Thursday, March 31, 2022

Goodbye, March!

March lasted an eternity. Two of my bestest friends has birthdays at the beginning of the month and that seems like it was ages ago, as did my Orlando trip. Winter came back a few times and it probably will a few more, but at least we’re (mostly) out of the main seasonal-depression months. Here’s to April Showers (and those eventual May Flowers).

2022 Resolutions:
     (1) Write [almost] every day...or at least think about it
     (2) Don't stop reading
     (3) Make something (e.g. a manuscript)
     (4) Share love of books/writing
     (5) Be kinder to myself

(1) Nada here. Thought about thinking about it though, that (sorta) counts for something.

(2) Books read this month: 11 (might get one more in there before midnight though).

(3) See item number one.

(4) Posts this month (including this one): 14. 

(5) I was social this month and had a bunch of adventures, got some sunshine, made some memories. Planning a possible few more. Listened to a bunch of true crime documentaries and podcasts. No salads, no exercise bikes, nothings really new there though. And not a lot of days we’re I disliked myself, so a plus there, too. 

Anyone still holding onto their resolutions (now that its time to make brand-new ones)?

Any exciting April reads?
Anything I should check out?

#newyearsresolutions #goodbyemarch #helloapril #hello2022 #keeplearning #writeeveryday #dontstopreading #makesomething #shareloveofbooks #bekindertoself #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

The Geeky Jock Paradox (The College Boys of New Haven series 5)

I've been meaning to start Hayden Hall's The College Boys of New Haven series for a while now. I finally did, and fifth book is titled "The Geeky Jock Paradox."

["History will repeat itself if I fall for another straight(ish) guy.

When my roommate-to-be opens the door wearing nothing but a wet towel and a smile on his face, I only know one thing for sure: my world is about to be turned upside down.

A wrestling jock, a hottie, and as straight as a plank, Hunter is not the guy I should want. But all the shoulds and shouldn’ts fly out the window when it turns out that Hunter is actually a huge geek and not nearly as straight as I thought.

The fact that my high school crush asked me to wait for him until after college only makes my problems worse. But some terrible timing and an unlocked bedroom door end up being less of a problem than the ticking clock.

Can this college-only fling really be all that I have ever wanted?

My new roommate is a total cutie, which is the weirdest way to describe a guy when you’re straight.

The more time I spend with Isaac, the less certain I am about everything I thought I knew. Either I am not myself, or I never have been. The weird thing is, I’ve never felt more alive.

It doesn’t matter, though. A no-good, terrible, horrible guy from his past leads him on with the sweetest promises and I’d be a fool to get involved.

Yet I need to have him, even if it’s for a little while."]

These two, man, these two! I loved them. I looooved how easily Hunter was like "okay, so I'm thinkin' I'm gay" to "holy shit, I'm in love with this guy" to "this is it, he's taking my heart and I guess I'll move on never." And Isaac was like "I love Matt but Hunter is kinda really hot" to "holy shit, I've never felt this way before, it might be love, but I already promised Matt" to Redacted/Spoiler Alert. 

I looooooooved these two. They were so cute and nerded out together and studied together and it was perfect. I mean, the steamy-as-fuck sex is always a plus too. ;)

I love how like easily the couples in this series fell and how easy it was for them to realize it was something special, something to hold onto, something Happily Ever After worthy. It's, obviously, not always (or ever) like that, but it's nice to dream. It also makes easy reads all that easier (less angst means less anxiety means well...less anxiety). 

#theroommateproblem #thenerdjockconundrum #thethreeheartsequation #thetwostarscollision #thenostringstheory #thegeekyjockparadox #haydenhall #collegeboysofnewhaven #collegeboysofnewhavenseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

The No Strings Theory (The College Boys of New Haven series 4)

I've been meaning to start Hayden Hall's The College Boys of New Haven series for a while now. I finally did, and forth book is titled "The No Strings Theory."

["I keep falling for Dallas, and it's not just gravity's fault.

Kai’s nothing like I expected.

The scrawny kid I once knew is gone, replaced by a nerdy, curious young man who crawls deep under my skin. The moment he enters my life, he disrupts everything.

I don’t do attachments. I don’t do dates.

There are so many other college guys to keep me distracted.

Yet I can’t get him out of my head.

I shouldn’t want my best friend’s little brother. But I’ve never been great at resisting temptation.

What starts as messing around in secret, soon becomes a lot more serious. I’m gambling my friendship and risking more than I should. But I’m falling, and I’m falling hard.

I’ve had a crush on Dallas since I was old enough to crush. He’s my oldest fantasy; my only fantasy. He’s also an obnoxious, insufferable, smug jock with the stupidest adorable dimples and a gorgeous… Uh… Where was I?

Oh right, he never noticed me except when I was the punchline of his jokes.

He’s also the very definition of a guy I shouldn’t want. Just ask my big brother; he warned me time and time again not to look up to Dallas. He’d lose his mind if he only knew the things Dallas and I did when the lights were out.

But Dallas and I have an agreement: no strings attached. That way, we get to have fun and nobody needs to know. I get to live out my fantasies, to get them out of my system. No harm done, right?

Yeah. I was dumb enough to think my crush on him wouldn’t come back to life. It’s not gravity that’s pulling me in. Now I’m falling for him faster and harder than ever despite knowing what’s at stake.

The only way this ends is with a lost friendship and a broken heart.

It’s too late anyway. I’m in free fall already."]

SOOOOO freaking good!!! Honestly! This book was fucking fantastic! 

They fought hard and played harder. ;) 

They cared for each other and wanted the other to be happy and could tell when the other was lying when no one else could. They made promises to themselves about the other and broke them very quickly. Kai knew he was in love for a while, but it kinda hit Dallas like a fucking truck (though he was showing signs of it, he didn't realize it until well...the metaphorical truck).

I would definitely recommend this one!

#theroommateproblem #thenerdjockconundrum #thethreeheartsequation #thetwostarscollision #thenostringstheory #thegeekyjockparadox #haydenhall #collegeboysofnewhaven #collegeboysofnewhavenseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

The Two Stars Collision (The College Boys of New Haven series 3)

I've been meaning to start Hayden Hall's The College Boys of New Haven series for a while now. I finally did, and skipped (sue me) to the third book: "The Two Stars Collision."

["When an adorable force meets an irresistible object they might just fall in love.

Studies astrophysics? Check.

Loves Star Wars? Check.

Still a virgin at twenty-one with zero experience in real life? Double-check.

I didn’t want any fanfare around my twenty-first birthday. But when a series of unfortunate accidents confirming Ramsey’s rules of randomness takes place right in front of my eyes, I find myself dancing with the hottest, most popular jock on campus.

Liam makes me feel special. He makes this night one to remember. He becomes the very first boy I ever kissed.

Except it’s all a charade. He’s just making his crazy ex-girlfriend crazier and I’m happy to play along. Call it a kissing practice.

But when the door is closed and his ex isn’t around to see us, are we still faking it? Or are we the crazy ones?

Am I going through one helluva breakup? Yes I am.

Am I coping with it by dancing with the first guy who accidentally pissed my ex off? You bet I am.

Hayley and I were supposed to spend our lives together. Well, that was the plan until she changed the plan. She’s now hooking up with some random caveman and I’ll be damned if I’m just going to stand here and watch.

Oops, the nerd just kissed me; and you can bet your life I kissed him back. Now she knows what it feels like.

And I discover it feels way better than I expected."]

I skipped to the third book mostly because I might have predicted the second book (and didn't realize their was a prequel until I finished book one and already knew the outcome(s) of book 0.5), but also because I read this blurb and really, really needed to read it (and the next book--sometimes I lack self-control (shocker, I know) and read all of the book blurbs in a series before I read the actual series).

This book was soooo freaking good, oh my god. So fucking fantastic. I loved the two of them, I loved their separate stories and their chemistry and how easy it was and how much they cared. I loved how they spent an entire night together watching the stars (and having sex, but I mean, you knew that was included). 

I loved all of the space talk/facts(I love stars and space and Miles explained the "we're all stardust" quote and its accuracy). I loved all of the nerd talk and geeking out (even though I don't really know anything about Star Wars and I've never even thought about playing DnD) and how it balanced with the sports talk. I love how proactive and responsible Liam's frat was (total opposite of the stereotype and so damn perfect).

Giving Hayden's writing and this series another shot was soooo worth it. Here's to the next one!

#theroommateproblem #thenerdjockconundrum #thethreeheartsequation #thetwostarscollision #thenostringstheory #thegeekyjockparadox #haydenhall #collegeboysofnewhaven #collegeboysofnewhavenseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

The Nerd Jock Conundrum (The College Boys of New Haven series 1)

I've been meaning to start Hayden Hall's The College Boys of New Haven series for a while now. I finally did, with the first official book being "The Nerd Jock Conundrum."

["A chemistry nerd should know opposites always attract.

Of course I fell for a football jock. How could I not? But Jackson and I are polar opposites. He’s popular, confident, and as hot as hell in a tight T-shirt. Me? I’m just a scrawny, awkward nerd.

Another point of difference: he’s straight.

And as I trip, stumble, and stammer my way through all our conversations, my desire is growing at an alarming rate. I keep wondering what he looks like when he’s on his knees.

As if my crush on him isn’t bad enough, Jackson is assigned to be my partner on a year-long project, and I have no choice but to spend time with the hottest guy on campus. Bummer.

But the attraction is intensifying. We’re on a collision course. I shouldn’t be leaning in…

I think I’m going to kiss him.

Sweet. I got partnered up with the biggest nerd on campus. If I play my cards well, a passing grade is guaranteed.

Troy’s all shy and awkward; a classic nerd. But there’s more to him than he’s showing. And it’s making me curious.

I want to see him come out of his shell. I know he would be better off if he let his guard down. I want to be his friend, but he thinks I’m just another dumb jock. Except, I see him looking at me the way I could never look at him.

Am I sending the wrong message? Is he falling for me?

He’s leaning in fast… He’s about to kiss me.

And I’m not even ducking."]

I don't think this blurb did the book justice. The blurb takes place about...30%, if that. And there's soooo much more than just the blurb. 

Like the fresh twist on the nerd-jock trope. Which, I mean, also needed work--it just felt not fully fleshed out yet. Like it was awesome, and I love breaking stereotypes, and the reason why the breaking-of-stereotypes was cute and worked and all of it just worked for the two of them, it wasn't...complete for me. But I loved, loved, loooooved the attempt.

And while we're on negatives: the writing seemed a little juvenile to me. Some of it was a little too on-the-nose and a little too much Telling instead of Showing, but giving that this is one of Hayden's first official novels, I'll let it slide ;) I'll give his other books and more of this series another chance. 

I loved that they two just kinda felt Something from the beginning, not necessarily love or lust or anything, but something. I love when they finally let go of their initial anxieties, the romance and the steam (some of the fluff was already there) just kind of happened naturally for them. Like I said above, I love the flip of the nerd-jock romance trope. And I loved how they got each other (Troy knew that Jackson wanted to feel liked and wanted, and Jackson new Troy wanted to feel safe and in control of his life).

#theroommateproblem #thenerdjockconundrum #thethreeheartsequation #thetwostarscollision #thenostringstheory #thegeekyjockparadox #haydenhall #collegeboysofnewhaven #collegeboysofnewhavenseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, March 28, 2022

Neverland Experience Bar

One of my bestest friends and I went to The Neverland Experience Bar (@neverlandexperiencebar) this past weekend, and y'all, let. me. tell. you.

It was fucking amazing! A little awkward at first (before you let your inhibitions down and the wine starts its magic and the experience really sets in) but that was on us. After all of the parenthesis, it was wonderful and so. much. fun. Neither of us really knew what we were getting into beforehand (I wanted to go because it's Peter Pan, duh; and she went with because she's a good sport and a great friend), but we had such a fabulous time.

We had to sneak onto the Jolly Roger and pretend we were pirates so that we could find out information about where/why Captain Hook took Tinker Bell. We had to prove we were pirates first ("what was the last pirate ship you were on"; "have you ever captained a vessel"; "what was your last grand larceny"), and we were henceforth known as the logical pirates.
We then got some wine while waiting for Captain Hook to show up (my friend got a video of Peter Pan saying "pssst, hey!" at the end--he then asked, off camera, if we've seen the captain yet; we hadn't--he's not on the video, because he was hiding behind a bush, as one does).
Captain Hook told us that we had to go through some training exercises (we knocked down some empty cans with the skulls of their enemies, walked the plank, and practiced our bow and arrow skills) before becoming real pirates--and before getting our rum drink, which contained magic (dry ice).
Then (Spoiler Alert) we overthrew Captain Hook with the help of Peter Pan and the lack-of-a-health-plan pirate crew right before Tinker Bell's light went out. Oh! Before that, we sang a dirty pirate sea shanty. Finally, we mixed a third magical drink and chanted "I do believe in fairies, I do, I do" to save Tink's light/life. She was so pleased that she gave us pixie dust so we could fly home (our happy thoughts--three small drinks in--were doggos). 
Right before we left, my friend and I took some pictures with Peter and Hook (and hours later found out that they took selfies on my phone).

It was AmAzing. Two capital A's. I'd soooo go again, even though this particular bar experience ends/ended at the end of March. You better bet that we're going to some of the other Hidden Pittsburgh experiences in the coming months/year.

From the suber acting and utter dedication ("you're a pirate in training so we'll let it slide, but you really shouldn't say 'thank you'; you can say 'fuck you' though"----and "I might just be a boy, but I can mansplain this for you if you need") to the storyline itself to the drinks to the incredible attention to detail (even the fucking wallpaper in the two rooms was on theme) to the dirty songs and careless swearing (careless in a good way--Peter: "Bitches. Yeah, the pirates taught me that word. Bitch. Bitch. Bitch."), it was an experience that I'll never forget. 

If Neverland Experience Bar ever comes to your city, you sooooo need to check it out.

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Sunday, March 20, 2022

Perfect Ten (The Off Season #1)

K.M. Neuhold's latest (amazing) series, The Off Season, starts (offically--the first novel) with "Perfect Ten."

["A total virgin and a HARD Ten.

I came to Palm Island two seasons ago, confused about my life and desperate for a change. The island drew me in, but I’m still not sure why.

Maybe it’s time I cut my losses and go back home, back to med school like I always planned.

But when the breathtaking, flirtatious, tattooed bartender I’ve been crushing on for ages offers to let me room with him this off-season, there’s no way I’m leaving now.

I can’t believe I’ve lived here this long without truly appreciating everything the island has to offer: the beauty of its untouched nature, how to catch a wave, the appeal of casual s… well, you know. But Ten seems determined to make sure I experience every last one, and then some.

Will this be the last off-season I spend here or could this thing between Ten and I be perfect?

Welcome to Palm Island: Come for the sweaty nights and beach parties, stay for the endless swoon and heart melting romance."]

God, I missed a really, really, really well written book. Like good from start to finish. The first ground setting character development and scene work to the build-up of the first kiss to how the steamy stuff moves from just sex to making love to the declarations, the almost-don't-make-it, to the full-of-promises ending. Coming from K.M. Neuhold, I'm not all that shocked, though. Their books are always fucking fabulous.

Bambi was as sweet and innocent as he was in the prequel, but all the more head-over-heals-crush on Ten. Ten who has a lot in common with Bambi (their past career goals and semi-similar reasons for moving to the island) and yet they were perfectly different too, like puzzle pieces. Once Bambi let himself open up to new experiences and adventure, once Ten realized how much he missed a real connection and how Bambi Bambi was, it was a no-looking-back kind of romance. Don't get me wrong, there was a lot of angst (well, a reasonably, medium amount of angst).

There are sooooooo many books coming out next month that I want to read like, now, including the next addition in this series, but I guess I'll have to settle with all of the accumulating books on my TBR Kindle Edition.

#therealdeal #perfectten #takenbystorm #theoffseason #theoffseasonseries #kmneuhold #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, March 19, 2022

The Real Deal (The Off Season #0.5)

K.M. Neuhold's latest (amazing) series, The Off Season, starts (unofficially--this is just a novella/prequel) with "The Real Deal" (curtesy of #ProlificWorks).

["Of all the places in the world I expected to see Real Wilson again after fifteen years, the ferry to a gay vacation island was not one of them.

I thought I had one chance to kiss him, and I blew it. We were sixteen, and I was an idiot. But now, here he is, standing right in front of me, looking at me with that same expression of awe and adoration that I never lost my addiction to.

We have a week together on Palm Island, but there’s no way that’s going to be enough.

The locals are quirky, the dress code is more than a little lax, and I’m determined to prove to him that this is more than just a vacation fling…it’s The Real Deal. "]

I love prequel novellas. They’re short and sweet and fluffy and low-angst.

I also love the childhood-best-friends-to-lovers trope. Which was these two, obviously. They were so cute and hopeful and happy. The only angsty bits were the but-how-do-I-tell-him-I-want-more stuff, which was solved relatively quickly.

This island just seems so interesting with all of the puny, sick-themed shops and activities. Very true to the genre and to KM Neuhold’s writing style. AKA, I’m in love.

And the introduction to all of the workers was so fun and quirky and just makes you want to dive head first into the series to see all of these men get their Happily Ever After, too. I have a feeling there will be a lot more than the 2 books already advertise (or at least here’s me hoping).

#therealdeal #perfectten #takenbystorm #theoffseason #theoffseasonseries #kmneuhold #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Dirty Slide (Dirty Players #1)

Lauren Blakely and K.D. Casey's new series, Dirty Players, starts with "Dirty Slide."

["Don’t play dirty.

That’s the code I live by on and off the field.
The other?
Don’t get distracted.
Not by the media, not by hookups, and definitely not by our rival team’s ridiculously charming star player, who loves to whisper dirty nothings to me every time we play ball.
And sure, his offers are tempting, but he’s the love ‘em and leave ‘em type, and I want the real thing.
So I resist.
But the night he steals second on me in the biggest game of the year, the guy’s a whole lot harder to ignore. Especially after a filthy postgame kiss leaves me wanting all the things I can’t have.
What's the risk in playing dirty just one time?"]

This novella was short and sweet. It took me less than two hours to get through, and it was very low angst (the only angst was the I-want-more-than-just-a-one-night-stand-but-how-do-I-tell-him-that, which they were both feeling--spoiler alert). 

They were like two puzzle pieces. It was easy for them. Well, the romance and steam and feelings was easy. The rest of it happens off the page (and hinted at happening post epilogue). They finally let the romance part happen and it just felt natural and perfect and ever-after kinda stuff.

I can't wait for the next installment (and possibly reading the already-written novels about the side characters mentioned in this one).

#dirtyslide #dirtysteal #dirtyplayers #dirtyplayersseries #laurenblakely #kdcasey #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Friday, March 18, 2022

Peter Pan's Flight: Magic Kingdom

One of the things on my Wish List for my trip to Disney's Magic Kingdom was to get a picture of my Peter Pan themed tattoo in front of the ride Peter Pan's Flight.

I also wanted all of the Peter Pan pictures possible as well as all of the Peter Pan merch (which was mostly just pins because the world was against me on that last one). I found a really cool vintage poster for the ride and a concept sketch (the latter not pictured). There was also a Peter Pan/Captain Hook/Tick-Tock themed section in Epcot's International Flower and Garden Festival (only Tick-Tock pictured--look how cute he is!!).

I can't explain why I love Peter Pan so much, I just do. It's fantastic and dark and twisty and beautiful, and I love it.

And of course, the obligatory castle pic.

#peterpan #secondtotherightandstraightontillmorning #jmbarrie #peterpansflight #neverland #disneyworld #magickindom #epcot #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks 

Wizarding World of Harry Potter 2022: Part Two

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter never (ever) ceases to amazing me. The accuracy, the details, the wall-to-wall crowds.

I didn't have the chance to ride all of the rides this time (I'm telling you, most of the wait times were over 90 minutes; it was fucking insane), but I never before had the privilege to see Harry Potter World at dusk and during the evening. It was spectacular. The lights in Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade set this...magical (I know, such a creative word) glow across everything I've always loved about the place. I saw details I've never seen before (like the Diagon Alley advertisement for Sleekeazy's Hair Potion--and, of course, the Hogwarts Castle light show in Hogsmeade) and got some beeeauuutiful pictures. Here are just a few of them.

I also got another Chocolate Frog and a stuffed lion I appropriately named Godric (and some fudge from Honeydukes that I ate wellllll before I took this picture).

#harrypotter #philosophersstone #chamberofsecrets #prisonerofazkaban #gobletoffire #orderofthephoenix #halfbloodprince #deathlyhallows #jkrowling #harrypotterworld #disneyworld #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks 

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Ski Patrol (Aster Valley Book #4.5)

Along with "Thick As Thieves," Lucy Lennox gifted us the novella "Ski Patrol" to her Aster Valley series (via #BookFunnel).

["BJ came to Aster Valley to find a man. Okay, not just any man, a specific man. Namely, the man who accidentally dropped his To Do list in the Denver airport, thereby revealing he's the absolute best, most perfect match for BJ.

But after almost a week of... uh... kissing too many of the wrong guys, BJ realizes it's not meant to be. To add insult to injury, he gets an actual injury on the slopes, putting a wrench in his plans and his job at risk.

When Dallas, the sexy ski patrol responder, arrives on his snowmobile, BJ barely gives him a second look. He's in too much pain and he's sworn off all men, sexy or not.

But when Dallas shows up later that night at the hospital to offer BJ a ride home, BJ wonders if maybe he had it all wrong. Maybe he should give Aster Valley one more chance to make his To Do List dreams come true... "]

BJ was first introduced in "Thick As Thieves" and he was an instant favorite. He stole the scene with his personality and spunk and spicy attitude and just everything about him. I'm sooooo glad he was able to find love here. He deserved it.

This book was so damn sweet! So much fluff!!!! I actually cried a bit it was so cute and just perfect. Zero angst. Not over-the-top meant-to-be fluff. All so fucking good!! 

Again, you have to read this novella (this series (all of Lucy's stuff really)). 

#winterwaites #rightasraine #sweetashoney #hotasheller #thickasthieves #skipatrol #astervalley #anastervalleybook #lucylennox #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Thick as Thieves (Aster Valley Book #4)

The newest addition to Lucy Lennox's Aster Valley series: "Thick as Thieves".

I've been in love with my best friend since forever. Okay, fine. Like, kindergarten. It started out platonic, obviously, but then became... nope. Still platonic. The problem is that Parker Ellis has been straight since forever. And that makes it difficult to convince him the two of us are meant to be together.

And now there's no point. All is lost. He's gone and gotten engaged to his high-school sweetheart which means I have to grin and bear it while pretending to be the happy, supportive best man while he prepares to commit his life to a woman I can't even fault. She's great. We've all been friends forever. I know he'll be happy with Erin, just not... just not as happy as he could be with me.

I'll admit. Sometimes I press the easy button. Like when Julian Thick had offered me half his sandwich back in grade school after noticing I didn't have any food. Or when I'd needed a date to homecoming in tenth grade and Erin told me she was it. Or when I'd used the one thing that came easy to me, skiing, to get my college tuition paid for. Or when Erin had showed back up in my life six months ago and told it was time to marry and start a family...

But for the first time in my life I'm facing something that's not at all easy. It's my wedding weekend and I've just been left at the altar. Not only that, but when my best friend whisks me away to drown my sorrows in a snowy cabin in Aster Valley, I accidentally discover Julian's been keeping secrets. Big secrets.

The kind of secrets that lead to hot experimental kisses in front of a blazing fire, tentative physical exploration in a way I'd never imagined before, and the kind of intimate, true confessions I'd never even dreamed of between me and the one person who's always been my true home.

But after twenty-plus years of thinking of Jules as my friend without benefits, is it truly possible to change who we are to each other? There's no easy button this time, but I'm willing to do the work. I only wonder if Julian is ready to trust I really mean it."]

This book was sooooo fucking good!! I mean, I say that about all of Lucy's books (because they're all amazing), but this one was just so damn fabulous!

I mean, best-friends-since-the-very-beginning-turned-lovers is one of my most favorite tropes. And these two were so damn close to each other and meant so much to each other and Parker was soooo damn oblivious! It was really the best. I loved it. I wanted to speed read it, but alas, my mini-sister-bonding-vaca didn't allow me to do that. Still, it was fucking fabulous!

You have to read this book (this series (all of Lucy's stuff really)). 

#winterwaites #rightasraine #sweetashoney #hotasheller #thickasthieves #skipatrol #astervalley #anastervalleybook #lucylennox #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter 2022

Once again, I’m making the wonderful (but expensive) journey to Orlando to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter (and Disney World this time around, too). 

After a few years of ignoring J.K. Rowling’s very existence and trying to not give (too much) money into her anti-queer, anti-trans, anti-poc ways, I’ve overcome some of my anger. At least enough to fully enjoy the books and the movies again. I have to say, I did give into the toxicity of Cancel Culture. But I think after stewing on it for a while and thinking through my feelings and trying to figure out where the anger is coming from, I’m a little more…self aware. I’m, at the very least, finally able to separate my frustrations with the authors viewpoints in specific matters with my absolute and undying love for the series itself.  

I think I’ve said so in the past, but I’ve always been able to love the characters as my own and give them a timeline/future that makes //me// feel good. J.K. Rowling only brought us these people and this world. She doesn’t ever get the final say on what we each individually want to believe happened/happens. 

[Copy and Pasted from a previous post] And okay, let's be real here. Headcanons and Fanfiction (certain ones) are better. Way better. In //my// Harry Potter world, certain people didn't die (Sirius, Remus, Fred, etc) and certain people got redemption arcs (Draco, Regulus, etc) and certain people got called out on their behavior (the Durlsey's, Dumbledore, etc), and certain relationships happened/didn't happen (god, all of the gay ships, y'all). And the best part of headcanons and fanfiction? There's inclusivity of certain alienated groups (trans individuals, queer individuals, the entire fucking house of Slytherin, etc)!

ANYWAY, I got over some of the resentment I had for Rowling that leaked into my love of Harry Potter. I’ve accepted that they’re two different things and that I can have two different emotions regarding them.

THEREFORE, because I planned ahead this time (mostly), I was able to reread the entire series again (for the first time in five or six years) as well as rewatch the movies (okay, so all of the movies except for DH 1 & 2--ran out of time there). It was actually really, really enjoyable, because I forgot some of the finer details, and it was a really exciting reread.

And if you were wondering the number of times they mentioned hot cocoa in each book, I got you.  ;) 

I’m still debating what my self-actualizations regarding J.K. and Harry mean in terms of potentially getting a HP-themed tattoo, but I’ll keep you posted. 

I’ll also keep you posted on my trip! Pictures of castles (Hogwarts and Cinderella). Overly-priced-but-purchased-anyway merchandise. Tasty food. And everything in between. 

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Limitless (Squad Goals #5)

  I SHOULD be taking this time to catch up on incoming ARCs instead of catching up on new TBRs...Should be. Here's Willow Thomas's ...