to Ashley's (hopefully long) writing career. 

#persuadeyou #protectyou #praiseyou #beaumontuniversity #beaumontuniversityseries #ashleyrayne #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, March 25, 2024

The Nerd and The Ex-Con (Ex's and No's #1)

Once again, targeted ads will be my fall. Though, in all fairness, this book has been on my TBR pile (not for long, but it's there). This book? Sage Abbott's "The Nerd & The Ex-Con." It's the first novel in her Ex's and No's series.

["I catfished my best friend’s Dad in prison.
But he'll never know, right?

For almost a decade, I've been the secret pen pal of a convict.
My best friend’s father.
All I wanted was to help bridge the gap between father and son.
But the innocent act soon turns into more.
Through our letters I am able to be the brave, confident guy I am in fact, not.
So what if I fibbed a little when I sent him a false photograph of me? And reinvented myself in those letters?
After all, what’s the harm when Griff will never be released from prison?

I spent two decades behind bars, but nothing could have prepared me for Scott.
When I get out on parole, I find the little liar is nothing like he portrayed.
But I’m not mad.
I prefer the hot, stuttering, mess that he is.
Beneath the glasses, braces, and fun size package, he is far from tame when it counts.
I just have one problem.
My relationship with Scottie might thwart my reconciliation with my son.
But how can I choose between them?
One’s my flesh and blood. The other is my heart and soul."]

This book was filled with so much. Fluff and sweetness. Spice and snark. Red flags and green flags. Toxic ex’s and not 100% non-toxic ex-cons. Breaks ups and hang ups. Secrets and more secrets. 

And yet, it was another completely satisfying read (and quite possibly another author added to my binge list).

Trigger Warnings: physical and emotional abuse (from a previous relationship), instances of physical and sexual harassment (by a former partner), themes of parental neglect/abandonment, a depiction of parental overdose, a main character's history as an ex-convict on parole for voluntary manslaughter (aka Griff), and more.

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Luscious Match (Perfect Match Agency: Springtime #4)

Here's Wendy Rathbone's "Luscious Match." It's the fourth novel in a new multi-author series called "Perfect Match Agency: Springtime."

["Can an older, successful alpha and a young, spoiled omega be a true match? The Perfect Match Agency says YES!

Gabe has had bad luck with alphas. As a slightly spoiled trust fund omega, he somehow tends to meet the types who end up thinking they can quit their jobs and live with him after their first night together. Does he not know how to pick them? Or is fate intervening until his true mate shows up?

Fated mates are the stuff of legend and romance movies. Gabe’s not sure he believes and is afraid it will never become a reality for him. When a friend tells him about the Perfect Match Agency, Gabe figures it can’t be any worse than what he’s experienced.

Kallen is a successful fashion designer. He’s around omega models every week, their pheromones filling the air. But none of them have ever stirred him in quite the right way. Now in his mid-thirties, he has come to believe there is no true mate out there for him.

When Kallen overhears some models talking about a matchmaking agency called Perfect Match, he investigates online. He discovers so many success stories he decides to give it a try. Within days of applying, he’s matched, but when he sees how young the omega is, he begins to have second thoughts."]

This blurb and Gabe's parents paint him as a selfish, frivolous Paris Hilton/Kim Kardashian type who prefers spending money over spending time with people. Gabe was nottthhhing like that at all. Even if he thought he was (imposer syndrome fucking SUCKS). Having an actual support system will do wonders to your mental health as well as your self esteem.

These two were adorable and perfect. The world literally stopped when they met. It was poetic and beautiful and just Goals. 

And I loooove how Wendy has Kallen go into rut instead of Gabe go into heat, because it was still within the stereotypical omega verse timeline of things, but it also flipped that same stereotypical script on its head. It was glorious! And the almost instant bond?! Here for all of that. 

#exmatch #enemymatch #doublematch #lusciousmatch #wildmatch #perfectmatchagency #perfectmatchagencyseries #perfectmatchagencyspringtime #perfectmatchagencyspringtimeseries #mmfarmer #annawineheart #roehorvat #wendyrathbone #amybellows #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Savage Titan (North Shore Titans #1)

Here's E.V. Olsen's latest series North Short Titans. The first novel in this series is "Savage Titan."

["I caught the attention of a savage beast.
My fault–ish after I crashed into the North Shore Titan’s star defensemen on my way to class.
In typical Eli Holmes fashion, instead of walking away after he threw my books across the hall, I stood up to Alexei Petrov.
Even sat right next to him in class, letting him know exactly what I thought of his brutish behavior.
Someone should’ve reminded me not to go around poking monsters.
But I’m not one to cower.
Until a heated encounter leads to a steamy kiss.
Now, I can’t seem to get away from him–at school or in my thoughts.
And his savagery draws out desires I didn’t know I had.
The worst part–even seeing how dark this hockey player is, I can’t stop myself from falling for him.
One way or another, Alexei Petrov is going to destroy me."]

I’m really not sure how E.V. manages to make such loving assholes. Her characters are so just like…extra and Over The Top alpha (her words) but still so sweet and protective. And the other half of the relationship? Those characters are a beautiful mess of sub and snark, a deadly combination for the loving assholes.

CanNOT wait for the rest of this series!!

Trigger Warnings: bullying, hockey related violence, homophobia, mentions of past child abuse, mentions of past emotional abuse, and more.

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Sunday, March 24, 2024

Embracing his Vampire Mate (Blood Bonded Mates #1.6)

I might as well also read another novella by Jay Castle while I'm here. It’s his only other published work after all. And it’s also in his Blood Bonded Mates series. AND it’s short. So, why not? This novella is titled "Embracing his Vampire Mate” (available via #BookFunnel).

My ability to sense the things other people can’t has already cost me any shot I ever might’ve had at normalcy. But normal is overrated anyhow, right? So what if I routinely send guys running for the hills because I come off as too weird for them? Besides, I don’t really mind being alone. It’s easier that way, after all. But then I meet Aiden. He stares at me like I’m the last cupcake in the display and I don’t know why. What I do know is that he’s hiding something big. I can feel it. His secrets call out to me, demanding answers. But the closer I get to him, the more certain I am that finding the truth might mean risking my heart in the process.

Bartending in a college town keeps me grounded. It’s as close to being human as I can get. An arrangement with the very confused but still obliging local butcher ensures I don't have to hunt for what sustains me. It's a quiet life with only two rules. Rule number one: don’t hurt anyone. And rule number two: don’t let anyone get too close. Sure, sometimes it gets a little lonely, but I’ve learned long ago that giving my heart over to someone else is nothing more than a recipe for pain. It’s far better that I’m on my own. That is, until Dante takes a job at the bar and turns my entire world inside out. I know should stay away, but I’m having trouble taking my eyes off him. And even though the way I’m feeling is dangerous for both of us, I know it’s only a matter of time until I give in."]

I loved this piece! I loved Dante! He was sweet and sassy and toooooottally knew so many secrets about people, though he waited patiently for them to tel him (he never confronted people). He was kind and caring and so snarky and perfect for Aiden.

Aiden needed a break in his routine, a reprieve from his self, a remaking of his self imagine, a revival of his heart. Dante was all of that and so so much more.

And there’s a cat!!

#snowedinwiththevampireprince #embracinghisvampiremate #marriedtothevampireking #bloodbondedmates #bloodbondedmatesseries #jaycastle #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Snowed in With The Vampire Prince (Blood Bonded Mates #1)

Targeted adds with be the death of me (and my TBR piles). Novellas will also be the death of me (but the fuel to my Read lists). Here's Jay Castle's "Snowed in With The Vampire Prince" (the first novel in the Blood Bonded Mates series).

My death day is sacred. I spend it the same way I wish I could spend every day: alone in my isolated cabin, with a glass of wine in one hand and a book in the other. But when the scent of human blood shatters my solitude, I find James—unflappable, undeniably gorgeous, and utterly unafraid of me. He makes my blood boil and he stirs desires dormant for over a century. I must protect him, even if it costs me everything.

In the wake of my father’s passing, I go to our secluded camping spot in the mountains to scatter his ashes. It’s almost a full day’s hike from civilization and I expected to grieve alone. I never dreamed I’d get stranded by a freak snowstorm or that I’d be attacked by wolves. I certainly never imagined I’d meet someone like Pierce, the grumpy, overprotective, and annoyingly handsome vampire who saves my life. Now, snowed in and surrounded on all sides by the werewolves determined to turn me into one of them, my only protection is the vampire I’m inexplicably falling in love with."]

This novella was SO CUTE! 

Pierce was very closed off, very cautious, very lonely. He wasn't a big fan of humans and didn't believe in love. Then. He. Met. James. 

James was strong and smart and loyal, but he was closed off, lonely, and he didn't believe in love. Then. He. Met. Pierce.

Pierce was fascinated by James, by his resilience, by his sass, by his utter lack of fear. James was smitten with Pierce, even though he was irritating and surly and overprotective. 

Neither of them expected EVERYTHING that happened that night, not when they were both wallowing in their own pain and solitude. And suddenly, they were things of legends. 

#snowedinwiththevampireprince #marriedtothevampireking #bloodbondedmates #bloodbondedmatesseries #jaycastle #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, March 23, 2024

On Guard (New York Gods #1)

Really trying to catch up on a few books from my short list TBR piles. Here's Andi Jaxon and JR Gray's latest series: New York Gods. The first novel is "On Guard."

["Selling my virginity wasn’t how I saw my first week of college going.

But after my parents cut me off, an offer from a gorgeous rich stranger doesn’t sound so bad.
It’s only twenty-four hours and I’ll never have to see him again.

Much to my horror, the stranger is Oliver Godfrey, the captain of my fencing team.
And as if that isn’t bad enough, his parents own half the city.
There is no escape from him or the way he makes me feel.
He’s everything I don’t want.
And everything I need.

A playboy like him shouldn’t look at me twice, so why is he ruining my life?
But what Oliver wants, Oliver gets, and he wants me.
He’s arrogant, possessive, and infuriatingly obsessed with me.
This can’t work.

His parents want him to marry an heiress so I can’t keep him.
All I can have is stolen moments hidden in the dark.

He's going to break my heart and I'm going to let him."]

Oliver was...not a 100% great guy. He was kind and caring and sweet..with Isaac. He was also possessive, obsessive, and slightly toxic as hell. Yes, his own parents and society messed him up, too. But he was manipulative. Though, Isaac made him weak. He changed (slightly) for Isaac, for their relationship, for love.

Isaac was shy and lonely and needed friends, a safe place, and confidence. He gained alllll of that and so much more. He still has his demons (trauma and self-doubt don't disappear when you fall in love), but Oliver (and Owen and Colin) were there to fight by his side.

Some people on Goodreads didn't looove this book because the power exchange between Oliver and Isaac wasn't entirely healthy. But its a dark romance; it might not be marked that way, but it sure as hell is (you read that blurb). 

Trigger Warnings: religious trauma, assault (by parents), homophobic parents, and more. 

#onguard #theretreat #newyorkgods #newyorkgodsseries #jrgray #andijaxon #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Schooling the Quarterback (Green Springs University #1)

Really trying to catch up on a few books from my short list TBR piles. Here's Laura John's latest series: Green Springs University. The first novel is "Schooling the University."

Football is my life.
Ever since I was little, my dream has been to play in the NFL. Now, I’m one step closer—the star Quarterback for the GSU Koalas. But I’m not exactly the studious type—books and I don’t really get along—and if I can’t find a way to get my grades up, I’ll be kissing my football career goodbye.
With the risk of being benched looming over my head, I hire a tutor to get me back on track. When we meet up for our first session, I’m not prepared for Gabe Miller. He’s the sexiest man I’ve ever met. I feel an instant connection with him despite our differences, but when I get up the nerve to ask him out, he turns me down.
Now I’m determined to come up with a foolproof game plan to prove that I’m worth taking a chance on. Losing isn’t an option, because if there’s one thing Chase Anderson is good at, it’s winning.

What’s the big deal about sports, anyway?
Video games and reading are much more my style. When I’m hired to tutor the school’s star Quarterback, I figure it’s just another job. Then he asks me out, and I’m completely taken aback. Why would he want to date me? We come from two different worlds. There’s no way a relationship between us would work, and I’m not one for casual flings.
That doesn’t stop Chase Anderson from pursuing me and wearing down my walls. When I finally let him in, I know that there’s a strong possibility I’ll eventually lose him. Chase is destined for the NFL and when he gets drafted, I’ll be left behind without a second thought.
Even though I know I won’t be able to hold onto Chase for forever, I fall for him all the same. In the end, will fate take away my newfound love, or will we get the happily ever after I’ve only read about in books."]

"He bombarded his way into my life like a Golden Retriever puppy desperate for pets and stayed there until I let down my walls."

These two were almost too sweet. But I'm also coming off a dark-romance-binge-high so that could be those particular glasses fogging up the fluff.

But they were so patient and kind and reassuring and consenting and pure and D: I whole different kind of D:. They were Hallmark sweet with just dash of spice, a handful of suspense, and a whole hell of a lot of HEA.

#schoolingthequarterback #testingthegoalie #laurajohn #greenspringsuniveristy #greenspringsuniversityseries #gsu #gsuseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, March 18, 2024

The Convict (Devil's Mayhem MC #1)

R.S. McKenzie's latest series (one of them) is called Devil's Mayhem MC. The first novel in the series is "The Convict."

Fifteen years to life is a long time to be sentenced to prison, even if I do deserve it. As the Enforcer of my MC, I had to do some things that would give most people nightmares. I’m prepared to do my time, waiting for my lawyer to appeal my sentence. But when an opportunity presents itself to escape, I take it. I’m on my way back to my clubhouse in Tennessee when I get stuck in a small Missouri town. I have to kidnap the small town mechanic to aid in my escape, ignoring the unfamiliar cravings I feel towards him.

After finishing my weekly food run, I’m approached by a hot-as-sin guy in the parking lot with a broken down truck. I help him out and think he's on his way until he shoves a gun into my back. Turns out that hot guy is an escaped convict and all he wants is my cooperation as a hostage. To live, I’ll have to trust him and do everything I can to save my life… including using my body."]

Another day, another dark romance, another series of murder boyfriends (non-altruistic, actually kinda bad, but also loyal as fuck (and hot as fuck) murder boyfriends).

This book made me sob. Not just cry (and not just ugly cry), but  s o b.  Chest-hurting, throat-aching, face-dry sobbing. But it was sooooo good!! D: 

Also, Imma need me a Zeke (and Shane) story like yesterday. Please and thank you.

Trigger Warnings: on- and off-page murder, drug dealing (but not usage), discussion of sexual assault (that does not happen), violence, assault, corrupt cops, and more.

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Blu, My Protector (Family Ties #1)

R.S. McKenzie's latest series (one of them) is called Family Ties. The first novel in the series is "Blu, My Protector."

There’s a beast inside me, urging me to kill.
As a psychiatrist, I expect to encounter psycho- and sociopathic patients. I never have the urge to kill them. Until one patient triggers that need inside me. I expect the kill to be easy, just like the others. What I don’t expect is to want to possess my patient’s boyfriend, June. As soon as I lay eyes on June, I know he’s mine. He’ll find out soon enough.

Wanting to be happy shouldn’t cost me my life.
I’m happy with my boyfriend and I’m ready to take our relationship to the next level. Until I find out he’s a serial killer and I’m slated to be his next victim. I’m saved by a handsome older man just in the nick of time…the same handsome man that stared into my soul at my coffee shop. Even though he scares me, I feel a connection to Blu York. One I want to deepen.

Blu and June meet under less than ideal circumstances. Can their love prevail? Or will dating a psychopath be too much for June?"]

Blu is the definition of murder boyfriend--but without the altruism aspect that the Mulvaney's have (yes, I will be comparing any and all future murder boyfriends to the Mulvaney's, thank you (#NecessaryEvils)).

"'You could have given me flowers or chocolate or something. Not a dead body.' // Tilting my head, I quip, "'I thought you'd like that more.'" See? Murder boyfriend. 

Trigger Warnings: off- and on-page murder, stalking on- and off-page (between MCs, but not creepily and not between MCs for a murder ritual), torture, past reference to animal torture and death (off-page), serial killing, mentions of sexual assault (off page and in past) done once to MC (but his offender pays for it), mentions of child molestations (the offender pays for it), mentions of rape (but the offender pays for it), and more.

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Sunday, March 17, 2024

March's Book Shape Challenge

Here's March Book Shape Challenge! A pot of gold at the end of a rainbow (and a cute little fairy--I don't have a leprechaun figurine).

(I picked all of these books at random, based off the color of their cover; not based on: whether I read them or not--most of which I haven't, sense why they were closest).

#reading #readingchallenge #readingdare #bookdare #bookchallenge #alphabetchallenge #beatthebacklog #monthlythemes #monthlychallenge #bookshape #bookshapechallenges #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Double Match (Perfect Match Agency: Springtime #3)

Here's Roe Horvat's "Double Match." It's the second novel in a new multi-author series called "Perfect Match Agency: Springtime."

["Finding an alpha who’d date a pregnant omega is not easy... unless Perfect Match Agency hooks you up with an alpha couple.

Gigi has been happy staying single, but he’s not keen on being a single father. Five months pregnant, after a long deliberation, he employs Perfect Match Agency to find him a stable, reliable co-parent for his kid. Instead, he's matched with an alpha couple and swept off his feet in a whirlwind of lust.

Frederick and Adrien couldn’t be more different—maybe that’s why they've stayed true to each other in a loving bond for years. They balance each other out. That balance is tipped when a gorgeous omega bursts into their life, beautiful, clever, and very much pregnant. They were hoping to find someone to start a family with. But being with Gigi becomes so much more than a carefully planned transaction."]

Frederick and Adrien fell HARD and FAST. It was more than lust for them. It was everything they ever wanted (and more--duh).

Gigi...took longer to take his walls down. He fell hard and fast in lust, but it was harder to convince himself that it was okay to be vulnerable, that it was okay to trust people, that it was okay to fall in love. He fell just as hard and fast as his new alpha partners, but it took him time to accept it.

This story was cute as fuck, which is a Roe hallmark. But it was also spicy as fuck (soooo much smut in this one). Insta-lust plus deeper feelings plus found family plus happily ever after (with babies)?? So much yes.

#exmatch #enemymatch #doublematch #lusciousmatch #wildmatch #perfectmatchagency #perfectmatchagencyseries #perfectmatchagencyspringtime #perfectmatchagencyspringtimeseries #mmfarmer #annawineheart #roehorvat #wendyrathbone #amybellows #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Rogue (Jericho's Boys #2)

Here's Only James's "Rogue." It's the second book in her Jericho's Boys series (which is one of the two spin-off series from her Necessary Evils series--aka the Mulvaney Boys series (which is still some of the best books in the genre I ever read)).

["Levi Akira’s existence is far from ideal. His mother's addiction consumes their lives, his academic standing is crumbling, and the convenience store he works at is a constant target for ruthless robberies. But amidst the chaos, Levi finds solace in only three things: his tight-knit group of friends, protecting his neighborhood as one of Jericho’s Boys, and streaming his favorite video game, where he assumes the role of Rogue—a hero who will break the rules for the greater good.

Shiloh Mizrahi’s hope has all but dwindled. With one brother unjustly imprisoned, and the other a sadistic puppeteer, he endures daily torment at the hands of the latter. And his latest demand? Get close to Levi at any cost.

In the midst of another ordinary night shift, Levi's world is upended when a captivating and terrified stranger appears, brandishing a weapon and claiming he has been forced to kill Levi by his own brother. Levi, torn between self-preservation and an instinctive aversion to harming the vulnerable boy, takes a bold leap—he kisses him. And then, just like that, the boy disappears into the night, leaving Levi haunted by his memory.

Driven by an unshakeable connection, Levi's path crosses with Shiloh's once more, igniting a passionate bond that refuses to be extinguished. However, Shiloh harbors a labyrinth of secrets, torn between loyalty and desire. With his brother's freedom dangling in the balance, can Levi and Shiloh navigate the treacherous path to be together, or will Levi forever remain a hero confined to the online realm?"]


I've been obsessed (like Adam level obsessed) with these serieses for months. They're just so perfect! The sweetest amount of murder-boyfriends and dark romance and unhealthy but still somehow romantic levels of love and protection and possession and dedication. These Mulvaneys and these Jericho Boys are just so freaking D: 

Levi deserved something or someone just his own, just for his love, just for his protection, and that was Shiloh in so many ways. Shiloh wanted a voice, wanted a protector, wanted a life, and Levi gave him all of that and more. They were both broken, both abused in their own ways, both from horrible families, but they found their own pathways, their own 'therapies', their own families. Their love wasn't perfect either, but it was their choice (!), and they wouldn't have it any other way. 

Trigger Warnings: suicidal ideations, suicide of a parent in graphic detail, on page physical assault of a main character, brief mentions of past sexual assault, sexual abuse of a child, talk of alcohol abuse by a side character, and graphic torture of people who totally deserve it. 

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Friday, March 15, 2024

Pillow Thoughts

I've been meaning to read Pillow Thoughts by Courtney Peppernell for aggggges! I finally got around to getting myself a copy and took my time reading through it.

["Pillow Thoughts is a collection of poetry and prose about heartbreak, love and raw emotions.

It is divided into sections to read when you feel you need them most.

Make a cup of tea and let yourself feel."]

I looooved the little octupus that just following you around the story. He/She/It was at the beginning of each section heading (illustrated by Rosy Bullot), and he/she/it was adorable as hell. I was obsessed.

The poems themselves ranged from very, very short (two lines) to long (a few prose paragraphs). But all in all, they were inspiring, depressing, and moving. Each different section manifested a lot of feelings about the assigned topic (love, loss, loneliness, ect).

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Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Wasteland Temptations series

I haven't posted much in a while, because I've been reading a lot of serials, collections, and episodes (and a lot of taboo stuff that I enjoyed, but didn't want to necessarily share). 

But this series? It was odd at first, but also pretty damn good. 

This series is called Wasteland Temptations by E.V. Olsen. 

Imagine if the universe didn't bounce back from COVID, if people died and kept dying. If the world literally shut down. The electricity stopped working (no one there to pay for it, run it, ect). Not many people alive. At. All. There are people who lived but let their psychopathic ways thrive, and they spend their times looting and killing; there are people who "lived" but have a brain-like virus that turned them to cannibals (kinda zombie like creatures, but they're not 'dead'). The few people alive either live the nomad life, going from one village/town/city to the next, pillaging to survive OR they hunker down in one village/town/city and live off the land.

The first two books cover Rex and Devon ("Mine to Claim" and "Mine to Protect", respective POVs). And the second two books cover Mac and Cal ("His to Break" and "His to Lead",  respective POVs). All four books are less than 75 pages and take no time at all to read. They're all very dark romances (spice wise, age-gap wise, and universe wise (it is a post-apocolyic world)), so mind the trigger below. 

We're still waiting on at least two more books to finish out the series, as well as answer some questions from the fourth one. 

Not going to lie, this book/series kept popping up as a targetted add, and I kept ignoring it until I figured the book-gods must be telling me something. ;)

Going to go see what other gems E.V. has for me to read (while ignoring the goals I had for this week).

Trigger Warnings: dubcon, sub-drop, violence, murder, talks of suicide, cannibalism, and more

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Tuesday, March 5, 2024

A Beginner's Guide to the Care and Feeding of Demons (Demonic Disasters and Afterlife Adventures #3.6)

Another day, another paranormal read (because why the hell not?). Here's Shannon Mae's "A Beginner's Guide to the Care and Feeding of Demons." It's a part of her Demonic Disasters and Afterlife Adventures series.

["Beelbufo has lived a comfortable life as a pet frog for two decades, enjoying pets, human food, and horror movie nights with his favorite human, Gabe. But when Gabe and Az fall head over heels in love, they decide Beel needs a companion too. Little does Beel know that the charming pet shop owner, Jon, is about to become his unsuspecting caretaker. There's only one small catch – Jon thinks Beel is just an ordinary pet frog.

When Jon's safety is threatened, Beel can't help making an appearance in his human form. Now Jon's eyeing him with suspicion (turns out his cover story wasn't that great), Gabe and Az are up to their matchmaking antics, and Beel really just wants another kiss with the adorable pet shop owner. (Oh, did we forget to mention they shared a kiss? Spoiler alert: it was magical.)

If Beel’s meddling family can stop interfering, Jon can stop being so suspicious, and Beel can stop being so scared of outing his true identity, these two might just get their own happily ever after. (Hopefully with more kisses, because Beel really does like the kissing.)"]

Mr. Frog was such a minor character in the second novel of this series, and yet he was so important! He was happy, living his life topside as a human's pet instead of dealing with all of the underworld drama (and heaven's drama--mostly heaven's drama). I never thought he would be more than that, a minor character, a pet frog, but here he is! With a love story of his own!! Go, Beel!! (also, love how every demon is like "Oh Beelbufo?! Love that guy. Glad he's doing good!"--because in this universe, demons care about each other (and humans)).

“But he wasn’t a frog prince, he was just some lesser demon” D: Beeeel!! 

“‘And it’s not fucking weird. So you like being a frog and a human. You’re just…nonbinary.’” Jonnnnnn! D:

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Monday, March 4, 2024

A Beginner's Guide to Christmas Miracles (Demonic Disasters and Afterlife Adventures #3.5)

Another day, another paranormal read (because why the hell not?). Here's Shannon Mae's "A Beginner's Guide to Christmas Miracles." It's a part of her Demonic Disasters and Afterlife Adventures series.

["Nachielus (not Nicholas) may have gotten into a bit of trouble over unsanctioned miracles, ending up on the upstairs’ naughty list. Sure, maybe he’d gotten a little carried away with the whole Christmas thing, but he hadn’t meant to become a part of folklore, and surely that wasn’t a reason to bury him in centuries of paperwork. Banned from topside and missing his favorite holiday, he gets a push from a certain demon to pop up and have a look around. When he meets Beckett, a Christmas-loving elf enthusiast who mistakes him for the Santa hired for a fundraiser, how can he say no? Next thing he knows, Nach is in over his head again, because this is one human he can’t resist.

Beck's Christmas is merry and bright, especially after he encounters Nach, the hottie in questionable Santa attire. Nach's kindness, generosity, and charm have Beck falling faster than a snowflake. With no place to stay, obviously Beck needs to bring Nach home with him. Beck never believed in love at first sight before, but there’s just something about Nach that calls to him, and it isn’t long before he’s trying to figure out to keep this sexy Santa all to himself."]

Oh Nach. Constantly performing miracles but mentally justifying it so it might not count as an official miracle? Too. Damn. Adorable. 

This was the perfect little Christmas hallmark movie of Beck’s dreams. I love that for him. That and Nach. ;)

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A Beginner's Guide to Revenge, Chaos, and other Absurd Escapades (Demonic Disasters and Afterlife Adventures #3)

Another day, another paranormal read (because why the hell not?). Here's Shannon Mae's "A Beginner's Guide to Revenge, Chaos, and other Absurd Escapades." It's a part of her Demonic Disasters and Afterlife Adventures series.

["Arioch loves his job; creating chaos and encouraging revenge is fun, and if he pranks a few demons, angels, and humans along the way, all the better. When an archangel shows up with a message from god, Arioch knows he ought to take it seriously, but what’s the fun in that? Michael, the human he’s supposed to help, takes everything seriously enough for both of them, and Arioch is determined to teach the guy how to have a little fun with life. If he starts to fall for the human along the way, well, another human-demon pairing can only cause more chaos, which is definitely Ari’s specialty. Now he just has to convince Michael that although the two of them are polar opposites, they actually work perfectly together.

Michael has been the dependable, practical older brother his entire life; he took the weight of the world on his shoulders when he was too young to realize how heavy the burden would be. If he can guarantee happiness for his siblings, that will be enough for him, even if all he can see in his own future is loneliness. However, when Michael realizes that someone from the afterlife lied to him and attempted to cause his family harm, he is determined to do something about it. With the help of a certain demon, maybe he can figure out who targeted his family and get a little revenge. He’ll just have to refrain from killing the demon that is messing up his perfectly ordered existence. When the cheerful prankster actually starts looking attractive to Michael, maybe he’ll finally step out of his comfort zone and find out how fun chaos can actually be."]

This series is going to slowly kill me. It's just so D: 

It's the perfect balance of fluff and chaos. Like Michael and Ari themselves, actually. 

Each additional couple is more perfect than the last, more adorable and sweet and spicy (and, as it turns out, helps heals the cracks in heaven--though we might have known that). 

Each new book also brings more demons who need love and moooooore questions on when we get a Luce and Yah book!?!?!?. Like seriously? Luce and Yah? They're also the exact opposite of what everyone would assume (also as in, in this series, angels are generally assholes, and demons are your BFFs).

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The Adventures of Sterling Jones (Murder Sprees and Mute Decrees #sidequest)

Here is Jennifer Cody's "The Adventures of Sterling Jones." It's a novella (a side quest) in her Murder Sprees and Mute Decrees series.

["My life has been full of danger and fun since the day I realized what widening my big, blue eyes a bit could do for a boy like me. Guys the world over have fallen into that look-at-me-I’m-so-innocent trap, and I’ve never regretted it, even when I was staring down the muzzle of some poor straight boy’s weapon after confusing him with the best bj of his life (they don’t usually try to murder me, and he didn’t succeed, so obviously I’ve never learned my lesson). I love a good adventure, and now I’m looking at the greatest one I’ve ever seen.

Jethro Jones knows exactly what hits him the moment I sidle into his personal space, and it’s not because I only have one arm and an off-putting manic grin (I’m very cute, even with the psycho smile). It’s definitely the boner I’m rocking. The ride I offer him after his motorcycle’s been stolen? Well, that’s just the beginning, isn’t it? Besides, I’m adorable, fun, and only inclined to kidnap people I like."]

"Jethro works for good; he isn't good." Which sums up the entire book. And Sterling's type. And, obviously, Jethro. They're the definition of chaotic evil, both of them, all of the time--and even worse when they're feeling plot-y.

"'And I only only inclined to kidnap people I like.'" Let's state for the record here, that Sterling kidnaps 2 people in this book, one of which is Jethro, but talks about kidnapping another. BUT he kidnaps people like Romily adopts people, because they look lonely. And its  pretty mutual. 

I forgot how much I adore this series. :D

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Sunday, March 3, 2024

How to Hide Your Vampire Kid (Closet Baby Chronicles #3)

Here's Anna Winheart's "How To Hide Your Vampire Kid." It's the third novel in her Closet Baby Chronicles series.

["It's OK to steal from your workplace, right? For your baby? As long as your hot new boss doesn't find out?

Samsen's been scraping by at his job, sneaking blood bags to keep his baby alive. But the new boss—Valor—is sharp-eyed and unfairly handsome, and it's like he can smell Samsen's deceitful ways.

It doesn't matter that Valor feels like mate. Valor is suspicious; of course he is.

As much as Samsen wants a bite, a taste, the fact remains that the closer Valor gets, the more likely it is he'll unearth Samsen's secrets. He has the power to snatch away everything Samsen has. And Samsen's been starving too long to take that risk."]

Another wild success from Anna in this adorable series. It's such a cracky balance of steam and sweetness that just makes you feel all light inside. *fangirl noises*

This book also previewed a few new characters and many new possible future pairs, and I cannot wait!

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Goodbye, February

February was eons long. I'm not even kidding. It took FOREVER--and yet, it's the shortest month of the year. But we did have false s...