Saturday, April 24, 2021

On The Run (Whispering Key #2)

May Archer did a spin-off series from her #LoveInOLeary series titled: Whispering Key. Book Two: "On The Run" 

["I was supposed to be partying with a bunch of celebrities in paradise this week, okay?

But then I made one teeny, tiny error in judgement before leaving New York, and suddenly the paparazzi expected me to give a command performance as “the other man” in their straight celebrity “outing” of the week.

Um, no, precious. So much no.

Instead, I did what any self-respecting, secret-keeping man would do in that situation: I cancelled my trip and fled New York to hide out in the last place anyone would look for me--a weird little Florida island where nothing exciting ever happened.

Or at least it didn’t… until I arrived.

Now I find myself shacked up with my fake boyfriend Beale Goodman, Whispering Key’s most adorable, most enormous, most virginal cinnamon roll—a guy who rescues feral cats, believes in soulmates, and talks about happiness like it’s free for the taking.

A guy who nearly convinces me, with every smile and kiss, that it is.

Stranger still? I find myself falling for the people on the island. Fitting in, instead of sticking out. Making, you know… friends. And for the first time ever, I think I’ve found something I want to run to, rather than from...

As long as I can keep my secrets from catching up with me."]

I just want to say that this book was soooo fuuuucking goooood. Not only did I relate to it on a What-The-Fuck-Is-My-Life-RN level, but on a soul-mate/destiny kind of level. Like, holy shit wow.

These two were just so fucking cute and good and understanding of each other's needs and wants and so god damned protective of each other.

And I might not have straight forward sobbed during this book. Right in the middle of the day. Right in the fucking living room (in front of people). So there's that.

Can't wait for "Off Key" (book #3) to come out next month. Like the angst build-up to that book is already soooo damn high. I can't.

#offplan #ontherun #offkey #whisperingkey #whisperingkeyseries #mayarcher #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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