Monday, July 4, 2022

Kissing Dad's Best Friend

We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to share even more novellas/short stories that I found on #ProlificWorks (through their Your Book Boyfriend's Boyfriend giveaway). I didn't go through and read the description to every book (yet), but I did go through and see if I recognized any of the other authors on the list (about a month or so ago I found two--one on purpose and one on accident) and immediately claimed each one.

Here's Crystal Lacy's "Kissing Dad's Best Friend" (Crystal also wrote "Vanilla Steamer", a part of the Bold Brew series).

["Beach Tran doesn't know anything about Gabriel Jenkins the first time they kiss outside a crowded dance club in downtown Honolulu. When they're interrupted on their way to Gabriel's place, Beach hopes he'll be lucky enough to run into the sexy stranger again. After all, Oahu is a small island.

Contractor Gabriel Jenkins is happy to help his best friend's kid out when he has some problems with his bed & breakfast start-up. He doesn't expect to see the hot guy he almost hooked up with a few nights ago when the doors to Felicity's Inn opens.

Neither man can resist the other's charms, even though they know they can't allow themselves to give in to their desires. Can Beach really stop himself at just one kiss--even if the person he wants to kiss is his dad's best friend?"]

Honestly, this novella was fucking amazing. Between the subtle but not-so-subtle representation of hapa people and their culture, and the sweet as fuck friendship Gabe and Beach had in between all of that sexual tension, which eventually erupted (volcano pun totally intended--only slightly regretted). 

I remembered loving "Vanilla Steamer" and I loved's to binge-reading all of Crystal's books in the near future. ;)

#kissingdadsbestfriend #crystallacy #vanillasteamer #boldbrew #boldbrewseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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