Saturday, January 19, 2019

Anna-Marie McLemore

I first discovered Anna-Marie McLemore when I was creating a syllabus for an independent study during my final semester at grad school (I focused on YA magical realism, romance). I loved it, loved her, ever since.

"When The Moon Was Ours" was the first book of hers that I read. Roses (literal roses) grow out of Miel's wrists. Rumors say that she spilled out of the water tower when she was five. Sam paints moons and hangs them around down, in trees, on light polls, for her. They're inseparable, in love, holding dark, dark secrets that could change themselves, their relationship, their town, forever. 

"The Weight of Feathers" is another Romeo and Juliet troupe, and yet, it's still such a perfect storyline. Lace's family swims like mermaids. Cluck's family floats in the trees like birds. How does a bird love a fish? Well, its hard and almost impossible, and their families completely forbid it (naturally). Will love prevail a long, stubborn family rivalry and dark secrets?

"Blanca and Roja" was one of my UppercaseBox books (did I mention how amazing that subscription is?). The del Cisne girls known from when they were born that they will be seperated one day, that the swans will pick one of them to join their bevy. It's been a curse for decades, but Blanca and Roja are determined to change things. But will two local boys are sucked into their lives, how will this change everything?

"Wild Beauty" is potentially my favorite of McLemore's books. For decades, the Nomeolvides women have tended the grounds at La Pradera, creating flowers out of thin air, weaving magic out of colored petals. Unfortunately, with a gift comes a curse. Each and every time the Nomeolvides women fall in love, their lover eventually vanish. But what happens when a past lover that no one remembers returns? Is the curse over? Or is their trouble just beginning??

McLemore is great at creating worlds, at weaving mysteries, at dueling out curses. Her books are strongly female led (at least the last two are). Romance also reigns as a common theme among her novels. 
Go and read her. Cry, tell me "you're welcome." 

What is your favorite genre?

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