Thursday, September 3, 2020

Enola Holmes: The Case of the Gypsy Good-Bye

THE FINAL ENOLA HOLMES BOOK. I made it. Fucking finally. Six books. Less than 5 day. Go me (yes, I am aware that I have obsessive reading-related problems, thank you).

["In the series conclusion, Enola searches for missing Lady Blanchefleur while her brother Sherlock seeks her, with a message from their long-lost mother that only Enola can decipher. Sherlock and brother Mycroft follow Enola into London's dark underbelly to solve a triple mystery. Where is their mother, Lady Blanchefleur, and their connection?"]

And honestly, the transformation of these characters. Enola? Sherlock? Mycroft? Their mother? Talk about satisfying. I mean, the only kind of satisfying you can get from reading an entire series, learning the characters, caring about the things they care about and what they need/want.

Like the last paragraph (sorry if it spoils anything--I mean it does/doesn't--deal with it):

["'Enola.' Sherlock addressed me with as much emotion as one was ever likely to perceive in him. 'My cherished sister, I beg of you, be whatever you like. Selfishly, I have become quite addicted to you, your flair--the zest of never knowing--truly, I cannot wait to see what on Earth you will do next.'"]

Bring on the movie y'all!

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