Saturday, November 27, 2021

Merry Measure

Who needs to follow through with their goals when they can read some more Christmas romances? Here's Lily Morton's "Merry Measure."

["Arlo Wright’s introduction to his sexuality came when he saw his older brother’s best friend, Jack Cooper, in his sweaty football kit. Unfortunately, he didn’t have long to enjoy the revelation because he promptly knocked himself out on a table.

Relations between them have never really moved on from that auspicious beginning. Arlo is still clumsy, and Jack is still as handsome and unobtainable as ever.

However, things look like they’re starting to change when Arlo finds himself sharing a room with Jack while on holiday in Amsterdam at Christmas. Will the festive spirit finally move them towards each other, or is Arlo just banging his head against a wall this time?"]

There were a few reviews on Goodreads that Jack's ex was very stereotypical, but I enjoyed him. In the love to hate kind of way. He was definitely a catalyst to several plot points in this novella. And well, it was really enjoyable that literally everyone hated him.

I loved these two. They were so cute and so obviously into each other (and obliviously). And it's not like they didn't try. They did. They just kept getting interrupted (often times by Arlo's brother).

The ratio of POV changes were a little unbalanced though. I don't know why it bothered me. Either give me more Jack or just cut Jack's few scenes.

Now I kind of want to go to Amsterdam. Though my only mental references to Amsterdam are Ketterdam (a fictional place) and part of the setting to Ocean's 12.

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