Sunday, January 13, 2019

Five Feet Apart

Coming down from the emotional high (rollercoaster, whatever), naturally, I had to go and pick yet another book I knew would only end in tears.

"Five Feet Apart" by Rachael Lippincott (a Pittsburgh native as I learned) is a YA romance. Stella and Will meet in the hospital. They both have CF. They aren't allowed to get within six feet of each other or they could risk giving each other their bacteria. And what do they do? I'll give you three guesses...

Fall in love, you say? Get closer than six feet, you guess? Risk everything, you ask? All correct.

I picked up this book for five reasons:
     (1) I saw in on a blog my friend runs.
     (2) I saw it in an email from a local bookstore.
     (3) It's about to be a movie.
     (4) Cole Sprouse.
     (5) Cole Sprouse.

I don't want to spoil anything, but this book was awesome. A quick read. A heartwarming read. Hopefully, I really good movie, too (I'll keep you updated on that one).

Quick note: There is a very shocking moment a little over halfway through. While reading, I thought, "huh? If John Green wrote this, how would he proceed?" So I had my theory, I had what I would do as an author, I had what John Green would do...and Rachael Lippincott did just that. Was I mad? Hell no. I was proud. It was a fantastic twist that propelled the plot forward.

Okay, dear readers, another review under the belt. Click the heart, add a comment, read the book.


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