Thursday, April 21, 2022

Hand Picked (Sunday Brothers series #2)

Speaking of May Archer and the Sunday Brothers series...the latest addition just came out last week: "Hand Picked"

["Once upon a time, I moved to Vermont… and wound up accidentally sort of married.

Webb Sunday is the straight single dad next door. He’s lumberjack-gorgeous, strong and steady as the trees in his family orchard, a grumpy fairytale prince...and entirely off-limits.

Or so I thought.

Until the drunken night the two of us walked into a bar…and landed ourselves in the middle of small-town history. Who knew hand-fasting was still a thing? The town of Little Pippin Hollow did. And once this bunch of meddling Vermonters gets wind of our accidental betrothal, they are determined to see us seal the deal. But while the chemistry between us is hot enough to melt the winter cold, Webb isn’t interested in a relationship…

And I’m not sure how long I can keep pretending I don’t want our hand-fasting to be real. Because while the man might not be the happily ever after I came to Vermont for… He’s looking more and more like the one who’s been hand-picked for me."]

I don’t know why or how I’m surprised, but May Archer continues to awe me with her talent and writing. Like, I didn’t think this book would be the best best the blurb makes the accidental handfasting seem lame. Like how does one accidentally tie your hands together with another person (a person you aren’t fond of)? It’s more of a quirky, small-town engagement ritual. And a super cute one at that! 

After they accidentally get engaged, they have to complete a list of Puritan-age marital tasks to turn the relationship into a full-blown marriage. And since Luke and Web hate each other (or do they?!), they’re avoiding these tasks at all costs (or are they?!?!). 

It was so much fun and such a great addition and a new way to add an interesting layer of suspense to your traditional romance. You were looking at every interaction with the same lens as their nosy but well-meaning neighbors (and totally fan-girling at every accidentally completed task).

I can’t recommend this book enough (or the series—or all of May’s books).

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