Sunday, April 24, 2022

Friends With Benefits (Never Just Friends #3.5)

I also recently realized that I never actually kept up with/finished Saxon James's "Never Just Friends" series. Again, really, really, really not sure why... Anyway, I read "Just Friends" forever ago, but the next book in line (book three.five) is "Friends With Benefits" (on #BookFunnel).

["Twelve years ago, I slept with my best friend’s little brother, and we’ve been sneaking around ever since.
Arlo is my weakness.
I sat back while he went to college...
I watched on proudly while he travelled the world...
I gritted my teeth when he dated other people...
Because he’s only mine when he visits home.
That’s the deal.
But spending time with him during his brother’s wedding weekend has made me realize friend with benefits is no longer enough.
I want more."]

This book wasn't really hinted at in the rest of the series, not really. I mean, they character's aren't completely off-the-wall, pulled-out-of-thin-air creations; they were mentioned in passing. But they're not in that main friend-group as the couples from the full-length novels. 

Still looooooooooved them anyway. 

I think this might be one of my favorites in the series. I mean, honestly. The love? The affection? The sexual tension? The history? The mutual pining?! Mutual pining!! D: 

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