Monday, April 26, 2021

The Two Princes

Not necessarily a book. But as a friend (and Levi/Cath from #Fangirl) said, audio books--and therefore podcasts in this case--are just as valid ways to "read" books. But holy fucking shirt-balls (#GoodPlace reference, sorry y'all), was "The Two Princes" worth the fact that I couldn't speed read through the prose paragraphs (like I accidentally do sometimes all the time).

I first discovered "The Two Princes" while flicking through fanart on IG. I saw this pic on @gibb.arts 's page and suddenly needed some queer princely love in my life. It took me months to get through all three seasons (it's hard to me to just sit and listen and focus on only one thing--multi-tasking master thanks to my mom and her nervous energy), but it was soooooo fucking worth it! 

["When Prince Rupert sets out to break the mysterious curse that’s destroying his kingdom, he’s ready to face whatever dastardly villain or vile monster stands in his way. What he isn’t prepared for are the bewildering new emotions he feels when he meets the handsome Amir, a rival prince on a quest to save his own realm. Forced to team up, the two princes soon discover that the only thing more difficult than saving their kingdoms is following their hearts."]

"The Two Princes" was written by Kevin Christopher Snipes and directed by Mimi O'Donnell and provided by Gimlet media. Thee podcasts is filled with tooons of stars (broadway and movie and television--to many to hashtag all of them below, unfortunately).

Seriously! Go check it out. Like now, please. Now. You can thank me later.

#thetwoprinces #noahgalvin #arielstachel #kevinchristophersnipes #mimiodonnell #gimlet #gimletmedia #LGBT #LGBTpodcasts #podcasts #podstagram? #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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