Sunday, July 17, 2022

Holiday Fling: Bonus Scene

A "Holiday Fling" Bonus Scene by Crystal Lacy, courtesy of #BookFunnel. Must (well, in theory--you do you though, boo) read the full novel beforehand (which has been reviewed in my last post--full blurb included).

["When the man Devon hopes will warm his bed sets his sights on someone else, Marco the bartender steps in to the rescue. Can one hot night turn into something more?"]

A little extra fling-y fun. Devon and Marco met in the very first chapters of "Holiday Fling," and I was really curious about what happened to them. I was thrilled to find out they had their very own little bonus short (to read this one, you have to sign up for Crystal's newsletters to get a password that unlocks previously posted short stories locked in a cute little safe on her website).

And this short was short and sweet. A definite happy ending (pun intended) to my previous curiosity. 

#holidayfling #crystallacy #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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