Monday, May 25, 2020

The Gentleman's Guide to Getting Lucky

ANOTHER book I've been trying to get through over the past few months of being unable to read. Mackenzi Lee's "The Gentleman's Guide to Getting Lucky."

Holy freaking hell.

Like honestly, not good and so cute. Our boys Percy and Monty talked it out again, a few times (got lucky--in many ways--a few times). And Felicity there to be a bomb ass feminist icon.

Set between Lee's two masterpieces (between the gay yearning hours and the becoming a pirate/doctor/animal savior), still on their perfect little island getaway, Monty and Percy struggle and stumble through being a new couple, after years of mutual pining. They have to figure out their next steps in life (in London) and in love (in the bedroom).

Will Monty make their first time absolutely perfect and romantic and everything Percy deserves? Or will the anticipation and build-up completely ruin the mood (will Monty completely ruin the mood)?

Only slightly Rated R. More implications and innuendos than anything. From what I remember from "Vice and Virtue," V&V was more Rated R than "Getting Lucky." But still so freaking perfect and cute and another must read (MUST READ).

Makes me want to reread "Vice and Virtue." And "Petticoats and Piracy." Even though my TBR list is enormously long (and growing).
Though I also really, really want to reread the "Captive Prince" series.

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