Wednesday, May 15, 2019

TBR Piles (yes, piles)

So, I'm getting to the end of my list of already-read/just-read books to blog about. Now it's time to get creative while I work on my TBR List.

The next few pictures (yes, pictures) are of my TBR Piles (yes, piles).

#DarkShores by #DanielleLJensen (an #uppercaseboxbook)
#TheyBothDieAtTheEnd by #AdamSilvera
#MoreHappyThanNot by #AdamSilvera
#WanderLost by #JenMalone
#AruShahAndTheSongofDeath by #RoshaniChokshi
#BlueLilyLilyBlue by #MaggieStiefvater
#PrettyinPuxsutawney by #LaurieBoyleCrompton
#WickedSaints by #EmilyADuncan (another #uppercaseboxbook)
#AQuestionOfHolmes by #BrittanyCavallaro

#TheHazelWood by #MelissaAlbert
#TashHeartsTolstoy by #KEOrmsbee
#TheWayYouMakeMeFeel by #MaureneGoo
#DeathPrefersBlondes by #CalebRoehrig
#WickerKing by #KAncrum

#RedWhiteAndRoyalBlue by #CaseyMcQuinston
#WeContainMultitudes by #SarahHenstra
#IWishYouAllOfTheBest by #MasonDeaver
#HeartofBetrayal by #MaryEPearson
#TheBeautyOfDarkness by #MaryEPearson
#KingOfScars by #LeighBardugo

#PrincessInPractice #StormRunner #Dragon Pearl #TrialsOfApollo (2 and 3) #MeBeforeYou #Sweep #BookThief #HollowCity #LibraryofSouls #TalesOfThePeculiar #AMapofDays #AnimalYou'llSurelyBecome #OffThePage #WhenDimpleMetRijhi #SimpleLittleBitch #BestIveEverHad #LeahOffTheBeat #SpinningSilver #DearEvenHansen #KillTheQueen #HoldingUpTheUniverse #IllGiveYouTheSun #CrownofFeathers #CircleOfShadows #TheRavenKing

I'll show you what's on my list, if you show me what's on yours.... ;)

#TBR #TBRlist #LGBTbooks #childernsbooks #classicbooks #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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