Saturday, January 19, 2019

Peter Pan Prequels/Sequels

Here are a sampling of the Peter Pan prequels and sequels I've read in the past, following my obsession with J.M. Barrie's original play/novel.

"Peter Pan in Scarlet" by Geraldine McCaughrean is the "official" sequel to J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan. When dreams of Neverland are seeping through into the real world, Wendy and the other Lost Boys, all grown up, must return to Neverland to save it and to save Peter Pan. This novel was cute, but it missed the mark a little bit for me.

"Lost Boy: The True Story of Captain Hook" by Christina Henry has everything I dreamed of a Peter Pan prequel having: a Lost Boy James Hook and a psychopath Peter Pan. James came to Neverland as the first ever Lost Boy. He loved it, the freedom, the silliness, the fun. He loved it until he wasn't allowed to leave, until he realized it wasn't all fun and games. I freaking LOVED this one.

"Peter and the Starcatchers" by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson is another prequel, following orphan Peter and his friends on their way to an evil King. Along the way, they  meet some other friends, a talking dolphin, and a treasure chest filled with mysterious cargo (spoiler alert, its pixie dust). This novel (which turns into a series) was very cute, and though has its flaws, this novel holding its own against the original canon.

(4) "Never Never" Brianna Shrum is another prerquel all about Captain Hook. All James wants is to grow up. Until he meets Peter Pan. Pan promises him a fun, quick trip to Neverland. When he gets there, however, James isn't allowed to leave. When he starts to grow up, Peter gets angry. When he starts to fall in love with Tiger Lily, Peter gets jealous. When he starts to become Captain Hook, Peter gets excited. Yet another book with psychopath Peter Pan (which, in my opinion, is original canon (again, see my undergrad thesis)).

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