Friday, April 17, 2020

On Love's Light Wings


Okay, I don't know if anyone made this connection at all. But I did the other day. And I really, really, really needed to share.

While doing research for my manuscript (research I've done 2 times before and just never wrote it down--didn't this time either), and reading the balcony scene fifty times through (again) from Romeo and Juliet, I found this gem.

The spell our babe Baz uses to levitate Penny and himself at the end of Carry On? On Love's Light Wings? "It's a hard spell and an old spell, and it works only if you understand the Great Vowel Shift of the Sixteenth Century--and if you're stupidly in love"? That one? (I knew you knew it--but I just really like the whole quote).

Well, it's from Romeo and Juliet. From when they're chatting/flirting. She asks how he got over the garden gates, because they're hella high (me paraphrasing here). He says: "With love's light wings did I o'erperch these walls; for stony limits cannot hold love out."

So our fearless leader @rainbowrowell directly compared our boys (Simon and Baz) to the most famous of starcrossed lovers (Romeo and Juliet). Just saying. This book keeps getting more and more perfect. Just saying.

#carryon #rainbowrowell #waywardson #anywaythewindblows #snowbaz #basilton #romeoandjuliet #williamshakespeare #onloveslightwings #starcrossed #socialdistancing #coronavirus #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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