Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Goodbye, August

August flew by. Like honestly. And at this point, what is even summer? 

2021 Resolutions:

     (1) Write [almost] every day
     (2) Don't stop reading
     (3) Complete something (e.g. a manuscript)
     (4) Share love of books/writing
     (5) Be kinder to myself

(1) Avoiding my problems do not make my problems go away. At least I'm aware of that...

(2) Books read this month: 23 (though I might add one more by midnight).

(3) Still waiting....  Didn't do any extra research like I thought I would.

(4) Posts this month (including this one): 25.

(5) ... here's to trying (at least a little bit) in September?

Anyone still holding onto their resolutions?

Any exciting September reads?
Anything I should check out?

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Monday, August 30, 2021

Boyfriend Freeze (Love Notes Book series 3)

This time, instead of searching for a new book to read (new series/author to binge-read), I went to my wish list of Kindle reads and found this: The Love Note series by DJ Jamison. The third book is "Boyfriend Freeze"...

["I've made a lot of mistakes, but you can't be one of them...

Dear Graham,
After crossing too many lines for my self-respect, I made a promise to myself: no hookups for sixty days.

But I didn't count on meeting you.

Who knew a smart, cardigan-wearing geek would be such temptation? You're all wrong for me, except you're also kind of exactly right.

So how do I keep my promise not to seduce the cute librarian and still get the perfect guy?

Maybe you know, because I don't...

Already yours,


So damned good! I mean, honestly. It wasn't just about not having sex. It was about wanting something more and being something more. It was about developing a connection before you engaged in sex. It was about being you and seeing your flaws as compliments (because that's how your loved ones see them).

And don't let the blurb/love not fool you. It was far from love at first sight. Not full on enemies. Just...well...read it and you'll see. ;)

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Naughty & Nice (The Love Notes series 2)

This time, instead of searching for a new book to read (new series/author to binge-read), I went to my wish list of Kindle reads and found this: The Love Note series by DJ Jamison. The second book is "Naughty & Nice"...

["Why can't I forget your kiss...

Dear Quinn,

Why must I have these feelings for you? You're my ex-stepbrother, and nothing will change that truth, no matter how many letters I write.

I never expected to see you again--or to rescue you from the side of the road in a blizzard. I didn't think you would ever like me, much less kiss me in a steaming hot tub on a snowy night. It seems we make better lovers than brothers, which is all kinds of naughty and nice while we're snowed in together.

But can this new intimacy last when the skies clear and my family finally arrives for the holidays, or are we just two guys in a mountain cabin with a great view of everything we want but can't have?

Hopelessly yours,

I fell in love with Jonas when he first made his appearance in book one (spoilers ahead). Okay, so not right away. Right away he came across as an ass (intentionally, I believe). But the way he was protective over Benji, even from Ace (even when he knew how Ace felt about Benji), was really admirable. And we all knew he didn't really click with Benji at that party (it was fairy obvious), but Jonas was still hung up on him (or at least what he saw that Ace and Benji had--what he didn't have) was sweet.

Then he had to go and get himself into this complicated-as-fuck situation. Good going, Jonas.

This book was soooo good! It took me a while to read it because I got to the too-good-to-be-true part, right before the angst let loose and it all went to hell, and I stopped. Total avoidance situation. 
Then when I did read that part, I sobbed a bit. A bunch. But it’s okay, they do have a HEA, one that’s both nice and naughty. 

#secretadmirer #naughtyandnice #goingthedistance #boyfriendfreeze #djjamison #lovenotes #lovenotesbook #lovenotesseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Secret Admirer (The Love Note series 1)

This time, instead of searching for a new book to read (new series/author to binge-read), I went to my wish list of Kindle reads and found this: The Love Note series by DJ Jamison. The first book is "Secret Admirer"...

["You deserve all the kisses you want ...

I want you to know how amazing you are. You won't believe me, because I'm just your brother's best friend, but it’s true. Each day my feelings for you grow, confusing but undeniable.

With a few anonymous love tokens, I finally have an outlet for all the things I can't say. And with each gift and note, you smile. For me. Not your brother's straight friend, but something new. Something more. Something that will change everything if we can both find the courage to believe.

All I have to do is confess who I really am:
Your Secret Admirer"]

Like honestly, this was soooooo fucking cute!!! You'd think that after binge reading an entire series dedicated to the brothers-best-friend romance trope, I'd be all out of love, but you (and I) would be wrong. Because this book was so adorable and so damn different. Like it was the same (same trope, same keeping-it-a-secret-from-the-brother, same happily ever after), obviously. But it was still so different than anything I read yet (which I fucking love about books and authors and writing--everything (and everyone) is so unique).

But this book had so much personal-angst and pining and guilt-tripping. Yet it also had so much consent and fluff and ice cream and it was so damn sweet. Even their trails and errors were sweet (I mean, the lack of communication thing was half of their original problems but plot).

Off to read "Naughty & Nice" ;)

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Monday, August 23, 2021

Sideways Stories From Wayside School

I fell in love with books and reading in second grade. I will always remember that. We did circle time in the morning, and each day, my teacher would end it with reading a chapter out of our latest book. I fell in love with #TheBoxcarChildren that way (and like I said, reading in general--which moved to my love of writing). 

But I also vividly remember reading (and loving) the craziness and randomness of Louis Sachar's "Sideways Stories From Wayside School". It was so fucking insane, and I just thought it was the best shit ever. So when it popped up on my Prime Reading suggestions, you KNOW I took a jump at that (and it took me over a year to actually get to reading it, but that's me for you).

["There was a terrible mistake-Wayside School was built with one classroom on top of another, thirty stories high! (The builder said he was sorry.) Maybe that's why all kinds of funny things happened at Wayside-especially on the thirteenth floor."]

I just loved reading these stories again. Middle Grade/Chapter Books are so damn fun sometimes. Your brain needs to continue to consume words, but it also needs a break sometimes. 

And a few of the chapters really showed me where my writing style/narrator voice originally came from (especially that "the builder said he was sorry" part and the parenthesis part). Which was startling but really fun to realize that even that part of me started in the second grade.

What book(s) started your obsession?

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Falling For Trouble (His Best Friend's Brother #5)

This series is a combination of binge-reading R. Cayden's other work as well as another recommendation from an Amazon email. The series: His Best Friend's Brother. The fifth and final book is titled "Falling For Trouble".

["Steamy trouble with his best friend’s long-lost brother

I thought he was a stranger when we met—a night that started in a bar, working up the courage to explore my sexuality.
But it wasn’t until Jet dropped his wallet in an alley thirty minutes later that I saw his legal name, Alastair Brown, and my heart stopped.
My friend and business partner, Noah Brown, had a brother with that name.
A brother he hadn’t seen in years, a famous DJ and party boy with a reputation for causing scandals.
Scandals like dragging a straight-laced architect into an alley, pushing me against a brick wall, and blowing my mind.
Suddenly, Jet and I are thrown together, our lives colliding.
He’s nothing like what I expected, yet somehow, exactly who I need.
But even if my tattooed party boy is willing to try for something more, will Noah accept his troublemaking brother as the one for his straight best friend?"]

Okay, refresh for you (and me): Peyton is Russel's brother. Russel is Character A from book four who is dating Character B (Blake) and Character C (Casey), who are both Peyton's best friends. Now, onto the book/book review itself. ;)

Okay Part Two: this book was sooooo fuuuucking good! Like trying to figure it out your sexuality meets trying to figure out how to fix your past mistakes. They make each other better. They make each other stronger. They make each other complete. And it's so fucking cheesy. But so damn romantic. And why can't we all have this?

AKA, read this series. You won't regret it.

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Shared Secrets (His Best Friend's Brother #4)

This series is a combination of binge-reading R. Cayden's other work as well as another recommendation from an Amazon email. The series: His Best Friend's Brother. The fourth book is titled "Shared Secrets".

["His brother’s two best friends, and an HEA worth fighting for…

I’ve had a crush on Blake and Casey since I first started getting crushes.
My older brother’s best friends, they practically lived at our house growing up.
And when I was an awkward tween, I truly believed they were the coolest people on this unworthy planet.

So it’s surprising and sweet when they offer to let me stay with them in Pittsburgh.
After moving to a new city, I suddenly lose my apartment, and Blake and Casey are my unexpected salvation.

Which is great, except that I have a cardboard box full of makeup and lingerie hidden beneath my bed, and a promise I’ve made to myself.
Now that I’m on my own, I’m going to live the way I want to live, and dress how I want to dress.

I just can’t imagine wearing lipstick in front of my brother’s intimidating, older friends.

I can’t imagine having the courage to share my secret with them, until I learn that Casey and Blake have some secrets of their own…"]

This book wasn’t a brother of any of the previous characters. Which helped the confusing ness of it all that I was saying before. Though it was tied in nicely to the previous books by (spoiler alert) introducing River as a bookstore-customer-turns-best-friend type situation for Russell. Which I loved. 

These three idiots kind of just fell into place. It just happened one day. No questions asked really. Though down the line there was a ton of healthy communication. It was so freaking cute and sweet. And like the other books, they encouraged each other to go for their dreams and do whatever the hell makes them happy.

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The Geek Next Door (His Best Friend's Brother #3)

This series is a combination of binge-reading R. Cayden's other work as well as another recommendation from an Amazon email. The series: His Best Friend's Brother. The third book is titled "The Geek Next Door".

["He's always been there, whether I realized it or not.

Growing up, Izzy was the cute, geeky guy next door.
He and my twin brother were inseparable, and Izzy followed River around with hearts in his eyes.
Fifteen years after I last saw him, he moves in across the street and ends up as my last-minute date to River's wedding.
Izzy's sweet smile wins my heart, but when we get to bed, an old secret haunts me.
A stranger from video chat, an anonymous cutie who wears a costume and a mask.
Could my secret online relationship really be the same man now quivering in my hands?

And can I get past my shame about our history in time to be the man Izzy deserves?"]

I don't have a full-lengthen, thought-out, sounds pretty review for you today. Just a lot of strung-together words that are semi-related to the book's plot. So..yeah...

I didn't think that internalized-kink-shaming was a thing, but like it makes sense.

I like how these books in this series are all inter-connected, but at the same time, it's a little confusing (the first book has character A (Cass) and character B (Shawn) in a relationship, with character C (Leo) as character Bs brother--the second book has character C (Leo) and character D (River) in a relationship, with character E (Kai) as character D's brother--the third book has character E (Kai) and character F (Izzy) in a relationship, with character D (River) as character E's brother). Like having to sketch out a family/character tree confusion. And now that I've spelled character that many times and it no longer looks like a word...

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Forbidden Friend (His Best Friend's Brother #2)

This series is a combination of binge-reading R. Cayden's other work as well as another recommendation from an Amazon email. The series: His Best Friend's Brother. The second book is titled "Forbidden Friend".

["At work, at home—my best friend’s twin brother is everywhere I look, tempting me.

Keep your filthy hands off my brother.
It’s Kai’s one rule before his brother moves into our condo. I tell him no problem; I can handle that.
He and River look identical, after all, and it’s not like I’m crushing on Kai.
Or anyone, for that matter. I’m a one-night-only type of guy.
And River is apparently the opposite: a hopeless romantic, totally incapable of staying single.
We’d be a disaster. So after he moves in, why is it that I suddenly can’t stop thinking about how good it feels to make him smile?
Why am I torturing myself, fantasizing about his touch?
My best friend’s brother is forbidden, but Kai is right.

I’m desperate to rub my filthy hands all over him."]

This was the book that I got the email recommendation on (because why advertise the first book in the series when you can advertise the second one), and oh. my. god.

It was soooooo damn soft. Like I didn't expect it to be so fluffy. And not cotton-candy fluff (though there were a few moments of that), but the every-day-average-this-is-a-relationship fluff (watching movies together, cooking dinner together, cuddling in bed with no alternative/sexy plans of more, etc).

Just like with the first novel, they make each other better, they push each other to do what they need to relax as well as dream big. They fall in love before they fall in love (it makes sense, okay, just go with it).

It's also set in Pittsburgh (specifically the Squirrel Hill/Shady Side area--which I spent so many years growing up there in college). So like a win on that one.

#fallingforthegeek #forbiddenfriend #thegeeknextdoor #sharedsecrets #fallingfortrouble #hisbestfriendsbrother #hisbestfriendsbrotherseries #rcayden #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Falling For The Geek (His Best Friend's Brother #1)

This series is a combination of binge-reading R. Cayden's other work as well as another recommendation from an Amazon email. The series: His Best Friend's Brother. The first book is titled "Falling For The Geek".

["My high school crush, my older brother’s best friend. Now Cass is back to crash my summer alone.

When I was a kid, I had the biggest crush on Cass.
He was broody, with these beautiful eyes. A troublemaker who was infinitely cooler than I would ever be.
Ten years later, I definitely didn’t expect to see him standing at the front door of my family’s house in the Kentucky woods, tatted up and even hotter.
I was supposed to have the summer to myself and my geeky astronomy project, but my brother hired his old friend to do a massive carpentry project on the house.
Just because Cass is straight doesn’t make it any easier to keep my eyes off him.
He was always the man I wanted. I just never dared believe a couple opposites like us could attract."]

I've always been obsessed with the stars, too, but this, oh my god. Shawn made a whole career out of it. You go, babe. :D 

Another amazingly cheesy and fabulously romantic trope: falling for your brother's best friend (nearly the best-friends-to-lovers trope but altered with some forbidden romance added in). And this book was soooooo good! They encouraged each other to go for what they want and what they need, not what others thought might be best (even before they started sharing their afternoons together...in bed).

#fallingforthegeek #forbiddenfriend #thegeeknextdoor #sharedsecrets #fallingfortrouble #hisbestfriendsbrother #hisbestfriendsbrotherseries #rcayden #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Gruff Touch (Geek Ink #4)

Like I said before....here we are, checking out (aka binge-reading) the Geek Ink series (by R. Cayden). The fourth book is titled "Gruff Touch."

["Sometimes, love shines where you least expect it.

There are a million reasons I shouldn’t crush on growly, grumpy Caesar Marin.
For starters, the man is probably twice my age.
He’s a famous tattoo artist, a biker with a pit bull, and he’s made it clear he doesn’t want anything to do with my geeky butt.

He’s also apparently my father’s old friend.

Not that I ever met my father. I only learned his name this year, and as soon as I tracked him down, I discovered that he had already passed.
And with Mom gone now, too, that leaves Caesar as my only hope for learning more about the man.
Caesar with the sexy growl, silver hair, and thick neck.
Caesar who pushes me away even as his eyes beg me to stay.

He’s the last man I should fall for, yet something deep inside insists that Caesar should be mine.

If I can only shine bright enough to warm his grumpy heart…"]

I was a little skeptical on this one (because, to be honest, age-gap tropes creep me out a bit--no offense to anyone, they're just generally  not my cup of tea--especially the "my father's old friend" reminded me of when Monica dated Richard and gah (in the not good way)). But then the rest of the blurb says grumpy/sunshine and well, I do love that trope (and I do hate leaving things unfinished)...

And honestly, it was sooooo fuuuucking cuuuuute! They fit together like two puzzle pieces and it was so damn adorable and they just got each other and Drew could interpret Caesar's grunts and FUCK. I can't. It was too much. I damn near sobbed during the part where they were like will-they-won't-they, but its okay.   ((spoiler alert, if you want to know if they do it on Caesar's bike at all, the answer is yes))

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Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Double Rainbow

 A double rainbow to brighten your week.

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Just A Kiss (Geek Ink #3)

Like I said before....here we are, checking out (aka binge-reading) the Geek Ink series (by R. Cayden). The third book is titled "Just A Kiss."

["Geeky friends to tattooed lovers

I have a secret: I’m in love with my best friend.
Rafael is a brilliant artist and a lovable weirdo.
I’ve been pining for him for years, but when he starts an apprenticeship as a tattoo artist, my longing spikes.
My best friend finds a new side to himself, more confidence, and it makes me fall in love all over again.

The problem is Rafael doesn’t do relationships.
And me? I don’t do casual.
Yet somehow, we still end up in bed one day, after he proposes a “sexperiment.”
We’ll be friends with benefits, nothing more.

We might start with just a kiss, but a kiss can still change everything."]

THIS was the book that got me wanting to read the series. I saw the title and the cover art and I just want all heart-eyes. Then I read the blurb (because why the hell not), and you all know my weakness is tropes (especially friends-to-lovers). So I made the mature decision to start at the beginning of the series and FUCK YES.

I know its a book and its part of the trope but why? Why would a friends with benefits ever work out? The I'm-in-love-with-my-best-friend guy will get crushed if it ends or if he confesses his feelings and its not returned. And the other guy (the what's-better-than-my-best-friend? nothing + what's-better-than-sex? nothing = what's-better-than-sex-with-my-best-friend) just kind of looks like a dumb accidental-ass? 
BUT these guys (spoiler alert, almost, sort of, not really) eventually communicate and figure it out... after crying and pining and angst and... Well, just read the thing, kay?

#geektattoo #craveme #justakiss #grufftouch #geekink #geekinkseries #rcayden #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Crave Me (Geek Ink #2)

Like I said before....here we are, checking out (aka binge-reading) the Geek Ink series (by R. Cayden). The second book is titled "Crave Me."

["Desire thrusts them together, but can two men who are so different really make love work?

There’s no way my tattoo artist is interested in a geeky botanist like me.
I came in to get my first tattoo, a flower, after my friends convinced me it would help build my confidence.
But as soon as I’m under Joey’s hands, as soon as he’s marking me with his ink, all these other desires come alive.
I try to ignore it. He’s quiet and gruff, with a stony expression I can’t read, no matter how hard I try.
I think we couldn’t be more different, but after a blizzard passes through Chicago one fateful night, something joins us.

I need him, and my heart insists that Joey needs me, too."]

GAAAAH. The thing I love about novellas is all of the fluff and the angst and the plot all shoved into less pages. It's a full blown adventure with the falling, and the love, and the oh-shit-I'm-in-love as well as the oh-shit-I-can't-be-in-love-because-xyz, all into half of the amount of pages.

And this novella was worth the binge read.

I hated how bad this book described getting a tattoo. Because it was sooooo fuuuucking accurate, it hurt (emotionally). Like the addiction is real and I need another one and this book's description of the tattooing process and the endorphins and the addition-quality of it all did not help one bit. Thank. You. Very. Much. So, I'll be off planning my next tattoo(s) and possibly emailing an artist or two at my favorite shop. Goodbye now.

Trigger Warnings: bullying, violence, homophobia, etc

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Monday, August 16, 2021

Geek Tattoo (Geek Ink #1)

Amazon's reccommendation emails will be the death of me. I'm serious. I had a whole plan on getting a shit ton of my already-purchased-TBR piles done. Then I had other plans for other books in various locations around my "library" and Kindle. 

But then I get an email telling me to check out the Geek Ink series, and here we are. Checking out the Geek Ink series (by R. Cayden). The first book is titled "Geek Tattoo".

["The relationship is fake, so why does his kiss feel so real?

Stone is straight. That’s the first reason he can’t be my boyfriend.

Straight tattoo artists with dark histories and sad eyes just aren’t meant for geeky guys like me.

Even if he does have killer cheekbones…

But when our lives get thrown together one day at the park, he proposes something surprising.

Stone needs a fake relationship to get him out of trouble, and I might be the perfect guy to help.

The only problem is I don’t understand why a fake, straight boyfriend feels so good to cuddle up close to.

And I can’t figure out why a man who scares me to death can also make me feel so safe.

Stone marks me forever with his ink, but am I strong enough to make him truly mine?

So freaking sweet. I mean there were some seriously bad ass parts (a cat funeral--I mean seriously, yes-----and well the tattooing and the being yourself in front of assholes part too), but this book was so sweet. They just were like well, we've been on one fake date that didn't actually feel fake so like, let's not fake this for a while (without putting a real label on it) and see where that gets us. Boys.

Trigger Warnings: bullying, violence, homophobia, etc

Here's to probably binge-reading the entire series (and then the rest of Cayden's work...and then finding out that half of his books are already on my TBR/wish list anyway...)...

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Out of Character (True Colors #2)

"Out of Character" by Annabeth Albert is the second book in her True Colors series (followed by "Conventionally Yours"). It debuted this summer and continues the TC series' niche of including all of those fabulously amazing and cheesy as hell tropes I can never get enough of.

["• Ex-best-friends falling in love
• Gaming, conventions, fandom & cosplay
• Nerd culture at its finest
• Learning how to be true to yourself

Jasper Quigley is tired of being everyone's favorite sidekick. He wants to become the hero of his own life, but that's not going to happen if he agrees to help out his former best friend turned king of the jocks, Milo Lionetti. High school was miserable enough, thanks, and Jasper has no interest in dredging up painful memories of his old secret crush.

But Milo's got nowhere else to go. His life is spiraling out of control and he's looking to turn things back around. Step one? Replace the rare Odyssey cards he lost in an idiotic bet. Step two? Tell his ex-best-friend exactly how he feels—how he's always felt.

Jasper may be reluctant to reopen old wounds, but he never could resist Milo. There's a catch, though: if Milo wants his help, he's going to have to pitch in to make the upcoming children's hospital charity ball the best ever. But as the two don cosplay for the kids and hunt for rare cards, nostalgia for their lost friendship may turn into something even more lasting..."]

What's better than enemies-to-lovers? Best-Friends-to-ExBest Friends-to-Best-Friends-to-Lovers. Obviously.

GOD, this book! I don't think I took a break while reading this thing. Like at all. (okay, so I read half last night without a break and then half today without taking a break, but I did make the adult situation to sleep last night, so there's that). Glad I didn't give into that impulse to read something else before this (because I bought 5 books yesterday--because what else would one do after finally reading 4 books off of their TBR pile, then to buy 5 more)

Similar trigger warnings from the last book: homophobia, homelessness, bullying, car accidents, alcoholism, adulting/future-planning, etc

#conventionallyyours #outofcharacter #truecolors #truecolorsseries #annabethalbert #odyssey #geekdoms #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Conventionally Yours (True Colors #1)

I started "Conventionally Yours" by Annabeth Albert  about a year ago. But then some other book came out and I ditched CY for that (as one does--its not personal). The sequel to (well next in the series) CY came out recently, and made me want to read CY so I could read OoC (more on that one later).

["When two "big name fans" go head-to-head at a convention, love isn't the only thing at stake.

Charming, charismatic, and effortlessly popular, Conrad Stewart seems to have it all…but in reality, he's scrambling to keep his life from tumbling out of control.

Brilliant, guarded, and endlessly driven, Alden Roth may as well be the poster boy for perfection…but even he can't help but feel a little broken inside.

When these mortal enemies are stuck together on a cross-country road trip to the biggest fan convention of their lives, their infamous rivalry takes a backseat as an unexpected connection is forged. Yet each has a reason why they have to win the upcoming Odyssey gaming tournament and neither is willing to let emotion get in the way—even if it means giving up their one chance at something truly magical."]

There are definite Baz/Draco and Simon/Harry vibes, which I fucking love, obviously. And while the book was fucking fantastic and covered so many lovable tropes (enemies-to-lovers, epic fandom, road trip, gay romance, there's only one bed, etc) and just filled with the cavity-inducing fluff I die for, it also covered a bunch of tougher topics (homophobia, homelessness, anxiety, money issues, trust, adult-ing, future-talk, etc)

Either way, you need to read this book.

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Friday, August 13, 2021

In Deeper Waters

Holy. Fucking Shit. I don't know how to squeal about this book (this book being F. T. Lukens' "In Deeper Waters") without spoiling anything. And I realllllly want to.

Teaser alert: gay princes, pirates, magic, shapeshifting, me fangirling 

["A young prince must rely on a mysterious stranger to save him when he is kidnapped during his coming-of-age tour in this swoony adventure that is The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue meets Pirates of the Caribbean.

Prince Tal has long awaited his coming-of-age tour. After spending most of his life cloistered behind palace walls as he learns to keep his forbidden magic secret, he can finally see his family’s kingdom for the first time. His first taste of adventure comes just two days into the journey, when their crew discovers a mysterious prisoner on a burning derelict vessel.

Tasked with watching over the prisoner, Tal is surprised to feel an intense connection with the roguish Athlen. So when Athlen leaps overboard and disappears, Tal feels responsible and heartbroken, knowing Athlen could not have survived in the open ocean.

That is, until Tal runs into Athlen days later on dry land, very much alive, and as charming—and secretive—as ever. But before they can pursue anything further, Tal is kidnapped by pirates and held ransom in a plot to reveal his rumored powers and instigate a war. Tal must escape if he hopes to save his family and the kingdom. And Athlen might just be his only hope…"]

Just when you wrap up one plot, you move on to the other that F.T. set up in the very beginning.

It's all wonderful and magical and being alone but learning to trust again. It's a new fairy tale with new stakes and has the potential to start a new wave (I need more high fantasy fairy tales). Like fuck. I might already be a bit too obsessed with this book. Like new top five fav here.

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Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Mr. Right Now (Suits & Sevens Series #2)

Isla Olsen "newer" series (Suits & Sevens) is a spin-off series from the Love & Luck series, and the second novella is titled: "Mr. Right Now"

["Right place. Right Time. Right Name.


When my parents decided to name me Andrew I doubt they could have imagined it would lead me here…

Where is here, exactly?

The short version—the Wattleglen Inn on Long Island, where my roommate’s billionaire brother has roped me into pretending to be his boyfriend for a family wedding weekend. All because I happen to have the same name as the ex his family still thinks he’s dating.

The long version—a ton of questioning, fantasizing, and giving in to temptation after being on the receiving end of the most epic BJ I’ve ever had in my life.

Sullivan Stapleton is the last person I should be getting involved with; he’s on the rebound, he’s a guy, and he’s a freakin’ billionaire who never saw a problem he couldn’t throw money at.

But I can’t turn down the cash he’s offering to be his fake boyfriend for the weekend; not when I’m in dire need of funds to repair some storm damage to my auto-shop.

And then after the wedding…well, I should walk away. But for some reason I just can’t seem to let go."]

It's been a while since I read the first Suits and Sevens Series novel, and an even longer time since I read the Love and Luck series, so I had to do some backtracking and some character referencing off of the Team Roster, but all in all, Read This.

I want this kind of love. That kind where you're instantly comfortable by their presence, by their touch. Where you are just immediately righted by them (in the super cheese-y they complete my kind of why, not in the I was broken before I met them kind of way). Stupid romance novels making being realistic about love a little too hard.

Mini Spoiler Alert: LOOOOOVED the "Pretty Woman" references. ;)

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Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Here Goes Nothing

"Here Goes Nothing", the sequel to "There Goes Sunday School" by Alexander C Eberhart was just as heart-wrenching, heart-breaking, heart-stopping as the original.

For high school senior Mike Hernandez, everything is finally falling perfectly into place. He’s publishing his first web comic with his new boyfriend, his friends and family are totally supportive, and he’s looking towards a future he never let himself imagine.

Chris Myers is a boy on the mend. After an almost deadly altercation with his father a year ago, he and his mother are finally moving back to Atlanta and back to the boy he left behind. A boy who he can’t seem to forget even if that boy seems to have had no trouble moving on without him.

When they reconnect in school, they can't escape each other's pull, even with Mike’s new boyfriend and a huge tragedy between them. Now Mike has a choice to make, keep his new safe relationship, or return to the boy he lost, the boy he just can’t stop thinking about.

Choosing Chris means facing their dark past, a darkness Mike isn’t sure Chris can handle. Can the boys trust their hearts and give in to their feelings or will ‘here goes nothing’ lead to them losing everything?"]

To Catch You Up (because I know I needed it--aka SPOILERS from the first novel): Chris and Mike broke up at the end of the novel since they didn't want to do a long-distance thing, and because Chris's father tried to kill him thing (I can't remember all of the details, but like homophobic bigot with anger issues disguised as a community leader, need I say more).

I sobbed. Again. Who's shocked? Not me. Forgot how deep and dark Alexander can get. Wow. Totally worth it though. Just saying.

Most of the same trigger warnings for the first novel apply to this one as well: homophobia, internalized homophobia, graphic language, suicide, extreme bigotry, violence, misuse of queer words/phrases, and probably a lot more.

Now I'm off to try to find something to read that won't send me into a depressive downward spiral. 

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Sunday, August 8, 2021

The Summer of Everything

Julian Winter's never fails to make a YA book seem soooooo much deeper and more meaningful than your typical young adult contemporary romance. Like hell, I didn't actually want to cry during this one ("The Summer Of Everything"), but I did. 

["Comic book geek Wesley Hudson excels at two things: slacking off at his job and pining after his best friend, Nico. Advice from his friends, ‘90s alt-rock songs, and online dating articles aren't helping much with his secret crush. And his dream job at Once Upon a Page, the local used bookstore, is threatened when a coffeeshop franchise wants to buy the property. To top it off, his annoying brother needs wedding planning advice. When all three problems converge, Wes comes face-to-face with the one thing he’s been avoiding—adulthood.

Now, confronted with reality, can Wes balance saving the bookstore and his strained sibling relationship? Can he win the heart of his crush, too?"]

I could be wrong, but all of Julian's books are about the best-friend-turns-more trope and I'm All For It over here. Like hell.

And the Found Family trope.

And the What Am I Doing With My Life Help trope.

Small Spoiler Slash Mini Rant: I'm glad we've realized (that teens--at least fictional ones--are realizing) that adults don't know what the hell they're doing either. It's all a game of fucking chance. Taking it all day by day, decision by decision, messing up a whole hell of a lot along the way. The only difference is (in most cases), adults have learned to look like they know what they're doing. Fake it till you make it y'all.

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Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Operation: Meet Cute (Operation HEA #1)

A little bit longer than a novella, a little bit shorter than a novel, you have what I did this evening: K.M. Neuhold's "Operation: Meet Cute"

["Harlow is on a single-minded mission: meet the man of his dreams by any meet-cute necessary.

All my life, I’ve dreamed of one thing: the perfect movie moment. I want a man and his boombox outside my window; I want kissing in the rain; I want a romantic hero who will take my breath away.

Switching mail with my cute neighbor didn’t work. Swapping coffee with a hottie at the coffee shop just got the poor barista yelled at. And bus guy? Total bust. I’m starting to wonder if Hollywood got the whole meet-cute thing wrong. Sacrilege, I know.

Is it possible the perfect leading man has been living in the apartment above me the entire time, playing the role of my best friend?

Things are about to get very interesting…"]

The other parts of the description say low-angst, but like, idk man, I felt a lot of angst (then again, its been a while where I read a novel who's single purpose was romance and it just kind of hit me how heartbreaking it was during the will-they-won't-they stuff). The other parts of the description also say: "swoony, steamy, best friends to lovers, friends with benefits turned more, laugh out loud story with low angst and plenty of heat."

Exactly what I needed to get my out of the paranoia-funk I was in after binging so many thriller novels in a row. Exactly what I needed on a rom-com kind of afternoon/evening (who doesn't fucking love rom coms, I mean, seriously?).

Meet Cutes aren't my favorite trope, but I do see the spark in them. What's your favorite rom-com trope?

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Limitless (Squad Goals #5)

  I SHOULD be taking this time to catch up on incoming ARCs instead of catching up on new TBRs...Should be. Here's Willow Thomas's ...