Thursday, January 17, 2019

Peter Pan

A few years ago (around the summer 2012) I read J.M. Barrie's "Peter Pan" for the first time.

And wow...

How had I lived 17+ years without reading that? It would be cliched to say that it changed my life. But it did, cliches be damned.

Since then, I've read "Peter Pan" least twenty times? I've lost count to be completely honest. But each time I reread it, I find something else to be fascinated by, to be compelled by, to be curious by.

I ended up writing my undergraduate thesis on this children's novel. "'To Die Would Be An Awfully Big Adventure': A Critical and Creative Analysis of Disability and Character in J.M. Barrie's 'Peter Pan'". It was one of the most important, and life changing (yes, again), academic experiences of my life. I got to combine many of my passions: reading, writing, psychology, and disability studies.

One of my current creative projects is exploring how Captain Hook became Captain Hook. Its a YA, romance manuscript (of sorts) that explores the popular ideas of first loves, disability, and manipulation.

Has a book ever changed your life?

#peterpan #captainhook #neverland #jmbarrie #bookstagram #books #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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