Saturday, April 16, 2022

Two Truths and A Lyle (The Games We Play #0.5)

D.J. Jamison has created yet another AHmazing series: The Games We Play. The first un-official book (the one very much not listed on Goodreads--shame on you Goodreads) is titled "Two Truths and a Lyle." I actually read "Never Have I Evan" first, because I believed Goodreads that there wasn't a prequel and well, I couldn't find "Two Truths and a Lyle" so I just didn't think they had a book (even though there was soooo much hints at one with the perfect relationship and the cutesy backstory and the inside-jokes). Anyway, I finally found this one on #ProlificWorks

["Two Truths and a...wait, what?

What happens when drunken idiots, aka your friends, use a silly drinking game to sideswipe you and your BFF with the truth bomb that you're actually in love with each other?

Truman: You impulsively kiss the best friend you've been in love with for ages...then wake up with a hangover--and regrets

Lyle: You freak out becuase you're not gay or bi, before realizing the kiss wasn't *actually* bad. Then you begin to wonder...should we do it again?"]

So, like I said above, I accidentally read the first official book before I read this one, so I accidentally had some spoilers going in. Thought, the Happily Ever After ending thing isn't really a spoiler. ;)

You’d think by the description that there’s be angst. There was virtually zero angst whatsoever. Just like for a few hours the morning after that drunken kiss.

The entire fucking town wanted them together, because they knew they belonged together, even if they were too blind or stubborn to see it. And ohhhh did they make them (Lyle) see it. ;)

Again, I love, love, looooooove this trope. Best friends since forever, nothing will ever compare, you’re it kinda love. One person has feelings. Ones an idiot. The idiot finally realizes all of those feelings aren’t just regular friendship feelings, that no everyone feels grounded and lit up by their bff and heartbroken when they go away to college. Then, well, there’s a happy ending (or a few).

#twotruthsandalyle #neverhaveievan #truthordarren #gamesweplay #gamesweplayseries #djjamison  #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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