Sunday, February 10, 2019


Hey everyone!! Sorry for being so MIA lately.

Work was insane. The winter blues got me down for a while. Reading took a dip. Writing took a dive.

But I'm back. I took a bunch of picture tonight, which I plan on editing tonight. I'll write something up for them and post them sometime tomorrow. Hopefully, I'll be able to do a few more posts later this week too, get back in the swing of it all.

What's your favorite Harry Potter book (original 7)?
What's your favorite non-original-7 Harry Potter?

A1: Prisoner of Azkaban...mostly because of Sirius and Remus (my babes)
A2: Quidditch Through the Ages

#harrypotter #siriusblack #remuslupin #woflstar #prisonerofazkaban #quidditchthroughtheages #jkrowling #harrypotterlibrary #hogwartslibrary #bookstagram #books #bookphotography #ilovebooks #winterblues

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