Saturday, April 16, 2022

Never Have I Evan (The Games We Play #1)

D.J. Jamison has created yet another AHmazing series: The Games We Play. The first official book (the first one listed on GoodReads) is titled "Never Have I Evan." I actually read this one first, because I believed Goodreads that there wasn't a prequel and well, I couldn't find "Two Truths and a Lyle" so I just didn't think they had a book (even though there was soooo much hints at one with the perfect relationship and the cutesy backstory and the inside-jokes). 

["Never Have I Ev... Wait, what was the question again?!

What happens when an ill-advised party game makes it obvious I've still got my V-card?

Embarrassment. A lot of embarrassment.

Especially when the sexy, older guy at the party who witnessed the whole thing turns out to be someone I have to see every week. Not to mention my best friend's cousin.

He's not only straight, but way out of my league.

It's going to be so awkward for both us.

Or awesome...if his protective nature and flirty attempts to teach me how to date lead to the kind of tutoring that lives in my fantasies. But how likely is that to happen? I'm not known as the sweet, naive one among for my friends for nothing.

I'm probably imagining those looks he throws my way. Probably projecting my own want onto his expression.

But...what if I'm not?"]

I loved, loved, looooooved this town. This series is going to be soooooo amazing. The grannies are so cute and so nosy and so full of sexual innuendos (that they know they're saying but won't admit it if questioned). A lot of the town businesses also have quirky names that are a little...well...sexual. 

These I mean, Evan loved Dawson from the very, very beginning. He said so many times that Das was his perfect person, if only he was looking for a relationship. And Dawson was...oblivious (in his defense, he had a lot going on and he was fighting a lot of demons). He had all of those big feelings for Evan, but didn't know what they were at first and then he just wasn't ready to accept them.

They made it work. Obviously. The steam was H O T. The fluff was just so sticky sweet (not too much though). Everyone knew what they were up to before they actually cam out as a couple, which is just such a cute, small-town trope (another one of my favorites).

I thought this book had a lot of sub-plot-level drama going on. Like, everyone had something tragic happening. But after I finished it, I realized that it simply wouldn't have worked without all of it. If D.J. would have taken out sub-plot-a, it would have ruined sub-plot-c. Then again, I sped-read this whole thing in one evening, so it could just have been me who thought this.

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