Thursday, September 30, 2021

Where Hope Comes From

Another fucking amazing, out of this world, totally and utterly uplifting poetry collection by Nikita Gill: "Where Hope Comes From: Poems of Resilience, Healing, and Light"

["In Where Hope Comes From: poems for a broken world, Instagram superstar and poet Nikita Gill returns to her roots with her most personal collection yet. Sharing a number of poems that she wrote when the world went into lockdown, this collection will include the phenomenal Love in the Time of Coronavirus which was shared across social media over 20,000 times, as well as her poems of strength and hope How to Be Strong and Silver Linings. This collection will be fully illustrated by Nikita with beautiful line-drawings, and moves her into an exciting new space in the market as she tackles themes such as mental health and loneliness."] 

Nikita wrote this book during COVID lockdown, to help herself and her loved ones and everyone get through grief and destruction. She pens a letter to all readers in which she states "We may not know each other. We may never meet. But if you chance upon this book, I want you tok now that no matter what you are going through, no matter how big and deep and painful those feelings are, you are not alone." 

This is your moment, this is you chancing upon this book. No matter how the last 20+ months have treated you, you should really, really read this book. If you've ever been through something, anything, difficult or horrific (and whatever in between), you need to read this book. Nikita writes her traditionally uplifting (filtered with themes of space and feminism) poetry pieces but with the added lens of grief (and overcoming it).

#wherehopecomesfrom #wherehopecomesfrompoemsofresiliencehealingandlight #poemsofresiliencehealingandlight #nikitagill #poems #poetry #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Goodbye, September!

At least it seemed like September hung around a bit...a little bit, but a bit nonetheless.

2021 Resolutions:

     (1) Write [almost] every day
     (2) Don't stop reading
     (3) Complete something (e.g. a manuscript)
     (4) Share love of books/writing
     (5) Be kinder to myself

(1) Avoiding my problems do not make my problems go away. At least I'm aware of that... Still...

(2) Books read this month: 15 (though I might add one more by midnight).

(3) Still waiting....  Didn't do any extra research like I thought I would. Again

(4) Posts this month (including this one): 28.

(5) ... here's to trying (at least a little bit) in October (maybe??)?

Anyone still holding onto their resolutions?

Any exciting October reads?
Anything I should check out?

#newyearsresolutions #goodbyeseptember #hellooctober #goodbye2020 #hello2021 #keeplearning #writeeveryday #dontstopreading #completesomething #getprofessional #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Little White Lies (Debutantes #1)

Another Jenifer Lynn Barnes book for y'all: "Little White Lies"

[""I'm not saying this is Sawyer's fault," the prim and proper one said delicately. "But..."

Eighteen-year-old auto mechanic Sawyer Taft did not expect her estranged grandmother to show up at her apartment door and offer her a six-figure contract to participate in debutante season. And she definitely never imagined she would accept. But when she realizes that immersing herself in her grandmother's "society" might mean discovering the answer to the biggest mystery of her life-her father's identity-she signs on the dotted line and braces herself for a year of makeovers, big dresses, bigger egos, and a whole lot of bless your heart. The one thing she doesn't expect to find is friendship, but as she's drawn into a group of debutantes with scandalous, dangerous secrets of their own, Sawyer quickly discovers that her family isn't the only mainstay of high society with skeletons in their closet. There are people in her grandmother's glittering world who are not what they appear, and no one wants Sawyer poking her nose into the past. As she navigates the twisted relationships between her new friends and their powerful parents, Sawyer's search for the truth about her own origins is just the beginning.

Set in the world of debutante balls, grand estates and rolling green hills, Little White Lies combines a charming setting, a classic fish-out-of-water story, and the sort of layered mystery only author Jennifer Lynn Barnes can pull off."]

My coworker recommended this book duo to me after she finished reading #TheInheritanceGames series (new series, same author).

Like "The Inheritance Games", there's a overall secret that we're trying to solve, but a much bigger, much more scandalous secret under the surface. And once the ball starts rolling, that fucker rolls fast.

I really, really liked how Jennifer broke the traditional novel template but adding a "present time" section ever three (or so) chapters. Which went along with the novel's bigger, scandalous-er secrets. Which also went along with the plot (as we learned more about said secrets, more was revealed in "present time," and vise versa). And if the "previously on.." chapters didn't make you want to keep reading, the "present time" ones sure as hell did.

And if you read this one already, and you were also seriously fucking confused during the last few chapters, you were not alone. I kept asking my kindle "what the fuck is happening" (it didn't answer me).

Here's to finding out "what the fuck is happening" as well as getting answers to those super large and super fucking scandalous secrets in book two (and maybe more romance, question mark)

#littlewhitelies #deadlylittlescandals #jenniferlynnbarnes #debutantes #debutantesseries #thriller #yathriller #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, September 27, 2021

These Deadly Games

A few weeks ago, I was invited to read an ARC version of Diana Urban's upcoming novel "These Deadly Games" via her publishing/marketing team as well as through NetGalley. Thank fuck, I finally found time to read it (before it expired from my account and I lost this amazing opportunity--as well as a fantastic mystery).

["Let’s play a game.

You have 24 hours to win. If you break my rules, she dies. If you call the police, she dies. If you tell your parents or anyone else, she dies.

Are you ready?

When Crystal Donavan gets a message on a mysterious app with a video of her little sister gagged and bound, she agrees to play the kidnapper’s game. At first, they make her complete bizarre tasks: steal a test and stuff it in a locker, bake brownies, make a prank call.

But then Crystal realizes each task is meant to hurt—and kill—her friends, one by one. But if she refuses to play, the kidnapper will kill her sister. Is someone trying to take her team out of the running for a gaming tournament? Or have they uncovered a secret from their past, and wants them to pay for what they did…

As Crystal makes the impossible choices between her friends and her sister, she must uncover the truth and find a way to outplay the kidnapper… before it’s too late."]

Holy. Fucking. Shiiiiiiiiiit.

This book was fire. Literal fire. I couldn't put it down (I read this masterpiece in one fucking sitting). It was super page turning and the thriller factor was high as fuck. As was the gas-lighting factor. Crystal was gas-lit soooooo fuuuuuucking well that I was starting to question everything too. Like hell. Very, very, VERY intense.

As soon as this book comes out in February, you need to read it. I'm not kidding. (Or go onto NetGalley and request an ARC and read it now).

Trigger Warnings: blackmail, kidnapping, murder, death, violence, poisoning, gas-lighting, mental health, panic attacks, anorexia, swatting, theft, lying, revenge, knives, blood, etc

#thesedeadlygames #dianaurban #allyourtwistedsecrets #netgalley #arc #thriller #yathriller #murdermystery #yamurdermystery #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Faking A Groom (Martial Bliss series 3)

Another day, another series by D.J. Jamison. This time around, Martial Bliss, which this series is anything but (at least at first--who needs "traditional" love/marriage when you can fake-dating trope your way into true love and martial bliss). The third and final book is titled: "Faking A Groom". 

["Can a fake engagement help Avery embrace his true desires?

Avery Kinkaid has been repressing his deepest urges for as long as he can remember. For his father, he has remained in the closet as a gay man. Out of fear, he's buried his craving for pretty clothes, makeup, and anything else deemed too femme.
But when his father takes it too far--supporting a senate bill that undermines everything Avery stands for--he's ready to call his bluff.

All he needs is a groom.

Rory Fisher--a spirited activist who's not afraid of a fight--is perfect for the role of fake fiancé. Except, Avery doesn't anticipate just how much he's missed his ex or how deeply he still wants him.

Rory brings Avery’s desires into the light and loves not just the exterior Avery shows to the world but his true self underneath. He makes Avery feel stronger, braver, and freer than he’s ever been.

But Avery's father won't just sit back and let them have their happily ever after. Avery will have to find the strength to fight for what he loves -- for Rory's sake and his own."]

I reeeeeeeeeally dragged my feet reading this one. I was incredibly hard to deal with all of Senator Kinkaid's homophobic bullshit and heartbreaking to read all of the toxic bullshit that Avery had been brainwashed into believing. 

All of that drama made the relationship angst feel like a penny in a well.
Though, it turned out to be a hot-as-fuck penny. ;)

Trigger Warnings (should have probably added some to the first novel's review, by bad): homophobia, hate-speech, political bullshit, blackmail, internalized-homophobia, toxic familial relationships, suicide, etc

#surprisegroom #wranglingagroom #nobodysgroom #fakingagroom #djjamison #maritalbliss #maritalblissseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, September 25, 2021


I love Alice Oseman, and I've started slowly reading through her novels after obsessively reading #Heartstopper so many times. I began with "Loveless." Partially because it was the newest, partially because I heard so many good things about it, partially because Georgia (blurb Georgia) sounded exactly like me.

["It was all sinking in. I’d never had a crush on anyone. No boys, no girls, not a single person I had ever met. What did that mean?

Georgia has never been in love, never kissed anyone, never even had a crush – but as a fanfic-obsessed romantic she’s sure she’ll find her person one day.

As she starts university with her best friends, Pip and Jason, in a whole new town far from home, Georgia’s ready to find romance, and with her outgoing roommate on her side and a place in the Shakespeare Society, her ‘teenage dream’ is in sight.

But when her romance plan wreaks havoc amongst her friends, Georgia ends up in her own comedy of errors, and she starts to question why love seems so easy for other people but not for her. With new terms thrown at her – asexual, aromantic – Georgia is more uncertain about her feelings than ever.

Is she destined to remain loveless? Or has she been looking for the wrong thing all along?"]

Profound. As. Fuck.

Not just about being aromantic and asexual or questioning our sexuality in general. About feeling pressured to figure it out (figure everything out), feeling pressured to kiss people and have sex with people in high school, feeling pressured to do those exact same things but in higher volume at uni.

This book was deep as fuck. Moving. Like I cried so damn much reading this. I felt so damn connected to Georgia on so many levels. I thought this book might give me some of the answers I'm looking for as well, and on some levels it did (self-acceptance and giving things time and just being), but FUCK, I loved this book. It was so damn loving. Sure, Georgia hated herself a lot (and other people--and other people hated her), but she figured out how to love herself, whic his hard as fuck.

And the one thing on the back of my book that makes me all warm and fuzzy and happy and not-confused and a-little-teary-eyed .. "True love isn't limited to romance."

#loveless #aliceoseman #selflove #selfacceptance #aromantic #asexual #aro #ace #aroace #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks 

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Your Guide To Not Getting Murdered In A Quaint English Village


"Your Guide To Not Getting Murdered In A Quaint English Village". That's it. That's the post.

["In the England of murder mysteries and TV detectives, no destination is deadlier than a quaint country village, and you never know you're in a murder village until it's too late. No attraction or local character is safe--whether in the pub for a pint, or on the manicured grounds of the local estate for a shooting party, bodies can turn up anywhere! Danger lurks around every cobblestone corner. If you are foolish enough to make the trip, at least be prepared. Good luck, and whatever you do, avoid the vicar."]

Written by the fabulous Maureen Johnson (of the #TrulyDevious series) and illustrated by the uber talented Jay Cooper (of several books, a graphic novel, and more).

This book reminded me of a lot of different books. One that I can't remember the name of (nor can I remember the name of the author or illustrator--but it was black and white and grim as fuck--I just looked it up, it's #EdwardGorey). And then the #ScaryStoriesToTellInTheDark series.

It was dark and twisty and grim and hilarious and amazing as fuck. Like seriously. I wish I could forget what I just read and read it again. The rainy and cloudy atmosphere that is this evening really added to the overall ambiance. 

I fucking loved it. Like, I want to recommend this book to everyone I know. Everyone. Then again, I really love stuff like this (total #AddamsFamily vibes here)

There's even these cute little quizzes at the end of each section to test your knowledge and make sure you actually learned something. I failed them anyway. You probably will to, to be perfectly honest (the answer will never be what you thin it will be--and it won't be what you think it won't be either).


#yourguidetonotgettingmurdered #yourguidetonotgettingmurderedinaquaintenglishvillage #inaquaintenglishvillage #maureenjohnson #jaycooper #thriller #picturebook #guidebook #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Totally Relatable Reading/Writing Posts

Some of the totally relatable and totally relevant posts that I've come across lately about reading and writing habits about us bookworms and word-hoarders...

#imwritingjustnotexternally #bookbuyingproblems #readingtoomuchinonesitting #writing #reading #writingproblems #readingproblems #totallyrelatable #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Nobody's Groom (Martial Bliss series 2.5)

Another day, another series by D.J. Jamison. This time around, Martial Bliss, which this series is anything but (at least at first--who needs "traditional" love/marriage when you can fake-dating trope your way into true love and martial bliss). A quick novella between the second and third books: "Nobody's Groom". 

["Can two enemies find love after a rocky start?

TJ hoped the Triple J Ranch would be a fresh start under a new name, with his tarnished family reputation behind him. He didn't count on the young, spirited Colby provoking him at every turn. But when tempers boil over, TJ discovers that Colby's disgust with him is more like lust, and that he'd do just about anything to tangle with the confused kitten.

Colby likes everyone, but something about the new, unfriendly cowboy on the crew gets under his skin. He doesn't understand just how worked up TJ has him until his body reacts, shocking them both. Colby's never been with a man, but he can't fight the desire TJ's rough hands have awakened in him. 

It's just physical, an opportunity to indulge Colby's secret desires. But the young ranch hand's innocence softens something inside TJ, and he can't deny he wants more. He's nobody's groom, but could he be Colby's love -- or will his lies come between them?"]

God, this one couldn't be cuter. Or hotter. Like Texas heat hot. And then some. Then add a shit ton of accidental feelings and a crap ton of fluff.

I mean, honestly. This is one of those series, where every single book you go "wow, holy shit, this one's the best one yet," and then, at the end of the next book, you think the same exact thing. 

Trigger Warnings (should have probably added some to the first novel's review, by bad): homophobia, regional and occupational hate, internalized-homophobia, alcohol-abuse, drinking, etc

#surprisegroom #wranglingagroom #nobodysgroom #fakingagroom #djjamison #maritalbliss #maritalblissseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Wrangling A Groom (Martial Bliss series 2)

Another day, another series by D.J. Jamison. This time around, Martial Bliss, which this series is anything but (at least at first--who needs "traditional" love/marriage when you can fake-dating trope your way into true love and martial bliss). The second book is titled: "Wrangling A Groom". 

["Can two men keep a childhood promise for marital bliss?

Wyatt is overwhelmed after his grandfather dies, leaving him to take over the cattle ranch. The Triple J is floundering, vandals are targeting him, and his first and only love is finally within reach--and still holding a grudge. Wyatt has wanted to marry Diego since they made a childhood pact, but Diego isn't back for their second chance.

When a funeral calls Diego back to Texas, he comes face-to-face with the cowboy who broke his heart. Resentment has burned inside him for years, but his anger wavers as he realizes just how much Wyatt is struggling to keep his head above water. The man he once loved is lonely and burdened, and Diego feels compelled to help him rediscover the strong, capable rancher he knows him to be.

Hostility gives way to passion, then friendship as they fall into a rhythm of work and sex. Wyatt has renewed hope he might wrangle the man he wants to be his groom. But Diego has a life waiting for him one thousand miles away, and love may not be enough to prevent history from repeating itself."]

Idiots, that's all I have to say. Yes, the situation was shit. And the regional/occupational hate is shit. And the how-could-this-possibly-ever-work was confusing as shit. But the connection and the attraction and the utter feeling of home/rightness was so fucking off the charts, who cares about any other shit but the love.

Yeah, if I was in there place, I'd have a lot of reservations and anxieties about everything. But fuuuuuck, that kind of full-fledged...everything. I don't think I'd be able to pass that up for the entire world. 

Trigger Warnings (should have probably added some to the first novel's review, by bad): homophobia, regional and occupational hate, internalized-homophobia, targeted-vandalism, bullying, blackmail, ultimatums, etc

#surprisegroom #wranglingagroom #nobodysgroom #fakingagroom #djjamison #maritalbliss #maritalblissseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, September 13, 2021

Surprise Groom (Martial Bliss series 1)

Another day, another series by D.J. Jamison. This time around, Martial Bliss, which this series is anything but (at least at first--who needs "traditional" love/marriage when you can fake-dating trope your way into true love and martial bliss). The first book is titled: "Surprise Groom". 

["Can two men fake their way to marital bliss?

Caleb Taylor is shocked to learn his family could lose Bliss Island Resort — their home and livelihood — unless he makes use of a clause to marry the child of investor Louis Chastain. Sofia Chastain is more like a sister than a love interest, and Caleb isn’t ready to sign over his future. But Sofia has a brother, and Caleb has a plan ...

Julien Chastain was disowned at fifteen and has made a life as a go-go dancer in Miami, but he lives paycheck to paycheck. When his childhood friend proposes an outlandish marriage contract, he thinks he’s crazy. But it’s a chance at a future that’s tough to pass up.

Caleb and Julien must present themselves as an authentic couple for the legal loophole to work, but the lines between “fake” and “real” keep shifting as they navigate intimacy, public scrutiny, and sabotage.

Love isn't part of the plan, but plans change. If they can outsmart Julien's father and prove their love is worth more than a transaction, they just might find a true happily-ever-after."]

It took me a really long time to read this novel. Not because it wasn't good, because it was fucking great. But because it was arguable too good? They just clicked too well and fell into a rhythm too easily and started to fall in love too quickly. I was kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, the inevitable angst + heartbreak interlude before the even more inevitable happily ever after. Both came. Both made me smile and cry like a fool.

Oh my god and the link at the very, very end of the novel, where the author talks about the real-life island inspiration for Bliss Island (Hope Island), like, god. Now I need to go here, and fall in love, and get married, and live happily ever after, taking pictures and building the rest of my life.

#surprisegroom #wranglingagroom #nobodysgroom #fakingagroom #djjamison #maritalbliss #maritalblissseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Friday, September 10, 2021

Hot as Heller (Aster Valley Book #3)

And X2, an update on Lucy Lennox's Aster Valley series with "Hot as Heller."

["The man asked me to valet his damn car.

Look, I left LA for a reason. I’ve had my fill of big Hollywood stars and their even bigger egos. I want something genuine. Something real. And it doesn’t get any realer than being the new sheriff of Aster Valley, Colorado.

That is, until entitled Finn Heller appears on the scene, handing me the keys to his convertible like I’m his personal servant.

The former child star and wannabe action hero is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. He’s also a snarky party animal with legions of adoring fans and attitude for days.

Or so I thought.

The longer the film crew stays in town, the more I begin to wonder if Finn is hiding his true self, one that’s as beautiful inside as out. He’s a star alright, but the kind that shines bright enough to light up the night sky... the kind I want to make a wish on.

A wish Finn will find a way to make things work with me, even if it means his next role is my very own leading man. "]

Oh. My. Fuck. This book was glorious. You’d think, judging off the blurb, that it would be an enemies-to-lovers book. But they don’t really stay enemies long, if you know what I mean. ;) 

Seriously, the feeling of being home, and safe, and centered, by the one you’re meant to be with, it’s so fucking strong in this one. 

Here's me trying desperately to catch up on something, somewhere, any TBR pile while I'm stuck at home sick.

#winterwaites #rightasraine #sweetashoney #hotasheller #astervalley #anastervalleybook #lucylennox #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Drilled (Four Bears Construction #7)

And an updated on on K.M. Neuhold's Four Bears Construction series: "Drilled".

["A month in a remote cabin with the last man I ever expected to see again? I can’t decide if I should punch him or drill him. It might end up being both.

After more than a decade, the last person I expected to see walk into the Four Bears Construction offices as a new hire was Ridge.

He was my first crush, and my first heartbreak when he started dating my sister. When he left her at the altar without so much as a note, I wrote him off for good.

No amount of excuses and explanations can erase what he did. At least that’s what I keep telling myself. But when we end up being sent to a remote campground alone to spend a month rebuilding the cabins, it’s too easy to remember why I fell for him in the first place.

I know the guys are all taking bets on how long it takes us to start playing with each other’s tools.

It’s going to be a long month."]

Another friends-to-ex-friends-to-enemies-to-lovers story for y'all.

And FUCK was it good!! A shit ton of angst. Like a lot. But also a shit ton of fluff. Like a lot a lot.

These boys (sorry, men) in this series just like fall into a perfect romance. Sure, there's fighting and problems and its not instant happily ever after. But it's also so fast. In an increasingly amazing way. When  you know, you know. And these fuckers fall so fast and so hard. They deny it for a bit. But not all that long.

For whatever reason, I noticed that I skipped the sixth here's to going back to finish that now.

#caulky #nailed #hardwood #screwed #stud #stripped #drilled #kmneuhold #fourbearsconstruction #fourbearsconstructionseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Delayed Game (a Sugarland Saints series)

An update on Baylin Crow's Sugar Land Saints series with "Delayed Game":

["Memphis: Tristan thinks I don't notice him. He couldn't be more wrong. What he doesn't realize is that we've met before.

The second I spotted him on campus I made the decision to avoid him. Though I told myself it was the right thing to do because of our history, it was more difficult than I'd anticipated.

At a frat party to celebrate the Saints' latest win, I'm confronted by a walking hurricane drenched in emo vibes--otherwise known as Tristan Stafford. Slinging colorful insults that make absolutely no sense, it quickly becomes clear that he's developed strong opinions where I'm concerned. It would seem he hates me and my...dimples?

I'm insulted. Amused. Intrigued. And now he has my full attention.

If he hates me now, I have no idea how he'll feel once he learns the truth. It's a risk I'll have to take because I can't, and won't, stay away from him. Not now. Maybe not ever."]

God, this book series just like keeps getting better and better. I mean, honestly. I can't get enough of these characters. I still remember several of them and their stories months and months (books and books) later. They're just so damned good. The characters. The plot. The ... not-plot. ;)

There was some serious angst in this one (at least, I thought so) and some serious ignoring of feelings. There's also some trigger warnings to heed (mostly just for the prologue, but still, be warned).

Trigger warnings: bullying, homophobia, blackmail, non-consented sex tape recording, leaked sex tape, etc

#quarterbacksneak #brokenplay #recoveredfumble #rookiemistake #delayedgame #sugarlandsaints #asugarlandsaintsseries #baylincrow #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Enola Holmes and the Black Barouche (Book 7)

About this time last year, I obsessively read the original six novels in Nancy Springer's Enola Holmes series. Six books, five days. They were a fucking hit when they were originally published in the early 2000s. And they were a renewed hit a year ago when Millie Bobby Brown stared in (and produced--fucking badass females for the win) the Netflix movie adaptation last September. Last month, a short story (e-reader only) was released ("Enola Holmes and the Boy in Buttons"); last week a seventh novel in the series was released ("Enola Holmes and the Black Barouche"--this post's focus).

["Enola Holmes is the much younger sister of her more famous brothers, Sherlock and Mycroft. But she has all the wits, skills, and sleuthing inclinations of them both. At fifteen, she's an independent young woman--after all, her name spelled backwards reads 'alone'--and living on her own in London. When a young professional woman, Miss Letitia Glover, shows up on Sherlock's doorstep, desperate to learn more about the fate of her twin sister, it is Enola who steps up. It seems her sister, the former Felicity Glover, married the Earl of Dunhench and per a curt note from the Earl, has died. But Letitia Glover is convinced this isn't the truth, that she'd know--she'd feel--if her twin had died.

The Earl's note is suspiciously vague and the death certificate is even more dubious, signed it seems by a John H. Watson, M.D. (who denies any knowledge of such). The only way forward is for Enola to go undercover--or so Enola decides at the vehement objection of her brother. And she soon finds out that this is not the first of the Earl's wives to die suddenly and vaguely--and that the secret to the fate of the missing Felicity is tied to a mysterious black barouche that arrived at the Earl's home in the middle of the night. To uncover the secrets held tightly within the Earl's hall, Enola is going to require help--from Sherlock, from the twin sister of the missing woman, and from an old friend, the young Viscount Tewkesbury, Marquess of Basilwether!"]

If you forgot the entire plot/progression of the first 6 books, it's okay, because Sherlock himself recounts them in the prologue (I'm such a fucking sucker for Sherlock--any Sherlock). 

So good, and so cute. Now that Enola doesn't have to run from Sherlock (and Mycroft--for forcibly putting her in finishing school), they make a fabulous team. Enola does her own thing. Sherlock does his own thing. They judge each other's methods. They come together to save more innocent people from the evil-as-fuck patriarchy.

#enolaholmes #nancyspringer #thecaseofthemissingmarquess #thecaseofthelefthandedlady #thecaseofthebizarrebouquets #thecaseofthepeculiarpinkfan #thecaseofthecypticcrinoline #thecaseofthegypsygoodbye #enolaholmesandtheboyinbuttons #enolaholmesandtheblackbarouche #sherlockholmesretelling #sherlockholmes #authorconandoyle #suffragettes #feminists #books #bookphotography #bookstagram #ilovebooks

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Enola Holmes and the Boy in Buttons (Book 6.5)

About this time last year, I obsessively read the original six novels in Nancy Springer's Enola Holmes series. Six books, five days. They were a fucking hit when they were originally published in the early 2000s. And they were a renewed hit a year ago when Millie Bobby Brown stared in (and produced--fucking badass females for the win) the Netflix movie adaptation last September. Last month, a short story (e-reader only) was released ("Enola Holmes and the Boy in Buttons"--this post's focus); last week a seventh novel in the series was released ("Enola Holmes and the Black Barouche").

["Nancy Springer's nationally bestselling series and breakout Netflix sensation is back! In this short story, Enola Holmes is on the case when a young porter - the boy in buttons - disappears without a trace.

Enola Holmes, the much younger sister of Sherlock and Mycroft, owns a building in the heart of 19th century London, a place she uses under pseudonyms to front for her investigative work. Employed there is a porter - Joddy, a young boy in a uniform festooned with buttons - whose even younger brother substitutes for him when he's sick. But Paddy disappears after one day at the job and Enola Holmes is alerted to this by the still ill Joddy.

Determined to find the missing porter, Enola travels to the rough part of London where the boys live and starts searching Aldgate Pump area for the missing boy. When she finds the missing buttons - but not the boy - she decides that drastic action is essential if she's to save the missing boy."]

This short story was ... well ... short. I read it in under 30 minutes, which was a nice, quick, check-mark done on my To Do/TBR list. There wasn't much of a mystery, except for trying to decipher those stubborn Cockney accents. But it was Enola, and she's fabulous and fierce and feminist and finally fucking free.

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The Hawthorn Legacy (The Inheritance Games #2)

I have (mostly) patiently waited for MONTHS to read this book. I wanted to read it as soon as I found it, but then I saw it would have a sequel, which means cliffhanger, which means utter lack of control on my part. So, I made the mature decision to wait until the sequel was out to start.... The book? "The Inheritance Games" by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. The sequel? "The Hawthorne Legacy."

["The Inheritance Games ended with a bombshell, and now heiress Avery Grambs has to pick up the pieces and find the man who might hold the answers to all of her questions - including why Tobias Hawthorne left his entire fortune to Avery, a virtual stranger, rather than to his own daughters or grandsons.

Thanks to a DNA test, Avery knows that she's not a Hawthorne by blood, but clues pile up hinting at a deeper connection to the family than she had ever imagined. As the mystery grows and the plot thickens, Grayson and Jameson, the enigmatic and magnetic Hawthorne grandsons, continue to pull Avery in different directions. And there are threats lurking around every corner, as adversaries emerge who will stop at nothing to see Avery out of the picture - by any means necessary."]

I made a family tree for this didn't help. Like at all. At all at all. Even when I thought it hadn't. Stupid fucking plot twists.

Also like (major spoiler alert in this paragraph), she didn't end up with the guy I wanted. I mean, even when nearly every single sign pointed to the other brother, I still wanted the other other one. For her. Sure...

This series was so fucking confusing, in the best possible way. Just like when you watch #KnivesOut (if you haven't yet, do it. now), when you think you know what you know, you don't know what you know. You really know shit all. It was great anyway. Like fabulous. I can't tell you what it was really about, I'm blaming my sick brain on that one, but read this duology anyway.

#theinheritancegames #thehawthornelegacy #theinheritancegamesseries #jenniferlynnbarnes #murdermystery #psychologicalthriller #YAmurdermystery #YApsychologicalthriller #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

The Inheritance Games (The Inheritance Games #1)

I have (mostly) patiently waited for MONTHS to read this book. I wanted to read it as soon as I found it, but then I saw it would have a sequel, which means cliffhanger, which means utter lack of control on my part. So, I made the mature decision to wait until the sequel was out to start.... The book? "The Inheritance Games" by Jennifer Lynn Barnes.

["A Cinderella story with deadly stakes and thrilling twists.

Avery Grambs has a plan for a better future: survive high school, win a scholarship, and get out. But her fortunes change in an instant when billionaire Tobias Hawthorne dies and leaves Avery virtually his entire fortune. The catch? Avery has no idea why--or even who Tobias Hawthorne is. To receive her inheritance, Avery must move into sprawling, secret passage-filled Hawthorne House, where every room bears the old man's touch--and his love of puzzles, riddles, and codes.

Unfortunately for Avery, Hawthorne House is also occupied by the family that Tobias Hawthorne just dispossessed. This includes the four Hawthorne grandsons: dangerous, magnetic, brilliant boys who grew up with every expectation that one day, they would inherit billions. Heir apparent Grayson Hawthorne is convinced that Avery must be a con-woman, and he's determined to take her down. His brother, Jameson, views her as their grandfather's last hurrah: a twisted riddle, a puzzle to be solved. Caught in a world of wealth and privilege, with danger around every turn, Avery will have to play the game herself just to survive."]

People have compared this novel to fabulous book #OneOfUsIsLying (by Karen M. McManus) and the even more fabulous movie #KnivesOut (fucking loooooooove that movie). And I got to say, I was far from disappointed.

One of my favorite quotes (and there were a fuck ton of them--because these Hawthorne boys are dangerous and magical and fucking intense) was about Avery and her situation: "'To some people, you will be Cinderella. To others, Marie Antoinette.'"

I had a favorite grandson from the start. Mostly because I have a weakness towards certain character types/tropes. Though, in all fairness, each and every Hawthorne grandson filled a different type/trope. And holy shit.

I have a lot of things to say, but all of my thoughts are fractured and none of it makes any sense (though, that might not be the sickness I've saddled myself with this time, it might be the actual plot of the novel--it makes sense, but its all scattered gems and broken puzzle pieces).

And I don't know if I predicted one of the major plot twists because I'm that good (aka that paranoid). Or if checking on the page count and accidentally seeing the last two words in the novel gave it away... Either way, go me. :D

#theinheritancegames #thehawthornelegacy #theinheritancegamesseries #jenniferlynnbarnes #murdermystery #psychologicalthriller #YAmurdermystery #YApsychologicalthriller #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Patient Xero (The Goode Life #3.5)

Isla Olsen's "Patient Xero" from her The Goode Life series (this one published/presented by ProlificWorks):

["That spur of the moment, drunken decision to apply for a job at a medical clinic in a tiny town I've never even heard of probably wasn't my finest moment, but after a messy divorce I'll take anything that will get me away from LA...

Life in tiny Finchley is a far cry from LA, that's fro sure. But I can't deny there's a certain kind of charm about the place, even if the locals are a little crazy.

And then there's Xero Lekkas, a guy who looks at me like all he wants is to stare into my soul.

I'm not ready to date yet. Not even close.

But Xero says he'll long as it takes."]

This short story was so sweet and so cute and everything that I'm told a romance is about: easy conversation, silences passed in harmony, a spark, a connection, a steamy happily ever after. ;)

Totally worth the detour from the other book(s) I'm currently reading.


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Limitless (Squad Goals #5)

  I SHOULD be taking this time to catch up on incoming ARCs instead of catching up on new TBRs...Should be. Here's Willow Thomas's ...