Sunday, September 29, 2019

Goodbye September

Well September didn't take it any slower...October, here's your shot.

Here I am again checking in with my 2019 resolutions:
(1) Keep learning
(2) Write [almost] every day
(3) Don't stop reading
(4) Complete something (e.g. a manuscript)
(5) Get [a little] professional 

This month went...not better. I kinda sucked again. But I got sick, twice, and my sister was in town. So all in all, I had about 1 week of feeling good and not being too busy. Yes, they're excuses, but I'm sticking to them.

(1) Again, no real "evidence" of this to share. 

(2) I did not do better. I sucked. 0 pages. 

(3) I read 1-2 books in September, started and abandoned a few more.

(4)  0 pages. On...nothing. I sucked. People at work have been asking how my writings going, in addition to my mom nagging me, and well, it hasn't been going well. Thank you.

(5) Posts in September: 8 (that includes this one).

I'm going to (try) to do this at the end of every month, or close to it (that is, if I remember, and my life isn't too too crazy at that time).

What are your big October reads?
Anything I should check out?

As we say at the daycare I work at during circle time:
"Goodbye, September!"
"Hello, October!"
It sounds silly, but just imagine 6-10 two year olds repeating that after you. It could make almost anyone smile.

#newyearsresolutions #keeplearning #writeeveryday #dontstopreading #completesomething #getprofessional #goodbyeseptember #hellooctober #bookstagram #books #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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