Saturday, October 9, 2021

There's Someone Inside Your House: Movie Review

There's Someone Inside Your House: movie review.

The Netflix Original movie adaptation of Stephanie Perkin's young adult murder-mystery/thriller novel debuted last night. Being of sound mind, I waited until the sun came back up to watch it, just in case. ;)

Let me tell you. It was pretty damn good. Parts of it were slower (that could be because I have tons of things to get done today). But over all, it was really, really good. 

I don't remember all of the details of the book, but from what I do remember, it followed the plot and the original characters really well. The acting and the cinematography was on point. The climax was just like, out of nowhere (in the right kind of way that comes with a thriller). 

I'd say totally watch it. But I'd also recommend reading the book first...since this is a book blog. ;)

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