Thursday, September 9, 2021

Delayed Game (a Sugarland Saints series)

An update on Baylin Crow's Sugar Land Saints series with "Delayed Game":

["Memphis: Tristan thinks I don't notice him. He couldn't be more wrong. What he doesn't realize is that we've met before.

The second I spotted him on campus I made the decision to avoid him. Though I told myself it was the right thing to do because of our history, it was more difficult than I'd anticipated.

At a frat party to celebrate the Saints' latest win, I'm confronted by a walking hurricane drenched in emo vibes--otherwise known as Tristan Stafford. Slinging colorful insults that make absolutely no sense, it quickly becomes clear that he's developed strong opinions where I'm concerned. It would seem he hates me and my...dimples?

I'm insulted. Amused. Intrigued. And now he has my full attention.

If he hates me now, I have no idea how he'll feel once he learns the truth. It's a risk I'll have to take because I can't, and won't, stay away from him. Not now. Maybe not ever."]

God, this book series just like keeps getting better and better. I mean, honestly. I can't get enough of these characters. I still remember several of them and their stories months and months (books and books) later. They're just so damned good. The characters. The plot. The ... not-plot. ;)

There was some serious angst in this one (at least, I thought so) and some serious ignoring of feelings. There's also some trigger warnings to heed (mostly just for the prologue, but still, be warned).

Trigger warnings: bullying, homophobia, blackmail, non-consented sex tape recording, leaked sex tape, etc

#quarterbacksneak #brokenplay #recoveredfumble #rookiemistake #delayedgame #sugarlandsaints #asugarlandsaintsseries #baylincrow #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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