Monday, November 29, 2021

Goodbye, November!

November like...barely existed. It was election day, then it was Thanksgiving. Now it's almost December. Like...okay then.

2021 Resolutions:

     (1) Write [almost] every day
     (2) Don't stop reading
     (3) Complete something (e.g. a manuscript)
     (4) Share love of books/writing
     (5) Be kinder to myself

(1) Avoiding my problems do not make my problems go away. At least I'm aware of that... Still...

(2) Books read this month: 27 (though I might add one more by midnight) (a lot of novellas and short-ish stories, but like I've say before, they still count).

(3) Still waiting....  Didn't do any extra research like I thought I would. Again. Opps.

(4) Posts this month (including this one): 30.

(5) ... here's to trying (at least a little bit) in December (maybe??)? Though, to be perfectly honest, probably not.

Anyone still holding onto their resolutions?

Any exciting December reads?
Anything I should check out?

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A Boyfriend For Christmas

Continuing my theme of reading the last few books downloaded on my kindle as well as the long list I have on my wish list for my kindle, I'm reading a bunch of queer holiday romances instead. Here's Jay Northcote's "A Boyfriend For Christmas."

["Archie's posh parents want him to meet a nice girl--how can he tell them he's fallen for a bad boy instead? 

Closeted, innocent and lonely, Archie Arandale longs for someone special in his life. A Christmas party organised by his wealth management company is the last place he expects to meet the man of his dreams.

With his leather jacket, tattoos, and piercings, Cal Turner turns heads the moment he walks through the door. He definitely isn't looking for a boyfriend, but Archie's hesitant charm captures his attention, and sneaking off during the party to have a little fun can only make a dull evening more interesting.

After their reckless and thrilling encounter, Archie is keen for more experience and Cal is happy to oblige. The need for secrecy means this can only be a casual fling, yet as they spend time together in the run up to Christmas, their feelings become more intense than either of them had bargained for. How can Archie find the courage to tell his family about Cal, when Cal's the exact opposite of the 'nice girl' they've been hoping for?

Contains: a closeted virgin, a tattooed biker, class differences, a dramatic coming out, a very inappropriate Christmas gift, and a happy ending (of course)."]

Oh. My. God.
This book was sooooo fucking good!! Like the tropes in here were one things: a closeted virgin meets a tattooed biker, opposites attract, class differences, Holiday romances, mutual pining, mild-to-medium angst, etc.

Then how hard they fell and so damn fast!? And not in the obvious ways. In the laughing all the time, including sex; in the immediate trusting of each other; in the being able to relax in the others presence; in wanting to spend more time together; in the need to protect the other. Like sure, the sex on hot as hell (hotter even), but they proved that it's more than sex (which, somehow, 9+ months later of deep diving into this genre, I'm still so pleasantly surprised about).

Trigger Warnings: social injustices by the upper class/top 1%, homophobia, classism, etc.

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Sunday, November 28, 2021

Tic-Tac-Mistletoe (Hartbridge Christmas series #1)

Who needs to follow through with their goals when they can read some more Christmas romances? Here's N.R. Walker's "Tic-Tac-Mistletoe."

["Hamish Kenneally is moving from Australia to the US for a fresh start, starting with Christmas at his sister’s place in Idaho. When a snowstorm diverts his plane to Montana and leaves him stranded two days before Christmas, he hires a car and drives right into a blizzard.

Ren Brooks has always called Hartbridge, Montana, and his family hardware store, home. After a few failed attempts at love, he’s resigned to being single forever—after all, no guy wants to stay in his sleepy little town for long. And after his dad’s passing earlier in the year, Ren’s Christmas is looking bleak. But when a car runs off the road in front of his property, Ren pulls the driver out and takes him home to get out of the cold.

With the storm and the holidays leaving Hamish with nowhere else to go, Ren kindly offers a place to stay. Hamish is certain he’s crashed right into a Hallmark Christmas movie, despite more car delays and road closures and the prospect of not seeing his sister for Christmas. And with help from Hamish, Ren is beginning to feel a little Christmas cheer.

These two unlikely strangers have more in common than they first realize, and after two days of Christmas decorations, cookies, and non-stop conversation, it looks like Christmas might be saved after all.

Soooooo damn cute!!! I mean, I knew it would be. The town seems Hallmark-y enough, let alone with the blurb actually describing it as a Hallmark Christmas movie? GAH D: It was so damn perfect. I want a little town that looks like it belongs under a Christmas tree covered in snow (though I really don't like snow) with carols and cheesy movies playing in the background. Add in Aussie lingo and meeting your true love? What more could you possibly need??

The "what more you could possibly need": all of the "Schitt's Creek" and "Legally Blonde" quotes. (which, might I add, are not only in the novel, but on fucking point).

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Saturday, November 27, 2021

Merry Measure

Who needs to follow through with their goals when they can read some more Christmas romances? Here's Lily Morton's "Merry Measure."

["Arlo Wright’s introduction to his sexuality came when he saw his older brother’s best friend, Jack Cooper, in his sweaty football kit. Unfortunately, he didn’t have long to enjoy the revelation because he promptly knocked himself out on a table.

Relations between them have never really moved on from that auspicious beginning. Arlo is still clumsy, and Jack is still as handsome and unobtainable as ever.

However, things look like they’re starting to change when Arlo finds himself sharing a room with Jack while on holiday in Amsterdam at Christmas. Will the festive spirit finally move them towards each other, or is Arlo just banging his head against a wall this time?"]

There were a few reviews on Goodreads that Jack's ex was very stereotypical, but I enjoyed him. In the love to hate kind of way. He was definitely a catalyst to several plot points in this novella. And well, it was really enjoyable that literally everyone hated him.

I loved these two. They were so cute and so obviously into each other (and obliviously). And it's not like they didn't try. They did. They just kept getting interrupted (often times by Arlo's brother).

The ratio of POV changes were a little unbalanced though. I don't know why it bothered me. Either give me more Jack or just cut Jack's few scenes.

Now I kind of want to go to Amsterdam. Though my only mental references to Amsterdam are Ketterdam (a fictional place) and part of the setting to Ocean's 12.

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If Only In My Dreams

More steamy holiday stories, more Keira Andrews's. This time, I've got "If Only In My Dreams."

["To be home for Christmas, they must bridge the distance between them.

Charlie Yates is desperate. It’s almost Christmas and his flight home from college has been delayed. For days. Charlie promised his little sister Ava he’d be home for her first holiday season since going into remission from leukemia. Now he’s stuck on the opposite coast and someone else grabbed the last rental car. Someone he hasn’t even spoken to in four years. Someone who broke his heart.

Gavin Bloomberg’s childhood friendship with Charlie ended overnight after a day of stolen kisses. With years of resentment between them, they don’t want to be in the same room together, let alone a car. But for Ava’s sake, Gavin agrees to share the rental and drive across the country together.

As they face unexpected bumps along the road, can Charlie and Gavin pave the way to a future together?"]

This novella is advertised as enemies-to-lovers. But to be honest, it's more like friends-to-lovers-to-enemies-to-even-worse-enemies-to-friends-to-lovers. Then again, that's a little complicated, so I guess we can just to with the standard enemies-to-lovers.

Plus the never-gets-old there's-only-one-bed trope. And Christmas/Hanukkah lights/candles lighting up a middle-of-nowhere motel room (this one had two beds....guess you'll have to read the story to find out if they used both).

Trigger Warning: talk of death/dying/hospitals, homophobia, homophobic thinking (because straight, cis-het people can have a marriage and children and a happily ever after, but no one else can, obviously), etc.

#ifonlyinmydreams #keiraandrews #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Friday, November 26, 2021

Where The Lovelight Gleams

More steamy holiday stories, more Keira Andrews's. This time, I've got "Where The Lovelight Gleams."

["Will co-stars take their romance offscreen this Christmas?

Actor Ryan Drake is pining. He may get to kiss gorgeous Cary Holloway on the set of their hit sci-fi TV show, but he knows it’ll never happen in real life. Charming Cary—the son of Hollywood royalty—has a starlet girlfriend, and despite their sizzling onscreen chemistry, he and Ryan are just friends. Right?

But Christmas is a time for unexpected gifts, and Cary accepts Ryan’s last-minute invite to leave the palm trees behind and spend the holiday with the Drakes at their cabin in the Great White North.

Amid the snow and mistletoe, Ryan struggles to keep his longing under wraps. Little does he know, Cary’s coming to terms with his bisexuality and deep attraction to his co-star. Will these actors have the courage to make their romance real—or will it be only in their dreams?"]

Ahhhhhh, the pining!!! I love pining. I can't. I'm a sucker for pining. And mutual pining?! Yas, girl, yas. At least this pining didn't come with a major dose of angst (I can do with a little angst, but--okay, who am I kidding, I love angst).
And hot-as-hell, melt-the-snow-around-you snowball fights? Holiday cheer mixed with the gloriously bright realization that is sexual discovery? What more could you possibly want?

Trigger Warnings: homophobia, bigoted language, Hollywood being Hollywood, etc  

#wherethelovelightgleams #keiraandrews #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Eight Nights In December

More steamy holiday stories, more Keira Andrews's. This time, I've got "Eight Nights In December."

["An innocent orphan and experienced stranger are stuck together.

Orphaned Lucas figures spending the holidays with his obnoxious roommate’s family in New York City is better than staying alone on campus upstate. He ends up sharing a room again, this time with his roommate’s brother. Quiet photographer Nate isn’t at all what Lucas expects.

In fact, he’s incredibly sexy—especially when he invites Lucas into his darkroom...

They hide their attraction during Hanukkah celebrations, but behind closed doors, Lucas and Nate can’t keep their hands (or mouths) off each other. Nate’s only looking for a bit of holiday diversion, and introducing inexperienced Lucas to all the fun they can have definitely fits the bill. No feelings. No romance. No promises.

Yet they're falling for each other..."]

Okay, Nate was totally not what I pictured. Like, when the blurb said "experienced", I just assumed he was a little like his brother (Lucas's roommate), straight-forward hottie, maybe a jock, total flirt, etc. You know the type. That's why I was so thrilled when Nate was...a nerd. A ripped and totally confident in himself/his body/his sexuality nerd.
Except, he also wasn't that. He was confident when he was alone with Lucas, and with his friends. But with his parents/family, he was shy and closeted. It was a really rounded dynamic that made him a very full character. I loved it.

And them, duh. ;) They were really cute. So obliviously into each other that everyone knew (spoiler alert) before they did. And totally in sync with each other. They way they read each other and comforted each other? So damn sweet.

Hanukkah starts in just a few days, and even if I'm early, Happy Hanukkah. Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel...

#eightnightsindecember #keiraandrews #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

In Case Of Emergency

More steamy holiday stories, more Keira Andrews's. This time, I've got "In Case Of Emergency."

["Will a boy from his past make the future bright?

Daniel Diaz likes his life neat and orderly even if it means being lonely. Maybe he's a workaholic (definitely), but he loves his HR career. What he doesn't care for is getting a bizarre call from the ER telling him an injured grad student with a concussion put him down as his emergency contact.

Daniel doesn't even recognize the name at first. Cole Smith? Cole told the hospital to call him? Their parents were married for five minutes! And it was ten years ago!

But Cole has no one else to look after him. The doctor says he can't be left alone. What's Daniel supposed to do? He has a snowy mountain getaway booked, and he's not skipping his first vacation in years.

Even if it means babysitting Cole.

Little does he know, Cole had a secret crush on him when they were teenagers.

And the kid has really grown up. He's sweet and funny and sexy. He just might thaw Daniel's grumpy heart in a romantic winter wonderland...

In Case of Emergency is a fluffy MM holiday romance from Keira Andrews featuring forced proximity, hot-tub shenanigans, Christmas feels, and of course a happy ending."]

These two. Holy candy canes. Cole had been in love with Daniel for years, since they were stepbrothers. But Daniel didn't *see* Cole in any other way besides an annoying ex-stepbrother until, well, until one of his asshole friends makes an asshole comment. Then all bets are off (and clothes).

This novella was short and sweet and so damn cute. There-Was-Only-One-Bed meets Hot-Tub-Sexy-Times, and Christmas feels (plus a few Star Wars references, because they're both a little nerdy). A whirlwind romance in a perfect winter wonderland chalet with toaster waffles an condoms in a Christmas tree.

And demisexual rep. You are not broken. No one is broken. You/They/We feel what we feel, and don't feel what we don't feel. You are perfect just the way you are.

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Thursday, November 25, 2021

Santa Daddy

As promised, Keira Andrews's "Santa Daddy," (in the same universe as the novel "Merry Cherry Christmas").

["Mall Santas aren’t supposed to be hot!

Hunter is hopelessly adrift after college. He’s still romantically inexperienced, can’t find a real job, and has no clue what to do with his life. Desperate, he returns to his humiliating old gig as an elf at the Santa's Village in his hometown's dying mall. 

Enter the sexiest Santa ever.

Twice Hunter's size and age, lumberjack Nick makes Hunter tingle. Too bad he's super grumpy and intimidating. Years after the tragic death of his partner, Nick has his beagle and long, hard days on his Christmas tree farm. That’s plenty. But he can’t refuse a loyal friend’s plea for help and finds himself filling in as Santa. Despite Nick's attempt to stay aloof, the beautiful, anxious young man playing elf brings out his long-dormant daddy instincts.

Then a surprise blizzard traps them alone in Nick’s isolated forest home. Will they surrender to the sizzling spark between them and find the release and comfort they crave?"]

Spoiler alert, it's the latter (the release and comfort they crave).

Again with the consent. Like, it wasn't nearly as much as MCC, but Nick still made sure that Hunter was comfortable and on the same page. There was one brief conversation about "well it's too late to back out now, right?" and Nick told him no, it's never too late to back out, it's never too late to say no. And he made sure Hunter totally and completely understood before they continued anything.

They were super cute. Obviously. Who doesn't love the grump/protector meets sunshine/anxiety duality? 

Read it (even if you're not into the daddy kink thing--this book shows that side of the kink that some books don't show, it's not just about sex, it's about protecting and caring for and comforting your partner). I'm off to find another one of Keira's holiday novels/novellas to read

##santadaddy merrycherrychristmas #keiraandrews #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Merry Cherry Christmas

Who needs to follow through with their goals when they can read some more Christmas romances? Here's Keira Andrews's "Merry Cherry Christmas."

["A nice boy gets naughty...

Redheaded freshman Jeremy "Cherry" Rourke is certainly living up to his childhood nickname, although still being inexperienced is the least of his concerns. After coming out, his parents barely talk to him. He hasn't made any friends at university. Worst of all, he's about to spend Christmas completely alone in an empty dorm.

Jeremy clearly needs a fairy godfather, so football captain Max Pimenta takes him under his wing to help him find his dating groove. But Jeremy's wound way too tight. He's too vulnerable. Max can't trust some random guy with him. He needs to take care of Jeremy himself and introduce him to no-pressure exploration. It's not about romance or feelings—he's just doing the kid a favor.

Max is definitely not falling for this lonely, beautiful boy. No way.

And it's not like he can leave Jeremy all alone for the holidays. He'll bring him home to his family's maple syrup farm—strictly as friends since his parents have rules. No more fooling around. No more eager, breathless fun. No more making Jeremy shiver and blush with suggestive whispers in his ear. No more sweeter-than-sugar kisses. All nice. No more naughty.

But Jeremy's sleeping right across the hall, and Max wants him for himself. The twelve days of Christmas will last an eternity if they don't break the rules.

Shhh. No one has to know..."]

Holy. Shit. Besides the obvious and amazingly executed tropes, this book was brilliant. The consent alone was fabulous. I mean, honestly. Max always made sure Jeremey was safe and comfortable and willing. Multiple times. All of the times. It was so great. Like, here I am, just having finished a really, really, really good book, probably found another author to binge read, and here I am, gushing about the consent. Because, yeah, sexy books are fabulous because they're hot and steamy, but that doesn't mean it can't be safe and consensual as well. Like holy shit.

These two were really something though. They both fell so incredibly fast (spoiler alert, during their meet cute--which is so incredibly cute--Jeremy actually falls, so there's that), but it was so real and connected and mutual. They both felt comfortable and safe and themselves. It was fabulous. They were fabulous. 

The ending came up kind of abruptly, but the epilogue was so damned cute, I'll let it slide. ;)

Off to read the slightly linked novella (same universe, different book/couple) "Santa Daddy."

#merrycherrychristmas #santadaddy #keiraandrews #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, November 22, 2021

Dearest Malachi Keogh (Dearest Milton James #2)

Another book off my Kindle wish list... N.R. Walker's "Dearest Malachi Keogh" (sequel to "Dearest Milton James").

["Julian Pollard never believed in love at first sight. That was until he met Malachi Keogh. Well, maybe it wasn’t love at first sight, but it sure was something.

Julian had forgotten how to live, how to be happy, and Malachi changed all that. Now together for four years, Julian wants to give Malachi a Christmas he’ll never forget.

The only problem is, Christmas at a mail distribution centre is the busiest time of the year. It just might take the whole team to make it happen."]

A happily after ever after the happily every after? Yes. Christmas romances? Yes. A trying-to-be-stoic-Julian proposing to an ugly-crying-out-of-happiness-and-because-he's-a-sap Malachi? Spoiler alert, yes.

Seriously wanted to read this last night as soon as I finished DMJ, but it was a work night and I was trying to be professional by trying to be an adult by trying to get some sleep (none of that happened by the way, except for me being sad about waiting to read this beautifulness). 

Seriously, if I would have read this book on any other day, I probably would have sobbed straight through the entire last chapter. Sobbed.

I loved that this short story was told from Julian's POV, because the entire fist novella was told from Malachi's. It wasn't nearly as beige as I thought it would be (than again, neither was Julian). ;)
And gooooooood, I love Malachi. Love him. Often times I feel obsessed with a character/couple/book for a few hours and then I like..move on, but Malachi? Fucking love him. Can't get enough of that snark and spark and steam. Love him.

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Sunday, November 21, 2021

Dearest Milton James (Dearest Milton James #1)

Another book off my Kindle wish list... N.R. Walker's "Dearest Milton James."

["Malachi Keogh finds himself in a job he neither wanted nor asked for when his father, boss of Sydney’s postal service, sends him to the end of the business line, aka The Dead Letter Office. Malachi expects tedious and boring but instead discovers a warehouse with a quirky bunch of misfit co-workers, including a stoic and nerdy boss, Julian Pollard.

Malachi’s intrigued by Julian at first, and he soon learns there’s more to the man than his boring clothes of beige, tan, and brown; a far cry from Malachi’s hot pink, lilac, and electric blue. Where Julian is calm and ordered, Malachi is chaos personified, but despite their outward differences, there’s an immediate chemistry between them that sends Malachi’s head—and heart—into a spin.

To keep his father happy, Malachi needs to keep this job. He also needs to solve the mystery of the pile of old letters that sits in Julian’s office and maybe get to the bottom of what makes Julian tick. Like everything that goes through the mail centre, only time will tell if Malachi has found his intended destination or if he’ll find himself returned to sender."]

Opposites Attract? Yes. Forbidden Romance? Yes. Sun-Shine and Grump? Yes. 

These two were so damn good. They just...who knew that color-coding outfits was like a thing? Malachi did that's for damn sured (and eventually Julian). 

I just, I loooooooove Malachi. He has nervous-babble-syndrome. He feels awkward or uncomfortable and talks and talks and talks. And Julian listens (and always knows he's nervous and is just there). And Malachi loves color and color coordinating his hair to match his outfit to match his shoes. And he's a happy, bright, bratty twink (and Julian is the slightly grumpy, waking up from a heartbreak coma, beige protector) and fuck, these two are too damn much for me. They siriusly remind me of Wolfstar, so that could be the reason behind my obsession with them.

And then the subplot of the Dear Milton James letters?! GAHHHH D: :D 

Trigger Warnings (not on the page, but mentioned): workplace sexism, bullying, period-related homophobia, etc

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All I Want Is You

Got through a bunch of the downloaded books on my Kindle app. Now we're getting through a bunch of the Kindle books on my wish list. Next, we've got D.J. Jamison's "All I Want Is You."

["One kiss under the mistletoe destroyed a friendship. Will another Christmas kiss remake it into something better?

Eli hasn't been home since he left at eighteen with a heart aching from his best friend's rejection and his father's intolerance. But when his father reaches out, Eli figures it's time to make peace with his family. He doesn't expect to come face-to-face with Turner too -- or to learn that the straight friend he'd foolishly loved is actually bisexual -- but once the shock wears off, he knows exactly what he wants for Christmas.

Turner's life isn't everything he'd once planned, but he's happy to be the shoulder his loved ones lean on. They keep him busy, which is just as well since none of his dates have really clicked. He hasn't been able to connect with anyone the way he did with his former best friend. When Eli shows up for the holidays after years away, Turner doesn't know what hit him. But he knows one thing: This time, he wants to give Eli a reason to stay."]

In between humming along to "All I Want For Christmas (Is You)" and imagining my own perfect-Hallmart-snowy-romance, I read this beautiful novella. At least they got their happily ever after (eventually--idiot boys).

God, these two were cute. They resisted for like...two whole days, if that, before they caved to their obvious connection and rocky history and fully accept (well, they didn't fully accept it right away, but they did eventually) the love they shared.

Obvious trigger warnings for homophobia and bigoted language. 

#alliwantisyou #djjamison #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Yours For The Holiday

Got through a bunch of the downloaded books on my Kindle app. Now we're getting through a bunch of the Kindle books on my wish list. Next, we've got D.J. Jamison's "Yours For The Holiday."

["Fresh off a break-up, Remy is in no mood to share a room with his brother's best friend during a holiday stay at home. Jason Hendricks has always treated him like a little brother to tease and taunt, all the more embarrassing because Remy has secretly crushed on the jerk since puberty. But when Jason confides he's bisexual, Remy realizes the crush he loves to hate could be the perfect rebound.

Jason has always found Remy appealing. He didn't handle his attraction well when he was younger, but now Remy's a grown man and Jason's no longer afraid of his feelings. Some playful flirtation sounds like a great way to spend Thanksgiving break, but he's not prepared for Remy's newfound sex appeal or his decision to make Jason his rebound fling. Jason doesn't want to risk fallout with a family that's always been there for him, but he's not sure he can resist.

When the two part ways, they don't plan to stay in touch, but soon they're texting, trading sexy pictures and helping each other cope with family drama. Remy agrees to be his for the holiday, continuing their secret fling over Christmas, but Jason knows that won't be enough. He'll have to find the courage to be open and honest with his best friend -- and the whole Wells family -- if he wants a chance at love in the new year."]

Seriously, this book is too damn cute. I mean, the angst levels were high as fuck (especially up at the cabin), but so were the fluff levels, and the steam levels, and the HEA levels.

Also, I need to go listen to Christmas music now (even though I always say that we need to wait until after Turkey Day, but, when you're reading back to back romances that are set during Christmas, the nostalgia gets to you).

#yoursfortheholiday #djjamison #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Five Fake Dates

Got through a bunch of the downloaded books on my Kindle app. Now we're getting through a bunch of the Kindle books on my wish list. Starting with D.J. Jamison's "Five Fake Dates."

I've got it bad for my best friend, but he's only had eyes for my sister since we were kids. I don't know what I'll do if they hook up -- especially after a drunken kiss West doesn't seem to remember. Seeing them together just might kill me, so why I offer to help him hone his dating skills, I'll never know. FML.

Ever since a drunken kiss we haven't talked about, I've been seeing Adam in a new light. Trouble is, he thinks I want his sister. This whole bisexual awakening thing is scary, and I don't want to risk our friendship by moving too fast. But when Adam mocks my dating skills, I come up with a genius plan: Five Fake Dates. Adam thinks he's helping me, and I get to test the waters without risking our friendship. Win-win!

A few fake dates, increasingly real kisses, and a tiny deception between friends. What could go wrong?"]

True or dare trope? Fake dating trope? Best friends to lovers trope? Yes, yes, and yes. 

This novella was so damn cute. Granted it would have been shorter if they would have just talked their feelings out. Then again, there really wouldn’t be a book at all if they did that so…

Super cute story and loved the couple and their fast but true love. Didn’t know it was sorta part of the Bliss Island universe, but loooved that nugget of information.

#fivefakedates #djjamison #maritalbliss #maritalblissseries #surprisegroom #wranglingagroom #nobodysgroom #fakingagroom #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Forever Wilde In Aster Valley (Forever Wilde #9)

FUCK YES! Lucy Lennox's highly anticipated (at least by me) short story/novella "Forever Wilde In Aster Valley". Which, according to Goodreads is the ninth book in the Forever Wilde series (which is the spin-off series based off her first series titled Made Marian). But it's also sorta the fourth book in the Aster Valley series. Basically, it's the next book in all three serieses (is that even a word--it is now), and I couldn't be more fucking pumped about it. 

["When Miller Hobbs finds himself on a winter vacation in Colorado with the giant, exceedingly loud, Marian and Wilde families, he doesn’t quite know what to do with himself. He’s not really a Marian or a Wilde despite having DNA ties to both.

So every morning before the rest of the family wakes up and fills Rockley Lodge with holiday merriment (and noise), he escapes to the quaint downtown of Aster Valley where he spies a man through the bakery window kneading dough and dancing to music only he can hear. Miller is entranced by the dancing baker, and when Darius looks up and catches Miller staring, the interest suddenly goes both ways.

Can two strangers find love among the quaint chaos of an Aster Valley Christmas? Even if it includes the two most overwhelming and meddling families vying for the title of greatest matchmakers of all time?"]

I loved, loved, loved the Made Marian series. I read the entire thing obnoxiously fast. Then I sped read Forever Wilde even faster. And i'm reading the Aster Valley books as soon as they debut (life withstanding). I loved every single couple and the families in general. They're so open and happy and down-to-earth and just like...a giant warm hug. And I was (and still am) constantly giggling at this people and their sassy one-liners (and swooning over their fluff and steam and HEAs).

This novella was a great call-back to all of Lucy's series (honestly, I thought I'd be confused about who's who--I was--but it didn't matter, because they're all just so great----and now I really want to go reread all three serieses (still not sure if it's a word) because I miss these beautiful idiots). Right, I was talking about THIS book.

THIS book was beautiful. It was about (besides falling in love and finding The One and living happily ever after) being happy, even if you have to leave your high-paying job. Because if you're stressed out and not happy, then you need to re-evalutate your life. And Miller did (because he fell in looooooove (and Darius did a year ago, pre-novella)). And about finally finding love as soon as you give up looking (which is what eeeevvvvvveryone says happens, but like, I can't imagine myself stopping). And cute little hometown bakeries that small like honey and locally-sourced spices. :p


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Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Role Model (GameChangers #5)

This series (Rachel Reid's Game Changers) was my first introduction to the queer erotica genre. It also taught me that there is soooooo much more to this genre than just the steamy sex stuff. It's deep and meaningful and tackles topics that any other genre can, just with a little rated-r fun. ;) It also happens that this is one of my favorite series. The fifth book is titled "Role Model."

["Troy Barrett has been freshly traded to Ottawa after calling out Dallas Kent during a team practice. He wants to be a better person, and the weird, scrappy energy of the struggling Ottawa team seems like the place to...well. It seems like the only place that will have Troy right now.

Fortunately the Ottawa team includes Ilya Rozanov and Wyatt Hayes, and also includes an adorable social media manager, Harris Drover. Harris is the opposite of Troy in every way: friendly, cheerful, chatty, and goofy with a booming voice, a startlingly loud laugh, and Pride pins all over his denim jacket. Definitely not the sort of person Troy would normally associate with, and yet…"]

This book was really hard to read. Because Troy just wanted to be a better person. He spend years hiding who he was and hiding behind assholes (being an asshole himself--just because his father and hockey, and toxic masculinity in general, gave him a serious case of self-hatred and internalized-homophobia (he is gay and knows he's gay and will have gay sex, but he feels incredibly judged by the public, even for having gay/romantic feelings for Harris), doesn't mean he was entirely blameless in his past actions, which he knows, which is great). And now he wants to be better and stand up for people and try. And Harris makes him want to be a better person (and Ilya, captain and closet queer extraordinaire--god, I love him).

Please, please, please check out the trigger warnings below (the novel has one in it as well). Besides just angry at the above described toxic masculinity (and described again below in a little more detail), Troy's internalized self-hatred and self-destructive themes/actions, along with his anxiety, where a little rough. Beyond just feeling for him, it made me anxious, so watch out.

Anyway! This book was fucking fabulous, as expected. They were cute as fuck and totally smitten from the start (but if they got together in the beginning, and if the book had zero angst, there wouldn't be a book, ya know? ;) ). READ THIS BOOK. READ THIS SERIES. PLEASE.

Can April come faster? I've been waiting for the last book in the series, the final book that wraps everything up, the book that hopefully gives Shane and Ilya their happily ever after (their out and proud hea). I seriously can't wait for "The Long Game." Maybe I'll be able to catch it when it pops up on #NetGalley (*fingers crossed*).

Trigger Warnings: rape culture, sexual assault, not believing rape victims, an entire series of industries based on toxic masculinity and not believing rape victims, homophobia, internalized homophobia, anxiety, internalized self-hatred, self-destructive themes/actions, etc 

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Sunday, November 14, 2021

The Girl and The Goddess: Stories and Poems of Divine Wisdom

Another fabulous Nikita Gill poetry collection: "The Girl and The Goddess: Stories and Poems of Divine Wisdom"

["Let her be a little less human, a little more divine

Give her heart armor so it doesn't break as easily as mine

Meet Paro. A girl with a strong will, a full heart, and much to learn. Born into a family reeling from the ruptures of Partition in India, we follow her as she crosses the precarious lines between childhood, teenage discovery, and realizing her adult self. In the process, Paro must confront fear, desire and the darkest parts of herself in the search for meaning and, ultimately, empowerment.

Nikita Gill's vivid poetry and beautiful illustrations have captured hearts and imaginations--but in The Girl and the Goddess, she offers us her most personal and deeply felt writing to date: an intimate coming-of-age story told in linked poems that offers a look into the Hindu mythology and rich cultural influences that helped her become the woman she is today."]

This was...deep. Like shit. 

Nikita is fabulous and her poetry is always beautiful and meaningful and so connecting. But this was...gut-wrenching. Seriously. Besides the usual beauty and meaning and connection, there were some seriously hard topic covered in this collection (please, please, please see the trigger warnings below). 

I learned a lot, like I always do with Nikita's works. About myself, about other women. About Hindu mythology and Indian culture. About some of the horrors that I've been so blessed with never having experienced (cultural horrors, violent horrors--seriously, please head the trigger warnings at the bottom of this post).

This book was phenomenal and some of her best work yet. It took me a while to read (my heart needed to take breaks so it wouldn't).

Trigger Warnings: rape, sexism, racism, war, violence, poverty, classism, colonialism, bullying, eating disorders, homophobia, etc

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Companion Required

Going with my running themes lately, this is another book that I downloaded months and months ago and am finally getting to (go progress on those TBR piles!). Brian Lancaster's "Companion Required."

["Successful CEO Kennedy Grey thought he had his life planned out nicely—until he hired supposedly straight Kieran West as this year’s holiday companion.

For the past five years, CEO Kennedy Grey has advertised for a gay male holiday companion to join him on his single annual break. Although Kennedy claims to be neutral in his choice, he has certain non-negotiable requirements. Applicants must be between twenty-one and twenty-five, non-smoking, social drinkers, either versatile or passive, and be able to pull off the role of dutiful boyfriend in front of his clutch of gay friends. What does the candidate get out of the deal? An all-expenses-paid holiday and five grand in cash at the end, more if the candidate exceeds his expectations—a safe enough addendum, because for the past three years no one ever has.

Kieran West sits in a quiet corner of the coffee shop, trying to finish an assignment. At twenty-nine, he is single once again. By now he should have settled down. But when his girlfriend of three years gives him an ultimatum—ring or road—he chooses the road. Worst of all, he has no qualms about doing so. As for his finances? Saddled with a string of outstanding student loans, he is struggling to finish his master’s while also supporting his brother through university. Losing his work at the estate agents’ could not have come at a worse time. Then he overhears the man at a nearby table recruiting for a job that pays a cool five grand. What does he have to lose?"]

I...did not see this book coming. Yeah, I knew they'd fall in love (who fucking wouldn't see that coming?), but I totally went with character stereotypes when I imagined this book. Sure, Kennedy was a little bit of a grump, but that was mostly his businessman/gotten-his-heart-broke wall (totally not a dom, just saying). And sure, Kieran is literal sunshine, but he worked to be happy and positive and was so damn assertive when he needed to be (totally not the oh-I-didn't-realize-I-was-a-secret-sub thing I excepted). They were soooooo much more than their stereotypes.

I loved these two. They were protective over each other, even from the beginning. And they just wanted the other to be happy, even before they knew where that desire was coming from. They fell so damn hard though, when they finally excepted their feelings and let down their walls. Too bad that angst had to come into play there at the end (well, the part leading up to the eventual Happily Ever After).

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Saturday, November 13, 2021

On Tour With Eleven (Famous series #4.5)

As promised, the short story that Eden Finely wrote after she finished her Famous series. This is exclusively available on #ProlificWorks and it's titled "On Tour With Eleven."

["We get to revisit each and every Eleven member and their men. 

Warning: contains a boy band rivalry that only exists in Harley’s head, public displays of adoration, and all the usual snark and love these boys have for each other."]

Now THIS was a perfect ending to the series. 24 pages in total. 5 band members for ~4.5 pages each. Just the right amount of love and lust that you need to know that this boys men really did get their happily ever after. ;)

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Encore (Fandom series #4)

Famous MC to Famous MC? I'm shifting from Jay(d) Rollins of May Archer's "Off Key" (Whispering Key series) to Blake Monroe of Eden Finley's "Encore" (Famous series). (((aka, yet another book that I swore I'd read the day it debuted,, ya know?)))

Never make a bet with Jordan Brooks. That’s how I’ve ended up here, doing a movie that risks my entire acting career.

Taking on a gay role when I’m straight is problematic in its own right, but when production gets put on hold, and a fabricated story breaks out in the media, Jordan and I have to go into hiding.

Our livelihoods are put on the line all because of an ill-timed photo and Jordan’s bitter ex-boyfriend.

Scandals, lies, and PR nightmares. Welcome to Hollywood.

Why am I always drawn to the straight ones? You’d think I’d learn my lesson, but when our movie is delayed, I repeat old patterns.

My plan to bury my hurt and anger toward my ex by “method acting” with Blake Monroe is foolish. But Blake is as irresistible as he is good-looking, and he settles into his role easier than I thought he would. In fact, he likes it a little too much.

There are too many PR problems hooking up with Blake for real would bring, especially when the media thinks he’s the reason my relationship fell apart. Yet, I can’t walk away from him, and it seems, he can’t walk away from me either."]

Why are all men idiots? Well, literary men (though, IRL men are also idiots, so there's that). These two totally have a spark, maybe not from day one, but there's most definitely a spark. But they play these games to get closer but not too close. They hold each other close to protect themselves from the outside world, but then have to hold themselves back from each other to protect themselves from actual feelings. And holy shit, are there actual feelings. Sure, it starts off as simple attraction (at least, that's what they want you to think), but then it turns into something so. much. more.

These two were so damn cute though. They had everything going for them. And yet, they had the entire world against them. It was torture watching how slowly they fell in love (because they fought it so long), but it was so freaking beautiful.

I thought a chunk at the end was a little overkill (just put there as a pretty bow to tie up the series as a whole, not just this novel), but all in all, a fantastic ending to the series. Honestly. ... Except, Eden wrote a short story called "On Tour Will Eleven", that I will be reading/reviewing next.

Trigger Warnings: homophobia, queerphobia, blackmail-ish, toxic relationships, media being fucking media, hollywood being fucking hollywood, etc. 

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Friday, November 12, 2021

Off Key (Whispering Key #3)

Well, I kept my promise (to myself) and I read May Archer's book "Off Key" next (because I skipped it to read her newest novel "Pick Me"--and because I realize it's been a whole six+ months since I read the first two books, and really did plan on reading this the day it came out, because it's been six+ months, I totally forgot what happened in the other two and who's with who and like everything, oh well). 

["I’m about to sing you the saddest song in the universe, and it’s called “The Man of My Dreams Married My Sister.”

It’s kinda my theme song. And trust me when I tell you, it’s heavy on the violins.

Because the man in question? He’s not just any guy, he’s Rafe freakin’ Goodman.

My former best friend.

The boy who made my summers on Whispering Key magical. The guy who inspired every love song that led to the chart-topping music career I have today. The man I always sort of figured would wait for me, while I pursued my dreams and finally found a way to tell the world I was gay…

But instead of waiting, he married Aimee.

Rafe and Aimee’s marriage has been over for a while now, but it doesn’t really matter. He doesn’t love me even though I feel like I’ll love him until the day I die. Trying to be “just friends” would tear me apart.

We’re a broken chord. A blue note. Hopelessly out of tune.

Or so I thought.

But when circumstances throw us back together on a crazy cross-country road trip, suddenly all kinds of secrets come to light that make it seem like maybe our show’s not over yet.

If I want a life with the man of my dreams, though, I’ll have to be honest--with Rafe and the rest of the world, too--and find the courage to write us a new song.

One that’s exactly like us: perfectly imperfect… and a little off key."]

I do remember how this particular couple was being hinted at (subtly and not so subtly) throughout the first two books, just pushing and pushing that drama and tension. ;)

Again with the enemies-to-lovers. Well, sorta. More like best-friends-to-enemies-to-friends-ish-sorta-to-lovers. Yeah, that's a little more accurate.

These two were idiots as well. Head-over-heels, totally obviously to each other, hurting him because he hurt me, idiots. At least it only took them...okay, so it took them years and years and more than half of the road trip and some definite manipulation from outside sources for them to realize that they weren't suffering in unrequited love alone (because it was totally and completely, from the very first day, requited--oh yeah, spoiler alert). I love how unnecessarily complicated they were about it aaaaalllllllllllllll the way up until they got together (spoiler alert--sorta, you know the theme of these books is happily ever after right? so is it really a spoiler?), and then all of a sudden, they're like in-depth future planning.

I also required a beach vacation to the Florida Keys now...if anyone wants to hook me up (with the place and the plane and the pto days, etc).

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Some Things I Still Can't Tell You: Poems

Gotta be honest, bought this poetry collection mostly out of nepotism. I love the shit out of Misha Collins. He's so fucking smart and sweet and talented and...well I could list a ton of facts I know about him, his life, his family from my years of obsessing over #Supernatural. But this post is about "Some Things I Still Can't Tell You: Poems."

["From Misha Collins, actor, longtime poet, and activist, whose massive online following calls itself his “Army For Good," comes his debut poetry collection, Some Things I Still Can't Tell You. Trademark wit and subtle vulnerability converge in each poem; this book is both a celebration of and aspiration for a life well lived.

This book is a compilation of small observations and musings. It's filled with moments of reflection and a love letter to simple joys: passing a simple blade of grass on the sidewalk, the freedom of peeing outdoors late at night, or the way a hand-built ceramic mug feels when it's full of warm tea on a chilly morning. It's a catalog and a compendium that examines the complicated experience of being all too human and interacting with a complex, confounding, breathtaking world … and a reminder to stop and be awake and alive in yourself."]

129 pages of another one of Misha's passions: poetry. 129 pages of brutally honest poetry, poetry I can see his life in, poetry that I can see anyone's life in. Beautiful words broken apart by the rhythm/system of traditional poetry structure.

Nepotism or not, I'd say read this. Keep it on your shelf for a while, let it collect some dust, and read it again. It's warm like a cup of tea, but vulnerable and real like the cold fall air. Together, they

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Thursday, November 11, 2021

Pick Me (Sunday Brothers series #1)

Speaking of small towns (yes, again), May Archer has another small town (and another spin-off series) that debuted a few weeks ago. "Pick Me", the first novel in the Sunday Brothers series takes place in the small town (though it doesn't say outright--but I'm pretty sure I'm right) right next to the small town of O'Leary (a series I gushed and gushed-an gushed-about many months ago----still think about it a lot, to be perfectly honest (my favorite is still Constantine and Micah from "The Secret")).
This also takes place in the same universe as the Whispering Key series (Gage is from there--this novel takes place after "Whispering Key", which, I'm guilty in not having read yet--next book maybe?).
Onto the review then?

["The job at Sunday Orchard was supposed to be temporary.

A chance to gain some work experience. To have some fun. To get away from my overprotective brothers. To maybe, possibly encounter some lumberjacks in their natural habitat before moving on to the dream career that awaited me in the city.

I had not expected to be welcomed into a family of gorgeous and weirdly efficient lumberjack-types myself. Or to find a purpose in the tiny Vermont town whose claim to fame seemed to be apple-based products and copious amounts of charm.

And I most definitely hadn’t expected to fall for Knox Sunday, my grumpy, burly, fifteen-years-older, reluctant roommate, with his infuriating lectures, his hot-as-fire body, his superior attitude, his snarky humor, and his stealth cuddles.

Now I find myself making excuses to delay my big dreams… just for a little while.

But Knox has unfulfilled dreams of his own. A career he walked away from. A big city life in Boston he left behind when he returned to his hometown to help his family. He claims he’s not looking for anything permanent, and I’ve never been one to put down roots.

My big life is waiting for me somewhere other than Little Pippin Hollow. So why does it feel like I’ve finally found the home of my heart?

And how can I get Knox Sunday to… pick me?"]

Grump + Sunshine. Sign me the fuck up. And stealth cuddles? Yes, please. And honestly, age gaps are starting to really grow on me.

I did a lot of small-town gushing in the previous posts (and probably will in the next one--trying to catch up on TBR piles during my birthday-week-vaca). And then some more about May Archer's small towns above. So, like, I probably shouldn't here. Fucking hell, though, honestly. I fucking love them (small towns).

And I really fucking love these two. They're such fucking idiots. Falling in love (one knows it's happening--the other is completely fucking blind) and becoming emotionally dependent on each other and relying on each other for life choices/decisions. I mean, they were blind to each other, so of course they were blind to their own feelings until it was almost too fucking late. Idiots.

But I loved these idiots. They were one of those couples were you'll think about for a while. And I know I say that a lot (how much I love this couple, how much I love that couple--I can't help it, I love love), but these two were just so helplessly/hopelessly cute and in love and ggaaaaahhh.

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The Fated Mate Bandit (Trash Pandas #2)

Here's Amy Bellows's new series, Trash Pandas. The second book is "The Fated Mate Bandit." ["I fell in love with Silv...