Saturday, January 19, 2019

Captive Prince Serires

"The Captive Prince" by C.S. Pacat starts off this amazing trilogy, and I can promise you, you won't be able to put the series down until you've finished the whole thing. 

In "The Captive Prince" (#1), Prince Damen of Akielos, war-hero and crown-prince, is attacked in the castle, taken prisoner, and stripped of his identiy. He is sent to the rival country Vere as a a gift, a personal slave, to Prince Laurent. 

Damen must fight his way to freedom and escape back home to save the throne and his kingdom from his backstabbing step-brother.

Laurent is beautiful, calculating, manipulative, and deadly. He's fighting for control in a web of lies and series of deceits, where nothing is as it seems.

For Damen, Laurent is someone he would usually try to court, if he wasn't in this situation. If he wasn't hiding his identity at all costs, especially from the one person who hates him the most (aka Laurent, if I wasn't clear with that).

For the "The Prince's Gambit" (#2) I'll give a quick summary, not spoiling anything. Brink of war, escaping assassinations, continuing to fall in love, etc. 

"The King's Rising" (#3): fighting for what they rightly deserve, and more importantly, want they most desire.

"The Summer Palace" (and other short stories) was a little gift to the fans. It has four short stories that take place during and after the trilogy, giving a little hint at secondary characters and the love plot line.

I was obsessed with these books, still am. I keep forcing myself not to reread them (which was my exact thought the second I finished the third book). Pacat wove so many details and secret storylines that resurfaced at the most perfect moments, forcing readers to flip back to when she (aka Laurent, if we're going to be honest with our chess master's skills) set it all up. After reading the short stories earlier today, I wanted nothing more than to reread these, but my #TBR list is sooooo long...

The romance plot lot (the reason I first bought the books) is slow burn, soooo incredibly slow burn. Just a warning. It's a little frustrating. But when it does happen, its incredibly satisfying. 

Please go read these, Please, for me, for them, for me, for the babies that need protecting (yes, I called grown-ass men, heirs to their respective thrones, to-be-kings, babies). Go read, and let me know what you think.

Also, again, if I wasn't clear, this book is anothter boys-who-love-boys book.

Trigger Warnings: rape, war, suicide

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