Monday, May 10, 2021

Shadow and Bone: Season One (post two)

Dear Saints above! Holy. Fucking. Shit.

I do have to say, after binge-watching the entire first season of "Shadow and Bone" in one sitting (only getting up for food and potty breaks), I just...holy. fucking. shit. Dear Saints above! 

One: You go, Milo, you go. You officially won the prize for best character added. You saved two peoples lives (well four) and managed to make Kaz Brekker smile (at least, I think, you did--well, you managed to calm down Jesper, which is really hard to do--especially since he hasn't met Wylan yet). He really was the Greatest Of All Time. ;)

Two: I have to say, Ben Barnes was fucking phenomenal. Which, I expected. But the entire fucking cast was glorious. Jessie Mei Li, Freddy Carter, Archie Renaux, Kit Young, Amita Suman, Danielle Galligan, Calahan Skogam, and soooo many fucking more fab people. The producers stayed true to characterization in the books and made everyone diverse in race and gender and body types (and sexualities). Which, fuck yes.

Three: I'm rambling so I already lost where my brain was trying to go before I remembered that they kept Nina a full-figured woman (as her waffle-heart deserves) and Jesper a disaster-queer and Kaz an emotional ice cube (looking all constipated from the emotional back up of years of heart-break and secrets and revenge) and Rollins was just as evil and ugly (in and out) as he should be.

Four: Going off of Rollins.... I got goosebumps when we first saw Ketterdam. I also squealed. A lot. And then held my breath and replayed it and then cried when the Darkling said "Fine, make me your villain" (which we were all fucking waiting for for so fucking long). Then, not long enough for my heart to calm itself, we got the "No Mourners"/"No Funerals" line and FUCK D: 

Five: (spoiler) We should all know by now that the Darkling just doesn't die (which isn't a spoiler if you know that they are two more books in the first trilogy (Alaina's)).

Six: The fucking ending when (SPOILER) everyone was all on the fucking boat (except Wylan--I'll get over that sometime) at the end and almost talked and almost started planning the entire fucking plot of "Six of Crows" right fucking there!

Seven: I remember what I was going to say when I rambled on Three. I loved what they did with Shadow and Bone and that entire thing (sooooo fucking good and so fucking close to the book that I swear, the entire time I was watching it, it felt like deja vu). But my heart still belong with the Crows and their ultimate heist and FUCK I want that so bad. Even if this prequel into their lives before was a fucking gift that I love and was sooooo fucking amazing and GAH D: 

Eight: *keyboard smash*

Nine: I have so many more feelings, but I feel like I need to sit on the rest (and obnoxiously look at all of those tumblr posts and memes and "did you catch it when" moments)

Ten: Anyone know if they were green-lighted for season two yet?

Now, off to see if I can squeeze in any re-readings of these books again. Or I guess I should read Nikolai's books first...

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