Saturday, November 30, 2024

Goodbye, November!

November felt like one of those months that lasted forever. Forrrever. Halloween feels like it was ages ago.

2024 Resolutions:

     (1) Don't stop reading
            (b) Complete Monthly Reading Challenge(s)
     (2) Make memories
     (3) Share love of books/writing
     (4) Be kinder to myself

(1) Books read this month: 40 (might get one more in there before midnight though).
    (b) Monthly Reading Challenge(s): Shape = Turkey. Got some A-Z stuff recorded. Some serious ARCs. 

(2) November Memories: Thanksgiving with my family. A few good calls in with my sister. I turned 30 a few weeks ago. Dinner with friends. Food, baked goodies, hot cocoa. 

(3) Posts this month (including this one): 35.

(4) There's a fine line between treating oneself and over indulging; I'm not sure if any adult as figured that line out yet, but here's to continue toeing it. BUT some good baked goods, looooots of naps, soooooo much hot cocoa. I could have done worse this month.

Anyone still holding onto their resolutions?

Any exciting December reads?
Anything I should check out?

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Thursday, November 28, 2024

Here Comes Santa Paws (Christmas Falls: Season Two #4)

AHHHH! We're back to Christmas Falls for Seasons Two!! Here's Lee Blair's "Here Comes Santa Paws."

["When a sunshiny cinnamon stick with paws-itively purrfect holiday plans meets a grumpy Grinch neighbor with a smokin’ hot... chimney, bells aren’t the only thing jingling.

I spend all year gearing up for the Christmas Falls festival season. Those five weeks are showtime for the animal shelter, and I’ve got it down to a science to help all my four-legged friends find their furever homes.

My well-oiled machine goes off track when I discover a massive leak at the shelter. And Grandpa, my only family, is recovering from a hip replacement, and I can’t stop worrying about our latest shelter dog. To put a star on the top of my anxiety tree, Roman, my Scrooge neighbor, is giving me a hard time about the festive decor on my half of our duplex. It’s not my fault I’ve got more Christmas spirit in my pinky than he does in his entire broad-shouldered body.

But something about Roman tells me he could love Christmas and this town as much as I do if he just gave them a chance. I don’t care if I’ve got a thousand other priorities on my list, I’m making it my holiday mission to get him to let down his guard and show me the wonderful and caring man behind the terse talk and award-winning RBF. It’s like opening a present on Christmas morning and seeing exactly what you wanted from Santa.

It’s all tinsel and sugar cookies until my heart decides it wants Roman under the tree. But his New Year’s resolution is to leave town, and I can’t let myself fall for a man who doesn’t plan to stick around.

Christmas Falls is my forever home. How do I convince him it could be his?"]

I absolutely LOVE it when the grump in the classic grump/sunshine trope is secretly a giant fucking teddy bear. A teddy bear who is soooo fucking soft for his sunshine (and his dog). And Elias is sunshine for sure, Christmas colored, loud, and full of love to share. Good thing Elias cracked Roman's hard outer-shell when he did, or we might have lost Roman to Grinch-status forever.

These two were adorable as hell. Neighbor crushes for years. Turned into lusting from afar. Turned to friends. Turned to so much more. More than either of them were ever expecting.

I love how each of the books in this series are so different. Like this one isn't all about the events and the feeling of community, but it was still so warm and inviting and so very Christmas Falls.

#grr #gayromancereview #arcs #arcteammember
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Hunting His Vampire Mate (Blood Bonded Mates #4)

"Hunting His Vampire Mate" is the fourth book in Jay Castle's Blood Bonded Mates series.

I’ve been hunting monsters for as long as I can remember, and for the last five years, Michael’s been by my side. He’s not just my partner—he’s my best friend. Things were simple. Then, four months ago, I thought we were both about to die. And I blurted out something I hadn’t even admitted to I’m in love with him.
I always thought I was straight but there’s no denying that Michael is my person. He always has been.
Except he doesn’t feel the same. Worse, now it seems like he’s planning to quit hunting. And every moment I have left with him is a reminder that he’s about to walk out of my world for good.

Five years ago, vampires took everything from me. The only thing that’s kept me together since then is Danny. He’s my home, even if he doesn’t know it. I’d do anything for him. But I can’t allow myself to love him. Not like he wants.
The last time I let someone in, I lost everything. Maybe I’m the bad guy for pretending like nothing’s changed between us, but Danny’s confession is the one thing I can’t deal with. I can’t let myself be weak again. I won’t.
But every day that passes, I see the hurt in his eyes and it’s getting worse. And I know that if I don’t figure this out soon, I’m going to lose him for good."]

I'll be honest. I wasn't sure about this couple. Yes, they both had redemption arcs in the previous book, but I wasn't sure I liked them. And then, in the first few chapters of this book, they just...didn't communicate (on. purpose.). about their feelings, about the Danny's confession, about their future. It was torture for both of them for no reason. 

HOWEVER, when they eventually talked...after shit hit the was adorable as hell. And confusing. OF COURSE, these two broke the mold and created their own path. It's very them of them. 

ANNND Thierry's book is next!!!! :D I'm far too excited for the snark (and the enemies-to-lovers (and the snark)).

Trigger Warnings: violence (though, never ((ever)) against an intimate partner), depictions of death (both on page and mentions), on-page displays of grief, a flashback scene involving a scary clown (yes, I’m including this as a possible trigger—those of you with clown phobia: you’re welcome. Also, clowns are terrifying).

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The (Maybe) Murderer Who Knocked Me Up (Trash Pandas #1)

Responsibilities, who? I was paused by the author, stopped by the title, and utterly stuck by the blurb. Here's Amy Bellows's new series, Trash Pandas. The first book is "The (Maybe) Murderer Who Knocked Me Up."

["I’m the runt of the litter. Not only am I much smaller than my four raccoon shifter brothers, I’m always behind. They all know what they want to do with their lives, and they can’t wait to move away from home to follow their dreams. All I know is that I like to bake, and I like Slade—the huge grizzly shifter next door who my brothers say I should stay away from.

I’m not very good at taking advice, apparently.

Less than a week after Slade knocks me up, he goes to prison for murder. He confesses and everything. I shouldn’t harbor a secret hope that he’s innocent. I know that. Which is why I don’t tell him about the baby.

But when he gets out six years later on good behavior, I offer to pick him up. Because I have to know if he’s really as bad as everyone thinks he is."]

This book!!! D: I was hooked pretty damn quickly by the characters and plot. Then I was sobbing. Then I was giggling. It was just sooooo good.

There was so much traditions and lure set up in here that felt sooooo unique. And all of the characters we have to obsess over until each brother gets their own book!!??! I'm not sure I /can/ wait. 

Anywho, Slade and Sequin were perfection. They were each so enamored and cutely obsessed with each other. Then they were each sooooo freaking heartbroken (hence me sobbing). And then, after six long years, they were still so in love and still so obsessed. Except there was so much mutual guilt, mutual pining, and angst, that it took them a while to get together. But they did, eventually.

I canNOT wait for the next book!

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November's Book Shape Challenge

Here's November's Book Shape Challenge! Happy Gobble Gobble Day!! 

(I picked all of these books at random, based off the color of their cover; not based on: whether I read them or not--most of which I haven't, sense why they were closest).

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Monday, November 25, 2024

The First Assistant (Charmed Away Temp Agency #0.5)

AHH! I just finished Amy Padilla's prequel for her Charmed Away Temp Agency series: "The First Assistant," and I'm over here giggling and grinning like a maniac. This novella is available through her email subscription (and #BookFunnel).

["Ari never should have agreed to this. All he wanted was to help his friend. But when he's volunteered to act as a temp in her stead, he realized he should have been more specific about what he was willing to do for her. Especially when he got several warnings about the grumpy demon he'd be working with. Surely he could get out of this. Right?

Xander didn't need a temporary assistant. He could handle things on his own while his regular assistant was away on maternity leave. Tell that to his boss, who hired someone behind his back. A beautiful someone who was criminally shy and made Xander want to hold him close and protect him from the world. Those kinds of thoughts wouldn't do. He was a professional and Ari was only here temporarily. He could control himself around the sweet man. Hopefully."]

And the bonus tags (because they're arguable better than the blurb itself): ["prequel, Xander doesn't need help, his boss says otherwise, Ari is a shy boi, being a temp is hard, there's nothing wrong with having a crush on your boss, family meddling, demon weddings, fake wedding date, demons are kind, werewolves are not, guaranteed HEA"]

First off, Ari needs protecting at all costs. Blankets and cocoa, the works. Luckily, Zander is the man demon for the job.

Secondly, I'm not mad (at. all.) that these two managed to fall in love in like two-three weeks, and that it all came to a head during a life-or-death situation (okay, didn't love the associated anxiety all that much). or that our sweet Xander is a bunny shifter (it fits him soooooo well).

The entire novella was pure fluff, honest sweetness, and just enough spice.

It also makes me ache for a Taron book.

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Nanny Negotiations (The Brotherhood: Legacy #1)

There's a lull in my current ARCs list so why not try to read some of my backlogged TBRs. Here's Merry Farmer's "Nanny Negotiations." It's the first novel in her series The Brotherhood: Legacy.

["Will a bi-reawakening be what this single father needs to heal his wounded heart? Looks like a job for nanny….

When Heath Manfred is left in a lurch after an acrimonious divorce, he turns to the Brotherhood for help with finding a nanny for his three-year-old daughter. But the last thing he expects is for the nanny who shows up to interview for the job to be a hunky man. Correction, the last thing he expects is for Aubrey to assume the nanny position is live-in…and for him to go along with that and have Aubrey move in.

Maybe Heath’s attraction to men wasn’t just part of his wild university days after all…

With few other options in life due to a shameful event in his past, Aubrey is overjoyed to move in with Heath and his daughter. He adores Eugenie…and he adores Heath as well. It’s against the nanny code to fall in love with your employer, but Aubrey is helpless when faced with Heath’s grumpy ways and the smoldering attraction between them.

But when Heath’s ex shows up again to cause trouble, Heath’s and Aubrey’s budding love will be put to the test. Can the Brotherhood help them weather the storm, or are the two men too different to form a lasting relationship in the face of struggle?"]

Heath, oh Heath. Trying to deny your feelings for Aubrey. Especially after that..whole thing at the picnic. Silly, man.

I loved how hard and how fast the two of them fell. It was all head over heals and not looking back. They supported each other, cared for each other, made a place for each other. It was beautiful. As was sweet little Eugenie. 

Of course, Heath's ex was anything but sweet. She made me cry for what she was doing to our men in this novel (a few times--me crying--but also her being a b*tch). Luckily, they had friends and family and The Brotherhood to support them through it.

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Santa of the Creek (Collier's Creek Christmas)

Here's Sue Brown's "Santa of the Creek." It's a part of the multi-author series, Collier's Creek Christmas.

["Collier’s Creek needs an emergency Santa. Why does it have to be the one man who hates Christmas?

Being the gay brother of the mayor in a small town is a living hell. Dean Hobart isn’t stupid. He knows the town knows he’s gay. Half the men in Collier’s Creek are gay. No one cares. It’s just that no one will talk about it. Not to him and especially not to his brother. Dean lives in this halfway world, and he hates it.

Echo loves his life in Collier’s Creek. He’s the new bartender in Randy’s Bar and Grill. He loves it here. Even the sheriff is gay. When the mayor asked him to be the town Santa for the Christmas festival, of course he said yes. Echo lives his best life, and he loves it.

Until Echo breaks his leg in an unfortunate collision with a small dog and the town scrambles for an emergency Santa. He suggests the mayor’s brother, the cute guy with the saddest eyes Echo has ever seen. No one thinks that’s a good idea, least of all Dean.

Echo isn’t going to take no for an answer. He’s on a mission to cheer up the Santa of the Creek. Whether Santa likes it or not."]

These two were perfect for each other. Each their own version of a hot mess, each protected fiercely by a family member, each traumatized by their past. They supported each other in ways that surprised themselves. They were sweet and understanding. They communicated their needs/wants.

Though, I do think this novella could have used another reread. It felt a little choppy to me, a little too fast in parts, and there were a few unanswered plot points.

And now I have to read the rest of this series... And the OG series...

#santaofthecreek #suebrown #collierscreekchristmasseries #collierscreek #collierscreekseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Just a Little Wickedness (The Brotherhood #1)

There's a lull in my current ARCs list so why not try to read some of my backlogged TBRs. Here's Merry Farmer's "Just A Little Wickedness." It's the first official novel in her series The Brotherhood.

["Lord Alistair Bevan, Viscount Farnham, has the weight of the world on his shoulders. With his father’s health ailing, the time has come for him to find a wife, produce an heir, and do his duty. But Alistair knows a traditional life is not for him, especially when a chance meeting with valet Joseph Logan turns his world upside down.

Joe Logan came to London in search of his missing sister, Lily. But months have passed, and not only is Lily still lost, more children have disappeared as well. The trail of the missing children might be growing cold, but things are just starting to heat up between Joe and Alistair.

When both Alistair and Joe seek out the help of The Brotherhood—an underground organization dedicated to helping the gay community—they are drawn into a much deeper investigation of children who have gone missing all over London. When it begins to look like people very close to Alistair’s family are involved, Alistair finally has a chance to make his father proud. But will the wild and wicked love blossoming between Alistair and Joe help them find Lily, or will their affair be exposed and destroy both of them?"]

I love the idea of The Brotherhood, of a whole group of queer peoples who created a society, a safe haven within the city of London to be themselves, to support each other. It's beautiful and wonderful. It's something that any city, no matter the era, needs. 

These two were adorable as hell. They fell in love so hard and so fast. You could see it, sense it by just being in the room with them. They were utterly devoted to each other, to figuring out a future. And saving the children (I kinda really hoped they'd "adopted" two of those children, but then I remembered the age this story is set in).

Now that I'm remembering why I didn't continue the original The Brotherhood series: I know how real homophobia was (is) back then, how horrible and disgusting people were. I just don't necessarily want to be swamped by it. I want happily ever afters without secrets. Maybe I'll change my mind in the future, but for now, I think I'm hitting pause on this series again.

Trigger Warnings: period accurate homophobia, period accurate views on women/healthcare/social class/ect, violence, human trafficking, and more.

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Friday, November 22, 2024

Snow Storm

And the Christmas ARCs have started!!! Here's EM Lindsey's "Snow Storm."

["Claude doesn’t believe in love. Harley doesn’t believe in fate. But this holiday season, the universe has plans for the two men who have no idea just how much they need each other.

Harley James has spent most of his adult life trying to maintain his public persona as a calm, collected, slightly anxious best-selling author. But then his father dies, and his fiancé leaves him for their couple’s therapist, and something in him snaps.

In front of hundreds of strangers.

In order to avoid a scandal, Harley’s sent to a small mountain town in the middle of nowhere until it all blows over. Which is fine. Really. He can deal with a little silence and solitude for a few weeks. Although he’s a city boy, there are worse things in life than a forced vacation.

But when a strong masseur with magic hands begins to crack him like the over-boiled egg he is, Harley finds the idea of going home less and less appealing. It helps that the gorgeous, older massage therapist seems to be the first person who’s understood him in decades.

Still, there’s more to the silver-fox than meets the eye, and Harley quickly discovers that this Christmas, there might be miracles, but there are also complications. And two men running from the expectations of those around them might just find their only escape is in each other’s arms."]

Before we start...This public meltdown was a little hard to read. It's mental health being ignored and people who are supposed to support you not doing that and public verbal abuse/sexual harassment by strangers. It's a loooot. Especially from Harley's POV, who is already feeling like shit emotionally. BUT he eventually learns, with help from Claude (and his new friends at the resort) that what he did was justified and what the others did was despicable. 

It's such a cliche, but I still love it when people swear off love and marriage fall hard and fast and can't even regret it. It's poetic, the way the universe looks out for you sometimes. Poor Claude didn't know what hit him. ;)

I loooooved these two. They were so sickeningly in love so fast. It was scary and real and mutual. They were afraid of how strong their feelings were and what might happen after the snow storms end. But the more they got to know each other, the harder they fell and the more reality set it (and the more they realized there was no going back).

And I LOVED how Claude (and Harley's new friends at the resort) kept boosting Harley's confidence and supporting him in all the ways. He deserved a team of people who care about him, his needs, his wants, his mental health, and his life in general. Not many people had, but this new life is filled with love for Harley.

Then there's Claude. Also so hurt and heartbroken and lonely. He's our no-more-love-for-me cliche. But he fell pretty much the moment he laid eyes on Harley. Claude has his own struggles, his own betrayals, his own mental health struggles, but being with Harley made him stronger, seen. 

They were utterly perfect for each other. Two broken men (in soooo many ways), finding strength and solstice (and HEA) in each other. Talk about holiday magic. 

Trigger Warnings: public verbal abuse and sexual harassment by a stranger, mild violence (by one of the MCs but not between MCs), past parental neglect, past mentions of a hiking injury resulting in a permanent injury, past emotional manipulation and cheating (not between MCs), and more.

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It's Complicated (Legacy Mechanics #2)

I had caught up with all of my ARCs, requested a toooon more, and proceeded to avoid them. Oops. Here's Willow Dixon's "It's Complicated." Its the second novel in her new Legacy Mechanics series (which is tied into her Crimson Club series) 

For three years Jamie has been my best friend, my roommate, and my wingman. We do everything together, and we live by one simple work hard and play harder. Everything was perfect until what was supposed to be a meaningless threesome between friends changes everything.
Now I can’t stop thinking about that night, and how I couldn’t take my eyes off him. I want Jamie, even if I don’t understand why. We might both be straight, but I can’t ignore the pull between us.
I don’t want to risk losing him, but I can’t keep pretending like nothing happened. And the more time that passes, the more I wonder if he feels the shift between us too.

Isaac isn’t just my best friend and roommate, he’s the person I trust most in the world. We’ve been inseparable for three years, and we’re rock solid. Then a mutual ex of ours suggests we have a threesome, and what should have been a fun experiment between friends sends my life into a tailspin.
Now I’m seeing Isaac in a new light. I want him, and I don’t understand why. I try to ignore it so I don’t risk ruining the best friendship I’ve ever had, but that night awakened something in me, and the more time that passes, the more I think it also awakened something in him.
We're both straight, but that doesn’t stop me from picturing my best friend on his knees for me. Or remembering how he looks when he comes."]

"Are you okay?" // "It's...complicated."

You'd think with chemistry that strong and that iconic, you'd jump in with two feet...Then again, if that chemistry was never sexual and then bam, suddenly was stronger and more iconic that you've ever had with anyone, ever..maybe there would be some hesitation. 

These two were adorable as hell. Full-on in love with each other from even before the very beginning and didn't even know it. Became (more than before) each other's person and still didn't know. Got it smacked upside your head? Finally figured it out. ;)

But for real. These two were perfect. There wasn't all that much tension and angst..except for those weird days where they pretended the initial three-some didn't happen and that feelings were changing. But were each other's rock and foundation and entire fucking universe. 

Trigger Warnings: asshole parents and more.

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Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Painted (The Art of Love #2)

I had caught up with all of my ARCs, requested a toooon more, and proceeded to avoid them. Oops. At least this one let's me get caught up with one of my favorite authors. Here's Merry Farmer's "Painted." It's the second novel in her new series, The Art of Love.

["The art of love is listening to your heart when your head tells you what you’re doing is so, so wrong….

Painter Rhys Hawthorne is a rising star in the art world and a favorite teacher at the Hawthorne Community Arts Center, but his inspiration has been stuck for weeks, he’s still grieving for his sister, who lost her life in a car crash, and his personal life is a mess…because he can’t stop thinking about younger, vulnerable Early Stevens, who is not only confused about their life, they’re an employee of the family.

Getting tangled in a forbidden infatuation is the last thing Rhys needs…

Early is still coming to grips with being nonbinary and figuring out what they want in their life, and now their parents have kicked them out of the house. The only light in their life is the Hawthorne family, who have taken them in. But living at Hawthorne House only puts Early into forced proximity with his crush, Rhys. They might not know what they want or how to navigate the pitfalls in front of them, but they know they want Rhys.

But will one night of accidental passion between Rhys and Early help both of them get unstuck and find their path, or will their scandalous feelings for each other put the entire Hawthorne family in jeopardy?"]

These two did not have it easy, not in their individual lives or in their mutual friendship/relationship. Rhys is dealing with grief and survivor's guilt still so strongly that it's turned him into a martyr of sorts. Early is trying to understand themselves, all the while dealing with their parents phobias and the cis-heteronormative views of society. 

If only that had leaned on each other sooner. Or maybe the drama would only have happened sooner. Because after these two allowed themselves to feel their feelings for each other, it wasn't easy or simple. It got more complicated and more heartbreaking and more trigger warning-y. 

Eventually, with sooooo much help from the Hawthorn family, the Brotherhood, and therapy, they were able to make something happy and healthy. Romance is wonderful and sweet, but it isn't perfect. Relationships are hard, communication is hard, dealing with trauma is hard. But these two slowly figured it out (and are still figuring it out). 

And (okay, spoilers), I love how imperfect and emotionally complicated their first sexual experience was. It wasn't easy or perfect or star-crossed. It was filled with...a lot of complex things. Rhys and Early should have taken this step differently, and the whole thing should have been more "magical", but I love how real it was. It was realistic as hell, even if it broke my heart a little.

Any more brothers that want to fall in love and break my heart at the same time? Because there's quite a few more emotionally stunted and hurting boys in his quirky as hell family that deserve their HEA. 

Trigger Warnings: grief, lack of acceptance by family, and more.

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Thrown (The Art of Love #1)

Here's Merry Farmer's "Thrown." It's the first novel in her new series, The Art of Love.

["The art of love is falling for your enemy without ruining everything…

Ceramic artist Robbie Hawthorne is dedicated not only to his art, but to keeping the arts center and school housed at his family’s ancestral estate vibrant and flourishing. But when the family runs into financial trouble and a heartless corporation offers to buy the estate to turn it into an amusement park, Robbie has to get creative to try to stop them.

That includes working together with a man he has nothing in common with and who instantly irritates him…

Toby Tillman has fought to overcome his working-class roots and to make a name for himself in the financial world. Now he finds himself pitted against his old mentor in the quest to save the Hawthorne House Arts Center, which is run by exactly the kind of entitled nobs he’s always hated. Worse still, he finds himself constantly hot for Robbie, a man he should utterly despise.

And then comes the road trip and a stay at a hotel with only one bed…

Can two men from opposite sides of the tracks find enough common ground to rescue a family’s heritage? And can enemies end up becoming each other’s salvation?"]

To be honest (which I try to almost always be), I didn't like Toby much in the beginning. He was too stuck on past grievances to see the world in front of him clearly. He was completely biased, and it mucked up his first impressions of the Hawthorne family...and Robbie's first impression of Toby was also ruined.

But like all good novels, our MCs grew and learned and became better people. And a few of the people in their lives ended up not being quite as good and pure as originally believed. 

These two fell pretty damn fast..after they let go of their hostility. It was explosive, even before they let go of their imagined hate. Their chemistry was an almost physical element when they were in the same room together. 

And this family!?!!? I want soooo much more of them. Right now. Like right now.

BUT, I also need to eventually go and read the original Brotherhood series, because the club and members made a few appearances in here. 

Trigger Warnings: feelings of inadequacy, imposter syndrome, anxiety, homophobia, homophobic language, and more.

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Tuesday, November 19, 2024

In Every Universe

I had caught up with all of my ARCs, requested a toooon more, and proceeded to avoid them. Oops. Here's Hannah Henry's "In Every Universe."

["Zacky Porter had a lump on the back of his head, a concussion the size of the sun and…three years of missing memories. Well, they weren’t missing exactly. He just had three years of memories from a different version of his life. One where he quit hockey after Cameron Vesper, his liney and eventual husband, sustained a career ending injury. He had a nice life outside of Toronto post-hockey. He was going to be a gym teacher.

Now, he was in a strange apartment in Texas, and Cameron was telling him that they not only were not married and had never been romantic, they were still playing hockey. Cameron and Zacky were playing on the same line in the NHL.

Cameron Vesper would do anything for his best friend, including nurse him back to health after hitting his head hard on the ice. But Zacky didn’t just have normal concussion symptoms. He was convinced he’d lived a parallel life, where the two of them were both retired and married. Cameron couldn’t stop thinking about the two of them being married. He could picture it.

But as Cameron warmed up to the idea of their friendship becoming something more, Zacky became more determined to leave him behind and get back to his own universe. To his actual husband. Their friendship had always been simple, straightforward, steadfast. Now it was something neither of them recognized."]

This book was a glorious combination of heart-aching and beautifully sweet annnd filled with promise and hope. It was hard, for both of them, living in this "new" universe, but it gave them another way to bond, grow, and deepen their relationship.

And sad. This book was soooooooo sad. Zacky kept comparing this Cameron to his Cameron, and Cameron kept reevaluating his life and how their friendship wasn't like normal friendships. I cried..quite a few times. 

It wasn't easy. Nothing just switched back or clicked into place. It was a lot of healing and pining and angst. But CameronandZacky realized that they're "it" for each other in every universe. 

This book isn't like any amnesia story I've read before (and as the author said, this isn't how head injuries go, or should be treated), but it was amazing and wonderful in such a Hallmark kinda way. And I looooove how these two loved each other through each and every universe. 

Trigger Warnings: head injury and aftermath

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Snowed In For Christmas

And the Christmas ARCs have started!!! Here's FA Ray's "Snowed In For Christmas."

["All I want for Christmas ... is anyone but him.

I warned my father this snowstorm was coming, but he insisted that I spend Christmas with him, his girlfriend and her insufferable son. Jett is everything I hate, a loud, brash, carefree partyboy who spends more time drinking at our college than studying.
Now I’m trapped with him.
The snowstorm I predicted blows in, and now it’s just me, Jett and this big empty house in the mountains of Colorado. Our parents won’t be able to reach us for days — if either of us are still alive by then. I swear Jett is doing everything possible to get on my last nerve.
Yet when push comes to shove and Jett needs my help, I race out into the snow to rescue him.

I might have screwed up.
I pissed off Ben by messing with him, then stormed off into a blizzard in sneakers and a hoodie. Getting frostbite is not my idea of a perfect Christmas.
But getting rescued by a hot guy could be.
It’s got to be the hypothermia talking, but when Ben comes out into that snowstorm to save me, then all but carries me into a bathtub, my body reacts like he’s not my worst enemy. If our parents get married some day, this could all get really messy really fast — too bad I’ve never been a person who operates on cold logic, like Ben. I follow my heart. And right now, my heart is telling me Ben is my Christmas miracle. "]

THIS BOOK! My god, this book.

I wasn't too sure about it at first. Both characters were incredibly flawed and completely, utterly, total opposites (and not necessarily in an opposites attract kinda way). I didn't see how this was going to mesh into something, anything. But when they started letting their guards down, they were more alike than anyone (even me) realized.

These two had allll the feelings for each other. It just took an epic snow storm and near-hypothermia to switch things from enemies to lovers. And when they did? Jett was weak for Ben, and Ben was soft for Jett. They balanced each other out, sanded their rough edges, made the world seem less daunting. 

The pining and angst after their parents finally got to the cabin??? I could have done without that. But that's me talking as a reader. As a writer, it was achingly beautiful and pushed the plot along nicely. 

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#snowedinforchristmas #faray #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, November 18, 2024

Better Than Sex (San Francisco Sex Gods #1)

I had caught up with all of my ARCs, requested a toooon more, and proceeded to avoid them. Oops. Here's Kit Erikson's "Better Than Sex." It's first novel in the San Francisco Sex Gods series.

["Spencer’s thirtieth birthday is right around the corner, and he wants to say goodbye to his twenties with a bang. Literally.

As a self-proclaimed sex god, Spencer has sworn off love and dedicated himself to finishing his F***-it List – a collection of wild fantasies he’s checked off one by one. Now, only one fantasy rock a virgin’s world with a night of unforgettable sex.

Shy, sweet Mickey seems like the perfect candidate, but he’ll need a major confidence boost before he’s ready to go all the way. Hoping for a chance to be Mickey’s first, Spencer makes him an offer he can’t refuse – he’ll transform Mickey into San Francisco’s next sex god.

Mickey, who’s always felt out of step with the gay scene, jumps at the chance to reinvent himself. It isn’t long, though, before styling tips and flirting lessons give way to stolen glances and heart-to-heart conversations, and what started as a playful makeover begins to look a lot like falling in love.

For Spencer, feelings were never part of the plan. But as Mickey blossoms into a self-assured man and their connection deepens, Spencer is forced to ask is Mickey just another checkmark on his list, or could he be the man who finally makes Spencer believe in love?"]

This one had Park Avenue Princes vibe. In a good way and in a you're-going-to-fuck-up-in-the-future kinda way (like the first Park Avenue Princes She's All That). So like... loved the 90s rom-com feel, but hated the feelings of impending heartache/crying. 

Because Spencer fell pretty hard, pretty fast (even if he didn't know what he was feeling and/or denying his feelings), and some of his friends weren't so...keen.

Whereas Mickey, our sweet as fuck Mickey, knew he was falling but couldn't do anything about it, didn't want to do anything about it. He knew Spencer would probably break his heart (we all did (see: She's All That third-act-break-up drama)), but sometimes being in love is worth it.

LUCKLY, these two had a very happy, very cheesy, very dorky ever after. ;)

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#betterthansex #kiterikson #sanfranciscosexgods #sanfranciscosexgodsseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Meeting Mr. Christmas (Collier's Creek Christmas)

And the Christmas ARCs have started!!! Here's Ali Ryecart's "Meeting Mr. Christmas." It's a part of the multi-author series, Collier's Creek Christmas.

["Two best friends. One secret crush. A kiss that changes everything.

There’s never been a time when Noel’s not been in love with his best friend Jed. The problem is, Jed’s straight. Always has been, always will be. Yet, as the festive season descends on Collier’s Creek there’s only one gift Noel for Jed to wake up and realise they are meant to be together. But that’s never going to happen — or not until too many beers and a Christmas movie marathon ends in a steamy make out session.

Jed’s world is turned up side down. He’s straight. He dates girls, not guys. So why does the memory of the taste of Noel’s lips on his send delicious tingles zipping along his spine?

As carols play and stockings are hung, can Jed embrace his newfound feelings? Or will Noel's dreams of love melt away like snow?

Discover the magic of the season in this heartfelt story of friendship, secret desire, and small-town romance."]

The pining and angst in this one was rooouuugh. Heartbreaking and chest aching. I cried quite a few times. BUT the pure love and devotion and friendship between these two was well worth it.

They were perfect together. Everyone knew it. Noel knew it. The entire town knew it. And deep down, Jed knew it. But he struggled a bit with jumping in and letting go of his fears. 

But both of their doggies helped set them straight.

And now I have to read the rest of this series... And the OG series...

#meetingmrchristmas #aliryecart #collierscreekchristmasseries #collierscreek #collierscreekseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Insane Obsession

Listen, I have a weakness for dark romances and psychopaths... So here's to skipping ahead in my ARCs list to a brand new one. Here's Lola Malone's "Insane Obsession."

[""Come to us, baby boy."

They said that Saint James’s Asylum for Women was abandoned. They were wrong...

The abandoned sanctuary across the forest is the perfect place for my psychology research. Once the playground for a horrific crime scene, it will be the key to my future.

It has to be.

Because I need a good grade, need to find a well-paid job. Need to be freed from those who control my life.

And tonight's the night.

But as soon as I set foot between those gothic walls, I feel something sinister. And they're not just gruesome memories that make the others run and hide.

No, someone is out there, and they are creating a whole new playground.

One thing is for sure… the asylum is not abandoned. And those who are inside, have been waiting… for me."]

Not just psychopaths, but hot, rich psychopaths with a vigilante streak and an obsession with someone so innocent and lonely and in need of home. Because, fuuuuuuck, I have such a soft spot for those crazy fuckers.

And this novella didn't disappoint. At. All.

There's a little taboo aspect, but if 9 times out of 10, if you're reading a romance as dark as this, a little taboo trope isn't all that much...I think. My brain is a little crazy and uber out the wall when it comes to a good romance.

But if those things don't bother you, you neeeed to read this. I get why all the reviews on goodreads so far are 5stars. Because saaaame.

And here's to trying NOT to push my ARCs aside to binge more of Lola's work....

Trigger Warnings: bullying (not between MCs), violence, attempted sa, assault, and more

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#insaneobsession #lolamalone #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Friday, November 15, 2024

Tastes Like Sugar (Collier's Creek Christmas)

And the Christmas ARCs have started!!! Here's Becca Seymour's "Tastes Like Sugar." It's a part of the multi-author series, Collier's Creek Christmas.

["Nothing like sugar kisses to bring people together for the holidays…

After ditching the chaos of city life—and a cheating fiancé—I’m more than ready for a fresh start. Collier’s Creek, with its small-town charm and the warmth of my family, seems like the perfect place to regroup. Throw in a job offer as the new office manager for the local fire department, and it feels like everything is falling into place.

That is, until I meet Hayes.

The confident, cocky, and sinfully sexy firefighter is all smooth moves and effortless charm. Our connection? Instant. Our chemistry? Scorching. But here’s the problem: I’m supposed to be wrangling the firefighters and keeping the department in line, not getting distracted by the hottest man in town—who also happens to be my nephew’s best friend.

As the fire department’s Mr. December, Hayes is used to turning heads, but he’s got his sights set on me. And while I’ve sworn off mixing business with pleasure, this guy makes resisting nearly impossible. Every sweet gesture and playful flirtation chips away at my resolve, leaving me wondering if this time around, I should just give in.

Because the more time I spend with Hayes, the more I realize he’s not just fire and heat—he’s all heart. But with our undeniable attraction and my unease of our familial connection as well as our age gap, can we handle the sparks flying between us without getting burned?"]

Instant attraction and heavy spice right in the first chapter? And our poor, sweet Sully things he can resist Hayes after all of that serendipity and chemistry? Suuuuure, babe, sure. ;) Especially when Hayes sets his sights (and heart) one more than one night, more than a hookup, more than just friends. 

These two were...easy. Their connection was stressless, their talks were silence-less. They made friendship (and more) work without all just much of work. Yes, they each had their own histories (and Sully with his hangups), but it wasn't filled with angst and pining (okay, so a little bit of pining--but it was mutual and sweet as hell).

And now I have to read the rest of this series... And the OG series...

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Silver Linings (Collier's Creek Christmas)

And the Christmas ARCs have started!!! Here's Nic Starr's "Silver Linings." It's a part of the multi-author series, Collier's Creek Christmas.

["This Christmas they'll get the most precious gift of all...

The holiday season is my favorite time of the year, but this year feels different. Greg and I have built a life together and now we’re ready for the next step—a family of our own. But when our plans for a surrogate seem unattainable, I start to wonder if the universe is telling us it’s not meant to be. It breaks my heart to think we might not have the child of our dreams. Still, when the snow starts to fall and Christmas comes to Collier’s Creek, I can't shake the feeling that something wonderful is just around the corner.

I’ve always been the realist in our relationship. After everything we've been through—my accident, Cam’s mom’s illness, the way life seems to keep throwing curveballs—maybe it’s a sign that we’re not supposed to have kids. But seeing the look in Cam’s eyes, his unshakable belief that we’ll be fathers one way or another, gives me hope. I’m not going to give up. I’m going to keep believing that having a family is just a matter of time."]

I'll be honest, I wasn't too sure about this one going in. There's plot, but romance wasn't the major driving influence. And I didn't want to read a book about a happy couple that might end up almost breaking up. However, I am so happy to report that I was wrong, on many accounts.

There was sooooo much love and support and dedication and devotion and fluff in this book. It shone off the page like Christmas lights. Their love wasn't easy, as we saw through a few minor flashbacks, but they fought for it and it's stronger because of it. And, like life, things aren't always smooth or easy, but they stood by each other and supported each other every day, even through the hard ones. 

And now I have to read the rest of this series... And the OG series...

#booksprout #arcs #arcteammember
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Thursday, November 14, 2024

Spice Me Up (Love Takes No Holidays #2)

And the Christmas ARCs have started!!! Here's Aria Clark and J.F. Miev's "Spice Me Up." It's the second novel in their Love Takes No Holidays series. 

Getting snowed in a day before important business negotiations is my idea of a living nightmare. And to make matters worse? Since I am stuck, my PA decides to clear my schedule for an entire week so I can ‘take some time off and relax’.
It’s pure hell. I don’t know what to do with so much free time.
Until the luxury hotel’s chef-in-training decides to save me from my suffering. He’s tall, hot and surprises me at every turn. I’m not good with his type. But it’s hard to stay away from him when being bored is the alternative. Besides, a quick fling never hurt anyone, right?

Ethan is my dream man. He’s sexy, grumpy and a total workaholic. He’s also some important CEO who’s way out of my league.
But when has that ever stopped me?
He’s stuck here and doesn’t know how to have fun. That’s perfect—I’m the best distraction around here. Plus, I’ve got a few recipes that need test-runs. And if things get a little heated, well, you can’t blame me for it. It’s totally mutual.
Only, I never expected it might be hard to let Ethan go once I’ve gotten a taste of him."]

This novella was adorable. It was filled with romantic moments and fairytale dates and wonderful spice. And the best part, Jake and Ethan kept mentioning how Hallmarky and cheesy and perfect their romance seemed (very meta). 

I love how their personas were so on point, but also just so surprising. Ethan is a bit grumpy to the outside world, but with Jake, he's a soft, sweet nerd. Jake...okay, so Jake is a cinnamon roll of a baby bear to the outside world and for Jake, but it just hits differently when you're with your man. 

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Wednesday, November 13, 2024

I'll Be Boned for Christmas (Collier's Creek Christmas)

And the Christmas ARCs have started!!! Here's Katherine McIntyre's "I'll Be Boned For Christmas." It's a part of the multi-author series, Collier's Creek Christmas.

["Nothing like getting caught streaking to bring people together for the holidays…

I’ve got a rep in town for causing trouble, and it’s well-earned. But when Nick and I get caught streaking after the tree lighting ceremony, we’re in for a messload of community service to get the town ready for the Collier’s Creek Christmas Bash. Except I’ve been craving to be taken more seriously, and Nick seems to be the only person in town who does.

After Jordan and I get in trouble, one joke leads to slipping between the sheets—or at least, the stalls—and suddenly we’re hooking up on the regular. It’s everything I’d told myself I didn’t want from my straight best friend, and I’m falling too hard and too fast. Yet my sister’s upcoming wedding is the reminder that I’m not just looking for a plus one there…but for keeps, and Jordan and I are just temporary. No matter how badly I want him to be mine."]

Streaking across town in chapter one. Propositioning your best friend in chapter two. What could go wrong? What could go HEA??

When these two finally opened the door to the chemistry between them, it was pure fire. Jordan kept lamenting about how pretty Nick was, and Nick's classic-crush-on-his-straight-best-friend bloomed into full-blown, weak-kneed lust. There was basically no looking back (one bathroom stall blow job turns into two kisses and so forth, creating a festively gay Christmas countdown). 

And now I have to read the rest of this series... And the OG series...

#grr #gayromancereview #arcs #arcteammember
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Tuesday, November 12, 2024

The Backup Plan (King Sports #1)

Here's Eden Finley's "The Backup Plan." It's the first novel in her new series, King Sports.

Failing to make it in pro ball left me absolutely devastated. Baseball has been my life, my dream, but it’s time to move on.

Becoming a sports agent was always my backup plan, and now that I’m interning at the biggest queer-focused firm in the country, I’m doing my best not to let my bitterness toward baseball affect my future.

That’s really difficult when I’m assigned to babysit Kelley Afton, hotshot rookie pitcher for Philly. He has everything I ever wanted, and he doesn’t even appreciate it. I didn’t become an agent so I could soothe the ego of diva athletes.

His constant need for validation from others frustrates me to no end, but that’s probably a good thing. Because if he didn’t have that, I’d find him irresistibly my type.

Attraction could lead to crossing lines which would put my position at King Sports in jeopardy, and I can’t have that.

I don’t have a backup for my backup plan."]

First chapter: I was probbbbbably supposed to hate Kelly, but I ended up hating Thad. I get it, his dreams were crushed, but he’s so negative that it’s rude and egotistical. I grew to love him, obviously, but he’s didn’t make a great first impression.

Speaking of great first impressions ..enter Kelly. An anxious mess of a golden retriever who just wants friends and hugs and acceptance. He needs a blanket and some cocoa (spoiler alert: Thad makes really good cocoa ;) ).

And we have Brody (and his men) to thank for these to succumbing to their sudden but extreme chemistry. Good job not being able to stay away, Brody babe. ;) 

I’m not one for slow burn, usually, but the build up here was amazing! It was intoxicating, especially watching the two of them dance around their feelings and neediness. How utterly perfect they were for each other, in sooooo many ways. 

Trigger Warnings: toxicity in sports, homophobia and hate speech online, anxiety disorders, mental health, and more.

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#thebackupplan #kingsports #kingsportsseries #edenfinley #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, November 11, 2024

Honey Sunshine (Bower Brothers #1)

I had caught up with all of my ARCs, requested a toooon more, and proceeded to avoid them. Oops. Here's Gen Blackwell's "Honey Sunshine." It's first novel in the Bower Brothers series.

["“How did the two of you meet?”
The age-old question that turns couples into giggling messes, blushing like they’ve just been shot in the heart with Cupid’s arrow as they recount their cute meeting.
My meet-cute with Harvey Cooper?
Well, it wasn’t exactly run-of-the-mill, and truthfully . . .
It was a damn mess.
I was supposed to be meeting a potential investor for my small advertising firm. However, life decided today would be a great day to test my willpower when—out of all the restaurants in the city—my ex-boyfriend slash ex-business partner who’d stolen all our top clients, also chose to dine in the same one where I was meeting my potential investor.
So there I am in the restaurant’s bathroom, threatening to murder my best friend if he doesn’t come to my rescue. And then, just when I’m about to punch my ex—because it feels like the better option—the love of my life waltzes in to save the day.
Did I say the love of my life?
What I mean is the investor I’m supposed to meet, who’d heard my desperate SOS in the bathroom. Just when I’m thinking of giving myself a potential concussion to forget this whole thing, he lays out a plan that might benefit both of
Why don’t I be the Juliet to his Romeo at his upcoming family dinner?
Well . . .
Romeo to his Romeo, except we don’t try to kill ourselves no matter how embarrassing this is.
It sounds foolproof, and frankly, it seems perfect, so we make a pact.
What I don’t expect?
Accidentally falling for my fake boyfriend like any other cliché novel."]

The ex? "He's one of the lizard people my uncle Gert is always on about." Moooood.

This book was straight out of a Tumblr post. But isn't that how all good ideas start? ;) So much serendipity and knight-in-shining-armor and instant chemistry.

There were a few awkward parts. I'm not sure if that's the writing itself or the character's awkwardness and second-hand embarrassment. But it did get better and smoother as the novella progressed.

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A Baby For Christmas

And the Christmas ARCs have started!!! Here's Keira Andrews's "A Baby For Christmas."

["Can a lost single dad and a lonely cowboy find love—and the family of their dreams?

Becoming a single father definitely wasn’t in my plans. It’s the toughest challenge of my life, especially with my parents gone, but my little girl means the world to me. I’m driving her home to the Rockies for her first Christmas—and because I took a boneheaded shortcut, we’re stranded in the middle of nowhere.
With a blizzard closing in. Fast.
I’m more scared than I’ve ever been when a gruff, gorgeous cowboy gallops to our rescue.
Why does he look so familiar?

I was a skinny geek in high school with a hopeless crush on Jake—until he revealed his true colors. He’s a backstabbing coward, and I haven’t missed him one bit since he moved to the big city. I spend my days with my dog, my horse, and my yaks. I don’t do people.
Now of all the people in the damn world, he’s on my ranch. Stranded with his tiny, helpless baby.
I can’t abandon them to freeze—even though it means bringing Jake to my cabin to get snowed in. Even though I’ll be trapped with the only man I’ve ever loved.
Even though I only have one bed."]

My goooodness! D: This book was soooo good! The sheer amount of angst mixed with sexual tension and Christmas magic! The single dad struggling through life? The hot but reserved cowboy who isolated himself to protect himself? They fall back in love and bond over the cutest of little babies (and a meddling dog)! 

This book was iconically Keira. It was light and hopeful but somehow hit so deep. It was filled with the holiday spirit without being so over-the-top-Christmas. 

Trigger Warnings: mild homophobia (past), mild internalized homophobia (past), past bullying, and more.

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#ababyforchristmas #keriaandrews #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, November 10, 2024

An Abundance of Brothers (Twisted Bard series)

What's (arguably) better than a fairy tale retelling? A Shakespeare retelling! DK Sutton is one of the many authors in a new multi-author series (A Twisted Bard series) taking on the task of taking Shakespeare's work and turning it (more) gay. DK Sutton wrote "An Abundance of Brothers," based on The Comedy of Errors. 

["Two sets of identical twins mismatched at birth and raised as brothers.

Winning this baking competition will prove I can handle the pressure of running the family restaurant. But things go sideways right from the start. People I’ve never met act like they know me. Even my brother’s personality changes overnight. Add in a cute guy who hates me with a passion usually reserved for your worst enemy…and my ability to focus is severely tested.
I need this win, but we might not make it through the first round.

My focus is on helping Xander win and uncovering the truth about our past. But when my socially awkward brother changes overnight into a sexy beast of a man, I have bigger problems. How can my body betray me like this? These feelings are dangerous and wrong. And reciprocated.
Except, not all the time. My brother switches personalities like he does shirts—several times a day. Xander and I are out of sync and almost out of time.
As the competition heats up, we come face-to-face with the truth. Literally. Two men identical to us. And my brother isn’t my brother? We swap places, but pretending to be the other twin is harder than expected. Can we reunite our broken family? Or will our secrets tear us further apart?"]

I'd like to say this book was more confusing this it was. But it really wasn't. Yes, when the boys first got to the comeptition, it took a hot minute for me to recenter myself (and when the two sets of twins were first reunited accidental-Parent-Trap-style (there were a few Parent Trap moments, actually)), but D.K. (and the narrators) were good at distinguishing between the two sets of Doms and the two sets of Xanders. The side characters were a tad bit of scrambling to understand, but if I would have actually read the List of Characters section, the might not have happened. 

There was SOOOO much love in this book. So much chemistry. So much fluff and fire. And so. much gay. It was glorious and chaotic (very Shakespeare, actually).

I need to read the rest of this series...if only I had infinite time for reading.

Trigger Warnings: one MC is autistic, cheating by the love interest of one MC, two sets of twins are mismatched and switched at birth, and more.

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Ho Ho Homicidal Maniac (Murder and Mistletoe #2)

And the Christmas ARCs have started!!! Here's K.A. Merikan's "Ho Ho Homicidal Maniac." It's the a second in first novel in their Murder and Mistletoe series.

["“I love Christmas. So every year, I kill someone. As a treat."

Have you ever fallen in love with a man as he was pointing his gun at you? Well, I have. Tiny problem? I’m in the middle of my murderous Christmas tradition, and he’s a witness.
But it’s not his fault I got too excited and didn’t check if I was alone. I can’t just kill him because of my own blunder. Not when he has such dreamy green eyes filled with fear and pent-up rage.
What I can do is take him with me for safekeeping while I work out how to make him understand that while my methods are cruel, my intentions are pure.
Or how to make him fall for me.
Whichever is first.

My eighteenth birthday was supposed to be the happiest day of my sheltered life. Finally, I would gain independence and inherit half my family fortune. Instead, I ended up kidnapped.
I was about to get carved into pieces when… a Christmas miracle in the form of a beefy homicidal maniac saved me.
Only now I’m trapped in his basement and getting love bombed by a psycho golden retriever. He eats turkey sandwiches for every breakfast, enjoys making festive ornaments out of human teeth, and lets his violent urges shine like a Christmas tree.
I shouldn’t find him hot.
I shouldn’t want to indulge his murderous tendencies.
And I definitely shouldn’t want him to be my first.
But I’m being hunted and might just need a monster to keep me safe.
(And he does actually make really good fruitcake)"]

A black-cat rich boy with a target on his back and a true crime podcast meets a murder golden-retriever vigilante with a hyper fixation on Christmas (and the rich boy). Why not? There has been worse meet-cutes. ;)

You'd think someone who hates Christmas as much as Blake would have at least tried to resist Nico a liiiiiiitle more than he had. Yes, he tried to resist him, because Nico's a serial killer, but the Christmas thing was the real hang up. ...It was the forearms (it's alllllways the forearms). 

Nico wasn't as protective and touch-him-and-die as our previous obsessive and awkward murder-boyfriend was, but you get in between him and his future husband, and you're suddenly on Saint Nick's naughty list. And there swoons Blake (with a grumpy pout hiding his smile). 

Trigger Warnings: kidnapping, violence, gore, attempted assault (no between MCs), drugging, and more.

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Friday, November 8, 2024

All I Want For Christmas Is Revenge (Murder and Mistletoe #1)

And the Christmas ARCs have started!!! Here's K.A. Merikan's "All I Want For Christmas is Revenge." It's the a novel in first novel in their Murder and Mistletoe series.

["“I will kill the men who murdered your family… for a price. You will be mine.”

Being a hitman is the loneliest of jobs. We don’t have many friends. Some don’t even have family. Lovers? Try explaining to your boyfriend why there’s blood on your shirt.
Christmas is the worst time to be alone, but this year, love is on the cards for me. All thanks to a letter I found in the street.
It reads, “Dear Santa, all I want for Christmas is revenge…”
At first, I’m intrigued by the words, the grisly details, and the rage steaming off the page. The author doesn’t know it yet, but we are a perfect fit. His bloodthirst is equal to mine, his creativity in coming up with ways to kill is admirable, and when I track him down, I instantly fall for the wrath in his dark eyes.
His wish is my command, if he’s ready to pay the price - being mine.

My therapist always tells me I should let go of my pain and rage. But I don’t want to let go. I want the men who attacked my family dead.
I just never thought I’d get my wish granted. But there’s a catch. The handsome monster who abducts me to his lair wants me as his payment.
Me, the strange loner filled with bitterness and sarcasm. Me, who never even had a boyfriend. Me, with my cane and irrational fears.
But I’d sell my soul to the Devil for revenge, so I might as well offer my body to a seductive assassin. After all, he cooks well, kills people, buys me bath bombs… What else could I want in a boyfriend?"]

I, for one, would like to know how, HOW, serial killers who lack serious understanding of social niceties, normal boundaries, and communication can be so fucking adorable?! How!!?? Because from almost the very first moment we meet Saint, that's what I think: adorable. And it just gets worse the more he gets to know (and utterly devotes himself to) Rowan. Adorable. 

Rowan is...Rowan is the thing that looks like a cinnamon roll but could kill you. He's cute and traumatized and lonely as fuck, but he's got more anger than one person should ever have mixed with a need for righteous revenge. And a willingness to just "go with it." 

Together, they cuddle under Christmas lights and cross of a murder list as if it were an advent calendar. It's so not Halmark, but it was sooooo good!

Trigger Warnings: kidnapping, violence, gore, stalking, PTSD, anxiety, chronic pain and scars from old injuries, and more.

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Thursday, November 7, 2024

How To Hide Your Angel Kid (Closet Baby Chronicles #7)

I have (temporarily) caught up on the read-asap-arcs so...why not read something that's debuted from one of my favorite series in the last couple of weeks? Here's Anna Wineheart's "How To Hide Your Angel Kid." Its the seventh book in her Closet Baby Chronicles (and all of it is pure freaking crack).

["Life is rock-hard for Pinks. After narrowly escaping a kidnapping, his rare angel baby is still being hunted by a growing number of bad guys.

Unfortunately, little Benny is hell-bent on befriending the dangerous stranger who shows up in his backyard... A stranger who is big, strong, and cursed to turn into a statue at the most inappropriate times.

Such as the grocery store checkout line.

Or the bathroom.

Or in bed.

Despite that, Pinks would be a fool to miss the way Galen protects Benny, the way his stony expressions melt when he smiles at Pinks. It's quickly becoming obvious that the longer Galen sticks around, the harder it is for Pinks to keep his baby—and himself—away.

Can he trust Galen, or will Benny's secret be the downfall of their family of two?"]

I'm currently going through another underlining/highlighting binge while reading atm, because most of this book was pink... :| Then again, that means that this book was just that good! And it was. This book was sooooooo freaking good. I can't believe this series keeps getting better and hasn't gotten stale or repetitive yet. AND there's still more books left in the series! 

I loooooove how Pinks was instantly attracted to Galen, but the moment Galen wasn't stone (and returned those heated looks), Pinks turned hostile and grumpy. Galen didn't give up though; the more he pursued Pinks in a lusty fashion, the more he fell in love with Pinks. Pinks fought his feelings fro Galen, but it didn't last too long either. He caved to the lust, and he caved to the love. 

Trigger Warnings: baby health scare (no actual injuries though)

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Wednesday, November 6, 2024

A Merry Christmas for Art...and His Tentacles (Tinsel and Tentacles 2.0)

And the Christmas ARCs have started!!! Here's Amy Bellow's and Shannon Mae's "A Merry Christmas for Art...and His Tentacles." It's the a novel in second edition of the multi-author series Tinsel and Tentacles.

When cryptids came out as living among us, there was definitely a settling in period, but now having a loch ness monster as your neighbor and a bigfoot as your security guard at work is just par for the course. Luckily for me, I happen to work with the sweetest, sexiest cephalopod in the entire building. Unfortunately for him, his people skills aren’t the greatest. When our harpy boss demands that I teach him how to interact with people, I’m only too happy to take up the job. I can teach him all about the human holiday of Christmas while giving him important people skills. If our lessons happen to look like dates, well… I won’t complain. And maybe I’ll get those sexy tentacles wrapped around me before too long.

It’s embarrassing that my boss assigned someone to teach me people skills. It’s also hopeless. If learning how to interact with human beings was something I could learn in a class, I would have done so by now. I’m an excellent student. But hanging out with Dean Miller isn’t so bad, even if my tentacles have a mind of their own and won’t stop touching him. He doesn’t mind my awkwardness the way other people do, and he doesn’t mind my tentacles either. His easy acceptance makes me want things that I’m not used to wanting. I wonder what he would do if I asked for more than people lessons?"]

Okay, one of my issues with this, which I mean, at it's very fundamentals is a trope, and we can blame the boss for all I care, but Art can't people NOT because he's a cryptid, but because he's just socially awkward and probably somewhere on the autism spectrum. Not to put a "human" neurodivergence on a crytpid, but he's just awkward and doesn't understand sarcasm, satire, or in general, things that aren't literal. Dean (and myself) happen to find Art freaking adorable. AND Dean was just a pissed off with the entire interaction with their boss as I was, so there's that.  

These two were freaking perfect. I loved how sweet and soft they were with each other. I loved how open and honest they were. I love how easy and effortless it seemed. There were a few bumps from outside forces, but all minor and easily solved. They took risks and tried new things to better understand each other. They were so smitten with each other before the book even started, but after? Hell, it didn't take long at all for them to fall in love. 

And I looooove how Art's tentacles were basically their own character half the time. ;)

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Beauty and the Billionaire (The Boys of Hudson Burrow #3)

I canNOT get enough of fairytales and retellings and princes. Here's Hayden Hall's latest: "Beauty and the Billionaire." Its the third novel in his new series: The Boys of Hudson Burrow.

["My life was just fine until he came down from his ivory tower.

Sure, I lived my days hiding deep in the closet, but I got to see all the beautiful guys in Neon Nights whenever I delivered fresh produce from my father’s store. And maybe I didn’t have enough time to read all the books in the world the way I would have liked. And maybe sharing one small room with three siblings wasn’t ideal. But that was the best we could do.

Until a man with wolfish eyes and a sinful smirk came to our little home and demanded that my father settle an old debt. He was going to ruin what little happiness we built for ourselves in Hudson Burrow.

The only thing I could do was offer my work in exchange for my father’s mounting debts. I would go with Dominic Blackthorn to his secluded mansion, and I would work off the debt no matter how long it took.

But real life is never so simple.

Dominic is a cruel and emotionless man with nothing but disdain for those around him. And the longer I am there, the clearer it Dominic’s appetites extend beyond amassing his wealth. He wants the one thing he can never have. He wants me. And to be wanted like that stirs something new in me.

How long can I live with this heartless man before I start seeing something good in him? How long before he lets himself act on this impulse?

I want to resist him, even if I see disarming warmth in his handsome smile."]

This book was beautiful and devastating. And soooo poetic in the way it continued to break my heart, repair it with some sweet words and swoony thoughts, and then break my heart again. 

Like the other books in this series, Hayden took the original fairy tale and turned it on its head. There was boring life, threats, guilt, sacrifices, trust, broken trust, taking chances, falling in love..and breaking y heart (did I mention that already--because both of them were torturous in their feelings and standing by what they believe). But there wasn't any dramatic storm of the castle or wolves lurking in the forest or a hot-headed rival for the MC love-interest (or talking furniture or dancing dish ware).

I'm not sure if this is the end of the Boy of Hudson Burrow, of if we have more HEAs to look forward to, but this series was beautiful. 

Trigger Warnings: mentions of past abusive parenting, mentions of homophobia, and more.

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Limitless (Squad Goals #5)

  I SHOULD be taking this time to catch up on incoming ARCs instead of catching up on new TBRs...Should be. Here's Willow Thomas's ...