Sunday, March 22, 2020

Wayward Son

Listen, the local ice cream shop needs to open, because I don't think anyone realizes how life-sustaining a milkshake would be right now. A good one.

Like, I made one, but its not the same.

So still over here reading Wayward Son. Feeling the pining and angst like an anxiety attack waiting to happen. Wanting to shake these two adorable, touch-starved idiots into communicating their feelings (like it would change anything from the last time I read WS).

Drinking my milkshake and a little upset it doesn't have any alcohol in it like Baz's did. Wishing I had a really good mini cheese burger like Simon did. Needing to wrap up these babes in a big fluffy blanket until everything is better (until Any Way The Wind Blows comes out).

But honestly, at least someone is writing during this social-distancing/self-isolation/quarantine. @rainbowrowell is kicking major ass.

#carryon #waywardson #anywaythewindblows #rainbowrowell #milkshakes #milkshakedrunkinvegas #socialdistancing #coronavirus #nomotivation #reading #writing #writerproblems #books #bookstagam #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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