Friday, March 18, 2022

Wizarding World of Harry Potter 2022: Part Two

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter never (ever) ceases to amazing me. The accuracy, the details, the wall-to-wall crowds.

I didn't have the chance to ride all of the rides this time (I'm telling you, most of the wait times were over 90 minutes; it was fucking insane), but I never before had the privilege to see Harry Potter World at dusk and during the evening. It was spectacular. The lights in Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade set this...magical (I know, such a creative word) glow across everything I've always loved about the place. I saw details I've never seen before (like the Diagon Alley advertisement for Sleekeazy's Hair Potion--and, of course, the Hogwarts Castle light show in Hogsmeade) and got some beeeauuutiful pictures. Here are just a few of them.

I also got another Chocolate Frog and a stuffed lion I appropriately named Godric (and some fudge from Honeydukes that I ate wellllll before I took this picture).

#harrypotter #philosophersstone #chamberofsecrets #prisonerofazkaban #gobletoffire #orderofthephoenix #halfbloodprince #deathlyhallows #jkrowling #harrypotterworld #disneyworld #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks 

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