Sunday, May 24, 2020

Almost Midnight

Rainbow Rowell once again hit it out of the freaking park (am I surprised?--no).

I finally got around to reading "Almost Midnight." Took me a grand total of 50 minutes. So freaking amazing.

If you haven't read these yet, you need to. Now.

["Midnights is the story of Noel and Mags, who meet at the same New Year's Eve party every year and fall a little more in love each time . . .

Kindred Spirits is about Elena, who decides to queue to see the new Star Wars movie and meets Gabe, a fellow fan."]

I loved both of them, but I kind of loved Midnights more? I don't know if it was the #friendstolovers trope or the actual kissing (Kindred Spirits was so freaking adorable, but no kissing). So great. So cute. So fluffy. Just totally Rainbow.

#almostmidnight #midnights #kindredspirits #rainbowrowell #shortstories #starwars #countdown #socialdistancing #coronavirus #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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