Thursday, January 24, 2019

Ship It

So if "Carry On" by Rainbow Rowell is the fanfiction every Drarry shipper ever wanted, "Ship It" by Britta Lundin is the novel every Destiel shipper ever wanted.

"Demon Heart" is the "Supernatural" equivalent in Claire's world (Smokey=Dean (still a hunter) Heart=Cas (a demon, instead of an angel)). Is Claire obsessed with "Demon Heart"? Yes. Is Smokey!Heart all she thinks about? Pretty much. Does she write Smokey!Heart fanfiction? All the time.

When Claire has a chance to ask a question about this ship at a Q&A panel during a comic-con, she thinks her world will be set. Except, she gets Forest (the dude who plays Smokey) laughs at Claire's assertion that his character might be (is) gay. 

She's devastated, beyond devastated. Her hero turns out to be a closed-minded jerk.

Long-story short (because, let's face it, I can ramble), she joins the cast of "Demon Heart" during their short comic-con tour, assisting in positive press after a video of Forest laughing at Claire's question goes viral.

Along the way, Claire helps Forest understand the fan's perspective. Forest helps Claire open herself up to new opportunities (aka a cute fellow fangirl, Tess).

"Ship It" was colorful, inclusive, funny, tender, and honest. Go forth and read, fan of Supernatural or not, you'll love it.

#shipit #brittalundin #supernatural #destiel #fanfictionwriting #bookstagram #books #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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