Friday, December 10, 2021

The Holiday Hookup

Slight detour to catch up on a few other things downloaded on my Kindle. Starting with the ever-fabulous Baylin Crow and her new short story, "The Holiday Hookup."

["Reasons why Hunter Holliday is on my Naughty List:

1. He dresses like it's Casual Friday every day of the week.

2. Everyone loves him, even though I'm pretty sure he doesn't actually get any work done. It's the smile, I think. Definitely the laugh.

3. He's so relaxed, sometimes I can't even tell if he's awake. Or conscious.

4. He doesn't respect my office space boundaries. Stay in your own office and stop messing with my stuff!

Okay, the list is actually really long, but none of it matters because it's time for the annual Secret Santa exchange, and guess whose name I draw.

Hunter freaking Holliday

And he knows this because, I repeat, he won't stay out of my office and leave my things alone.

Even though I didn't ask, he has no problem telling me exactly what he wants.

Me. For one night."]

This short story was soooooooo fuuuuuuucking cuuuuuutttttte!! D: Like, holy shit! The fluff I needed today (especially that "epilogue"--aka the holiday party--aka Hunter's one and only chapter from his POV).

I can't gush too, too much about it. Because my favorite part was the plot twist (ish--plot twist-ish, not that it was my favorite part ish), but due to the definition of 'plot twist', I can't exactly gush about it. Or hint at it. Since this short story is just over 60 pages, it would give away a lot.

Let's just say, turns out Finn doesn't hate Hunter nearly as much as he says he does. At least, now that he's letting himself actually think of Hunter that way--sexually, romantically, literally any other way than the stubborn jock, bane of Finn's existence, the worst person that Finn ever met. Sounds like love to me ;). 

Trigger Warning: slight 'Baby It's Cold Outside' vibes in how persistent Hunter is; though, he does give Finn several chances to say no and/or change his mind (and assuming Finn would say "get the fuck out of my office", Hunter would actually listen). Not necessarily a trigger, but I wanted to mention it anyway. I loved it, for spoiler alert reasons, but I know some people might not.

#theholidayhookup #baylincrow #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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