Saturday, July 4, 2020

The Forest Queen

"The Forest Queen" by Betsy Cornwell...was so freaking empowering.

I read this is like (with a few short breaks) like three hours?

I mean like almost any Robin Hood story/retelling would be empowering (especially in today's climate--in any climate really). But a female Robin? A female Little John? A female Friar Tuck? Like fuck YES!

Female power? Check. Rising from the ashes? Check. Going against oppressors (white male supremacists who treat any person of lesser power--and any female--as less then, as something fun to destroy, as playthings to torture--aka people who really deserve to be kicked, violently, from power)? Check.

["When sixteen-year-old Sylvie’s brother takes over management of their family’s vast estates, Sylvie feels powerless to stop his abuse of the local commoners. Her dearest friend asks her to run away to the woods with him, and soon a host of other villagers join them. Together, they form their own community and fight to right the wrongs perpetrated by the king and his noblemen."]

Lastly...a few trigger warnings: rape, attempted rape, attempted suicide, physical abuse, psychological/emotional abuse, torture


And if you have any books similar to this one that you want to (need to) suggest to me at this time, please do so quickly. ;)

#theforestqueen #betsycornwell #robinhood #robinhoodretelling #femalerobinhood #stealfromtherich #givetothepoor #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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