Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Goodbye, April!

April was a mess of emotions. A conundrum of esoterica (yes, I just rewatched Series of Unfortunate events (the Netflix one, obviously) again--its a mood). But today, the sun is shining, and the birds are singing, and the sky is blue, and the grass is green, and there's a small breeze, and the possibilities of life seem bright and endless (aka the exact opposite of last month--and the first half of this month).

2024 Resolutions:

     (1) Don't stop reading
            (b) Complete Monthly Reading Challenge(s)
     (2) Make memories
     (3) Share love of books/writing
     (4) Be kinder to myself

(1) Books read this month: 36 (might get one more in there before midnight though).
    (b) Monthly Reading Challenge(s): Shape = Raindrop. Got some A-Z stuff recorded. Tried to catch up on the backlogs. 

(2) April Memories: I had dinner with my friends. I quit my job. I took a much needed self-care vacation into nature where I focused on healing, positive intentions, and planning my next steps. I tried not to feel guilty too, when I took some time to also binge tv or binge-read books. I started a few new adventures in the last day and a half (updates next month). I talked with my sister a lot (she was my rock this month; I wouldn't have survived March or April without her). 

(3) Posts this month (including this one): 23.

(4)  Ehh. I started eating less. There were a few days where I ate a lot of fruit. There were a few days where I ate a lot of gunk. Some days, I'm super hydrated, but more often than not, I'm barely making 40oz. But my mental health has gotten better as the month progressed, and that's what's most important to me at the moment. Hopefully soon, I can focus on my physical self as well.

Anyone still holding onto their resolutions?

Any exciting May reads?
Anything I should check out?

#newyearsresolutions #goodbyeapril #hellomay #hello2024 #keeplearning #dontstopreading #monthlyreadingchallenge #makememories #shareloveofbooks #bekindertoself #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Brutal Titan (North Shore Titans #2)

Here's E.V. Olsen's latest series North Short Titans. The second novel in this series is "Brutal Titan."

["Jackson Reed has been a thorn in my side since the day we met–always running his mouth, always itching for a fight. Our rivalry on the ice has left us bruised and bloodied countless times.

When our teams end up at the same hotel for the Regional Championships, the brutal Titan gets under my skin in a whole new way. A fight turns into a chase through the woods, and when I’m caught, it ignites a forbidden fire within me that can’t be stifled.

Our secret encounters grow more intense, and I find myself craving his touch, his taste, his infuriating smirk that both turns me on and makes me want to punch him in his perfect face.

As captain of the South Shore Serpents, getting involved with the star of our rival team is reckless. A betrayal.


But Jackson Reed doesn't stop until he gets what he wants, and this time–it's me.

Falling for the brutal Titan was never part of the plan.

Except he's the most addictive bad idea I've ever had, and I can't get enough."]

These two. Fucking hell, these two. 

They fell in lust and then in love in a single weekend. It was glorious!! Granted, those feelings might have always been there in one way or another, but wow. Just wow. 

So much hate and possession and obsession and anger. So much fluff and love and caring disguised as fights and bruises and nasty words. 

Honestly, kinda obsessed with them. 

Trigger Warnings: bullying, violence, hockey related violence, homophobic tertiary character, mention of suicide, physical assault, and more.

#savagetitan #brutaltitan #unhingedtitan #northshoretitans #northshoretitansseries #evolsen #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Wild Match (Perfect Match Agency: Springtime #5)

Here's Amy Bellow's "Wild Match." It's the fifth and final novel in a new multi-author series called "Perfect Match Agency: Springtime."

["Leo is constantly getting photographed doing things he shouldn’t. Like multiple alphas at the same time, for instance. In a room full of other people.

The scandals are adding up, and his agent isn’t happy.

When he almost loses the lead role in a high budget film because of his wild behavior, he’s given an settle down with a boring alpha to clean up his image, or his agent won’t represent him anymore.

The problem is finding a respectable alpha who will have him. That’s where the Perfect Match Agency comes in. They promise to match him with an upstanding member of society in exchange for a little publicity.

Leo doesn’t expect to like the guy. He certainly doesn’t expect to be so drawn in by him that he goes into heat early.

But Leo has always been a little wild…"]

This book was so freaking cute!!! Like I need to add Amy to my to-binge list cute! I need to read her other things, but I also NEED to know the backstory and future of the other characters in this novel. Each and every one of them were so full and wonderful (and nerdy as hell).

I looooved Leo and Steve. They were perfect for each other. They accepted each other's fault (and self-doubts) and embraced each other's dreams. They talked and talked and got to know each other and each other's needs/wants. They were respectful as hell, which, just like competency, shouldn't be as wildly attractive as it is, but that's the state of romance for you these days. ;) 

This was a nice ready in between murder mysteries (which I have multiple started) and dark romances (which I also have multiple started). And it was a nice excuse to continue to ignore ALL of the books I have half-started around here. 

#exmatch #enemymatch #doublematch #lusciousmatch #wildmatch #perfectmatchagency #perfectmatchagencyseries #perfectmatchagencyspringtime #perfectmatchagencyspringtimeseries #mmfarmer #annawineheart #roehorvat #wendyrathbone #amybellows #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Friday, April 26, 2024

How to Hide Your Stolen Baby (Closet Baby Chronicles #4)

Here's Anna Winheart's "How To Hide Your Stolen Baby." It's the fourth novel in her Closet Baby Chronicles series. Because its part murder boyfriends (for the greater good) and part crack (soooo much crack).

["Ex-thief Joey has been sent to live with a policeman. Thing is, he stole his baby.

Ever since Joey stole a dragon-shifter baby, his life has become infinitely more difficult. The bad guys are after him, and Joey has absolutely no experience with flame-breathing little children.

So when his new friends set him up to stay with an upstanding policeman, things should take a turn for the better, right? Blade is huge, handsome, and Joey has an ever-growing crush on him.

Blade makes sure Joey has good food, he helps to patch up Joey's injuries. Blade looks at Joey like he wants to devour him, and Blade is also not human.

How long does Joey have until Blade figures out that he stole Katie, and decides that Joey isn't the mate he's looking for? Joey doesn't doesn't think his heart will survive it."]

This series! D: I flipping love this series! It's so sweet and spicy and the perfect combination of possessive and obsessive and that feeling of rightness while falling in love and learning to trust and AH D: 

It took Joe 0.5 seconds to fall for Blade, and arguably, it took Blade even less than that. Between their supportive friends and more meddling than good butlers and fate itself, it didn't take them long to succumb to the feelings of lust and love. 

And just when you think the series might be winding out, Anna introduces two new characters with their own magical babies who need protecting and who's hearts (their own) need claiming. 

Trigger Warnings: past child abuse, violence, and more.

#howtohideyourdragonbaby #howtohideyourwolfcub #howtohideyourvampirekid #howtohideyourstolenbaby #howtohideyourmermaidchild #closetbabychronicles #closetbabychroinclesseries #annawineheart #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Restless (Squad Goals #2)

This is "Restless," the second book in Willow Thomas's Squad Goals series (because I need something easy, angst-less, cheesy as hell).

["The Cheerleader and the Football Star

Kissing Tucker Evans at a frat party was a stupid idea. He’s still getting over his cheating ex and there is no way I am anyone’s rebound guy.
Except when he gets injured, somehow I find myself volunteering to help look after him.
In every sense.
So maybe I will be his rebound. If I know what the score is going in, I can’t be hurt.
Solid plan.

Kissing Giovanni Russo at a frat party was a brilliant idea. There was more chemistry in that one kiss than there ever was with my ex.
Now I just have to convince him to give me a chance.
Sharing a bed at his parents house leads to some epic fun times, but he has it in his head that I just want a rebound.
With Gio I want everything."]

This book was fabulous! It was fun and cute and fluffy and spicy and filled with soooo many well-intended, meddling friends/family members (so. many.). And fabulously cliched tropes. And a few accidental grand gestures (and one really big one).

I also love how it kept hinting at what the next book could be about (love that for us).

#clueless #restless #dateless #squadgoals #squadgoalsseries #willowthomas #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Let That Shit Go: A Journal For Leaving Your Bullshit Behind and Creating a Happy Life

Trying to do a few things for myself, to better myself, to better my mental health. Monica Sweeney's "
Let That Shit Go: A Journal For Leaving Your Bullshit Behind and Creating a Happy Life" is definitely helping.

["Journal your way to feeling weightless as f*ck!

Harboring grudges and plotting revenge take a lot of energy. While the wait for one true moment of schadenfreude sounds oh so sweet, true bliss can be found in simply not giving a fuck. With 'Let That Sh*t Go.' you'll find moments of profanity-laced catharsis and joy though journaling activities and inspirations that are positive as f*ck. Within these truly charming pages, you'll find ways to let go of the bullsh*t and lift your spirits a little fu*king higher.

*Find serenity in the little things around you that are happy and helpful.
*Say farewell, motherf*cker to the shit that bothers you
*Make peace and following your f*cking rainbow.

Lots of lists (if you know me, you know I love my lists). Thinking about what I want, what I need, what needs cut, what needs to change. How I can be better to myself, better to others. How I can cultivate something brighter, something healthier.

I really enjoyed this interactive journal. It was funny as hell but also motivational. I felt like some of it was repetitive, but that won't necessarily stop me from checking out Monica's "Zen as Fuck" journal. ;)

#letthatshitgo #letthatshitgoajournalforleavingyourbullshitbehindandcreatingahappylife #ajournalforleavingyourbullshitbehindandcreatingahappylife #monicasweeney #journal #selfhelpbook #selfhelpjournal #journalling #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

What We See In The Stars: An Illustrated Tour of the Night Sky

I found "What We See In The Stars: An Illustrated Tour of the Night Sky" by Kelsey Oseid while taking a little mental health trip into nature. And what a nice read it was!

["A richly illustrated guide to the myths, histories, and science of the celestial bodies of our solar system, with stories and information about constellations, planets, comets, the northern lights, and more.

Combining art, mythology, and science, What We See in the Stars gives readers a tour of the night sky through more than 100 magical pieces of original art, all accompanied by text that weaves related legends and lore with scientific facts. This beautifully packaged book covers the night sky's most brilliant features--such as the constellations, the moon, the bright stars, and the visible planets--as well as less familiar celestial phenomena like the outer planets, nebulae, and deep space. Adults seeking to recapture the magic of youthful stargazing, younger readers interested in learning about natural history and outer space, and those who appreciate beautiful, hand-painted art will all delight in this charming book."]

I know a lot about space, the planets, the stars, ect (thank you fifth grade obsession). But it's always nice to reread some facts and learn some new ones. 

And the illustrations in here?!?! MY GOD! They're beautiful and glorious and filled with so many shades of navy that you'd think it wouldn't quite so engaging. If I wasn't a firm black-inc tattoo gal, I'd consider getting the moon Kelsey painted in this book on my body somewhere, because wow, just wow. 

It's also sad to continue to read books that claim Pluto isn't a planet anymore (yes, I know it's been 20+ years, but I'm still sooooo bitter). One of these days, maybe I'll stumble upon a book that is equally as sad as I am about it (any suggestions?). 

#whatweseeinthestars #anillustratedtourofthenightsky #whatweseeinthestarsanillustratedtourofthenightsky #kelseyoseid #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Exasperating (Elite Protection Services #3)

Not sure WHAT I'm really in the mood to read, but I suppose crossing something off an older TBR list is better than nothing? Here is Onley James's "Exasperating." It's the third novel in her Elite Protection Services series.

["What he craves is attention.

CALDER SETON is an unapologetic manwhore. Former Texas Ranger turned private security agent for Elite, he’s an expert at keeping his heart to himself. His employer wishes he’d do the same for his body. Calder has a habit of sleeping with Elite’s clients and they’ve told him to keep it in his pants or find a new job. That’s fine with Calder. He has a new playmate anyway, virginal actor Robby Shaw.

ROBBY SHAW spent most of his life sheltered from the world until he lands a role in an LA kid’s show and becomes the fake boyfriend of A-list actor, Elijah Dunne. When that relationship ends in humiliation and heartache, Robby meltdowns epically, landing him in county lockup and on the radar of Calder Seton, who he hasn’t seen in over a month.

A sizzling hookup leaves both Robby and Calder questioning their life choices, and when Robby’s life is threatened, Calder doesn’t hesitate to step in, free of charge. Unfortunately, Robby hires Elite before he can volunteer, putting himself on Calder’s list of untouchables until they can solve a murder.

The rules of Romancelandia state only a virgin can tame a manwhore, but both Robby and Calder have a pile of baggage and everything from a cult to anonymous killers standing in their way. Can they find a way to heal from their pasts so they can have a future?"]

BUT is Romancelandia wrong? Because I don't think it is (and neither does Wyatt or Charlie, whose idea it was in the first place). Robby wouldn't disagree either (nor would Calder, after he took his head out of his own ass). 

The triggers are heeeeavy near the end. These two figured out their romance pretty quick, but the anonymous killers and past heartbreaks and fucking cults are a lot. A lot a lot. So be warned.

Trigger Warnings: past childhood abuse, cult shit, hate and abuse masked as religion, attempted mass ‘suicide’/murder, sex/human trafficking, and more.

#intoxicating #captivating #exasperating #infuriating #satisfying #eliteprotectionservices #eliteprotectionservicesseries #onleyjames #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Captivating (Elite Protection Services #2)

Not sure WHAT I'm really in the mood to read, but I suppose crossing something off an older TBR list is better than nothing? Here is Onley James's "Captivating." It's the second novel in her Elite Protection Services series.

["Jayne Shepherd has spent his life blending in. He smiles. He laughs. He’s likable. He’s also a sociopath. His emotions are limited. Love, fear, desire don’t exist in his world. Until he meets Elijah.

Elijah Dunne had everything. Third generation Hollywood royalty. Child star. Untouchable. Until one man ruined it all. Elijah fled LA to try to forget, but now, he’s back on top and back on a monster’s radar. Elijah doesn’t think he’ll ever feel safe. Until he meets Shepherd.

Elijah and Shep only have one thing in common. They both wear masks. Shep makes Elijah feel protected. Seen. Elijah makes Shep just feel. Now that he’s had a taste, he’s not about to let him go.

Everybody warns that what they have isn’t real. Shep is obsessed with Elijah, not in love. But Elijah craves Shep’s obsession. He can’t imagine life without him. In Hollywood, being a sociopath is more a life skill than a diagnosis. Could Shep be the monster Elijah needs to finally slay his demons?"]

Now JAYNE is a murder boyfriend! In all of his awkward, sociopathic, can't-figure-out-feelings, seriously-squishy-on-the-inside-glory! "I don't need to date him. I want him. I don't need to test him out. I just want him to know I've...chosen him."

And ELIJAH is the broken boy who deserves all of the love and the attention and the fluff and the death threats (owed to him--not given to him, so we're clear) and the spice and glorious, glorious karma. 

Together, they were perfect. Two puzzle pieces of destruction and destructed, working so fucking hard to be worthy and to be loved. They'd fight any battle, face any foe for the other, and isn't that what we're all looking for? (minus the murder boyfriend...maybe..) 

Trigger Warnings: past child sexual abuse, toxic af parents, cycle of child rape in Hollywood, Hollywood rape cover-up, and more.

#intoxicating #captivating #exasperating #infuriating #satisfying #eliteprotectionservices #eliteprotectionservicesseries #onleyjames #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, April 22, 2024

Intoxicating (Elite Protection Services #1)

Not sure WHAT I'm really in the mood to read, but I suppose crossing something off an older TBR list is better than nothing? Here is Onley James's "Intoxicating." It's the first novel in her Elite Protection Services series.

["What he really lacks is discipline.

LINCOLN HUDSON has just been handed the easiest job in the world. Babysit the spoiled son of a conservative senator, keep him out of trouble, and receive a six-figure paycheck. A paycheck he desperately needs. Wyatt’s father claims he needs Linc’s firm hand and discipline. One look at him and Linc agrees. Wyatt needs discipline.

Being the closeted gay son of a family values senator has left WYATT EDGEWORTH with a reckless streak and a love of partying that just cost him eight months of his life and might cost his father his re-election. So now, he has a babysitter. A very sexy babysitter.

When Wyatt drunkenly tells Linc he’d make an excellent Daddy, they reach an understanding. Wyatt gets a Daddy and Linc gets a paycheck, then they go their separate ways. For this to work, discretion is key, but with a reporter dogging Wyatt’s every move, that might prove impossible.

Staying together was never an option, but with each passing day, their feelings only grow. Will they risk it all for what’s supposed to be a harmless fling?"]

I'm not sure why it took my soooo long to read this book. I bought it almost two years ago. After I binged Onley's "Necessary Evil's" series, I should have gone straight here. It's the perfect balance of dark (minus the murder boyfriends--boo) and personal-demons (check the trigger warnings below, please) and obsession and devotion and fluff and love (and not knowing you're in love until you're already neck-deep in it). 

Wyatt is the exact opposite of what his father describes him to be, the exact opposite of what the world sees him as. It took Linc a while to let down his own judgements and first-impressions to see the read him, but when he did? There was no going back. Not for either of them. 

GAH! I can't wait for the rest of the series (or binging Onley's whole backlist instead of reading stuff on my TBR).

Trigger Warnings: suicide attempts, self-harm, past sexual abuse, past trauma, PTSD, past and present physical abuse, talk of past conversion "therapy", toxic af parents, and more.

#intoxicating #captivating #exasperating #infuriating #satisfying #eliteprotectionservices #eliteprotectionservicesseries #onleyjames #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, April 21, 2024

April's Book Shape Challenge

Here's April's Book Shape Challenge! A cute raindrop, because as they say, April shower bring...

(I picked all of these books at random, based off the color of their cover; not based on: whether I read them or not--most of which I haven't, sense why they were closest).

#reading #readingchallenge #readingdare #bookdare #bookchallenge #alphabetchallenge #beatthebacklog #monthlythemes #monthlychallenge #bookshape #bookshapechallenges #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, April 20, 2024

For A Song (Harmony of Hearts #0.5)

Here is Ariella Zoelle's "For A Song." It's the prequel to her Harmony of Hearts series (and much anticipated prequel).

["Early is on the prowl for the perfect alpha man to give him a night of fun. His life changes forever when he runs into Duke. Where will their night of passion lead them?

In the pulsating heart of a dance club, I stumble upon him: the epitome of tall, dark, and devastatingly handsome. Duke’s muscles were made for pinning me to the bed for a night of fun.

With determination as my wingman, I approach the god of a man with every ounce of charm and sass I possess, while my heart drums a beat to rival the bass. I get between him and the twink grinding against him to sway him to my rhythm.

But the jokes on me, because the ultimate temptation is wanting to have more than one night with the sexy stranger. Neither of us are the relationship type, but he makes me want to change my stance.

Caught between a one-night stand and a potential true love, will I change my solo tune for a duet with this charismatic man?"]

I (we) have ALWAYS loved Early and Duke, and I (we) have OBSESSED over their own love story. And. It's. Finally. Here. If only their full-length novel was out sooner than 2025! :(

This was such a nice read (all of Ariella's book are) when you want to read something but you're just not up to much (recovering from yet another illness--yay).

#forasong #playbyheart #makemusictogether #changehistune #musictohisears #skipabeat #preludeoflove #harmonyofhearts #harmonyofheartsseries #ariellazoelle #sunnyside #sunnysideuniverse #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, April 15, 2024

Just a Taste

Here's Briar Prescott's latest novel, "Just a Taste."

So... I’m getting married.
Just three minor details: my husband-to-be is technically also my step-brother, he’s straight, and we’re absolutely nowhere in the vicinity of being in love.

Only then comes the you-may-kiss-your-husband part. Turns out kissing your husband is a terrible idea because it makes you have strange thoughts you’ve never had before.
Turns out kissing my husband makes me question everything I know about myself.

It's fine. It doesn't have to mean anything. Just a blip on the radar. I'll leave it be.
But then I find out I’m not the only one who’s having ideas because of that kiss.
And we do something incredibly stupid and give in to temptation.

And again.
And again.

Until something casual and temporary turns into something very different.
Something unexpected.
Something serious.
Something terrifyingly real.

Now I'm determined to show Lake how good the two of us could be together.
Because with him? Just a taste will never be enough."]

This book was A. LOT. So many emotions and personal demons and almost-fights and sex and fluff and wow. But it was so good!

So many friends who were there. So many family members that just fucking won't (trigger warning). So many moments of understanding between Lake and Ryker. Ryker being a stubborn, soft-hearted, Golden-Boy fool for Lake. Lake being a stubborn, petty, broken boy with walls up for everyone but Ryker.

This was a really good read! And Briar says its not over for them yet, so I'll be excited to see where they go next.

#justataste #briarprescott #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Devil's Own (Palm Island #6)

Maybe trying to get a few things crossed off my reading lists. Here's K.M. Neuhold's "Devil's Own." It's the sixth and final novel in her Palm Island series. In K.M.’s words, “the psychic, gothic, femboy icon we’ve been waiting for..”

["There’s nothing Devil loves more than giving Angel whatever he wants, especially when it’s what he wants too. The only question is… Does Raven want them?

Of course, I’ve noticed Angel and Devil noticing me. I’ve felt their eyes and the deep pulse of their heated wanting. I’ve also seen plenty of men coming and going from their house all summer long, year after year, and I don’t want to be one in a long line.

The energy of Palm Island is so strong, it’s hard not to get swept up in it sometimes. Temporary lust, the hedonistic thrill of excess… I’m only human after all. But something stops me every time I want to give in and let go.

I’ve managed to avoid getting too close to Angel and Devil… until now. Months of endless, heated dreams and the long, lonely slog of the winter are threatening to break my resolve. And all the tarot cards and tea leaves in the world couldn’t prepare me for what they’re really like.

What if all the three-ways are just because they’re desperately searching for something? What if soulmates can come in thirds? What if I let go and see what happens?

Just because I play the part of a psychic, doesn’t mean I know a damn thing about relationships or how we’re going to make this one work…"]

Raven has been my FAVORITE character from the very beginning of this. He’s so sweet and odd and caring and broken and loving and just— He deserves soooo much for everything he does for everyone else. The least Harold could do (resident gay ghost of the island) was give him is carousel HEA.

I toooootally understood the lack of communication here: Raven didn't want to break his own heart when he finally gave into the mutual lust, and Angel/Devil didn't want to spook him away with how much and how long they wanted him (forever, spoiler alert, it's forever). BUT the lack of communication was frustrating and made most of the novel slow-burn, and I just wanted them to TALK or FUCK or boooooth (both is good)! D:

BUUUT (x2) when they finally fell into the lust and accepted the love they felt for each other, it was explosive and beautiful and sooooo Harold (and George) approved! :D

I'm sooooo sad this series is over. I fucking LOVED this series. It was beautiful and raunchy. Hopefully something equally as amazing is in the works soon.

#therealdeal #perfectten #takenbystorm #dirtytrick #easydoesit #devilsown #wildgoosechase #theoffseason #theoffseasonseries #palmisland #palmislandbooks #kmneuhold #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Wildflower Emily: A Story About Young Emily Dickinson

I haven't been on #NetGalley in a while, and when I went, I stumbled upon the CUTEST of graphic novels. "Wildflower Emily: A Story About Young Emily Dickinson" was written by Lydia Corry. 

["Emily Dickinson is one of America’s greatest and most original poets of all time. When you hear her name, you may imagine the famous recluse whose withdrawal from society became legendary. But it’s time to meet a new side of Emily, one that is powerful, adventurous, and joyful.

Follow along as we delve into Emily Dickinson’s childhood, revealing a young girl desperate to go out exploring―to meet the flowers in their own homes. Wade through tall grasses to gather butterfly weed and goldenrod, the air alive with the “buccaneers of buzz.” And, don’t forget to keep a hot potato in your pocket to keep your fingers warm.

This is Emily Dickinson as you’ve never seen her before, embarking on an unforgettable journey in her hometown of Amherst, Massachusetts, with her trusty four-legged companion, Carlo."]

"Her friends understood that Emily saw the world differently."

I never knew Emily Dickinson loved wildflowers. I knew her as the quirky recluse poet who was maybe queer. This book was beautiful (in words as well as pictures).  And Carlo?!?! He was freaking fabulous! I looooved him.

I loved this book! It was colorful and bright and lighthearted. It was filled with flowers and anthropomorphic bugs and supportive af family/friends. That's the life (maybe minus the bugs--though they were cute): flowers, sunshine, and family/friends.

This graphic novel debuts on October 15, 2024, and you HAVE to get it! 

#flowersforemily #astoryaboutyoungemilydickinson #flowersforemilyastoryaboutyoungemilydickinson #lydiacorry #childrensnonfiction #graphicnovel #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Queer History A to Z: 100 Years of LGBTQ+ Activism

I haven't been on #NetGalley in a while, and when I went, I stumbled upon "Queer History A to Z: 100 Years of LGBTQ+ Activism." It was written by Robin Stevenson and illustrated by Vivian Rosas. 

["An essential resource for young readers that details the people, events and places that have shaped queer history in North America.

In this exploration of the history of LGBTQ+ activism in North America, middle-grade readers can learn about the key people who led the fight for equality, the events that brought about change and the places where history was made. Presented in an A to Z format, with one topic per letter (“P Is for Pride”), the entries include subjects such as coming out, pride flags, Jazz Jennings and the Stonewall Inn. Young readers will be particularly interested in learning about youth activists such as Gavin Grimm, the history of the first gay-straight alliance and the ongoing issue of banned children’s books in America."]

This book was really good! Some of the information, facts, people, places were a review, but I did learn a lot! Some more modern terms, some new people, some Canadian facts. 

Plus, the pictures and illustrations were gorgeous! The colors popped right off the page. 

This book debuts on May 7, 2024, and you NEED to go check it out!! :D

#QueerHistoryAtoZ #100YearsofLGBTQ+Activism #QueerHistoryAtoZ100YearsofLGBTQ+Activism #robinstevenson #vivianrosas #childrensnonfiction #history #lgbt #queerhistory #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Friday, April 12, 2024

A Planet Is a Poem

I haven't been on #NetGalley in a while, and when I went, I stumbled upon the CUTEST of books. "A Planet Is a Poem" was written by Amanda West Lewis and illustrated by Oliver Averill. 

["Science and poetry combine in an out-of-this-world exploration of the wonders of our solar system.

From a ballad of Earth and an ode to the sun to a villanelle for Venus and a sestina for Saturn, here are 14 original poems about planets and other bodies in our solar system. Each poem is written in a different poetic form that’s been chosen to reflect the object’s unique characteristics, and each is bursting with intriguing details sure to capture readers’ imaginations. Why is Mars known as the Red Planet? How many moons does Jupiter have? And what exactly is the Kuiper Belt? Budding astronomers, young and old, can find the answers to these questions and many more in this innovative, enchanting book.

Amanda West Lewis’s unique and engaging poems and text are lavishly illustrated with stunning artwork by Oliver Averill that celebrates the vastness of space while bringing its curious objects to vivid life. Every spread features a stunning space scene, a poem and a fold-out flap that, when opened, reveals easy-to-understand science facts about the object as well as an explanation of the poetic form used and why it was matched with that object. From sonnet, free verse and persona to prose, acrostic and hip-hop poems, there are 14 poetic forms to enjoy. With loads of curriculum connections in Earth science and language arts, this immersive and beautifully crafted book is a terrific choice for STEAM lesson plans. The back of the book contains a glossary, references, an activity, an illustration of our solar system and an index."]

This. Book. Was. Fabulous.

It was informative on planets and space and stars and that fast nothingness-everythingness that is the universe. It was also super informative on poetry, stanzas, styles, and famous poems/poets. Plus all those fabulous, colorful, expressive, explosive pictures?!?! Hell. Yes.

You have to go read this!! I got it as an ARC, but I might need to go buy the physical book (it debuts May 7, 2024).

#aplanetisapoem #amandawestlewis #oliveraverill #childrensnonfiction #steam #stem #poetry #sciencepoems #picturebooks #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Easy Does It (Palm Island #5)

Maybe trying to get a few things crossed off my reading lists. Here's K.M. Neuhold's "Easy Does It." It's the fifth novel in her Palm Island series.

["I've never shied away from the hard things in life. But falling in love with Lux… EASY has never felt so good.

Most of the guys on Palm Island call me the token straight guy. The truth is, I'm not so much straight as I'm just… nothing. Asexual, demi, the label doesn't make much of a difference to me. And living on an island that's nothing but parties and nudity half the year… well, let's put it this way… I'm the guy who sells clothes.

As long as I have Easy, everything else is a day on the beach.

I didn't think anything could ever change things between us… but that was before I saw the tape.

It's like seeing him that way flipped a switch in my brain. Now it's all I can see when I close my eyes. It's all I can hear. I think I want the real thing…

It's the middle of the season which means nothing but beach parties, theme weeks, and all of the insanity that comes with the six months of Palm Island being overrun by tourists flooding our shops from dawn to dusk.

Can Easy and I figure things out in the middle of all this chaos? Or are we just building a sandcastle that's bound to get washed away with the tide?"]

Lux, about the infamous “haunted” (by the gay founders of the island) carousel: “Why do you think everyone else has so much trouble with that thing? Its always worked fine for us?” Shot me in the heart right now. D:

I’m really not sure why I put off read like this books for months, because there wasn’t really any angst at all. At. All.

These two were as perfect as they’ve always been. So in sync and caring and touchy feely. But at least this time around, they were more than just best friends. ;) 

An easy (pun originally not intended) read from a FABULOUS series (filled with intended puns—and lots of dicks). 

#therealdeal #perfectten #takenbystorm #dirtytrick #easydoesit #devilsown #wildgoosechase #theoffseason #theoffseasonseries #palmisland #palmislandbooks #kmneuhold #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, April 8, 2024

A Beginner's Guide to Demonic Possessions (Demonic Disasters and Afterlife Adventures #3.7)

Another day, another paranormal read (because why the hell not?). Here's Shannon Mae's "A Beginner's Guide to Demonic Possessions." It's a part of her Demonic Disasters and Afterlife Adventures series.

["The dreaded Valentine's Day is coming next week, and Trent can’t stomach the thought of another holiday alone. Hiding in the restaurant bathroom from his terrible date, he wishes for a way to skip V-Day all together. Alien abduction? Demonic possession? Coma? Anything else sounds good right about now. When he looks in the bathroom mirror, Trent suddenly realizes he isn’t in charge anymore. Demonic possession it is then.

Paz certainly didn’t expect such a welcome (apparently most hosts spend all their time screaming internally), and he also has quite a bit to say about Trent’s life (who lives in an apartment for six years and doesn’t decorate it?). Trent had no idea his demonic possession was going to look more like a home improvement show than a spring break gone wild special, but Paz manages to break Trent out of his comfort zone and show him what he’s been missing in life (and it isn’t just random hook ups)."]

And the bonus tags (because they're arguable better than the blurb itself): ["Trent is not a morning person; Paz is way too bright and cheery for a demon; sharing a body is a surefire way to get rid of loneliness; who knew shopping for flatware (whatever that is) could be fun; Paz takes Trent toy shopping (yes, those kinds of toys); demonic friends keep popping up (and sometimes even helping); maybe Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be a horrific holiday filled with loneliness and despair; Trent and Paz might just be a match made in heaven… or hell."]

I will forever be amazed at how soft and sweet and kind and caring demons are in this world. They are practically perfect, from their horns to their tails. They want so much goodness (and chaos--but good chaos) for humanity. And when they stumble into love themselves? They're flabbergasted and unsure they deserve it. Silly demons. 

Trent deserved this possession. Not because he was a bad guy, but because he needed the positive change in his life that Paz was able to bring. I mean, I don't like shopping for mundane otems or trying new, scary things either, but Paz was with him right away.

There wasn't too much progress on finding out who the bad angel is (or the good one), nor was there any pop-ups from Luce or Yah. :( 

#abeginnersguidetodeathdemonsandotherafterlifedisasters #abeginnersguidetomistakenlysummoneddemonsandothermisadventures #abeginnersguidetorevengechaosandotherabsurdescapades #abeginnersguidetothecareandfeedingofdemons #abeginnersguidetochristmasmiracles #abeginnersguidetoghostsfallenangelsandotherafterlifers #demonicdisastersandafterlifeadventures #demonicdisastersandafterlifeadventuresseries #shannonmae #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Alaskan Thunder

Maybe if I read a few novellas, I'll snap out of this funk? Here's Nando Gray's "Alaskan Thunder."

["Calvin hated Zayne the moment he saw him. In fact, the two couldn't have been more different if they'd planned it. But the pilot needed money badly, and the young, scrawny, raven-haired influencer who had just flown up here from California as part of some ridiculous come-to-nature find-yourself nonsense was apparently loaded with the stuff.

The pilot had never seen so many designer suitcases in one place in his life. The guy had brought at least three times the amount of cargo he'd been warned to limit himself to, insisting unapologetically that it was all "really super important," the spoiled kid was apparently used to get whatever he wanted. Calvin had given up instantly on expecting much from the vapid tourist, deciding then and there to charge the chump double for his chartered flight.

But that baggage did weigh down his seaplane dangerously now, and he eyed the coming stormclouds with nervous apprehension, their coal black mass roiling in ominously over the volcanic peaks that ringed the quaint harbor town of Skagway, Alaska, menacing the pair's upcoming flight to Fort Yukon with the distant and crackling boom of Alaskan Thunder..."]

This book was like the classic middle grade novel “The Hatchet” but gay. And not for children. ;)

Both characters are highly flawed and so completely different, but they were able to set those differences aside to survive. And fall in love. 

I loved all the details and the side stories in this novella, too. It helped round it out and really extend that time they were lost.

#alaskanthunder #nandogray #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Rebel Girls Little Library

I haven't been on #NetGalley in a while, and when I went, I stumbled upon the The Rebel Girls Little Library.

["Featuring 10 empowering hardcover easy readers, this treasury shares 100 tales about extraordinary women and girls from all around the world.

To create the Little Library, Rebel Girls has chosen 100 stories from our first twelve story collections and retold them as enchanting stories for a younger audience."]

This was a nice, relaxing, but highly informative (and inspirational) read. I heard about a lot of these women and their achievements, but it was nice to get a refresher as well as learn about all of the other highly accomplished rebel ladies. 

I needed inspiration in my life right now. It was both inspiring and just...disheartening. I'm on the brink of change, and while I don't want to rush time, I want to get on with my future. I want to start the change now and feel something.

I would recommend this book to anyone, of any age, at any stage in their lives. 

#WomenWhoDance #WomenWhoMakeMusic #WomenWhoPlaySports #WomenWhoMakeMovies #WomenWhoLoveScience #WomenWhoExplore #WomenWhoLoveAnimalsv#WomenWhoInvent #WomenWhoHelpOthers #WomenWhoCreateArt #rebelgirls #rebelgirlslittlelibrary #littlelibrary #rebelgirlsseries #childrensbooks #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, April 6, 2024

The Hoys

I haven't been on #NetGalley in a while, and when I went, I stumbled upon the CUTEST of pictures books. "The Hoys" was written by Kes Gray and illustrated by Mark Chambers. 

["Ahoy there! But what is a hoy, and why can Pirate Jake never see one?!

No matter how hard he looks, Jake cannot see the mysterious hoys he keeps hearing so much about.

How can he ever be a proper pirate if he can’t see a hoy? With his parrot on his shoulder, he walks gloomily across the sand dunes.

Until something quite unusual catches his eye."]

This book was so fun and quirky and goofy. They might be pirates, which all of the typical pirate-y garb and decoration, but they're friends and live together in a pirate port community. 

The colors were bold and bright and inviting. The edges were soft and welcoming. The plants and flowers were beautiful and almost real in their animated wonder. 

The story was about patience and exploration and wonder. It was about friendship and learning and imagination. I loved it!!

#thehoys #kesgray #markchambers #childrensbooks #picturebooks #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, April 1, 2024

The Virgin (Breakfast at Bennett's #1)

We interrupt your regularly schedule reading to bring you something that won't fucking trigger my already too thin mental state. I want to read more dark romance and finish some other series, but I'm trying to be kind to my body while it's struggling to take care of itself, hence a cute low-angst romance. "The Virgin" is the first novel in E.M. Denning's Breakfast at Bennett's series.

["Jonah Bennett is a virgin.
At twenty-seven, his inexperience is the most humiliating secret Jonah has. The men he’s met always want to move faster than he does, and after one particularly disastrous first—and last—date, he’s forced to turn to his best friend for help. Spencer is one of the few people Jonah trusts, but when he confesses his secret, Jonah fears their friendship may be over.

Spencer Givens is great with his hands.
An artist by trade, Spencer has always been creative with his talents and generous with his time, so offering his body to his best friend feels like a logical solution to what Jonah thinks is his biggest problem. The plan is simple—a little fooling around between friends until Jonah is ready to try dating again.

But Spencer soon realizes he doesn’t want Jonah to date other people. The more time they spend together, the deeper in love he falls. Their agreement was only meant to be temporary, and even though the threat of losing Jonah is real, Spencer is desperate to make it permanent. If you love something you’re supposed to let it go, but Spencer doesn’t think he can. And more than that, he doesn’t want to.

Does Jonah feel the same? Or is their friendship ruined forever?"]

I loved this book. It wasn't entirely angst-less. There was a lot of self-doubt and self-discovery (through hard times) and feelings of isolation and that "yes, I'm fine" feeling where you're really far from fine. 

But Spencer and Jonah were amazing. They were best friends with a close relationship, who could just tell each other's mood with a look. Adding trust and intimacy to that? All of the feelings. So much fluff and reassurance and love. And friends/family who aren't that shocked. ;)

Like..can I have the rest of this series now? I loooove the brothers and all of their friends and the dad and the dinner and the titles?!?! The titles are flipping Breakfast Club references!

#thevirgin #thejock #theprincess #theoutcast #breakfastatbennetts #breakfastatbennettsseries #emdenning #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Limitless (Squad Goals #5)

  I SHOULD be taking this time to catch up on incoming ARCs instead of catching up on new TBRs...Should be. Here's Willow Thomas's ...