Sunday, September 20, 2020

Writing Rant

Mini Writing Rant (which turned longer than I excepted):

How does one write again? Like... I... It just... I don't... It seems like my fingers forgot how to do it. Or my brain. Or something.

Like I have things planned to write. I have characters (mostly) fleshed out. I have plot. I have themes. I have motifs. I have conflict and hopes and dreams and nightmares and pirate ships. But I just...I can' it. Like short of forcing myself to sit down and do it (and as I type this, I realize this is probably the solution), I don't know what to do.

Enjoy some writers' problems memes while I emotionally suffer.

And onto some positives, some things I did manage to do lately:

(1) Six blog/bookstagram posts in the past two days. Go me. :)

(2) Today, I made a full-fledged explanation on how the writing/editing/publishing process works for my parents. Trying to help them understand what I do and why it seems to take forever. Five pages. Five. Single spaced. It made me feel powerful...and a little crazy. Like I do this, I know this, I survived this. Hopefully it helps. :/

(3) Also wrote out a query letter draft. Which made me feel like this thing is real. But also like I'm so not ready for this. .... I mean I'm not. I still haven't done any research on what agents and/or editors I want to send my query/sample to. I have a list of ideas (based off of favorite authors/favorite books), but no actual research has been done yet. Back to the positive: I wrote a query letter today. :)

What did you get accomplished this weekend?

#writingrants #writersproblems #writingprocess #editingproblems #editingprocess #publishingproblems #publishingprocess #queryletter #queryproblems #readerproblems #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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