Thursday, September 26, 2019

New Book Tuesday

Ever notice how books always seem to be released on a Tuesday? Ever wonder why?

Apparently, its a industry standard, and not just for books. CDs and DVDs are also released on Tuesdays. It's a few things combined, actually:
(1) Bestseller lists calculate sales from Saturday to Saturday, giving each new product ample time to rack up sales before the weekend.
(2) Tuesdays are traditionally the lowest sale days of the week, and having new products debut on Tuesdays gives consumers incentive to buy.
(3) If books do well on Tuesdays, bookstores have plenty of time to buy more for the weekend rush.

Any other reasons that you've seen for such an influx of book release dates being held on Tuesdays?

Take a look at my September 24 New Book Tuesday book-haul.

After I read each book, hopefully soon, I'll have a personalized post for each book. :) Wish me luck!

#waywardson #rainbowrowell #tyrantsromb #rickriordan #theinfinitenoise #laurenshippen #newbooktuesday #bookhaul #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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