Friday, May 1, 2020

Writing/Editing Update

Be Warned: This post contains a small rant (and some bragging).

I wrote Every Single Day in April (all but one--but you get me).
I wrote 121 pages in April. 121 pages. 121 paged added to my manuscript. And not shitty-first-draft stuff, like quality stuff, stuff I'm really proud of.

Honestly, I'm really proud of myself in general. Writing every day. Writing 121 pages in a month. I think I deserve a well-earned pat on the back.

In addition to THAT, I FINALLY finished adding the last of my pen-to-paper edits to my computer.

That edit took my like 6 months. 6 months. Because I had to delete two characters, add one more. Deleted about 5 scenes. Add at least 10, probably more. Make several of the pages, near the end, look less like a movie script and more like an actual novel.
It was hard. I cried a few times. I got so frustrated trying to figure out how to fix SO MANY FREAKING THINGS in this that just didn't make sense, things that wouldn't/couldn't work, things that just didn't flow.

Before these edits, my manuscript, in all of its shitty-first-drafts glory (more like shitty third draft) was 189 pages. It's now 451 pages.

Granted, it still needs a lot of work. A lot. I plan on changing the point of view and the tense.
And then I need to go over the words I overuse. I need to clarify a few more things. Nit-picky kind of stuff, ya know?

But holy freaking shit. I'm so happy. I'm so proud of myself.

Last night, I might have bragged a little about it (which I feel like I deserved), and my parents were like "oh, I thought you finished that thing a long time ago." :|
I've tried explaining the writing process to them so, so, soo many times. To try to get them to understand how FREAKING HARD and INTENSE it is to write a book. How it takes even the best of authors years to write a good book. But they pretty much ignored me, weren't really receptive to any of it (my tens-of-thousands-of-dollars worth of debt MFA meaning nothing suddenly).

Okay, rant over.

Back to YET ANOTHER round of editing.
Wish me luck.

#thestruggle #writing #editing #writerproblems #socialdistancing #coronavirus #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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