Monday, August 31, 2020

Enola Holmes: The Case of the Peculiar Pink Fan

If anything were to make you fall more in love with Sherlock Holmes...
It's Nancy Springer's depiction of him in her series Enola Holmes (and in this case, her four installation: The Case of the Peculiar Pink Fan). The smart but incredibly sweet and caring and amused version of Holmes, much similar to the original Arthur Conan Doyle version, without all of the hate speech and cold, untouchable exterior. We get a bit more of page time with Sherlock in this volume due to the fact that Enola has to team up with him to find (and then save) Lady Cecily.

["Enola is thrown into a tailspin when she receives a desperate message from her old friend, Lady Cecily. Enola knows she must help her friend before it's too late - but she doesn't know how! This complicated case has Enola hunting down clues all over London until she finally discovers the awful truth: Lady Cecily is being held prisoner! Enola must risk her own freedom and join forces with her brother, the famed Sherlock Holmes, to free Cecily. Can Enola trust her brother, and can they save Cecily in time?"]

These books are starting to blur a little bit. For how fast I'm reading through them. But I can't help it. They're soooo good. And all less than 250 pages. All middle-grade reading level. All simply intriguing (who doesn't love a good mystery with a good feminist narrator). Besides, the movie adaptation of The Case of the Missing Marques (book 1) will debut on Netflix at the end of the month, and I want to be fully informed on all things Enola before the first movie (of a "promised" film series) is released.

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