Friday, May 27, 2022

Not So Sincerely Yours (For Him series #2)

I stumbled across this series (For Him by A.M. Johnson) after an email recommendation came my way from Saxon James. The second book is titled “Not So Sincerely Yours.”

[“ Ethan, 
About last night... I could blame the bourbon. I could say I let things get out of hand, that I should have never called you, but I'm done lying to myself—to you. I know what you're going to say. You're not very good at keeping your opinions to yourself, but this can't happen. It's inappropriate, at best. I'm your boss. Not to mention, you're clearly still hung up on him. I'm not a consolation prize. 

You didn't think it was inappropriate when you had your tongue down my throat, but I digress. As for your accusation, I'm not the only one stuck in the past, but at least I'm not running from it. I can't believe I'm about to say this… Maybe you're right. You shouldn’t have called me. Especially if you never intended to own it. Own that you wanted it to happen. Admit that you wanted me. 
Not so sincerely, 
Yours “]

Ethan being Jax’s friend from book one, and Anders being Wild’s agent/friend/ex. Take all of that can’t-even-quite-figure-out-how-they-met-let-alone-drunkenly-hooked-up drama (obviously read it and figured it out, and well, it was super cute--meet-ugly ;) ) and add in some serious enemies-to-lovers spice, and you have “Not So Sincerely Yours.”

I literally don't know what to say about this book. I want to gush and gush and g u s h, but most of the things I want to gush about might/will spoil certain aspects of the novel itself... so I guess I'll keep my fangirl-mouth shut. :( Just take my word for it and read this book (series).

Trigger Warnings: biphobia, homophobia, religious/regional homophobia, not so great coming out stories, etc. 

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