Friday, October 6, 2017

The Uncrossing

The Uncrossing Review

Luke Melnyk is famous for uncrossing curses. He’s the guy—teen guy—everyone in New York City goes to if they find themselves at the nasty end of a hex. He’s a little cocky, a little unpredictable, and a lot powerful. Did I mention that he is falling for the ever-untouchable prince of Manhattan, Jeremy Kovrov?
Jeremy is the sheltered younger brother of the famous Kovrovs. He doesn’t care what people think of him, constantly wearing outlandish colors to purposely stand out. He doesn’t talk about his past, because of all the secrets that lie there. He entertains himself with bouts of fantastic magic, which he downplays as humble “party tricks.” And he’s hopelessly, head-over-heels in love with Luke Melnyk.

Melissa Eastlake’s debut novel, The Uncrossing, is everything I had been wanting without knowing exactly what I was looking for. Eastlake combines the idea of gangster activity—the strong family and community influence part of it—with the idea of magical. Add the idea of true loves kiss, a seemingly unbreakable curse, and star-crossed lovers and you have The Uncrossing—not to mention the blood rituals, hex bags, and petty fights over property and power.
Eastlake’s novel got my emotions going in so many different directions—in a good way—and I know I would have sobbed if I hadn’t been reading The Uncrossing while I was at work. Like any young adult novel, the angst is on point. I felt Jeremy’s anger, Luke’s confusion, and their shared nervousness over falling in love and wondering if it’s “true.” The pure inexperience of falling so hard and so fast for another person is portrayed oh so perfectly onto the page through Eastlake’s gift of convincing dialogue and lyric imagery. I found myself underlining nearly half of the book. As a reader, I wanted to protect Luke and Jeremy (that little cinnamon roll). As a fellow writer, I want to emulate the deepness of their love as well as the naturalness of how easy it is for them to fall into it. The back and forth third person omniscient point of view allows readers to experience this with each boy individually. As Luke and Jeremy fell in love, I felt as if I were falling with them.
I would most definitely—and already have—recommend The Uncrossing to people. Days since I finished Melissa Eastlake’s book, I’m still humming with all the magic and innocent love.

To purchase your own copy of this book, go to or Barnes& Amazon:
Luke can uncross almost any curse—they unravel themselves for him like no one else. So working for the Kovrovs, one of the families controlling all the magic in New York, is exciting and dangerous, especially when he encounters the first curse he can't break. And it involves Jeremy, the beloved, sheltered prince of the Kovrov family—the one boy he absolutely shouldn't be falling for.

Jeremy's been in love with cocky, talented Luke since they were kids. But from their first kiss, something's missing. Jeremy's family keeps generations of deadly secrets, forcing him to choose between love and loyalty. As Luke fights to break the curse, a magical, citywide war starts crackling, and it's tied to Jeremy.

This might be the one curse Luke can't uncross. If true love's kiss fails, what's left for him and Jeremy?

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