Thursday, December 26, 2019

Goodbye 2019

I can't believe that 2019 is almost over. Like...I can't believe it. I feel like it was only just June. And in June it felt like it was only just February. How did this year go by so quickly? How?

Here I am again checking in with my 2019 resolutions:
(1) Keep learning
(2) Write [almost] every day
(3) Don't stop reading
(4) Complete something (e.g. a manuscript)
(5) Get [a little] professional 

The Full Year Check Up:

(1) Again, no real "evidence" of this to share. 

(2) In total, I read less than half of the year. I didn't do as well as I had hoped. But my dreams had been far reaching. All and all, I think I did good. Next year can only get better.

(3) Again, in total, I did less than I had hoped, less than last year. But I'd like to say that a total of 60 books was a good accomplishment. That's a little over 1 books per week. More than the average reader. Next year can only get better.

(4) I hadn't...exactly completed anything. Not fully. But I made some really major strides in the last two months. But I guess completely a full run through of pen-to-paper edits and half of the pen-to-computer edits done is something to be proud of. Third time's a charm: next year can only get better.

(5) I forgot about this one. Or to say that this post meant my blog itself. Again, like reading, my posts have gone down in numbers in the past few months (only writing = no reading = no posts). Posts in 2019: 156 (that includes this one).

I'm going to (try) to do this whole thing (resolutions, reading/writing, blog posts, checking-in, etc) again next year.

What are your big 2020 reads?
Anything I should check out?

As we say at the daycare I work at during circle time:
"Goodbye, 2019!"
"Hello, 2020!"
It sounds silly, but just imagine 6-10 two year olds repeating that after you. It could make almost anyone smile.

#newyearsresolutions #keeplearning #writeeveryday #dontstopreading #completesomething #getprofessional #goodbye2019 #hello2020 #bookstagram #books #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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